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Volume 3: County Famous 1285 Police Car in the Dark

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    "Hey! My dad is a teacher," Wang Linlin said half-truthfully.

    "Really? The leader of the military region?" Wang Baoyu asked believing it was true. Since he is the leader of the military, of course he can't afford to offend anyone.

    "Hey, let's go see a movie?" Wang Linlin interrupted.

    "Then when you come out, don't you need a guard or something by your side?" Wang Baoyu was still a little confused.

    ¡°I ran away secretly, go to the cinema quickly!¡± Wang Linlin urged.

    After working at the police station for so long, it was already dark. Wang Baoyu said: "Linlin, I won't watch the movie. It's so late. You should go home quickly!"


    "Listen brother, don't let your family worry." Wang Baoyu said.

    "They are only worried if we go back now!" Wang Linlin said, raising her hand to gesture at the red mark on her wrist, which was left by the handcuffs just now.

    "Then will you sue them when you go back?" Wang Baoyu gently rubbed Wang Linlin's wrist.

    "Of course not. I have encountered this kind of thing a lot. Many karaoke bars and dance halls all owe me favors." Wang Linlin said with a proud smile.

    Wang Baoyu smiled helplessly. Although Wang Linlin was naughty, her nature was not bad. It should be said that she was relatively kind.  Neither of them finished their meal, so they went to McDonald's with Wang Linlin and had a fast food.

    Wang Linlin couldn¡¯t forget to watch movies, so Wang Baoyu had to take her to the largest cinema in the city.  Qianda Cinema City.

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    A movie ticket costs thirty yuan, which is enough to buy a meal in a small restaurant, but there are still many people buying tickets. There is a long queue, and the scrolling LCD screen constantly changes the introduction of various domestic and foreign blockbusters.  .

    "Linlin, what movie should we watch?" Wang Baoyu felt dazzled and asked Wang Linlin beside him.

    "Let's watch "Mulholland Drive"!" Wang Linlin said.

    Wang Baoyu asked incomprehensively: "This seems to be a horror movie for foreigners. Why don't you watch "Tang Bohu Spots Autumn Fragrance"? It's very funny."

    ¡°Brother, those kind of movies are only for children to watch. I don¡¯t like watching them.¡± Wang Linlin said.

    "But aren't you afraid of watching this kind of movie?"

    "Haha, I used to be afraid of death when I ate something, but now that I've grown up, I'm not afraid of anything." Wang Linlin said proudly.

    Wang Baoyu went to the window to buy a ticket and waited for another half an hour before entering the cinema.

    In order to abide by the order in the cinema, Wang Baoyu and Wang Linlin both turned off their mobile phones and watched the movie attentively.  After watching the whole movie, Wang Baoyu was stunned and didn't understand what she was playing. The main idea was that she was talking about a mentally ill woman who confused fantasy and reality. In the end, she couldn't tell which was reality and which was fantasy.

    Wang Baoyu has a deep understanding of this. The dead Wu Liwan was such a character. On the one hand, she lived in her own world, but on the other hand, she had to face the real world. When the two worlds collide, the pain is intense.  And profoundly, it seems that only death can provide relief.

    As people walked out of the cinema, Wang Linlin sighed: "It is the foreign films that are well-made and have profound meaning."

    "Linlin, why don't I understand?" Wang Baoyu said.


    “这还不简单啊!这就是那&#  x4e2a;女的临死之前的& #x6b8b;  ”王琳琳道。

    “她怎么想了这么多啊?”&#  x738b;宝玉惊讶道,该  在临死之前也是这么想的,&#  x751a;至幻想到跟自己同  搞不好还生了一堆孩子,这&#  x8fd8;真是蛮恐怖的。

    “你也太夸张了吧,哥,那就是电影而& #x5df2;  琳不屑的说道。

    嗯  ;题材哪个不是来自于生活?&  #x531;算再离奇,也不会有没去&#x8fc7  ;美国的日本老太太,梦见自&  #x5df1;说英语一样。

    走出电影院,王琳琳开了手&#  x673a;,立刻跳出来一  。她连忙说道:“我爸找来&#  x4e86;,哥,拜拜了。”

    “我开车去送你!”王宝玉&#  x9053;。

    “不用了,我打车回去。”&#  x738b;琳琳说着,匆忙&#x5 fd9;  一辆出租车,很ר意安全啊&#  xff01;  一个女孩子大晚上打车很不&#  x5b89;全。

    但是王琳琳从来不让王宝玉&#  x9001;回家,这似乎& #x662f;  玉只能上了自己的车,回家&#  x53bb;  #x505c;  那辆警车才悄无声息的离去&#  x3002;

    却说平川市公安局长严昊升&#  xff0c;在王琳琳走了之后  卧不安,最终还是给领导打&#  x53bb;电话道歉,说明  警局的事情。

    这位领导听完之后,勃然大&#  x6012;。严昊升&#x81lea;  虽然对于领导发怒他有心理&#  x51c6;备,但是没有想& #x5230;  此激动。

    当然,严昊升不明白的道理&#  xff0c;很多人都不明白,& #x738b;  爸恼怒的并不是女儿进了警&#  x5c40;,而是跟招生ԩ  一起,他立刻命令公安局,&#  x7acb;刻祥查到&#;。

    平川市被翻了个遍,最后在&#  x7535;影院门前发现王宝  知道两个人去看电影了。汇&#  x62a5;了情况之后,领导  不要惊动两个人。

    王宝玉对这一切浑然不知,&#  x4ed6; 更不  事情,还是引起了某个人的&#  x6ce8;意,让这个人并& #x4e0d;  宝玉,但他却恨不Ը远不要&#  x51fa;现在&#x81lea;

    &#;,王宝玉全身心的投入到&#x5de5  ;作,生活平静而规律。值得&  #x4e00;  ;,门卫老头递给他一个袋子&  #xff0c; 说是公安局  ;来的。

    王宝玉回家打开看了一眼,&#  x7adf;然是条泳裤,摸  不错,仔细一看价格标签更&#  x662f;惊讶,3680!金丝ԯ的  玉不敢相信的比来划去,感&#  x6168;不已。既然他媳妇弄坏自己  一条,现在就算是赔的,不&#  x7b97;贪污,嘿嘿。

    之后,王宝玉会见了信息港&#  x7684;两名技&#0f;李,#x7f51;  由信息港来完成。

    对于这件事儿,王宝玉没有&#  x6267;着公平招标的想法,毕竟信息港是&#x56 fd;  果自己找了别的企业,出了&#  x95ee;题可是麻烦大了。

    "Director Wang, the leader asked us to discuss setting up a computer room." Xiao Zhang said.

    "I don't quite understand this matter. Let me explain it briefly." Wang Baoyu said.

    "There are two types of computer rooms. One is to use our large computer room, and the other is to build a new computer room in the Education Bureau." Xiao Li explained.

    "Is there any difference?" Wang Baoyu asked.
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