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Chapter 509 I am Shuang'er

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    The next day, Tang Xiaosheng went to Dream Film and Television Academy alone to find Tang Xiaoyu.  && After arriving at Dream Film and Television Academy, Tang Xiaosheng found that many people gathered in the school's playground. When he stepped forward and took a look, he realized that the crew of "The Deer and the Cauldron" were auditioning actors here.  Dream Film and Television Academy is currently the most influential film and television acting school in China. It is not surprising that many film crews go here to select actors.  What surprised Tang Xiaosheng was that he met Xiao Zhao at the audition site.  In the past few months, Tang Xiaosheng has been pretending to be "Yin Weijian". Naturally, he can no longer pretend to be "Li Dabao", a student of Dream Film and Television Academy.  Therefore, during this period of time, Xiao Zhaonu disguised herself as a man and pretended to be "Li Dabao" and took classes at the Dream Film and Television Academy.  What I never expected was that during the casting audition for "The Deer and the Cauldron", "Li Dabao" stood out and was spotted by the director of the crew, who wanted Li Dabao to play the leading actor Wei Xiaobao in "The Deer and the Cauldron".  Li Dabao was originally a false identity that Tang Xiaosheng made up in order to get into the Dream Film and Television Academy. He was a homeless man who made a living by picking up garbage, and he was considered a nobody living at the bottom of society.  As a result, the director of "The Deer and the Cauldron" felt that Li Dabao and Wei Xiaobao were somewhat similar in image, temperament, and background. In addition, Li Dabao was a student at the Dream Film and Television Academy, and his grades and abilities were pretty good. So the director invited Li Dabao to play Wei Xiaobao.  .  At first, Li Dabao (Xiao Zhao) wanted to refuse the director¡¯s invitation because Xiao Zhao came to Dream Film and Television School of Law.  Originally it was to protect Tang Xiaoyu, not to learn acting or filming.  Xiao Zhao was not interested in the fact that the director of "The Deer and the Cauldron" wanted Li Dabao to play Wei Xiaobao.  However, Xiao Zhao finally agreed to play Wei Xiaobao in "The Deer and the Cauldron" as Li Dabao, and signed a contract with the crew yesterday.  The reason why Xiao Zhao agreed to participate in "The Deer and the Cauldron".  Actually it was for Zhao Min.  In the past few months, Zhao Min has been secretly protecting Tang Xuen in order to protect her safety.  Although no other time travelers have appeared so far, just in case, the protection of Tang Xuen cannot be stopped for the time being.  Since it is secret protection.  The action must be cunning and sneaky, but it feels like being a thief. After a few months, Zhao Min felt a little bored and tired, and secretly thought about finding a solution.  result.  After learning that the filming of "The Deer and the Cauldron" was about to begin, Zhao Min suddenly had an idea in mind.  In "The Deer and the Cauldron", Tang Xuen will play Shuang'er in the play. From rehearsal to filming to finalization, the entire filming process will take at least two months.  If Li Dabao (Xiao Zhao) plays Wei Xiaobao in the play, then he will definitely have to get along with Tang Xuen on the set for at least two months.  In other words, Xiao Zhao only needs to play Wei Xiaobao.  She could secretly protect Tang Xuen on the set, while Zhao Min could retire and take a break for a month or two.  It was out of this idea that Zhao Min begged Xiao Zhao to show mercy and let Xiao Zhao play Wei Xiaobao as Li Dabao.  