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Volume 1: Yan Yun Chaos Volume 3: Bending the Sky Chapter 83: Stop the Crazy Wave (Thirteen)

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    On Taiyuan City, the flag of the Shenwu Ever-Victorious Army was still flying, and above and below the city, although the defenders and civilians seemed outnumbered, there were still troops and horses arrayed in strict formation outside the south gate, ready to fight to the death.  :, fireworks suddenly rose, needless to say, the defenders were burning the stored food and supplies.  Everything shows that when Wu Min and officials of all sizes on Hedong Road abandoned the city and fled, causing the whole city of Taiyuan to collapse, the Shenwu victorious army he had managed was still firmly anchored here, ready to fight to the death.  !  This army and horse has lived up to my expectations after all. The most important thing is that Taiyuan City, the most important place, has not yet fallen into the hands of the Jurchen Tatars!  The spirit that had been tense along the way suddenly relaxed at this moment. Xiao Yan felt that stars were rising in front of his eyes, and he was about to fall off the horse when his body tilted.  Supporting the auspicious three treasures of the Zhao family, the main force of the divine guard army under his command is the Xihe Army. Bianliang recruits new troops, and the Yandi Guard Army is pieced together.  The reorganization of the army and the ordering and commanding are naturally not as good as those of the two old field corps, Shenwu and Longwei, and even slightly inferior to the Tianwu Army, which is composed of the Yongning Army and the Yandi Guards.  Xiao Yan¡¯s original plan was to cross the river from the direction of Luoyang Prefecture in Xijing, while reorganizing and operating Luoyang Prefecture, making it an important logistics base in addition to Bianliang, and at the same time reorganizing and training the Divine Guards.  While slowly crossing the river, he strengthened the combat power of some of the Divine Guards, and also had the intention of observing the posture of the Western Army, and seeing what the Western Army would do in the name of his own righteousness to conquer the east of Hedong. It was a fast move.  The King of Qin should be summoned.  Still procrastinating.  To watch from the wall.  For the frontline war.  Xiao Yan felt relieved for a while.  The Jurchen East Route Army has not yet taken action, and even if it does, Yandi will be restrained by the direction of Tanzhou, and Yu Jiangma Kuo and others rely on the Hebei roads to expand quickly.  It is faster than the Jurchen Tatars to deploy defenses in important areas such as Daming Mansion that cannot be bypassed by the Jurchen army.  He can always buy half a year for his decisive battle in Hedong.  To the east of the river, Han Shizhong and Yue Fei relied on the dangerous terrain to defend, and they were all elite soldiers and generals. The Tatars of the Jurchen West Route Army would definitely not be able to get through for a while.  As for the Hewai soldiers in Zhejia further to the west, Zhejia was the weakest man on the ground.  Moreover, there are upright people like Orihiko in charge. Although Orihiko is very hostile to him, if the Jurchen Tatars invade, Orihiko will definitely fight to the end.  Not to mention across the Yellow River, there is also the support of the Jingyuan Army, the main force of the Western Army!  And to say the least, even if the Zhejia failed to hold the Kelan Army's front line.  It always takes time for the Jurchen Tatars to go south.  Han Yue's troops can also slowly retreat under cover and retreat to the front line of Taiyuan Prefecture, while maintaining strong walls and clearing the fields to continue to consume the strength of the Jurchen army.  While doing a field battle behind the city.  And at that time, the Jurchen Tatars broke through the border of the Western Army.  For the sake of their own territory, the Western Army could only attack the Jurchen Tatars' southward troops from the west, and Zong Han's troops had to allocate part of their energy to deal with them.  And when he leads the Divine Guards to recharge his batteries and joins the battle group, he can start a decisive battle with the Jurchen Tatars and establish the world in the direction of Hedong Road in one fell swoop!  Therefore, Xiao Yan's initial movements were not very fast.  However, no matter how careful the plan was, Zhe Keqiu did not expect that Zhe Keqiu would just let go of Kelan's army's access road without even attacking it.  The Jurchen army's front was so powerful that Kelan's army surged in towards the south!  At the same time, the Jurchen East Route Army suddenly moved, rolling up huge waves from the beginning, and the Yandi beacon was everywhere!  When an emergency military report came, Xiao Yan took action.  Shocked and angry.  