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last day of april

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    Birdsong, listen, casually read the messages of unfollowers, watch, watch accidentally or intentionally, all kinds of birdsong, when you listen carefully, you can hear the sound of people, cars, and motorcycles starting.  The most annoying time in the morning is when it gets dark. The alarm clock is changed from eight o'clock to nine thirty. Six kinds of bird chirping sounds. It may be that there is a mountain on the other side, and the mountain birds fly nearby. If they are raised by people, the birds chirp.  Sound won't be so naturally free, hmm!  I heard it in my gloomy morning hours.  I am unhappy, so when I write, listen to music, and read books, I feel unhappy because I can¡¯t say I don¡¯t want to say it, it¡¯s hard to say I¡¯m annoyed, my work is mediocre, I¡¯m not unhappy, and I¡¯m not very happy.  There is an extremely positive book that tells people to be optimistic at all times. Its function is to circulate, and then even the universe will come to help you, because you have positive energy, and then you will succeed. Generally speaking, this kind of book is like this,  Some of them are very popular, but in fact they are all the basic concepts of idealism. They are nothing, just a very simple idea, and they are not considered thoughts.  The so-called thought has two meanings: one is an idea that has never been seen before, and the other is that above the idea is thought. As the saying goes, system, structure, discussion, knowledge and logic are all the basis of thought.  The birds are still singing, and after I finish saying this, the sadness continues, and the listening continues, no matter what.  To tell the truth, it is easier to hurt people, because human beings always like to hear good things, but do not like to hear the truth, for most people.  But I just want to be honest. I grew up in the village of Neihu in Taiwan. Since I was an only child, China has a strong preference for sons over daughters, so my older sisters can¡¯t compare to my parents¡¯ love for me.  I know, I understand, that I have lived up to my parents' expectations in my life, that I should do no harm to others and be kind to others. However, my parents' hope was for their children to succeed, and I failed because when I was ten years old, I suddenly knew that people will die.  I'm not willing to give in!  How could the one I love die?  How is this possible?  Mature early!  So I kept reading and researching and found that there was nothing I could do.  Then, I tried my best to help all the weak people I knew, even if it cost me everything, but my family didn¡¯t understand me anymore. Fortunately, my parents and sisters loved me, so I still exist.  I am actually very disappointed with the friends I know. Most of them just want to make money. The more the better. They are very realistic and will almost never really help the weak. In their eyes, the weak deserve to die.  China has always had the biggest wrong idea since ancient times, which is that it absolutely believes that the winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. The Kuomintang was defeated by the Communist Party, so it became complacent in its hegemony. How can there be an eternal dynasty in ancient history?  Where did it come from?  No, if you look carefully at the history of China and the history of mankind, there is no eternal dynasty! ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? out out of the blue, I just want to say: I am a good man who is upright and upright, a chivalrous man in China, I am, and I hope you are too.  Those who are able work hard, which is the highest state of mind and life.  Don't be selfish if the strong get stronger.  When you are strong, don't just think about yourself!  Lei Gong Tai Chi: Have you seen it all?  I'm here!  I lost, everyone who wants to watch the fun can see it!  I lost, but nothing happened.  I received many private messages of concern and greetings, and I would like to thank them all here!  For me, I accept this result. I exchanged my blood for a chance to speak.  what would you like?  In this world where routines run rampant, what you want is your own choice.  I told everyone what I wanted, at least those who said Tai Chi was a liar could shut up!  Just because you can't win doesn't mean you don't have your own attitude.  The previous 10,000+ Weibo posts have said enough about the world.  I want to see for myself, the days are still long.  This is my last Weibo post. I have done what I should have done.  The choice is not in me, but in the heart of every spectator.     wrong!  Brother, if you lose, it just means you don¡¯t know how to fight!  You are kinder!  Judging by your starting moves, you can tell that you are an orthodox Chinese!  Say goodbye to Weibo. You have nothing to be ashamed of. Is face and dignity important?  Tai Chi Master: Fearless of heaven, earth and man, I hope you can see the dragon chanting the moon on another island in the strait and appreciate you!  Feeling content and happy [Heart] The updated book has not been updated, and the updated book contains a lot of cumbersome words.  It¡¯s April 29th, I can¡¯t sleep, stress is lurking, and depression is lurking.  I pretended to spread my hands, but I couldn¡¯t pretend that there was still a lot of time. It showed 5:33. I woke up at 3 o¡¯clock and watched it go by. I didn¡¯t want to think that it was still dawn.  At the beginning of the dawn, when the gloom flooded, it started from a certain year, but it was not often said that recently, real emotions do not need to conceal or hide.  It seems that I fell asleep at 2 o'clock and had a long dream. It was good in the dream, but it was not good when I woke up at 3 o'clock. The dream was happier than reality. Although it was not real, the dream was real and the dream was also wonderful. How could it be?  Have a dream?  All kinds of strange dreams, dreams that you think about day and night, enrich your life, but without dreams, you are relatively simple and happy, which is different from the rich and diverse happiness.  "Melancholy, melancholy, anxiety, and sadness don't affect me, just because when I was seventeen, my pen name is Youyu Emperor, I chose it myself, and it is different from Xiaoyao Wang, Music Emperor, etc.  