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Volume 3: With a blow of destiny, the king appears. Chapter 125: Music on the left hand, philosophy on the right hand, text in the starry sky, and the Demonic Illustration

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    "There is no one who can compete with me in the universe. I then traveled around the world, reaching the countries of Tianzhu in the south, Persia and Europe in the west, and Russia in the north. I visited all the wise men in the world, but no one could even discuss the truth with me.  After nine years of deep cultivation, I finally solved the knot and left a mark.  ""Ling Donglai Li"

    Han Gongdu is one of the three great masters of the Taoist sect. His weapon is a sword and he is the younger brother of Huandan Taoist.  The mastermind who called on the other six top masters to raid Jingyan Palace was killed by a cold arrow shot by Yan Lie, the most powerful arrow in Mongolia, while fighting the underworld leader Bi Yejing.

    ??Zhi Lixing of the Spear Sect - one of the three great masters of the Taoist sect, his weapon is a double-headed spear, and his martial arts skills are the 107 strikes of the mad devil.  Participate in the raid on Jingyan Palace.  In the end, he died together with Bi Yejing.

    Yin Rou Tian passenger -one of the three highs of Daomen, the weapon is iron rod.  Participate in the raid on Jingyan Palace.  Finally, he died in battle while covering Fu Ying's escape.

    ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Out out out out of the blue, is Shuangjuuai, Bi Kongqing ©¤ the weapon is a pair of crutches, participates in the raid on Jingyan Palace.

    Qi King Ling Duxu©¤The weapon is a sword, his innate Qi skills are unique in the world, and he is invulnerable to water and fire.  Participated in the raid on Jingyan Palace, and was severely shattered by the Mongolian Emperor Sihan Fei.

    Hengdao Tutuo - The weapon is the Jie Dao, the highest in Buddhism after the supreme master Ling Donglai, and the martial arts is the Buddhist Heavenly Palm.

    He was seriously injured when he participated in the raid on Jingyan Palace and fought with the Eighth Division of the Mongolian National Army. However, he sacrificed his life to suppress his injuries and fought bloody battles with Jingyan. In the end, he ran out of gas and used semen to kill himself in order to cut off the enemy. He blew himself up and seriously injured the Mongolian army. They were wiped out.  .

    Kangtian Liling - Fu Ying's uncle, has extremely high attainments in Kung Fu.  Invited to participate in the raid on Jingyan Palace, he had not cared about world affairs for many years, but recommended Fu Ying to fight.  Make Fu Ying an immortal.

    Xiang Wuxing - a person who resisted the Yuan Dynasty. His weapon was a sword. He was famous for his father Xiang Ji's family's Qinggong ghosts.

    Monter Mongolian -Mongolia's three highs, Mongolia is not high, and once fought against Fu Ying on Zhenyuan Street.

    The Eighth National Master, Ba, is one of the three great masters in Mongolia. He practices Tantric martial arts to destroy the God Palm and spiritual magic to transform the sky and strike the earth. He can detect and confuse the opponent's thoughts.

    Hengdao Tutuo was seriously injured with the God-Destroying Palm. When fighting Fu Ying, the two went on a time-travel meditation trip.  I benefited a lot and finally died in the Potala Palace.  (This character is based on Phagpa, the fifth generation founder of the Sakya sect of Tibetan Buddhism.)

    The emperor Sihanfei - whose original name was Xu Liegu, changed his name to Sihanfei because of his admiration for the transformation of the Central Plains. His weapon is an iron spear, and he is an immortal hero.  In the end, he died under the spear of Chuan Ying.  (This character is based on Hulagu, the founder of the Ilkhanate.)

    The four major disciples of the Imperial Master - He Tian Mo - are the masters of Tianzhu martial arts.  A barefooted ascetic whose weapon is a rope, he worships the Eighth Master Bamen and is the leader of both places.

    Tie Yan - a Jurchen, whose weapon is an iron spear, has martial arts skills of eighteen whirlwind spears, and is fierce and good at fighting.  Brave and unafraid of death, he is the most terrifying killer in the Western Regions and is accompanied by evil eagles.

    The White Lotus Jue of Wuxiang Bodhisattva - a Tibetan, seduces and seduces the soul.  The Wuxiang girl who is proficient in the supreme secret of Tantric Buddhism kills people and is in despair.

