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Volume 3: County Famous 1342 Controlled

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    Yang Mu nodded in agreement. After Tongtong tried to persuade him to stay, he saw that Wang Baoyu had decided to leave, so he took out a clothing bag and handed it to Wang Baoyu and said: "Director Wang, a little trifle is not disrespectful. (None., pop-up window  ¡±

    Wang Baoyu quickly declined and refused to accept it. Tong Tong explained: "It's not a good thing. It's a suit. Director Wang, don't dislike it."

    "I'm not short of clothes. I still have one set of work clothes that I was given out last time, unopened." Wang Baoyu said, and she doesn't like wearing suits very much and always feels uncomfortable.

    "Haha, the clothes issued by the work unit don't have any style. I found someone to make them specially according to Director Wang's figure. I can't say whether they look good or not, but I guarantee that they will be absolutely comfortable to wear."

    This gift was really thoughtful. Yang Mu winked at Wang Baoyu and signaled Wang Baoyu to accept it.  Wang Baoyu had no choice but to carry his suit and go downstairs to go home.

    When I got home, I opened it and saw that it was indeed just a suit. Wang Baoyu checked it again worriedly. The stitches had not been removed from the pockets, so there must be no valuables in it, so it was not considered bribery.

    The material of the suit felt good to the touch. Wang Baoyu couldn't help but look in the mirror and put it on, and moved his arms and legs. Damn, it fit perfectly. Custom-made clothes are not awkward, they are light, soft and straight.  How much could a suit cost? The buttons had a messy pattern and there was red silk inside. It might break after a few wears. Wang Baoyu didn't care, so he took it off and hung it in the closet.

    Speaking of which, Wang Baoyu was not a fashionista after all. He didn¡¯t know that the value of this suit was already over 100,000.  The despised buttons are all made of horn.

    For the sake of caution, after work, Wang Baoyu asked Zheng Dongce to find relevant information about Tong Tong's son. What Yang Mu said was true. This boy was really promising, with excellent grades, and it would not be a problem to get into a first-class university.

    Before getting off work, Wang Baoyu thought of Cheng Xueman again. He was busy with work and had indeed neglected her, but it seemed that Cheng Xueman had not been in contact with him much recently, and the relationship between the two seemed to have returned to the level of aloofness before.

    I don¡¯t know how Xueman¡¯s mood has recovered, but Wang Baoyu still feels sorry for her health and wants to ask her out to have a meal together. What she didn¡¯t expect is that Cheng Xueman said she didn¡¯t have time. She was studying English and said she must pass the exam.  Professional level eight.

    "Xueman, why are you working so hard? What's the practical use of learning that stuff?" Wang Baoyu asked with a frown.

    "Now that the global economy has become more sophisticated, it is very important to learn English well. If the group sends a mission abroad, it will be embarrassing if your English is not good." Cheng Xueman said stubbornly.

    "It's okay to bring a translator."

    "Huh, if that's the case, the opportunity to go abroad will definitely be taken away by others!"

    "Xue Man is so motivated, I just feel sorry for you. In this world, men should fight and carve a world for women." Wang Baoyu said with emotion.

    Cheng Xueman was not moved and said: "Women also need to be independent. And I also want to be admitted to graduate school and study for a master's degree to enrich myself with knowledge." Cheng Xueman said.

    Wang Baoyu didn¡¯t know what to say. There was nothing wrong with Cheng Xueman doing this, but it just felt awkward.  Cheng Xueman added: "Baoyu, you are now the director of the admissions office. When I take the postgraduate entrance examination for my master's degree, you must give me the green light!"

    "Can graduate students also be given the green light?" Wang Baoyu was a little confused. These are the country's top talents, can they also commit fraud?

    "Nonsense, as long as you can pass the national score line, the school has nothing to say about who you want during the interview? Baoyu, can you help me?" Cheng Xueman asked.

    "That's natural." Wang Baoyu answered reluctantly. After working on it for a long time, Cheng Xueman was still making up his mind.

    "Baoyu, you are so kind. When I get my master's degree, we will get married." Cheng Xueman said happily when Wang Baoyu agreed.


    ¡°Soon, before you become mayor.¡± Cheng Xueman joked.

    After putting the phone down, Wang Baoyu felt unhappy. There were actually conditions attached to the marriage. You have to take the postgraduate entrance examination. From now on, it will take at least four years from preparation to graduation. If I become the mayor again, who will live at home?  What is the difference between this and not getting married?  Whatever, I don¡¯t want to get married early anyway.

    It¡¯s still the same!  The more Wang Baoyu thought about it, the more depressed she became. At this moment, Qian Meifeng called and asked Wang Baoyu in a bad tone when he would "faint".  Wang Baoyu said: "Don't get married now, let's talk about it in a few years!"


    “那我就再跟你维持几年的&#  x59d0;弟关系,只要你娶了那个姓程的,& #x54b1;  完了。”钱美凤依旧气哼哼&#  x7684;ࠁ呢!”王宝玉& #x607c;  电话。

    女人真是麻烦,一个个都不&#  x8ba9;老子消停!王宝& #x7389;  开车回家,走到半路,堵车&#  x4e86;。

    前面围着一群人,吵吵嚷嚷&#  x7684;,还夹杂着  宝玉不耐烦的使劲摁着车笛&#  xff0c;可能管什么用?  下了车,分开人群去看看什&#  x4e48;情况,&#x53lea;见几名城  踢一个水果摊,卖水果的妇&#  x5973;还带着个孩子,& #x6495;  管,只能嚎啕大哭,孩子也&#  x662f;吓得脸色࠭  眼睛,甚至都忘记了哭泣。

    苹果、香蕉、鸭梨滚落一地&#  xff0c;不明事理的围观& #x4eba;  不管,更有甚者,借机捡起&#  x6c34;果笑嘻嘻的

    “这位同志,干什么要砸人&#  x5bb6;  看不过,扯住一名圑管闲事&#  xff0c;她们򕝡  ;宝玉一眼,满不在乎的说道&  #x3002;

    “瞧她们母子两б高抬贵手&#  xff0c;  性子,继续劝说道。

    “你他娘算哪个葱,滚一边&#  x53bb;。”城管不客气  脚狠狠的踩烂一串香蕉。

    王宝玉被 骂恼了,伸手揪  问道:“你们他娘的还是人&#  x5417;?跟土匪有什& #x4e48;

    “哟!路见不平拔刀相助。&#  x201d;这名城管不屑的& #x7b11;  猛地一推王宝玉,王宝玉脚&#  x4e0b;正好踩到个苹果,  股坐在了地上。

    几名城管都哈哈大笑起来,&#  x90a3;名妇女&#ea;说道:“这位小同  志,你就别管了。”

    “老子今天还真就管定了!&#  x201d;王宝玉揉着屁股& #xff0c;  踩烂的香蕉,冲着那名城管&#  x5c31;狠狠的扔了过去。

    “哥几个,先胖揍这小子一&#  x987f;再说!”几名城  宝玉围在了中间。
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