The situation in the war in Hedong suddenly became extremely bad.  Kelan's army did not offer any resistance at all. Han Shizhong had enemies in front of him, and his retreat flanks were threatened everywhere.  And Yue Fei also has to take care of the direction of Hebei. At least he cannot let the Jurchen East Route Army occupy Yizhou at once and threaten Yue Fei's flank from the direction of Feihu Trail.  Both armies were immediately restrained by the Jurchen Tatars, and they could only fight step by step when they returned.  And how long will it take for the Jurchen Tatars to go all the way south to Lanzhou and attack Taiyuan's flank?  If Hedong is defeated miserably, his two main field forces will be isolated and surrounded by the Jurchen Tatars.  In Bianliang and in the Western Army, Xiao Yan didn't have to think about what would happen.  Either he or his whole family will be killed in internal and external difficulties, or he can defend himself with the troops he still has at his disposal and start a fierce civil war.  No matter which outcome, it is not what Xiao Yan wants.  And most importantly, what will be the fate of the Song Dynasty?  He traveled through thousands of years and came here, struggling hard to reach such a position. He wanted to lead these men who were generous and tragic at the turn of the Song Dynasty in history to fight again and restore Tianqing.  Instead of making the fate of this Han civilization more tragic than in history!  Along the way to Hedong, one can imagine the panic among the military and the people.  At this time, I am afraid that only I can stabilize the situation.  Only in this way can the morale of the military and the people be restored, and only then can we have a chance to stop this turbulent wave!  Since the army is too dull and heavy to follow, we can ride lightly and march all the way into Taiyuan Prefecture.  ?Xiao Yan has never thought about the worries of being in a dangerous situation, entering lightly, encountering Jurchen Tatars, or even encountering unexpected events among the rebellious army.  Fortunately, Wang Guitanghuai had already rushed to the Divine Guard Army from Yue Fei's place, and all the generals in the Divine Guard Army were close friends.  This time is enough to stabilize the morale of the army and speed up the crossing of the river, heading straight towards Taiyuan.  While Xiao Yan was teasing Zhang Xian to join the Divine Guards, he continued to look after the three auspicious treasures. Bianliang was empty for a while, and there was no leading general in charge, so he couldn't care less.  On one side, a few dozen personal guards were selected, each with three horses, and they marched day and night, heading straight to Taiyuan!  In such a critical situation, Xiao Yan was the only thing that gave him some comfort.  This Zongze is worthy of being remembered in history.  Although he has been silent since leaving his own family, he has not made any suggestions or actions.  But when he learned that he was going to Taiyuan with ease, he invited himself to follow Xiao Yan northward! ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Gallop ? ? ? ? When he was tired, he would take a nap on the horse. When he was hungry, he would eat a few mouthfuls of dry food.  If the selected healthy horse keeps falling to death, then change the horse and start again.  The insides of both legs were scabbed and torn by the saddle. The pain was excruciating, so I just gritted my teeth and endured it.  Within a few days, in Yin Shu you can race with Han Shizhong, in Taiyuan Prefecture people's hearts go from panic to collapse, in the beacon fire rolling from Yandi to Hedong, Xiao Yan gallops hundreds of miles.  Finally arrived at the south of Taiyuan Prefecture.  And this time.  I saw thousands of people running around crying and screaming at night.  Officials along the Hedong Road hurriedly mixed in with the people and fled south. The Jurchen Tatar soldiers arrived at Loufan, and the male city of Taiyuan collapsed overnight!  If Taiyuan falls, the outcome of the war in Hedong will no longer be questionable, and the fate of the Song Dynasty will also be questionable!  This thief, from the beginning to the end, just wanted to soften my spine.  Kneel down before you?  Damn it, I have never been afraid of you from the beginning, and I am not afraid of you now either!  Xiao Yan immediately stepped forward, lined up on the road at the Mengshan Pass, captured the fleeing officials, beheaded them by the roadside, and hung their heads in public display.  We must use our own strength to stop this violent surge!  In the night, under the firelight.  Xiao Yan beheaded eleven officials with his own hands and collected blood for their robes.  Finally, they blocked the former Song Dynasty ruler who abandoned the city and left.  The team was led by Wu Min, the commander-in-chief along the way.  As he came forward alone, thousands of soldiers bowed down to plead guilty, and thousands of people shouted loudly for King Yan.  