    Song Tiannan - a white-robed warrior, whose weapon is a sword, is the only Han disciple of Eighth Master Ba.  Proficient in Confucianism and Yili, and powerful in martial arts.

    Xue Li Gong©¤Head of Yin Gui Sect.  The first person in the Demon Sect in Middle-earth.

    Ten years ago, he was defeated by Ling Donglai. After that, he devoted himself to practice and hoped to meet him again.  After discovering that Ling Donglai had achieved enlightenment in the Shijue Pass, his body drifted away, he decided to trap himself in the Shijue Pass to discover the way of life and death.

    (The reason why the lazy author likes fantasy martial arts is this book, and because reading this book also allowed me to write about my own fantasy world. Of course, admittedly, it can never be compared with my favorite. I am just entertaining myself.  , hoping to entertain friends, not fools.

    Of course, if you only entertain yourself, you will have fun alone!  ©¤Long Yinyue at Neihu Company)

    ? One of the Demonic Rebels: The Floating Pot Space©¤Saudi Arabia

    Jean Paul Sartre (1905-1980), French thinker, writer, master of existential philosophy, his representative work "Being and Nothingness" is the pinnacle work of existentialism.

    In 1964, he was selected for the Nobel Prize in Science, but later voluntarily refused the award, becoming the first Nobel Prize winner to refuse the award.

    Saudi philosophy is a radical libertarianism.  This theory is opposite to determinism and believes that human beings have absolute freedom.

    God is dead, Nietzsche¡¯s famous saying can be regarded as a basic premise of Saudi philosophy.  The result is that people become outcasts.

    Because there is nothing to rely on inside or outside the human body.  People have no reason to exist.  And if it is true that existence precedes quality, people cannot use an innate and existing human nature to explain their actions; that is, there is no determinism.  Man is free.  Man is freedom.

    On the other hand, if God did not exist, man would have no values ??or disciplines to justify his actions.  There is no value field.  When a person is alone, there is no excuse.

      This is what the Saudis want to say when they are judged to be free.  Because a person does not exist in the world voluntarily, but once he exists, he is free; but at the same time he is responsible for everything he does.

    Although the death of God is a basic premise of Saudi philosophy-but like Western writers of the same period, there is also the shadow of God in his thoughts.

    Some scholars believe that he is an anti-theist rather than an atheist.  The ensuing question can be borrowed from the question raised by the Russian writer Dostoevsky in the book "The Brothers Karamazov". If there is no God, then everything is allowed.  Express this sentence.

    To understand Saudi freedom, we need to know two other important concepts: in-itself, or the existence of oneself; for oneself, the existence of oneself.

    Being self-righteous is what it is, and being self-righteous is what it is not.

    To give an example, a knife exists to cut things, and its existence has a purpose; however, human existence does not have any purpose - because God is dead - so humans have to create value for their own existence, so existence precedes matter.  .

    People are future-oriented, self-subjects with infinite possibilities, rather than being closed.  Sartre mentioned anxiety and dizziness again.

    Saudi Arabia believes that people feel anxious precisely because of their freedom. People feel free, but have no choice.

    For example, a third-year college student faces a choice between graduate school and employment.  He cannot rely on anything, including God, to make his choice, so there is nothing that makes his choice inevitable.  To continue your studies or find a job, you have to rely on yourself.

    Dizziness is a type of anxiety. People feel dizzy when they are near a cliff because they realize that they can choose to commit suicide by jumping off. Whether to jump or not is up to the person.  This is an expression of human freedom.

    In the example of dizziness, we can see another important concept of Saudi Arabia: transcendence.  Transcendence is manifested in humans being able to imagine every possible consequence when given multiple choices, so that humans can make their own choices.

    Another concept in Saudi Arabia is the so-called mistrust.  He describes misbelief as a translucent state. His description of misbelief can be understood in connection with his refutation of the subconscious. Misbelief cannot just be understood as deceiving oneself. Therefore, the popular self-deception is a problematic translation.  Law.

    He denied the existence of the subconscious mind, believing it to be nothing more than a false belief.  This can also be linked to its confrontation, the central antipathy.

    He does not believe that there is any transcendent quality, so people are necessarily free.  He believes that misbelief is caused by people's avoidance and denial of their own freedom.

    A well-known example is: a woman is dating a man, and the woman knows very well that the man has intentions of getting close to her.  Because of her freedom, she had to choose between obedience and rejection, but she deliberately denied her freedom. She only understood the superficial meaning of every man's words.
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