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Text Chapter 1738 History repeats itself

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    Two SR-71 Blackbirds roared in the dark sky and flew towards eastern Mindanao. The system operator said over the radio: "We are close to the target."

    Ivan said: "Got it!"

    Kobe Bryant said: "Add high pressure to the radar to increase the probability of discovering the target."

    "Understood!" The two system operators agreed at the same time. They set the radar to long-range search mode and slowly turned a knob with a flashing green light. The pencil-like slender radar waves were constantly updated to search the vast area ahead. Generally, on a reconnaissance aircraft  Radar cannot form enough radar reflection waves to appear on the radar screen. Only targets with large radar reflection areas such as bombers and large and medium-sized transport aircraft can be discovered, but for the SR-71, these are not problems.  Finally, three bright spots appeared on the head-up display. After converting the actual positions, the system operator said excitedly.

    "Radar reflection wave found, distance 320, bearing 176. Our altitude is 8500, speed 400!"

    Kobe Bryant chuckled: "Ivan, lower the altitude to 700 meters, and we will conduct low-altitude reconnaissance."

    Ivan hesitated and said: "Kobe, this is very dangerous."

    Kobe said disdainfully: "Ivan, why are you getting less and less courageous? There are not many missiles in the Philippines. How do you expect a group of indigenous people who only know how to strap bombs to have missiles?"

    Ivan thinks about it. Indeed, the Philippines not only lacks the large-scale military equipment needed for large-scale wars, the navy lacks large ships, the air force lacks advanced fighters, the army lacks tanks and artillery, but also seriously lacks missiles necessary for modern warfare.  Except for some old-fashioned Sidewinder missiles owned by the Air Force, the entire Philippine Army does not have any missiles, not even portable missiles.

    Thinking of this, Ivan couldn't help but laugh at himself: "The altitude dropped by 700, turn on the reconnaissance equipment."

    The two system operators turned on the electronic reconnaissance and photography equipment to observe and record the topography, buildings and personnel activities in this area.

    At this time, the runway lights of the 3rd Division of the Western Mindanao Air Force Base suddenly turned on, and 6 md-500 helicopters slowly took off on the apron. Then the iron door in front of the hangar in the distance creaked and slowly opened, and 2  The light attack aircraft slowly drove toward the runway under the tug of the tractor. Under the glow of the runway lights and navigation lights, the two white missiles under the belly reflected a colorful halo. The numbers and logos on the khaki fuselage had already been  Covered in a fresh coat of white paint.  As soon as the two planes came to a stop, the two pilots climbed onto the plane and made OK gestures to each other. After hearing the command center's order, the plane roared and began to taxi on the runway, and then the nose of the plane suddenly tilted up.  The fuselage lifted off the ground and disappeared into the night sky in the blink of an eye.

    A middle-aged man in his forties, wearing a military uniform, stood in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling window of the control tower, looked at the disappearing fighter jets and sighed.

    "Elmer, do you think what we did is right or wrong?"

    Elmer was the chief of staff of the 3rd Air Force Division and the second-largest person in the 3rd Division. Hearing the middle-aged man¡¯s words, Elmer didn¡¯t know how to answer. After a while, he said: ¡°Commander Nagra, I don¡¯t know if it¡¯s right or not.  Wrong, but I know that from the cabinet to local governments, the situation has fallen to a very serious level, and more officials are buying votes, cheating, and cheating to win elections and enter government departments. These people are generally not of high quality.  Their only purpose in entering government work is to commit corruption, make money, and live a life of luxury. But among our people, there are still many people below the poverty line. If this situation continues to develop, I really can¡¯t see it.  Where is the future of our country?¡±

    There was deep sadness in Nagra's eyes: "Yes, it's time to break all this. The continuous growth of various anti-government armed forces also proves that the people have been disappointed with our government and are dissatisfied with us.  If this continues, and when more people turn this dissatisfaction into anger, their only way to vent is through riots, the entire Philippines will be turbulent, and even a civil war will break out, and then it will be really over.  "

    Elmer took out a cigar from his pocket, but did not light it, and said softly: "Commander Nagra, do you feel that history is repeating itself?"

    Nagra was stunned for a moment, and then understood the meaning of Elmer's words.  After World War II, the Philippines was once the richest country in Southeast Asia.  However, over the past few decades, the Philippines' economic development has stagnated, social unrest has occurred one after another, and the gap between rich and poor has widened. One of the important reasons is the proliferation of drugs.  The then President Manuel had the nickname Mr. Ten Percent as early as when he was a congressman, which meant that if you wanted to do things with him, you would receive a 10% kickback.  Later, when they entered the presidential palace, Manuel and his wife Immel extorted businessmen, embezzled public funds, stole the national treasury, and embezzled national property.

    In order to maintain the rule of the Communist Party, Manuel used nepotism and his family business also took the opportunity to engage in massive corruption.Wealth.  It monopolized 90% of the market in various industries across the country, and received huge government subsidies after losing money.  During his 20 years in office, Manuel's entire family and subordinates transferred as much as 20 billion U.S. dollars of property abroad, burdening the Philippines, a country with no debt, with as much as 27 billion U.S. dollars in foreign debt.  Seventy percent of Filipinos are poor.

