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Volume 3: With a blow of destiny, the king appears. Chapter 90: As time goes by, this hatred will last forever.

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    Sentimental poetry refers to poetry written out of feelings about external things.  The most famous of Bai Juyi's sentimental poems are the long narrative poems "Song of Everlasting Sorrow" and "Pipa Song":

    Song of Everlasting Regret - The Emperor of the Han Dynasty was obsessed with beauty and wanted to overwhelm the country, but he couldn't get it for many years.  There is a daughter in the Yang family who has just grown up. She is raised in a boudoir and no one knows her.  It's hard to give up on natural beauty, and once you choose it, you will be on the side of the king.  Looking back and smiling, the sixth palace has no color.

    In the cold spring, you can bathe in Huaqing Pool, and the hot spring water will wash away your fat.  The waiter lifted her weak body up, which was the beginning of her new grace.  The golden steps on the temples are swaying, and the hibiscus tent is warm.  The bitter and short sun rises, and the king will not go to court early from now on.

    Cheng Huan has no time to serve banquets, and he spends all his time on spring outings all night long.  There are three thousand beauties in the harem, and three thousand people love her.  The golden house is made up to serve as a charming servant at night, and the jade house is drunk and spring after the banquet.  Sisters and brothers are all from the earth, and they are pitifully born in the same family.  Therefore, the hearts of parents all over the world are determined not to be reborn as a boy but to be reborn as a girl.

    Qingyun can be seen from the heights of Li Palace, and fairy music can be heard everywhere.  The slow singing and dancing of silk and bamboo made the emperor look down upon her.  Yuyang's flying dragon stirs the earth, shocking the colorful clothes and feathers.  Smoke and dust arose from the Jiuzhong City Tower, and thousands of horses traveled southwest.  The green flowers swayed and stopped, more than a hundred miles west of the capital.

    The Sixth Army had no choice but to make a move, and died in front of them.  There is no one to collect the flowers and leaves on the ground, and the green buds and jade are scratching their heads.  The king hid his face and could not save him. He looked back and saw the blood and tears flowing.  The yellow leaves are scattered in the wind, and the clouds linger in the sword pavilion.  There are few people walking at the foot of Mount Emei, and the flags are dim and the sun is thin.

    The water of the Shu River is green and the mountains of Shu are green, and the Holy Lord is in love with him day and night.  Seeing the moon in the palace looks sad, and hearing the sound of broken bells in the rainy night.  The sky spins and the earth turns back to Long Yu. He hesitates and cannot go.  In the mud at the foot of Mawei slope, there is no place where Yuyan Kong died.  The monarch and his ministers looked after each other with all their clothes on, and looked eastward at the capital gate to return on horseback.  After returning, the ponds and gardens are all still the same, with lots of liquid, lotus and willow.

    "The hibiscus is like a face and willows are like eyebrows, how can I not shed tears about this?"  The peach and plum blossoms bloom in the spring breeze, and the sycamore leaves fall in the autumn rain.  There are many autumn grasses in the south of West Palace.  The fallen leaves are full of red leaves and cannot be swept away.  The disciples in Liyuan have new white hair, and the prisoner Qing'e in Jiaofang is old.

    In the evening, the fireflies in the palace are quietly thinking, and the solitary lamp has been exhausted before they fall asleep.  The bells and drums are late and the night is long, and the stars are about to dawn.  The mandarin duck tiles are frosty and the flowers are heavy, and the emerald quilt is cold.  After so many years of separation between life and death, my soul never came to sleep.

    Linqiong Taoist priests from Hongdu can reach the soul with their sincerity.  In order to appreciate the king's thoughts, he taught the alchemists to search diligently.  It moves the clouds and controls the Qi and rushes like lightning, ascending to the sky and entering the earth to seek everywhere.  Go up to the poor green and fall down to the yellow spring.  Both places were nowhere to be seen.

    ??Suddenly I heard that there was a fairy mountain on the sea, and the mountain was ethereal.  The exquisite pavilion is filled with five clouds, among which there are many fairies.  One of them has a character called Tai Zhen, and his skin and appearance are all mixed.

    ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Knock on the jade in the west chamber of the golden palace, and turn to the little jade to be a double success?  I heard that the Emperor of the Han Dynasty envoys.  The dream soul in Jiuhua tent is frightened.  I pick up my clothes, push my pillow, and wander around, and the silver screen of pearls and foils spreads out.  The bun in the bun is half fresh, and the flower crown is not neat.

    The wind blows and the fairy mantle is fluttering, just like the dancing of colorful clothes and feathers.  The jade face is lonely and full of tears, and a branch of pear blossom brings rain in spring.  I looked at the king lovingly, and my voice and appearance were blurred once I said goodbye.  Love is overwhelming in Zhaoyang Palace, and the sun and moon are long in Penglai Palace.

    Looking back at people.  If you don¡¯t see Chang¡¯an, you will see dust and mist.  Only the old things show deep affection, and the golden hairpins are sent to the future.  Leave one strand of the hairpin and combine it into a fan; break the hairpin into gold and combine it into two pieces.  But the teaching heart is as strong as gold, and we will meet in heaven and on earth.  I would like to send my farewell message again.  There is an oath in the poem that two people know each other.  On July 7th, in the Hall of Eternal Life, no one was whispering in the middle of the night.  I wish to be a winged bird in the sky, and a twig on the ground.

    "The eternity of heaven and earth will eventually come to an end, and this hatred will last forever."

    "Song of Everlasting Sorrow".  It is a writing style that blends historical allusions into perceptual art with rich layers of charm.  A poignant love story depicted.

    The first half is realistic, and the second half is interspersed with fictional plots and fantasy wonderland.  The whole poem has beautiful language and tone, blending lyricism and narrative, and has a high artistic achievement.

    Bai Juyi classified this poem as sentimental, and all dynasties thought it was the story of Tang Xuanzong and Yang Guifei.  The poem incorporates many historical allusions (including Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty and Mrs. Li, Wei Zifu, Queen Chen, etc.), and may also be influenced by chapters such as "Mu Lian Saves His Mother" and "Happy King's Fate".

    Song of Everlasting Sorrow is Bai Juyi¡¯s most widely circulated work.  Bai Juyi was already widely praised during his lifetime, and has been widely circulated among the population for thousands of years, and has influenced many later works, such as: Yuan Dynasty Wang Bodu's "Tianbao Legacy Zhugong Tiao", Yuan Dynasty Bai Pu's "Tang Minghuang Autumn Night Wutong Rain"  Zaju, Qing Dynasty Hong Sheng's "The Palace of Eternal Life", modern playwright Zeng Yongyi's "Yang Fei's Dream", etc., and even influenced Japanese works such as "The Tale of Genji" and "Pillow".

    Due to the high popularity and sensitive topic of "Song of Everlasting Sorrow", and because Bai Juyi did not clearly reveal the theme of the entire poem, there have been many comments and debates over the interpretation of this poem in the past.

    For example, Zhang Jie, Zhou Zizhi, Zhang Zulian, etc., or based on ethics, believed that the content of love described in the Song of Everlasting Sorrow was too vulgar and frivolous.  Shen Kuo, Fan Wen, Zhang Jie, Yang Shen, and Zhao Yi believed that the Song of Everlasting Sorrow recorded errors in the historical facts of Tang Xuanzong and Yang Guifei.

    " Xue Xue and Zhou Zizhi have different opinions, and Wang Mao disagrees with Zhang? criticism.  In addition, Zhao Yi and Wang Guowei spoke highly of the whole poem.

    Although Bai Juyi once said: Today's servant's poems are loved by people, but the miscellaneous rhyme poems and songs of eternal regret have fallen into the ears. The time is more important than the servant's.

    However, he also wrote: A piece of "Eternal Regret" has a charming style, and ten poems written by Qin are almost authentic. Based on this, Chen Yinke believed that Bai Juyi claimed that "Song of Everlasting Regret" was his masterpiece.

    Pipa line and sequence - In the 10th year of Yuanhe, he moved to the left to be Sima of Jiujiang County.  Next autumn, I will see off guests at Penpukou and hear someone playing the pipa in the boat at night.