Xiao Zhao knew that Zhao Min must have felt tired from monitoring Tang Xuen for a long time, so he decided to help Zhao Min, so he agreed to play Wei Xiaobao in "The Deer and the Cauldron" and secretly protected Tang Xuen as Li Dabao.  In this way, Li Dabao (Xiao Zhao) finally joined the crew of "The Deer and the Cauldron".  After learning about this, Tang Xiaosheng felt a bit outrageous.  After all, Xiao Zhao is a girl, so how can he play the role of Wei Xiaobao?  However, now that the contract has been signed, we can only make mistakes for the time being.  Fortunately, Xiao Zhao has excellent acting skills, even though she disguised herself as a man to play Wei Xiaobao.  I don't think anyone else will find any clues.  Li Dabao and Tang Xiaoyu are classmates. After learning that Li Dabao was about to star in Wei Xiaobao, Tang Xiaoyu was very envious.  She originally had the opportunity to play Shuang'er in the play. The director of "The Deer and the Cauldron" came to her again and again and warmly invited her to film.  "It's just that Tang Xiaoyu knew that once she was filming, she would definitely attract time travellers, which would lead to many troubles. In desperation, she could only reluctantly give up and reject the director's kindness.  After the rejection, Tang Xiaoyu felt a little disappointed. After all, acting was her biggest hobby.  However, this disappointment soon disappeared, because the next day, she was on winter vacation and could return to Guangmingding to celebrate the New Year with her father and mother.  On January 29th, after taking the last exam in school, Tang Xiaoyu was so excited that she was ready to rush back to Guangmingding immediately.  To her surprise, her father went to school to pick her up in person.  So, the father and daughter left the school together and went to Guangmingding.  "Yu'er, I heard that a director is looking for you to film again?" Tang Xiaosheng asked on the way.  "Well, the director of "The Deer and the Cauldron" wanted me to play Shuang'er! However, I didn't agree."Tang Xiaoyu opened her mouth and replied. Tang Xiaosheng asked with concern: "Yu'er can't film anymore for the time being, will you be very unhappy?  ¡±???????????????????????????? x773c;#x73e0;#x4e00;#x8f6c;#xff0c;#x9053;#xff0c;#x201c;#x4e0d;#x8fc7;#xff0c;#x6211;#x5df2;#x7ecf;#x60f3;#x5230;#x4e00;  #x4e2a;#x89e3;#x51b3;#x7684;#x529e;#x6cd5;#x4e86;#x3002;#x201d;  ;#x201c;#x662f;#x4ec0;#x4e48;#x529e;#x6cd5;#xff1f;#x201d;  x7728;#x5df4;#x4e86;#x51e0;#x4e0b;#xff0c;#x7b54;#xff1a;#x201c;#x7238;#x7238;#xff0c;  #x518d;#x62cd;#x620f;#x4e86;#xff0c;#x90a3;#x6211;#x53ef;#x4ee5;#x5199;#x5417;#xff1f;#x201d;  ;  x53ef;#x4ee5;#x5047;#x626e;#x5404;#x79cd;#x5404;#x6837;#x7684;#x89d2;#x8272;#x3002;#x201d;#x5510;#x96e8;#x8ba4;#x771f;  #x5730;#x9053;#x3002; ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ; #x4ee5;  x5728;#x5199;#x65f6;#xff0c;#x4f5c;#x8005;#x540c;#x6837;#x4f1a;#x4ee3;#x5165;#x7684;#x5404;#x79cd;#x89d2;#x8272;#x53bb;  #x4f53;#x9a8c;#x4e0d;#x540c;#x4eba;#x7269;#x7684;#x547d;#x8fd0;#x3002;#x4ece;#x8fd9;#x4e2a;#x89d2;#x5ea6;#xff0c;#x62cd  ;#x620f;#x548c;#x5199;#x6709;#x7740;#x6781;#x4e3a;#x76f8;#x4f3c;#x7684;#x5730;#x65b9;#x3002;  x96e8;#x7a81;#x7136;#x60f3;#x5230;#x8981;#x5199;#xff0c;#x65e0;#x8bba;#x52a8;#x673a;#x662f;#x4ec0;#x4e48;#xff0c;#x5510;  #x6653;#x751f;#x90fd;#x89c9;#x5f97;#x5e94;#x8be5;#x9f13;#x52b1;#xff0c; #x4e8e;#x662f;  ; #x5f53;  x6709;#x624d;#xff0c;#x4e0d;#x5b9a;#x5c06;#x6765;#x6210;#x4e3a;#x5927;#x4f5c;#x5bb6;#x3002;#x201d;  #x563b;#x4e00;#x7b11;#xff0c;#x5a07;#x58f0;#x9053;#xff1a;#x201c;#x7238;#x7238;#xff0c;#x4f60;#x53ef;#x8981;#x5f53;#x6211  ;#x7684;#x5fe0;#x5b9e;#x8005;#xff01;#x201d;??  