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Text Chapter 402 The Mysterious Room

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    "In three days, Zhang Lei will hold a ceremony to join the family. Let Wang Luyao's house be taken care of tomorrow. Is it too late to hold your ceremony the day after tomorrow?" Zhang Yang asked.  Pan Hui smiled and said: "I've calculated it, and it's totally in time. It's easier to destroy than to build. After the room is tidied up, I will hang your portrait on the wall and build a solid wood table below. On the table are the family's  Genealogy, everyone who wants to add their name to it must complete the following ceremony." After speaking, Pan Hui took out what she had written and showed it to Zhang Yang.  First, Zhang Yang sat on the chair. He was also the only one who could wear clothes during the entire ceremony.  When Pan Hui returned home, she had already prepared a white Tang suit.  Time is tight, so I bought this from a clothing store. When I have time in the future, I will find a tailor to make it custom-made.  A woman who applies to join the family should walk into the room without a trace, kneel in front of Zhang Yang and serve Zhang Yang tea and water to show her respect.  Then read out the oath. This kind of oath is the most vicious. Even if it is not fulfilled, it will make the person who takes the oath feel very scared.  After taking the oath, it is time to repent.  If you tell the sins you have committed since you were a child, if you tell the truth, or if you are later investigated and found to have concealed something, you will be expelled from the family, or you will be retaliated against, and in serious cases, you will have to get rid of the other party's name directly.  .  ?Then comes the most important part, Zhang Yang consecrates it under the witness of everyone in the family.  This consecration allows her to hand over her most precious things to the clan leader to show her loyalty.  For women, it¡¯s their bodies.  And once again, this woman has had other men before, not only must she dedicate her body, but also repent.  This confession means that after the dedication, the person in charge of criminal law in the family will whip him to make him remember the mistakes he made.  The last step is to allocate their positions according to the different talents needed by each family member.  Of course, it¡¯s not just their contribution. Joining the family also means they gain a lot.  For example, money, according to their status in the family, everyone has a fund deposited in the bank, and there are dividends at the end of the year.  There is also status. No matter what job the other party is engaged in, the family will help them climb up and get the position they want.  Furthermore, the family members will receive the utmost care.  In the future, the family will set up its own hospital and its own community, so that everyone can take care of each other and better hide their identities.  After joining the family, everyone has an initial contribution value. If you want to get greater support and get more money, you must contribute to the family.  This kind of contribution is multi-faceted. For example, Wang Luyao contributed a large amount of money, which ensured Wang Luyao's status in the family. As long as she did not betray, she would enjoy the best treatment.  Others can calculate their contributions in other aspects, such as helping the family's business expand in scale, helping the family deal with enemies, and helping the family develop new clan members. Among them, the biggest contribution is helping the clan leader reproduce his offspring.  Seeing this, Zhang Yang said funnyly: "Isn't this a bit exaggerated? It's just about giving birth to a child. Is it so important to go online?" Pan Hui said: "Of course. Master, if you want to build a family, the biggest drawback is the lack of relatives. This  It's a good thing and a bad thing. Since we can't increase your relatives, we need to reproduce more descendants. If a family doesn't have dozens of direct blood relatives, it can't be called a family. " "Well, as you said, there are also.  "?" Zhang Yang asked curiously.  Pan Hui said with a smile: "At the beginning, I could only think of so much. In the future, we will gradually improve it. In short, we must make this ceremony very sacred. When our power becomes strong enough, we will build a villa specifically.  It is used to perform this ritual. Those who join the family must bathe and fast under our supervision, so as to give people a sense of rigor." Zhang Yang thought about it, and what Pan Hui said did make sense.  The ceremony must be sacred. Even if it is not as good as various religious ceremonies, it cannot be too bad.  "Are we still going to have a personality cult?" Zhang Yang asked.  Pan Hui blinked her eyes and said, "Master, what do you mean?" "For example, where the ceremony is performed, there are photos of me everywhere, and then you have to pray or sing songs to pay tribute to me. Only those that come from the heart  Only by worshiping me can I develop my family better." Zhang Yang said.  Pan Hui's eyes lit up and she said: "Yes, why didn't I think of this? So, I will add one more thing. Every weekend, the family members must come together to review and repent to the patriarch, and then dedicate themselves. After dedication,  I also want to sing a hymn to thank the patriarch for his favor." Zhang Yang was very satisfied this time.   When he calmed down and thought about it, he couldn't help but hesitate. Why did it feel like it was mixed with something from a cult or a pyramid scheme?  But there is no other way. The most effective brainwashing methods are these.  Maybe you should look for some books on hypnosis. It would be great if you could learn hypnosis.  With worship, coupled with his own hypnosis, he believed that no one in the family would betray him.  This family will truly be cohesive.  It's a pity that my family, restricted by rituals, can only recruit women.  In the future, when the family grows, we must consider specific methods to attract male peripheral members to join.  After all, they are all women, and I have been busy here.  If he dies and leaves behind a bunch of children and so many female members, who knows what will happen.  He is already a little evil now. What if his son is even more evil than himself? Thinking of this, Zhang Yang hurriedly shook his head. This will still be a few decades later. By then, he may have a better solution.  What he is most anxious about now is when the family ceremony is held for the first time.  During the meal, Zhang Yang didn't say this. In Zhang Yang's eyes, the women in the family, except Pan Hui, were not qualified to participate in decision-making.  Liu Xinxin wanted to take the position of the boss's wife, but she didn't know that in Zhang Yang's mind, her position was just that of a star master.  After dinner, Zhang Yang called Wang Luyao to the study and said, "Yaoyao, there is something I need your house for." Wang Luyao said without hesitation, "Master, you can take it and use it." Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Don't worry, wait.  I'll give it back to you when I'm done with it. I'll give you a surprise in two days." Wang Luyao blinked and looked at Zhang Yang, not knowing what the surprise would be.  When he went to work the next day, Zhang Yang was nestled in the office, studying the so-called clan rules. For example, women who joined the family were not allowed to get married without the permission of the clan leader.  Another example is that each family member has the task of recruiting a new person to join the family.  Another example is that members of the family must make a certain amount of contribution every year, otherwise they will be punished.  These are all things Zhang Yang, the patriarch, needs to consider.  Pan Hui, on the other hand, actively renovated Wang Luyao's house and did not come back until midnight the next day.  It wasn't until noon the next day that Pan Hui called and said excitedly: "Master, the room is ready, come and have a look." After hearing this, Zhang Yang hurried to Wang Luyao's house.  After entering the door, Zhang Yang found that the entire room was in darkness. The three sunny windows were all hung with light-blocking curtains, and not a trace of sunlight entered the room.  Pan Hui turned on the light and walked up to Zhang Yang with a smile.  To Zhang Yang¡¯s surprise, the lights in the room turned red, giving people a mysterious tone.  Except for the innermost bedroom and bathroom, which remain the same, other places have been made transparent.  Near the window at the back, a wall-like wall was added inside, with flamboyant portraits hanging on it.  Under the portrait is a table. On the table is something like an ancient bamboo weaving enshrined on it. Tibetan incense is lit on an incense burner, and the room exudes a mysterious smell.  "This fragrance?" Zhang Yang asked.  Pan Hui smiled proudly and said, "It has an aphrodisiac effect." There was only an old-fashioned rocking chair next to the table for Zhang Yang to sit on.
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