Self-taking means understanding oneself, and being taken means other people's external perception. It is not important. What is important is that I should continue to sleep, because I will not be happier if I don't sleep. At least I will forget it temporarily.  Forget that today is the penultimate day of April.  I planned to continue sleeping, but my sleep was not stable, especially when there was noisy laughter early in the morning during the holidays. I immediately got up to wash up and go to work.  In fact, I am not in the mood to work. I go to the company as a haven to escape. There are almost no customers in the store, and I am used to the noise of rushing work in the two buildings next to it.  The blind spot of the heart, the tendency of the personality to shrink into a corner, sudden work, and emotions that arise naturally.  The uncle next door said that there was a street parade of Awa dance passing by the company tonight. He said that it was very lively last time. I said that I had no impression at all. I was probably out of town.  The Bihu Park that I pass by every day has been performing water dances for three consecutive days, and it is not elegant to watch. The only beauty left is to listen to songs and write words, which is much simpler.  When I have time, I drink the coffee I brought with me and smoke cigarettes. I feel comfortable in a deserted place.  A kind of semi-open autism.  I saw that the author of my favorite book was not updated and was scolded constantly. No update is better than chaos. Students are impatient and immature.  I'm not afraid of not having any updates, I'm just afraid of adding a lot of words just to increase the number of words.  I often do this kind of writing, but I don¡¯t focus on novels. If they are novels, it¡¯s more difficult and it¡¯s easy to find out whether they are good or bad.  Jay Chou represents the youth of a certain generation, and Mayday represents the beliefs of a certain ethnic group. Both of them rise from the common people!  These two are my contemporaries, so they cannot represent the beliefs of my youth, but can only represent those I grew up with.  My youth should be represented by Qi Qin Wangjie, and my faith should be represented by Luo Dayou and Li Zongsheng.  Can't stop time!  April 30th, the last day of April.  April's predicament has not yet been resolved, much like his favorite author still owes ten more updates in April, and today is the last day to update, especially since he is used to being able to update after midnight.  What I wrote yesterday really touched my heart. I am always happy when I see content I like.  Let¡¯s solve the difficult situation in May!  There are some things that I hope to be able to do, but in fact it is impossible to do everything as I wish. I can only try my best to do it as much as I can.  Impermanence and accidents always exceed one's expectations. For example, why do housing prices keep rising, why does the economic boom get worse and worse, why do I keep thinking of you, why do no miracles happen, why do we break through again, and why do we become lazier as we get older.  Competition, why are you getting better and better, how do you look at things differently, why are you becoming more mature, why is it that the weather is like summer again?  What's wrong with you?  What happened to him?  Why is it so boring day after day? Why is it that I haven¡¯t reached 300 words yet? Why do I keep working hard?  Talk to the group of Tianma Xingkong: Do you also have a three-day break?  The weather today is hot.  The company's system here is decided by oneself.  After research, Zhou¡¯s fans are mostly cute, while Wu¡¯s fans are more temperamental.  Watch videos at work.  What¡¯s the difference between someone who likes reading and someone who doesn¡¯t like reading?  What¡¯s the difference between those who like music and those who don¡¯t?  What¡¯s the difference between those who like traveling and those who don¡¯t?  There is really a big difference mentally.  People who like to read are basically less likely to be brain-dead.  People who like music are basically more emotional.  Those who like traveling basically love the world.  Thoughts: His student fans back then are now mainstream survivors in this society.  The adjective that created "Younger than Jay Chou".  It will be extremely difficult for a singer-songwriter to appear in the future who can appeal to students from all walks of life and have fans of all ages, middle and young. It can be said that there is no one before and no one will come after.  MMA Xu Xiaodong: I¡¯ll take this job!  Please start contacting me. I want to challenge the leader of Wudang in China, He Xirui!  Please witness it!  I agree to Mr. He¡¯s invitation. Please help me get in touch!  The venue, time, and rules of the competition are the same as this time, and they are completely relaxed!  I am the symbol of China's true prosperity!  Because I remove the false and preserve the true!  China needs truth!  Please witness it!  Long Yinyue: Proof!  Follow your heart?  If your heart is not right, go for it!  How to correct it?  How is it considered correct?  I'll tell you everything, you can find it yourself.  Looking for something wrong?  You are the one who made the mistake.  Instead of that, just say it!  You and I are at different levels, so what I think is not suitable for you.  Ah?  There is something like this.  Of course, the righteous path is subject to vicissitudes of life, and this is one of them. If you are not vicissitudes of life, you will naturally not be suitable for this kind of righteousness.  "Yes, I understand what you mean, Brother Long, the little girl understands, but when will you be able to recover or break your fate?"  My predicament is like your mind as a woman. It is very difficult for you to have the mind of a thinker. You are not used to the quiet world. It is like your current writing is for readers.?Looking at it, I write because there must be someone else in my heart, so that I can write happily. ???????? Can¡¯t you write with no one else in mind and no one else in your mind?  Yes, no, I'm used to it.  Then you're done.  Um!  That's all.  This is your extreme?  the same as you.  It's just that you don't know, I know.  It¡¯s just a step to laugh at a hundred steps.
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