x7684;#x7b2c;#x4e00;#x4e2a;#x5fe0;#x5b9e;#x8005;#x3002;#x201d; 9b;  #x8fd8;#x662f;#x76f8;#x5f53;#x5f3a;#x7684;#x3002;#x56de;#x5230;#x5149;#x660e;#x9876;#x7684;#x7b2c;#x4e00;#x5929;#xff0c  ; #x5979;  x4e0a;#x3002;#x5979;#x5148;#x662f;#x5728;#x4e00;#x5bb6;#x56fd;#x5185;#x77e5;#x540d;#x7ad9;#x4e0a;#x6ce8;#x518c;#x4e86;  #x4f5c;#x8005;#x53f7;#xff0c;#x7136;#x540e;#x6b63;#x5f0f;#x4e0a;#x4f20;#x5979;#x7684;#x3002;  ;#x662f;#x7b2c;#x4e00;#x6b21;#x5728;#x7edc;#x4e0a;#x53d1;#x8868;#xff0c;#x6ca1;#x4ec0;#x4e48;#x7ecf;#x9a8c;#x3002;#  x4e8e;#x662f;#x62c9;#x7740;#x7238;#x7238;#x6765;#x5f53;#x53c2;#x8c0b;#x3002;  #x7684;#x53d6;#x4ec0;#x4e48;#x540d;#x5b57;#x597d;#x5462; #xff1f;#x201d;  ;  x4e66;#x540d;#x3002; ? #x201c;#x96e8;#x513f;#x60f3;#x5199;#x7684;#x662f; #x4ec0; f;  #x7a7f;#x8d8a;#x3002;#x201d;#x5510;#x96e8;#x5927;#x773c;#x775b;#x95ea;#x4e86;#x95ea;#xff0c;#x89e3;#x91ca;#x9053;#xff0c  ; #x201c;  #x6545;#x4e8b;#x3002;#x300a;#x9e7f;#x9f0e;#x8bb0;#x300b;#x4e2d;#x7684;#x53cc;#x513f;#x7531;#x4e8e;#x4e0d;#x660e;#x539f  ; #x56e0;  #x7684;#x76f8;#x516c;#x97e6;#x5b9d;#x3002;#x5728;#x7ecf;#x5386;#x4e86;  ;#x5230;#x4e86;#x3002;#x201d;???  x6765;#x4e86;#xff0c;#x5510;#x96e8;#x60f3;#x5199;#x7684;#x5ff5;#x5934;#x6050;#x6015;#x4e0d;#x662f;#x4e00;#x5929;#x4e24;  #x5929;#x7684;#x4e8b;#xff0c;#x56e0;#x4e3a;#x5979;#x4f3c;#x4e4e;#x8fde;  ; #x4e86;  xff0c;#x4f30;#x8ba1;#x4e5f;#x662f;#x60f3; #x5f25;#x8865;  #x4e00;#x89d2;#x8272;#x7684;#x9057;#x61be;#x5427;#x3002; ? ; #x6545;  x3002; ????????????????????????????????????????? #x4e8b;#x5417;#xff1f;#x201d;??  ;#x9053;#x3002; "As long as Yu'er likes it, then write boldly. I believe that as long as Yu'er writes with heart, someone will like it." "Yeah." Tang Xiaoyu seemed to understand, her nose moved,  He said in a childish voice, "Dad. I just thought of a book title called, Do you think this title is okay?"  My son hunted for treasure and became rich. One book title pulled out two main lines, one emotional line and one career line. It should be a qualified book title, so he said.  "It's okay if Yu'er thinks it's okay." Tang Xiaoyu thought for a while, and after a while, he made a decision. He put his hands on the keyboard of his laptop and tapped it a few times.  Then enter the five words "Shuang'er Treasure Hunt".  Just like that, the registration of an online novel named ".  After registering the book title, Tang Xiaoyu sat in front of the computer and began to concentrate on writing the novel.  Although it was her first time writing a novel, the little girl's ideas seemed to be very smooth. In less than an hour, she finished coding the first chapter, which totaled more than 3,100 words.  "Dad, I've finished writing the first chapter. Come and take a look!" "Okay, here it is!" Tang Xiaosheng sat in front of the computer, looked at the page, and started reading the first chapter that Tang Xiaoyu had just written with great anticipation.  Chapter "I am Shuang'er": "My name is Shuang'er, and I am from Nanxun, Huzhou, Zhejiang. My husband's name is Wei Xiaobao, and I usually call him Xiaobao. Xiaobao and I both lived in a world more than 300 years ago. Later,  , we lived anonymously together, living a comfortable life in seclusion. However, for some reason, a few days ago, my soul suddenly traveled to this time and space called the 21st century" It took Tang Xiaosheng about three minutes to finish reading this.  The content of one chapter, because Tang Xiaoyu's novel uses the first-person writing technique, during the reading process, Tang Xiaosheng can't help but think of the "performance diary" he wrote before.  When writing his performance diary, he also narrated it in the first person.  "Dad, how is my novel going?" Tang Xiaoyu, who was writing a novel for the first time, pursed her lips and asked anxiously.  Tang Xiaosheng gently pinched her pink little face and said with a smile: "Yu'er hurry up and update. Dad is waiting for the second chapter! Yu'er, don't stop updating!" Tang Xiaoyu smiled and nodded: "Yeah  , I will write the second chapter right away!¡±¡­ In the following days, Tang Xiaoyu will spend six or seven hours every day writing this novel.  