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Volume 3 County Famous 1372 Hacker Attack

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    Wang Baoyu knew that Zhen Youmei was taboo against Dai Meng, so he glanced sideways at Dai Meng and said nonchalantly: "Sister Youmei, just tell me if you have anything to say. Secretary Dai is no longer an outsider."

    Dai Meng giggled, nodded and said, "I will listen to Director Wang on everything now."

    Zhen Youmei finally plucked up the courage and said, "Leader, I asked, Bi Buyun came with Secretary Yu."

    "So what, maybe we bump into each other on the road." Wang Baoyu said disapprovingly,

    "We didn't notify him of the meeting, so maybe it was Secretary Yu who called him here." Zhen Youmei analyzed,

    "You mean, he has something to do with Secretary Yu." Wang Baoyu asked in shock,

    "It should be like this. He is very good at building relationships with leaders." Zhen Youmei said, and carefully reminded: "On the issue of Bi Buyun, we'd better be cautious."

    "I understand." Wang Baoyu became even more depressed. The so-called mayor's line still had to be relayed through Secretary Yu. If Secretary Yu and Bi Buyun were in the same group, wouldn't it mean that no secrets could be kept? It seems that things are better than expected.  be complicated,

    "Hey, we are both secretaries, but the difference is really big." Dai Meng envied the secretary's majestic appearance.

    "There is no comparison. Secretary Yu is from the government, but you are temporary." Wang Baoyu said,

    "So what, if I hang around for a few more years, I might be able to reach that position." Dai Meng curled her lips and said,

    "I think there's a chance."

    "Wang Baoyu, I performed well today, right?" Dai Meng asked with a smile,

    "Just so-so, even if something goes wrong, you can still adjust the atmosphere of the meeting." Wang Baoyu said casually,

    "Then can you give me the video? Let's not go on like this, okay." Dai Meng requested,


    "It's true." Dai Meng couldn't believe it, and then asked carefully: "Are there any additional conditions?"

    "Of course, that means you record a new one for me. I'm tired of watching the original one. Now I can describe the scene in it with my eyes closed." Wang Baoyu sighed,

    "Are you going to give it to me or not?" Dai Meng asked anxiously.

    "Of course not. You have to do something that completely reassures me before I can let you go. Otherwise, who knows whether you will frame me in the future." Wang Baoyu refused unceremoniously.

    "Not anymore."

    "There is no basis for what you say."

    "Hey, when will this kind of life end?" Dai Meng lay on the table depressedly, tapping his hands randomly.

    The annual college entrance examination is finally in full swing, and Wang Baoyu¡¯s admissions office has also ushered in its busiest time. Everyone is working overtime, and a large number of candidates¡¯ scores have to be entered into the admissions website. Afterwards, the candidates¡¯ scores must be integrated to formulate  The lowest admission score,

    The admission score line is a red line. On one side are the failed students, and on the other side are the proud ones. There is a saying that every score is the lifeblood of students. It is just right. In order to cross this red line, I don¡¯t know how many students have made countless sacrifices.  It's hard to imagine. Of course, there are many parents of students who are willing to go bankrupt in order to help their children cross this line.

    After more than half a month of busy work, the lowest admission scores are finally out, 510 for liberal arts and 520 for science. Based on this admission score, the admission scores of each university are different. The highest admission score for Pingchuan University is 550.

    Wang Baoyu specifically checked the score of Li Qihang, the son of the director of the Communications Administration Bureau. It was 545, which was still five points short of Pingchuan University. It was not many five points, but it was not easy to handle. But since Wang Baoyu agreed, he had to think without conscience.  The solution is to pass the unified score line, so there should still be a chance.

    However, on the third day after the Admissions Office announced the admission scores, an unexpected thing happened without warning, catching Wang Baoyu by surprise.

    Through media publicity and candidates themselves being particularly sensitive to their scores, the number of visits to the "Pingchuan Admissions Network" has reached a peak in the past few days. Fortunately, the server can still carry the load. According to the prior arrangement, every two  A batch of data is updated every hour to prevent anyone from cheating.

    After going to work that day, the reporting phone number of the Admissions Office kept ringing, and there were also many students who came to the Education Bureau to report problems.

    Many candidates and parents have reported that some candidates' scores have changed. Those candidates initially reported one score, but they didn't know what happened, and then said they remembered it wrong, so it changed to another score.  Some gaps even amount to tens of points. Everyone is confused and eagerly awaits the Education Bureau to give a reasonable explanation.

    thisThe unexpected situation made Wang Baoyu's head swell all of a sudden. What candidates are most sensitive to is their scores. Now that the scores are changing, who can still sit still?

    Wang Baoyu tried to calm down. It shouldn't be a problem with the procedure. If that were the case, it would definitely affect some groups irregularly. If it wasn't a problem with the procedure, it would be someone who artificially changed the test scores. Wang Baoyu  Analysis, this is the most likely,

    Such a big event naturally alarmed the entire Education Bureau. Director Yang Mu quickly held an emergency meeting to discuss how to deal with this emergency.

    Everyone who has anything to do with the website was called into the conference room. Yang Mu and Guo Han both looked solemn. This matter is related to the face of the Education Bureau and must be investigated as soon as possible.

    "Director Wang, tell me what's going on, why did the website data change?" Yang Mu asked,

    Wang Baoyu spread his hands and said, "I don't understand technology either, I don't know."

    "You are a freeloader." Yang Mu said displeased, and asked Zheng Dongce: "Chief Zheng, you are in charge of technology, why is this situation happening?"

    Zheng Dongce looked confused and explained: "It is possible that the website has loopholes and was attacked by hackers."

    Hacker, this word is quite new. Wang Baoyu probably knows that hackers are troublemakers on the Internet. In this way, there is a problem with the information port's program.

    "I think the first thing now is to quickly restore the students' true scores." Guo Han said,

    "Yes." Yang Mu said, patting his forehead. In a hurry, he forgot about this problem and asked again: "Who can do this."

    "I don't have permission here. I can only see the scores, but not the students' names." Zheng Dongce said,

    "The same is true for me." Zhen Youmei also quickly cleared the relationship,

    "Then who has this authority?" Yang Mu asked,

    "According to Deputy Mayor Qiu's arrangement last time, only Deputy Director Guo and Director Wang have high-level authority." Zheng Dongce said,

    Hearing what Zheng Dongce said, Wang Baoyu thought of his so-called authority issue. Guo Han seemed to have just remembered it too. He waved his hand and said: "I can't understand this kind of thing, so it's Director Wang."
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