Then follow his figure and circle back towards the north of Taiyuan City!  And this hard work was not in vain after all.  Taiyuan City is still in the hands of the Song Dynasty!  "This thief God, while trying his best to oppress you, still leaves you with a narrow and rugged road, which allows you to pass through the blood and fire of history and the power of God, and allows you to still see a glimmer of hope.  "However, this rugged road requires me to use my blood, my life, all my spirit, and so many good men to fight to the death again to find the entrance!"  Taiyuan is still here!  Next to him, Zongze saw Xiao Yan about to fall over as soon as his vision went dark, and he immediately stretched out his big hands like iron pliers to hold Xiao Yan firmly.  Xiao Yan bit the tip of his tongue fiercely. The severe pain woke him up. He tried his best to sit up straight and faced the overwhelming cheers from Taiyuan City behind him.  Xiao Yan glanced at Zongze and finally found that this old man, who was as silent and hard as a rock, also had a light flashing in his eyes.  He just rode his horse closely behind him.  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thousands of soldiers,  He knelt down on one knee solemnly, holding a spear and a knife behind his back, and saluted Xiao Yan's horse figure.  Under the gaze of thousands of people, Xiao Yan rode his horse slowly into Taiyuan.  At this time, there is no need for Xiao Yan to say anything or do anything.  As long as his people are still in Taiyuan City.  Then the soldiers and civilians who followed him back north, and the Shenwu and Dragon Guard armies who were still fighting hard in the north, would fight to the end before the Jurchen Tatars' violent surge!  Li Zhong had already come down from the city tower and knelt on one knee in front of Xiao Yan's horse. He wanted to say something, but he choked up and couldn't utter even a single word.  Xiao Yan got off his horse and helped him up personally: "Thank you for your hard workbut I'm always here." Li Zhong had so many words in his heart that he wanted to pour out, but at this time he could only choke and nod.  "Now that King Yan has arrived, take us and kill him happily!" Xiao Yan smiled: "You will fight with some of them Han Shizhong and Yue Fei, how is the military situation? Over there in Loufan, the military situation is different.  How about that? "At this time, the most important thing is to quickly rebuild the command system in Taiyuan, block the front of the Jurchen troops going south, and reorganize the already somewhat disintegrated front!  Li Zhong shook his head: "The commander-in-chief has fled, and all military intelligence has been cut off. The general has sent out sentry detectives last night to detect the military situation. There is no report back yet." Xiao Yan nodded: "The commander-in-chief has fled  There is still more to come.¡±  Li Zhong saw a sneer on Xiao Yan's lips. He didn't know why, but his heart trembled.  Xiao Yan turned his eyes to the rows of guys kneeling downcast along the moat, and asked coldly: "Who are these people?" Li Zhong glanced at the group of guys. There was a big smoke and dust in the south just now, and these people were still in trouble.  However, he was beaten to a bloody head.  He also had to be hacked to death a few times before he calmed down.  At this moment, thousands of soldiers gathered around Xiao Yan, King of Yan, and thousands of people surrounded him silently.  Many of these people have collapsed to the ground and cannot afford to struggle!  "Prince Yan, some of these servants are those who took advantage of the chaos last night to set fire to and rob the city. Others are those who caused chaos in the camp at the back. As long as they just want to escape, the general will give them a hard lesson with the military stick."  The people kneeling here want to plunder and cause chaos in the camp! They have not yet been punished, but they just want to deal with it first, and then use these slaves as hard labor to carry bricks and stones.  , Reinforce the city defense." Hearing Li Zhong's reply.  Xiao Yan's smile was still cold.  He said calmly: "Use these guys to help defend the city? You don't need them to ruin the morale of the army and the people! It's forgivable to escape. Who let the officials on the road rush to escape first? The blame lies with the officials on the road! But they took advantage of the chaos to commit robbery and set fire to it.  Why are they still an eyesore for looting? I just want brave troops and loyal people to defend this territory and fight the Tatars to the end!" Xiao Yan waved his hand heavily: "Kill them all!"  He didn't dare to come out, Xiao Yan's body was filled with murderous aura.  This is the King of Yan who twice killed many people in Bianliang.  In the land of Yan, in the east of Hedong, there is no telling how many Tartars have turned into bones under the banner of King Yan!  