The little girl is quick-thinking and dexterous, and can code very quickly. She can write more than 3,000 words in an hour on average, and can code about 20,000 words in a day.  No matter how well the novel is written, in Tang Xiaosheng's opinion, as long as Tang Xiaoyu likes it, it is enough.  Of course, in addition to writing novels, Tang Xiaoyu also has many things to do every day, because after she returned to Guangmingding, not only Xiao Longnu and Zhao Min also returned to Guangmingding.  Moreover, Dongfang Bubai and Bai Xiaoxiao, who had been in seclusion for a long time, also came out of seclusion. The entire Guangmingding became lively, and everyone began to be busy for the upcoming New Year.  It is a pity that Guo Xiang, Wang Yuyan and others are still not out of quarantine and unable to celebrate the New Year with everyone.  Tang Xiaosheng originally planned to ask Nie Xiaoqian to help research issues related to the soul.  I hope to find a breakthrough for the soul to travel through.  Just to summon Nie Xiaoqian, ten people including Guo Xiang, Wang Yuyan, Ren Yingying, Xiao Longnv, and Zhao Min must join forces to do it. Since Guo Xiang and Wang Yuyan are still in retreat, the matter of summoning Nie Xiaoqian can only be considered in the long term.  What is more gratifying is that although the research on the soul has been delayed, the research on the Moonlight Box is proceeding in an orderly manner.  After months of hard work.  Zixia has spent a large amount of "Moonlight Treasure Box Internal Structural Diagram", and the total capacity of the structural diagram has reached 7000g.  However, according to Zixia, the 7000g structure diagram is only about one-thirtieth of the entire "Moonlight Box Internal Structure Diagram".  This means that it will take at least six years to draw the entire structure diagram, even if Zixia paints it day and night.     certainly.  Zixia doesn't need to work so hard for the time being, because there is no need to rush into researching the Moonlight Box.??You can definitely take your time.  So, during the Chinese New Year, Zixia stopped drawing and celebrated the new spring with everyone.  On New Year¡¯s Eve, Tang Xiaosheng, Xiao Longnu, Zhao Min, Dongfang Bubai, Gan Jiumei, Tang Xiaoyu and others went boating on the lake.  They rowed a wooden boat together and had New Year's Eve dinner. Everyone was talking and laughing and having a good time.  At twelve o'clock in the evening, they also set off fireworks together on Peach Blossom Island, ushering in a new year in a happy and relaxed atmosphere.  Happy days always fly by. In the blink of an eye, a month has passed and the Spring Festival is over.  Tang Xiaoyu is about to start school again.  After Tang Xiaoyu started school, Xiao Longnv continued to return to school as a fake student "Li Tingting" to protect Tang Xiaoyu; Xiao Zhao participated in the filming of the TV series as "Li Dabao", playing the role of Wei Xiaobao, and secretly protected Shuang'er who played the role in the drama  Tang Xuen; Zixia, Gan Jiumei, Bai Xiaoxiao and others stayed at Guangmingding.  Continue research on the Moonlight Box.  As for Tang Xiaosheng, he continues to participate in the "Time and Space Project" as Yin Weijian.  Everyone is busy, and everything goes smoothly.  In May, after more than two months of filming, filming was officially completed, and Xiao Zhao¡¯s filming tasks were completed.  During the filming process, no one discovered that Xiao Zhao was disguised as a man, not even her co-star Tang Xuen.  Tang Xueen always thought that "Li Dabao" was an actor.  In July, the first phase of the "Super Dimension Science and Technology Park" project of the Super Dimension Plan with a total investment of more than 100 billion was officially completed, and a grand unveiling ceremony was held. Ouyang Ke, Huo Xing and others attended. This means that  With the formal establishment of the scientific research center of the Super Dimension Project, the Super Dimension Science and Technology Park will become the headquarters of the Super Dimension Project in the future.  