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Volume 2: Starship Beauty and Flowers, Chapter 300: Darkness and Brightness

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    ¡°Andoba, the first-level mecha war god of Safari Star, challenged King?, but was defeated and fell on Duolan Peak. Millions of people were silent, and serious demonstrations broke out¡± ¡°The resistance forces repeatedly harassed the Winter Palace on ¡°Independence Day¡±  , which aroused the anger of the King, and finally found the hiding place of "Independence Day". Tuoba Gui took action, and all the bandit bases were reduced to rubble!  The project can be cooperated with each other. However, the negotiation with Lingwei was not in place, and the cooperation was terminated. " "The ruling government failed to test the weapon, and the "Wave Gun" project, which was originally hailed as a retrofittable mecha fusion weapon that surpassed the "Vagra", was shut down.  Does this mean that "Vagra" has remained an unbreakable myth for a long time? "Titles like this kept appearing in the old news that Lin Hai read, and he could see the numerous military exploits of Tuoba Gui's unique weapons.  And after every such achievement, there are countless people waving flags and shouting for "Vagra".  He even calls it a ¡°god-given weapon¡±!  There are countless opinions about civilizations in ancient times throughout the universe.  In the eyes of Eagle Country, it was a glorious and great civilization.  In the eyes of some people, those are the beings called gods in mythology.  Their technology is so advanced that it looks like magic.  Regarding the research on Vagla, a staunch interstellar theologian argued that it was indeed a weapon given by God, and it was the basis for giving Tuoba Gui the status of "King of Heaven". If it was not a weapon given by God, why did "Vagra" have that weapon?  This kind of destructive power that only God can create can easily penetrate the energy plasma shield.  This interstellar theologian vividly described to a large number of people that the sacred glow born in the explosion would form a cross!  The burst of Vickers plasma energy field is somewhat similar to a cross, which is determined by the characteristics of this plasma field.  And this interstellar theologian made a big announcement that the cross itself is a symbol of the Babylonian sun god, which is a strong evidence of weapons given by God.  The problem is that his remarks are still widely recognized. Countless people believe that Tuoba Gui is the person chosen by the ancient "god" who ruled the starry sky, left interstellar passages, and was omnipotent.  In particular, those people in the autonomous regions and slums who need a spiritual sustenance worship Tuobagui as the supreme king.  Lin Hai secretly sighed, although we are in an interstellar society, in any era, people are willing to deceive themselves and others in their fantasies and shaping of idols.  I thought that if I could create a deuterium cannon, wouldn¡¯t it mean that in this star field, besides Tiefu and Tuoba Gui, I would be the third person who could use this kind of weapon?  What would the expressions of those countless people chanting "Vagra" be like if they saw it?  Lin Hai was full of motivation just by imagining the stunned expressions of those ignorant people.  ******* He divided the preliminary scanned drawings and looked at the structural diagram.  Although he was a master of engineering, the drawing still felt tricky for him to unfold. His hands kept flicking on the keyboard, and a lot of data was thrown into the virtual machine to start calculations. Then, he stopped and thought hard.  It¡¯s really not that simple.  Mainly, the cut off arm of the Tiefu mecha at that time cannot be considered as the entire composition of this weapon. Its energy output terminal line is connected to the mecha engine, relying on the energy provided by the engine to generate the Vickers field.  But there is no output part structure.  Relying on the drawings, most of the main structure of a deuterium cannon was manufactured without any problems.  But there is no terminal energy output structure, which is like an old-fashioned gunpowder thrust submachine gun without a drum.  Energy weapons do not have energy supply chambers.  And of course it is not possible to activate the deuterium cannon by simply injecting energy.  The output structure is a bit like an equipment library.  The energy generated by the engine is like soldiers on standby, but they have no equipment or weapons.  Only through the output device can weapons be assigned to them to do their next work.  For example, if you are farming, you should hand out hoes instead of swords.  If it were against the enemy, then spears would be distributed, not farm implements.  However, the current problem is that it is not known what level of charge energy is required to produce energy disturbance of the Vickers force field on the deuterium cannon.  This is something that cannot be done hastily. Asking a group of soldiers with long swords to plow the fields will undoubtedly mess up the fields. Excessive amounts of energy will cause instability after the weapon is charged with energy, and even  Self-destruction is possible.  When a weapon like a deuterium cannon explodes, the Xin Alloy mecha may not be able to withstand it!  