As soon as he commanded the soldiers, he immediately drew his sword and went forward.  The guys who were kneeling on the ground reacted, struggling and crying.  But at this time, thousands of people cheered loudly.  This cheering sound suppressed their cries, begging, despairing curses, and could not be heard at all!  Xiao Yan waved his hand again, only to see the knights following him.  At this time, dozens of people were picked out from the seven or eight vehicles in the team.  Some of these people still wear official uniforms.  With the seal on his waist, he hoped to escape from this death place in Taiyuan and continue to seek employment.  Some people changed into dirty civilian clothes, but they were so timid that they didn't even want to be officials.  It was the officials from Hedong who were running away at night. On weekdays, they were either enjoying their dignity, or they were poetry and wine, as if they were looking at it.  However, in this critical moment, they abandoned their responsibilities and their people, regardless of how much the war situation would be ruined by their actions, and regardless of the fate that the fall of Taiyuan would bring to the Song Dynasty.  Just run away in a hurry!  The athletes on the front line were fighting hard, and because of them, they almost fell into a situation of no return.  Because of them, many people were homeless, their families were separated, and their families were destroyed.  When the sky collapsed and the earth collapsed, the backbone of this nation died. It was this generation who managed to survive and die rich!  But they finally met Xiao Yan, and they had to sacrifice their lives to atone for their sins. This made history a little fair!  The person who was finally pulled out was a noble official dressed in purple and wearing a jade belt. Who else could it be if it wasn't Wu Min?  At this time, this important minister of the Song Dynasty no longer had any grace. He was sandwiched between two knights and could not help but struggle and scream.  "Nan Laizi, you dare to kill me? All the scholar-bureaucrats in the world will refuse to give up on you!" Xiao Yan smiled coldly and didn't even bother to talk to him.  Along the way, I treated these scholar-bureaucrats who claimed to rule the world with the king with high regard, and tried my best to maintain the situation with them.  I just hope that those who control the bureaucracy of the Song Dynasty can give me less constraints, so that I can fight the Jurchen Tatars with peace of mind.  Wu Min made several moves in Hedong, but he endured them all. Even Wu Min secretly colluded with Cai Jing and prepared to overthrow him in Bianliang, but he continued to let him stay in place safely with the thought of doing more harm than good.  However, before the alien invasion, he abandoned his land and people, fled in a hurry, and ruined this war that determined the fate of civilization. If he were to forgive himself again, how could he be worthy of the thousands of soldiers under his command, and how could he be worthy of the people who had made him travel through thousands of years?  God willing?  No matter what kind of strong winds and waves, just come.  Whether it was the surging Jurchen army or the counterattack of these so-called scholar-bureaucrats.  I¡¯m just standing here!  Grit your teeth and fight the internal and external enemies until the end!  "You, the leader of Wu Min, should be used to intimidate the scholar-bureaucrats in the world."  If Xiao's fangs are not exposed in this decisive battle, there is no telling how this war will be ruined!  Wu Min and a row of officials were forced to kneel down by the moat. Xiao Yan waved his hand gently.  Hundreds of long knives were raised and chopped off hundreds of heads at the same time!  Countless Hedong soldiers and civilians were all around in silence, looking at these fallen bodies and the splattering blood. ?Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, all the commanders and officials have been beheaded, and the previous rulers have been beheaded, starting from Xiao Yan.  After this decisive battle, the Great Song Dynasty will no longer be the original Great Song Dynasty.  Zongze looked at Xiao Yan's tall back in silence and remained silent for a long time.  Xiao Yan strode towards the city and sternly ordered to Li Zhong: "What are you doing here? Choose your army and horses. Anyone who can rush into the field will go to the reinforcement building! I will be here to take charge! Give it to me  Fight back the Jurchen Tatars! As long as I'm here, reinforcements will come. You have to fight hard and show me!" Li Zhong's hair stood on end and he clasped his fists to accept the order: "Don't you dare to fight to the death for King Yan?  In the end!¡± (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster! PS: Crazy for monthly votes!!!?¡­
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