    Listening to his voice, there is a clanging sound from Kyoto. Asking her, she advocated women in Chang'an and tried to learn the pipa from Mu and Cao.  Then he ordered wine and asked him to play several songs quickly. After the songs were finished, he was silent.

    ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? It has been two years since I left the official position, and I feel at peace with myself. Thanks to the words of others, I began to feel the intention of relegation in the evening.  Because I gave him a long song with six hundred and sixteen words, he was ordered to play the pipa.

    Xunyang River sees off guests on the first night, with maple leaves and flowers rustling in autumn.  The master dismounted and was in the boat. He wanted to drink wine but there was no orchestra.  It's too late to be drunk and happy to say goodbye. When we say goodbye, the vast river is soaked in the moon.

    ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????]  Who is asking secretly?  The sound of the pipa stopped and it was too late to speak.  Move the boat closer to invite each other, add wine, turn back the lights, and resume the feast.

    He came out after calling for thousands of times, still half-hiding his face with his pipa in his arms.  There are three or two sounds of the strings being plucked by the rotating shaft, and there is emotion before the tune is formed.  The strings muffle the sounds and thoughts, seeming to complain of a life of failure.

    ??The formalities of the letter with a low eyebrow are continued, telling all the infinite things in the heart.  Lightly gathered, slowly twisted and smeared, and then picked again, at first it was a neon dress with a green waist.  The big strings are as noisy as the rain, and the small strings are as loud as whispers.  The bullets are noisy and mixed, and big and small beads fall on the jade plate.

    In the meantime, Guan Ying is talking about the slippery flower bottom, and it is difficult to go under the ice of Youyanquan.  The ice spring is cold and the strings are condensed, and the condensation will never pass the sound for a while.  Don't worry and hate yourself. Silence is better than sound at this time.  The silver vase was broken, water slurry burst out, and the cavalry stood out with swords and guns.

    At the end of the song, the plucked strings are carefully drawn, and the sound of the four strings is like cracking silk.  The east boat and the west boat are silent, only the white autumn moon can be seen in the middle of the river.  While he was chanting and plucking strings, he straightened his clothes and tightened his features.

    She said that she was a girl from the capital city and her family lived under the Xia Toad Mausoleum.  At the age of 13, he learned the pipa successfully and became the first member of the teaching group.  Qu Ba once taught good people how to dress well, and Qiu Niang was always jealous of her makeup.

    When Wu Ling was young, he was struggling with his head, and he could not count the number of red silk songs.  The tin head is shattered by the grate, and the bloody skirt is stained by wine.  This year's laughter will bring back the next, and the autumn moon and spring breeze will pass easily.

    My brother left to join the army, my aunt died, and I went to see you in the morning.  There are few horses and pommels in front of the house, and the boss is married to a businessman.  Businessmen value profit over separation. The month before last, they went to Fuliang to buy tea.  We go to and from the mouth of the river to guard empty boats, and when we go around the boats, the moon shines brightly on the river, and the water is cold.

    Late at night, I suddenly dreamed about my youth. I cried and cried, and my eyes were red with tears.  I sighed when I heard the pipa, and sighed again when I heard the words.  We are both fallen people at the end of the world, so why should we have known each other before?

    I resigned from the imperial capital last year and was relegated to Xunyang City where I was sick.  There is no music in Xunyang's small place, and the sound of silk and bamboo is not heard all year round.  The land where I live near the Huanjiang River is low and humid, and yellow reeds and bitter bamboos grow around my house.  What did you hear during the day and night?  The cuckoo cries and the blood ape moans.  On a spring river with flowers facing the autumn moonlight, I often drink wine alone while drinking.

    "How could there be no folk songs and village flutes? It would be hard to listen to the hoarse and mocking music."  Tonight, hearing your pipa music makes my ears suddenly bright as if listening to fairy music.  Mo Cigeng sat down to play a piece of music and translated it into a pipa line for you.  I feel that I have been saying this for a long time, but sitting down makes the strings turn sharply.  It's so sad that it's not like the forward sound, and everyone in the house weeps when they hear it again.  Who among you cried the most?  Jiangzhou Sima's green shirt is wet.
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