After the completion of the first phase of the Super Dimension Science and Technology Park, Yin Weijian (Tang Xiaosheng) left Jinghua University and officially settled in the Super Dimension Science and Technology Park, and began to work here as a researcher.  Among them, the most important research work is to continue to complete his work based on Zixia's "Moonlight Box Internal Structure Diagram", because this theory is the core of the entire hyperspace plan.  With the establishment of the Super Dimension Science and Technology Park, the Super Dimension Project has also attracted the attention of more and more investors, enterprises, schools and scientific research units.  With Ouyang Ke's efforts, the number of people willing to participate in this plan is increasing day by day.  As of September 2029, 1,300 companies, 217 universities, and 87 provincial and municipal scientific research units have joined the Super Dimension Project. Among them, the total number of members participating in scientific research has exceeded 6,000.  At the same time, as the number of partners increases, the total investment amount of the plan continues to rise, which has quadrupled from 30 billion at the beginning of its establishment to 120 billion.  The Overtime Project is continuing to expand its influence at a steady pace. Seeing all these changes, Ouyang Ke, Huo Xing and others are very happy.  However, at the same time, they gradually felt the pressure, because the government has not made any clear official statement regarding the Super Dimension Project.  In the private sector, most ordinary people hold a favorable attitude towards the "Super Dimension Project" and hope that the Super Dimension Project can develop healthily, because this plan is a dream in the hearts of most people.  ???????????????????????????????????????????????¡­  In a short life, if you can explore the mysteries of the universe, understand the value of life and the meaning of all existence, even if you die, you will at least die with peace of mind and no regrets.  What¡¯s more, the Hyperspace Project itself encourages the exploration of the unknown universe. This value orientation is undoubtedly worthy of recognition.  Relevant government departments also feel that they can support the Hypertime Project, but the plan appears too suddenly, the scale of the plan is too grand, the areas involved are too large, and the problems that need to be solved are too complicated. The government needs to find a suitable support method and  Not an easy task.  Relevant departments still have not come up with a clear solution after meeting and studying for more than half a year.  It's just that the Hyper Dimension Project is developing too fast. If the government doesn't come forward, it may not work.  So, on September 9, 2029, the deputy mayor of Jinghua City came to the Super Dimension Science and Technology Park in person, saying that he wanted to conduct an on-site inspection of the science and technology park.  This is the first time that a superior leader has come to inspect the science and technology park. It is of great significance. Ouyang Ke attaches great importance to it and is fully prepared and ready.  On the morning of September, the deputy mayor of Jinghua City came to the Super Dimension Science and Technology Park as scheduled, and this deputy mayor had a very special name, his name was Wei Xiaobao.  (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to Qidian to vote for recommendations and monthly votes. Your support is my biggest motivation.
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