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Volume 3: County Famous 1280 How did you get in?

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    Boom, boom, boom!  There was a knock on the door, awakening Wang Baoyu from his reverie. He sat up unhappily and shouted: "Come in!"

    The door opened, and a girl wearing an orange coat with a fur collar and a ponytail walked in with a smile.  Wang Baoyu felt very happy when he saw her, but he wanted to tease her, so he just glanced at her, lowered his head, and asked in a deep voice: "Who are you looking for?"

    The girl said with a smile: "I'm just looking for you."

    Wang Baoyu rolled his eyes and asked, "I don't know you, did you go to the wrong door?"

    The girl was stunned for a moment, then rolled up her sleeves, stretched out her two small hands, pinched Wang Baoyu's neck, and yelled: "Brother, I am Linlin! How come you have forgotten me!"  "

    Wang Baoyu dodged and said with a smile: "Linlin, I'm teasing you! Why are you here?"

    The person who came was Wang Linlin. She snorted, took off her coat, and said reproachfully: "Brother, you came to Pingchuan City to work, and why didn't you tell me? If Sister Honghong hadn't told me, I would have thought you were still here.  It¡¯s in Funing County!¡±

    "Hey, you can't just blame me. Didn't you also not give me a call for a long time?" Wang Baoyu said.

    ¡°It¡¯s really annoying to be busy studying all day long and taking exams for some bullshit university.¡± Wang Linlin said.

    Wang Baoyu counted with his fingers, and suddenly said in surprise: "Linlin, you are going to take the college entrance examination next year!"

    "Hehe, you, the director of the admissions office, have given me the green light!" Wang Linlin blinked and said with a bad smile.

    "Well! Big brother wants to help you. We'll see what happens then!" Wang Baoyu hesitated. In his heart, he was still willing to help Wang Linlin.

    "You still have a conscience! If you try to tell me some nonsense right now, I will really ignore you!" Wang Linlin happily hugged Wang Baoyu's neck and said with a sweet smile.

    "Actually, that's what I was thinking in my heart, but I didn't dare to say it." Wang Baoyu said with a grimace. Wang Linlin was so angry that she grabbed Wang Baoyu's ears again, and Wang Baoyu could only beg for mercy.

    Wang Linlin let go of her hand and said disdainfully: "I don't care what university, the salary of most college students is low now!"

    "Linlin, you can't say that. After all, having a high diploma is an advantage." Wang Baoyu persuaded.

    "Then you have to have real abilities! Brother, look at today's society. The sign of academic qualifications is not used in society at all, especially in private enterprises. People pay more attention to experience. I think it is better for people to have abilities than to have academic qualifications.  "Wang Linlin talked eloquently.

    Wang Baoyu thought it was funny and said, "Linlin is right. If you become the Minister of Education in the future, you should reform quickly!"

    "Humph, I'm not an official. By the way, brother, have you ever thought about me? Why don't you know to call me?" Wang Linlin said, fiddling with the pen holder on the table.

    "I think about it, I really think about it." Wang Baoyu said quickly, "You are my sister. Even if you forget the girls in the world, you can't forget your sister."

    "That's pretty much it." Wang Linlin said with satisfaction and wanted to pat Wang Baoyu's head with her hand, but Wang Baoyu quickly grabbed her arm.

    The tentacles were as smooth as silk. Only then did Wang Baoyu realize that Wang Linlin was wearing a beige round-neck bell-sleeved corseted cashmere sweater on her upper body. It was very thin and looked like high-end goods at first glance. She was wearing a pair of frosted jeans on her lower body and a pair of small shoes on her feet.  The leather shoes outline the clear curves of the figure, and coupled with the handsome face, she looks particularly youthful and beautiful.

    "Brother, what are you looking at?" Wang Linlin asked with a blush.

    "Linlin, I didn't expect that you have become a big girl now." Wang Baoyu sighed. In his heart, he always felt that Wang Linlin was just a little girl, and the years had made Wang Linlin grow up.

    "Isn't it no worse than that Cheng Xueman?" Wang Linlin twisted her body proudly and said.

    "This can't be compared. You are my sister and will always be the most beautiful in my heart." Wang Baoyu said.


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    "Uncle Zhao, you should be more dedicated and don't do things haphazardly." Wang Baoyu said. Ever since the incident with Cousin Bai Mudan and Cousin Wuxiang happened, Wang Baoyu is still very wary of people who come to the door uninvited.  Of course he was referring to Wang Linlin.

    "Director Wang, what did I do wrong?" Old Zhaotou asked with a puzzled look on his face.

    "That girl who came to see me this afternoon, why didn't you just give me a call and let her in!" Wang Baoyu said.

    Old Zhao scratched his bald head, thought for a long time, and then suddenly realized: "Are you talking about the girl with the ponytail?"


    "Director Wang, you have wrongly blamed me. Everyone knows that I am serious about my work. That girl has the municipal party committee's pass in her hand. I think! People in the municipal committee can enter at will. We, a small education bureau, cannot  Stop me!" Lao Zhao explained with grievance.
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