    In September 1972, Manuel announced the implementation of martial law across the country, prohibiting assemblies, marches, and strikes. A large number of politicians, journalists, and students who opposed him were arrested, and a decade-long military rule began.  In the past ten years, the entire Philippines has been in turmoil, and the people have been in dire straits.  It was not until 1984 that the National Assembly was re-elected, and the opposition party won one-third of all seats in one fell swoop, and the opposition team began to grow.  In order to reestablish the legitimacy of his rule, Manuel decided to hold a presidential election one year in advance.  During the election process, Manuel relied on the propaganda advantage of the state machine to control the election, and many votes were tampered with and invalidated in large numbers.  In the end, Manuel won with a huge advantage, but the incident triggered strong condemnation at home and abroad. The U.S. House and Senate passed resolutions requiring the government to suspend assistance to Manuel.  Many people in the Philippines immediately issued statements boycotting the election results and called on people from all walks of life to hold strikes and demonstrations.

    Millions of Filipinos took to the streets to demonstrate against Manuel¡¯s dictatorship.  Several senior military officials launched a mutiny. Manuel hurriedly sent troops to suppress it, but was blocked by hundreds of thousands of people. Government troops began to defect collectively.  Eighty-five percent of the 250,000 troops went to the mutiny side.  Ninety percent of people in various government agencies and departments have announced their separation from the Manuel government, and Philippine diplomatic envoys to various countries around the world have stated that they no longer represent the Manuel regime.  The U.S. government confirmed that Manuel's era was over and sent him a statement calling for his resignation.  Protesters surrounded the Presidential Palace that day. After the army defected and the relatives deserted, Manuel took a US military helicopter to fly away to Hawaii. This was the end of Manuel's regime, but the price paid by the Philippines was too great. More than a decade of turmoil has left the Philippines  Became riddled with holes.

    Elmore sighed: "The long-term pain is worse than the short-term pain. Only after the pain has passed, the Philippines can usher in a new sky. But although the current situation is evolving to the era of the Manuel regime, I can guarantee that, In the next twenty years, history will definitely repeat itself. But now, many people still have hope. If we succeed, there is nothing to say. If we fail, history will be written. The Aquino regime will never let us go easily, and will definitely attack us by confusing right and wrong, and let the people who don¡¯t know the truth nail us on the rack of shame and be reviled forever.¡±

    Nagra nodded and looked out the window with a vague look: "You are right, only after the pain of labor can the Philippines usher in a new sky. Then let us join hands to completely overthrow the current political situation. No matter what  No matter what the final result is, even if you fail, at least you have tried hard and you will not regret it.¡±

    Dosa and Marcos were chatting, but they kept looking at the night sky, as if they were still looking for the meteor that had just disappeared.

    As time went by, Dosa¡¯s expression became a little nervous, and Marcos patted him on the shoulder: ¡°As long as they dare to come, let them come back without any return.¡±

    Dosa said softly: "Do you think the news from the CPP is accurate?"

    Marcos shook his head: "I don't know, but they just owed us a favor. I think this news is true."

    Dosa took a deep breath, then spit it out. He looked at the men and women singing and dancing around the campfire. Although the atmosphere was still so lively, he could clearly feel that everyone was tensed and nervous and more and more solemn.  Eyes.

    "Hope everything goes well!"

    The night is getting deeper and deeper. On the mountain tops covered by the jungle, hundreds of anti-aircraft artillery pieces and dozens of 40mm anti-aircraft machine guns are hidden under camouflage nets. The thick muzzles and black muzzles of the guns are already pointed at the sky.  Artillery shells and boxes of thumb-thick bullets were neatly placed there. Abu Sayyaf militants were lying under the fallen leaves, waiting for the arrival of the enemy.

    And less than two kilometers away from the base, a tent was set up in a small open space hidden in a dense forest.  Outside the tent, a high-power diesel engine was working roaringly. In the forest more than ten meters away, the radars on three radar stations were slowly rotating.

    This is the headquarters of Abu Sayyaf. At this time, Abu Sayyaf's eyes were fixed on the radar screen. At about ten o'clock, two looming light spots appeared. A militant sitting in front of the computer shouted excitedly.  : "The distance is about 200 kilometers, they are coming."

    Abu Sayyaf laughed loudly: "The Communist Party of the Philippines did not lie to us. It seems that we made a profit by handing over the two Chinese to them, otherwise we would be in big trouble. But now" Abu Sayyaf said,  face exposedWith a hint of a sinister smile, "Whether it's government troops or the hateful Americans, I will make sure they never come back. Let them know how powerful I am, Abu Sayyaf."

    In the eastern Mindanao area with undulating mountains and deep river valleys, two SR-71 Blackbird reconnaissance aircraft quietly broke in and flew at a low altitude of 700 meters.  The advanced electronic reconnaissance and photography equipment on board was not affected by the darkness of the night and clearly recorded the jungle, buildings and personnel activities on the ground.

    At this moment, a system operator chuckled: "We found them. What do these yellow-skinned monkeys do? Are they having a party?"
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