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Volume 57, Chapter 62: Take Action

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    Tang Mei looked at Zhang Tie blankly, wondering why Zhang Tie was so excited.  Indeed, Zhang Tie has not been so excited for a long time, but now, Zhang Tie cannot help but be excited, because the history of the battle of gods and the struggle between humans and demons has been lost in the long river of time. At this moment,  Zhang Tie suddenly understood.  Zhang Tie was still mumbling excitedly to himself, almost dancing, "Gonggong touched Buzhou Mountain, causing the pillars to break, and the earth to be weak. The sky tilted to the northwest, and the earth sank to the southeast. The sky was not full of the northwest, so the sun, moon and stars were scattered. Earth.  Dissatisfied with the southeast, the battle between Gonggong and Zhurong was not a battle between the gods of water and fire, but a battle between two incompatible groups separated from the same race. At that time, Mount Buzhou was built at the north pole of the planet.  The magnetic poles of the planet, that is, on the axis of rotation, the irregular mountains collapsed, causing the magnetic poles of the planet to change, and the axis of rotation to change accordingly. Therefore, when people are on the ground, they will see that the sky tilts to the northwest, the earth sinks to the southeast, and the sun, moon and stars move towards the same direction.  The scene of running in one direction" Similarly, at this moment, Zhang Tie finally understood why in Western legends, the incarnation of the so-called devil Satan is a big snake, and why the so-called dragon with reptilian characteristics in Western people,  Will it be a symbol of evil? Why can demons and humans produce mixed-race families? Why in the Bible, Adam and Xiaowei fell after eating the fruit in the Garden of Eden? Why do Chinese people regard Nuwa Fuxi as the ancestor of the Chinese people?   Gods and demons have the same origin!  The paste that gushes out from the ground splits the same group of gods and humans into two completely different camps, the so-called gods and demons, who stand at two extremes in appearance, and then makes humans and demons become completely opposing races.  , fighting for countless years.  Unexpectedly, the real history and truth are so absurd and unreasonable. Perhaps even the gods who came to this world at the beginning did not expect that the same delicious paste gushes out of the ground. They ate different ingredients.  parts, they will take completely different paths from each other.  An ancient upgraded version of "a murder caused by a steamed bun"?  Zhang Tie finally wanted to laugh, but he didn't.  Is the root of all this really because of the paste that gushes out from the ground?  No, what really causes all of this is the heart, the distinction between beauty, ugliness, good and evil, the poisonous flames of greed, jealousy, hatred and hatred in the heart.  Even without the ointment gushing out from the ground, as long as those gods and men still have such a sense of distinction in their hearts, as long as they still have these thoughts in their hearts, disputes and killings are inevitable, because these disputes and killings, let alone in the  Different races, even within the same race, even within the same family, or even between brothers, will have different interests and conflicts.  In the recorded history, when the demon clan disappeared, when the tentacles of the Three-Eyed Society had not yet spread all over the human race, did the human race calm down? The answer is no, the human race was still fighting and killing.  Still disturbed.  And even now, in Taixia, between the holy wars, will there be less wars and struggles within the human race?  not at all!  Could it be that the life-and-death struggles in the Taixia court, between sects, and within the family were all because of the demons?  Is it because of the demons that Zhang Taixuan plotted against him?  Is it because of the demons that several major sects cannot tolerate me?  As long as people still have evil thoughts in their hearts, strife and killing will never really stop.  After slowly calming down from the excitement and ecstasy of unraveling the mystery and knowing everything, Zhang Tie suddenly realized that even if he knew everything, so what?  Can this truth stop the war between the demons and humans?  cannot!  Can this truth allow human beings to unite and love each other and turn every place with people into not a river but a paradise on earth?  cannot!  The truth tells you why, but it never tells you what to do!  Time is the most ruthless iron law. No one can change the past that has happened, not even God. If God could do it, then there would be no war between gods and demons. Since the past cannot be changed, then in the Demon Clan  When the sword cuts your neck, when the demons want to turn your wife and children into food rations and raw materials for demonized puppets to become the walking dead, when the demons want to destroy your home, what will you do?  Putting things with the demons, making sense, serving people with morality, telling them that our ancestors were a fellow one billion years ago?  Do you hope that the demons will become the messengers of peace from now on Or do you act like a coward, give up resistance, commit suicide at the first opportunity, and hope that becoming a slave of the demons will lead to a better life?  Or, pick up the sword, grit your teeth, fight blood for blood and tooth for tooth, and cut off the demon's head and kick it as a ball before the demon's butcher knife is raised in front of you?  In fact, reality has only one road and one pathIt¡¯s just a choice!  Not to mention that those who did that were demons, even if they were humans, even if they were the head of the Huaiyuantang family, Zhang Tie had only one kind of truth. In the face of reality, many times, it was impossible to tell the truth.  Everyone is still doing what they should do. The trajectory of everything has not changed - at least for now. Zhang Tie has no idea that the truth in the sacred stone will help the situation in Taixia and the Sky World.  Tang Mei looked at the expression on Zhang Tie's face, which changed from excitement, to suddenness, and finally to gradual calmness, and even finally let out a long sigh.  "What?" Tang Mei asked Zhang Tie.  "I spent so much mental energy in vain. The things in this sacred stone should be more real" Zhang Tie smiled bitterly and told Tang Mei the key information he learned in the sacred stone.  "I didn't expect it to be like this" Tang Mei was stunned for a while, and then let out a long breath, "Even if we know the truth, there is nothing we can do to change anything" "Yes, even if I have the power to  His ability is omnipotent, and he can make countless kinds of paste that emerge from the ground, and let the demons eat them all and turn them into humans. The war between humans and demons will not stop. By then, some people will live in  Above the ground, you can enjoy the sun, rain and dew, and the sky is full of stars. Some people live underground, where it is gloomy and dark, and poisonous everywhere. Those who live above envy those who live underground for their countless precious mineral resources, and those who live underground are jealous of those who live underground.  People on the ground have good living conditions and abundant food, but there will still be careerists and greedy people who want to own everything above and below the ground at the same time. The two sides will still be divided and opposed, and different ethnic groups, countries, and beliefs will still be formed.  There will be a war, but the war at that time will not be called a holy war, it will be called something else!" "Indeed!" Zhang Tie shook his head, took a deep breath, and returned to reality, looking at the high platform.  The two treasures on the bed made a quick decision, "I'll take this sacred stone and the space orb from the Sky Realm to the Black Iron Castle first, so as not to have long nights and dreams!" "Okay!" Tang Mei had no other requests, Zhang  Tie didn't delay any longer, and he directly received the sacred stone, the unfinished Nine Heavens Divine Spring, and the space orb from the Sky World into the Black Iron Castle.  As soon as the space orb from Sky World was received in the Black Iron Castle, Zhang Tie heard Heller's prompt, "Master of the fortress, if the space orb enters the Black Iron Castle, should we start annexing and merging it now?" Zhang Tie  After glancing at Tang Mei, Tang Mei nodded.  "Merge!" "When the Black Iron Castle begins to fuse the space orbs of the Sky World, there will be some unusual celestial phenomena in the Sky World in recent days, because Buzhou Mountain is inside the Sky World, so the interior of Buzhou Mountain  It will be affected first, and there will be some strange changes. Some of these changes will be closely related to the Lord of the Castle. Please don¡¯t be surprised, Lord of the Castle!¡± ¡°Okay!¡± ¡°That¡¯s it¡­¡± After Heller¡¯s words, the entire Light  The light inside the sky suddenly dimmed, as if it suddenly turned from day to night. Only the ground in the entire Sky of Light faintly glowed with a layer of soft white light, which did not make the entire Sky of Light fall into a situation where one could not even see his fingers.  Tang Mei looked at Zhang Tie, blinked, and seemed to understand something, "Has the Castle of Black Iron begun to merge with the space orbs of the Sky Realm?" "Yes!" Zhang Tie raised his head and looked at the Sky of Light.  The one at the top of the dome suddenly had a hint of emotion in his tone, "The matter in the Sky World is over, I have to prepare to go back to Taixia!" Just after saying this, Zhang Tie was surprised to find that since  The flying ability that he had been unable to use since entering the mountain ruins actually returned to him at this time. He just tried it, and his whole body slowly lifted his feet off the ground and floated.  "Now, brother doesn't have to worry about being blocked by those gods' warriors when leaving" Tang Mei laughed, and then sighed again, "Brother is leaving the Sky World, and I also want to return to the Imperial City of Wa.  ""  Just as the Black Iron Castle began to merge with the space orb of the Sky World, the entire Sky World, at this moment, suddenly fell into darkness. In that darkness, the Sky World  Light flashed in the sky of the sky, and brilliant and strange light strips began to float in the sky of the sky like auroras. The entire sky of sky was filled with surprise and panic This darkness lasted for half a whole month.  Months later, the sun reappeared in the sky of the sky.  In the entire skyscraper world, almost no one knows why this is happening.  ¡­¡­ Just as the sun reappeared in the sky, at the top of the core of the mountain ruins, Zhang Tie looked at the sky for the last timeWith a glance at the world, the whole person then turned into the appearance of a huge six-winged golden roc with a body length of more than 10,000 meters, and plunged into the topmost space crack in the core area of ????Shanxu   The mysterious space  Inside, black mist filled the air. The moment he flew into the entrance to the broken space, Zhang Tie seemed to be caught in the eye of a storm. In front of him was a tunnel so long that it was difficult to see the end, and on both sides were  It was a diffuse black mist, and terrifying lightning emitting blue light.  The space secret method of "Lin" in the "Wu Jian Peng King Sutra" has been activated. Zhang Tie transformed into a golden roc and shuttled through the strange and unpredictable space filled with black mist. With the flapping of his wings, he smashed all obstacles and passed through.  Passing through the heavy fog and lightning, relying on the vague feeling of Taixia, like a golden light, it flew forward Less than an hour after Zhang Tiefei entered this space, Zhang Tie suddenly saw his own  In the black-gray void ahead, a pair of blood-red and violent eyes suddenly appeared.  Each of those eyes is hundreds of kilometers in size. There is a pair of golden pupils in the blood-red eyes, with endless pressure and murderous aura, appearing in the black mist-shrouded space, like a mirage.  The light and shadow were the same, staring closely at Zhang Tie.  Seeing those strange eyes suddenly appear in front of him, Zhang Tie's heart trembled. The Jin Peng he transformed into was like a bird in front of a giant in front of those terrifying blood-red eyes.  Just in front of Zhang Tie, the black mist in the space suddenly turned into a huge black hand thousands of kilometers away. The black hand moved towards Jin Peng, the incarnation of Zhang Tie Jin Peng roared, and his speed instantly increased by several seconds.  times, avoiding the grabbing black hand, and then the golden flames boiling all over his body, like a bolt of lightning, pecked at the pair of blood-red eyes.  A trace of anger flashed through those blood-red eyes. The thunder and lightning in the space instantly became ten times denser, and then another big hand made of black mist appeared.  The second big black hand that appeared did not pinch Zhang Tie, but punched into the space tunnel where Zhang Tie was flying The black mist collapsed, and the entire space tunnel was instantly shattered, and the four elements of earth, water, wind, and fire were destroyed.  The tide of elements suddenly came, sweeping Zhang Tie, and instantly submerged Zhang Tie's golden roc
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