Lin Hai thought to himself that he should not play with fire. If he accidentally used it, he would blow himself up to death. Instead of being awe-inspiring, he would become the funniest newcomer in history.?.  Tuoba Gui has relied on the Heavenly King Mecha and this kind of weapon to shock the world for many years. He is confident.  Even the ruling government¡¯s attempt to build such a weapon ended in failure.  It is conceivable that he also fell into the hurdles he encountered today.  But Lin Hai was not discouraged. He never got discouraged easily.  He found that his advantage over countless people who wanted to copy this weapon in the past was that he had fought against Tiefu and cut off his mecha arm, completely obtaining the main structure of this weapon.  Li Qingdong even scanned the entire deuterium cannon blueprint for him.  After taking a break, Lin Hai built a simulator, input the drawing data into it, and observed the operation process of the deuterium cannon.  During the simulation process displayed by the light curtain, energy is injected, a series of fusion reactions occur inside the deuterium cannon, and then the Vickers plasma field is condensed through the five release ports.  And he called up the battle scenes when Redil and Tiefu fought, and collected the images through the intercepted scenes.  Image input spectral analysis.  The spectral composition of the Vickers plasma field is shown.  It can only be analyzed to this point.  Without an energy conversion structure, weapons can never be manufactured, otherwise there will only be a shell, which is extremely unstable.  Lin Hai stared blankly at the spectrum composition, as if looking at a light in the night sky.  Although this spectral diagram only reaches this step, all clues are cut off, but looking at the light in the light curtain, Lin Hai always felt that there was something hidden that he had ignored or not discovered.  ******* But then, Lin Hai discovered a misunderstanding. He found that he was only thinking about forward derivation. Have you ever thought about reverse derivation?  There are some things in the world that are always like this. When you seem to have made no progress, it will suddenly become clear.  Feeling like he had a sudden enlightenment, Lin Hai quickly typed data on the keyboard.  Overlap the excited energy field spectrum information with the deuterium cannon firing state.  The simulator perfectly demonstrated the operation of this level of energy field released by the deuterium cannon.  Energy flows into this cone-shaped fusion weapon in all directions, and through the conversion device, the spiral fusion reactor is started.  Fusion produces bursts of Vickers plasma fields.  Then, there are several reverse pulse energy flows that are easily ignored, returning to the weapon, entering the buffer device along several line channels, and finally canceling out.     Yes.  This is the reverse pulse.  When a plasma energy weapon is fired, it always produces a reverse pulse, which is like the reaction force of the interaction of forces.  When a person jumps up from the ground, the ground will bear the force.  In the age of gunpowder thrust, when a cannon is ejected from the chamber, the entire cannon will bear the reaction force.  The base of the gun will be designed with a shock absorber to offset this force.  The reverse pulse design is the shock absorber of energy weapons.  However, the reverse pulse is also connected to the forward energy injection device!  The energy of the reverse pulse is exactly one-tenth of the injected energy charge!  In other words, the charge constant that he has been struggling with is finally exposed here, like a diamond floating on the sand in the sea!  Lin Hai immediately entered the solution model and found that the input energy charge level was 3,400 J, and a series of agitation values ??and electron EV values ??could be deduced from this constant.  Lin Hai took a deep breath and suddenly felt like a genius. He had found the bullet with the most suitable caliber for this gun.  I have to say that there is indeed an element of luck in this.  No wonder that even with Cachino¡¯s ability to govern and gather manpower and material resources, he was ultimately unable to make a breakthrough.  It is impossible to finally detect the reverse pulse simply by relying on spectral analysis without a structural diagram!  Even if there is only a structural diagram but no spectral energy circumstantial evidence for analysis, input data cannot be obtained.  Both are indispensable.  Now we only need to create an input system that can connect the deuterium cannon and output the corresponding energy charge level!  This is very simple thing.  Lin Hai searched the laboratory's warehouse and customs.  I saw several kinds of materials for making deuterium cannons, which are extremely precious and rare to the outside world. They were lying quietly in those places, as if they were waiting to be taken away.  Lin Hai holds Andu's authority and has the ability to deploy these things. Through the automatic robot in the laboratory, he only needs to find a suitable opportunity to use local materials and use the automated workshop to build a deuterium cannon, and then install it in the new destiny machine.  Armor can also add strong strength to this new destiny that he is destined to win.  When Lin Hai raised his head again, his eyes were shining.  Ecstasy.
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