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Volume 4: A Different Scarlet Bullet Chapter 47: Eye of Tribulation

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    Chapter 47: The analysis of the Eye of Tribulation's ability did not go smoothly. A series of accidents occurred inexplicably, which seriously interfered with the Emperor's analysis work.  In retrospect, these accidents should not really be "accidents".  At the beginning of the experiment, Emperor Du ordered people to inject the medicine that induces the ability users to go berserk into the bodies of these rough stones, and then untied their bonds, allowing their abilities to run freely.  At first, everything went smoothly. The researchers here have probably done these things countless times, and they have become extremely proficient in it. They completed it without any mistakes at all.  Two researchers in white coats came forward, one holding a tray of syringes, and the other injecting the medicine.  Under the gaze of the Emperor, these needles were inserted into the necks of the "original stones" one by one, and the light blue medicine was slowly injected into their bodies.  The problem lies in unlocking the shackles of those "raw stones".  The ability induction was successful, and the power of the original stone was fully channeled.  But due to the effects of the drugs, these people have lost their minds and cannot use their abilities well at all.  "Ahhh!" Covering their heads and holding their necks, the rough stones all knelt down and howled miserably. The aim spread on their bodies so violently that the waves shook non-stop, and the ground around them also experienced various strange changes.  "Oh, their abilities are too violent, which will affect my analysis. Use machine guns to shoot and induce them to actively use their abilities!" After the "original stone" went berserk, the Emperor began to analyze the work, but the original stone  It is difficult to analyze the ability of Emperor Du. Although he has experience in analyzing Sogiita Junba, this excessive violent power still caused a certain degree of error in Emperor Du's analysis.  Unconscious abilities run amok. The way the ability is expressed is the same one second ago, but it may become a completely different pattern the next second, forcing Emperor Du to overthrow the previous analysis and start over.  The emperor was very unhappy about this.  So he definitely induced the "original stones" to actively use their abilities in a more dangerous way.  Even if you lose consciousness, survival is still an instinctive behavior of human beings.  The sixth sense of ability users is already strong, especially for "original stones".  Even if they lose consciousness, they will instinctively feel the danger from machine gun fire for the first time and use their abilities to protect themselves.  At this time, because their abilities are used in a targeted manner, they will become more stable and regular, which will facilitate the emperor's analysis work.  "Why don't you shoot?" After giving the shooting order, the muzzle of the gun was still silent. After waiting for half a minute, the Emperor found that the machine gun did not fire a single bullet. He was suddenly surprised and shouted at the observation window, ordering the people behind the observation window.  Take action now.  "It's strange, we did press the shooting button. I have sent people to check, please wait a moment." "Hahahaha, when did the Kihara clan's research institute become a third-rate level?" Wall  The extendable machine gun on the car actually malfunctioned. The Emperor was stunned when he heard this explanation, and then he continued to laugh.  Director Kihara, who was in charge of this research institute, suddenly turned so gloomy that he seemed to be dripping with water. He roared, "Troubleshoot the problem immediately. Also, tell the security captain that I don't want those idiots who are responsible for maintaining the defense facilities of the research institute anymore."  "I saw them." This is definitely out of anger, but these little researchers dare not contradict the authority of the Kihara clan, for fear that they will become a member they never want to see again.  Working in such a confidential research institute, facing this sentence does not mean that you will be fired and it will be over, but it means that you will never see the sun of tomorrow again.  Three minutes later, the problem with the machine gun was discovered.  The reason is simple. One of the cables has aged, causing the machine gun to fail to fire properly.  Such a small problem further revealed the work attitude of the maintenance staff on weekdays, and made Kihara furious.  Once the problem is discovered, the solution is simple.  After a few minutes, the problem was solved by replacing the cable.  "Finally solved, it wasted nearly ten minutes of my time. Don't waste time, turn on the automatic aiming and shooting mode of the machine gun immediately." During these ten minutes, Emperor Du was not in a daze, but suppressing these "raw stones".  Although the institute¡¯s defense measures are very good, it cannot withstand the successive attacks of these ¡°rough stones¡±.  "Shoot!" "Bang!" Director Kihara was slapped in the face again. Just after shouting the "shoot" command, the machine gun exploded in the next moment.  "What's going on? What's going on?" To be honest, Kihara KazukiPeople in ? have bad tempers. A group of people are used to being proud and look down on others. But now they make mistakes one after another in front of the "guinea pig" he considers. It's a slap in the face.  The Emperor also frowned at this time. Academy City's researchers were quite arrogant, but they were still very responsible.  In particular, the equipment in the institute is a high-quality product that strives for excellence. In theory, even if it is not maintained for decades, it is impossible for anything to go wrong.  If it is just an aging cable, it can be said to be an accidental mistake, but at the same time, the second accident of the same incident occurs, which is more strange.  "Change a machine gun, and if something goes wrong again, I want you all to commit seppuku and apologize!" With a livid face, these words were almost squeezed out of the mouth of Director Kihara.  However, what is regrettable is that even though such a death order was given, the second machine gun still exploded.  "Damn it, someone's here" Another accident happened. The director was so angry that he couldn't think, so he subconsciously shouted out.  "Wait! It's weird. When did the quality of things made in Academy City become so poor?" Once can be said to be a coincidence, twice is an accident, but three times?  Starting from the second time, Emperor Du felt very keenly that something was abnormal, but before he had time to figure it out, the third accident happened.  For a moment, as if lightning flashed through his mind, Emperor Du remembered the weirdness of the original stone ability users. Usually their ability level is too low to show it, but after using drugs to induce rampage, their ability level has improved a lot.  Maybe you can do things that you couldn't usually do now.  After all, Academy City has not yet successfully studied the laws of the ability to go berserk. No one knows how it will manifest itself after going berserk.  This accident may be the ability of one of the original stones.  ¡¾Absolute Transformation¡¿, ¡¾Future Sight¡¿, ¡¾Time Control¡¿, ¡¾Dream Control¡¿, just considering the names, Emperor Du can only use the elimination method to exclude ¡¾Absolute Transformation¡¿, ¡¾Dream Control¡¿.  "The essence of [Absolute Conversion] is the exchange of energy, and [Dream Control] is an ability that has nothing to do with reality. Even if you go berserk, you cannot directly change the nature of the ability.  And [Future Sight], theoretically considered to be precognition, is obviously not related to this.  ¡¾Time Control¡¿ In the opinion of Emperor Du, this is the most likely one. Isn¡¯t it its power to cause the cable to age instantly?  The problem is, this cannot explain the bombing incident that came here later.  The probability of a firearm manufactured in Academy City exploding is simply lower than the probability of the moon self-exploding.  No ability should be able to cause such a result.  When all impossibilities are eliminated and only one answer remains, the seemingly impossible answer becomes possible.  If you think correctly, this should be caused by the interference of two or more abilities.  Let me take a closer look at which one it is.  After thinking about it, the Emperor showed an expression of deep interest in the "raw stones".  Stamping his feet, the ground became undulating, and the huge force shook the metal building buried deep in the ground. The terrifying power naturally meant a powerful attack power, and a shock wave more terrifying than a missile explosion hit the chaotic "original stones"  Rush away.  Although they are still in a frenzy, facing this unimaginable shock wave, the "original stones" in a state of madness can still instinctively take action to protect themselves.  An invisible force swept across, and the shock wave paused, and it actually stood still.  It was [Time Control] that stopped time, so the shock wave stopped.  "Uh-huh!" But the price paid by the "original stone" for doing this was that two streams of blood spurted out of his nostrils, and he fell to the ground as soon as his eyes closed.  He stopped the shock wave for a full half minute, buying enough time for others.  [Absolute Conversion] Put his hands on the shock wave and continuously convert the impact force into other energy. A thick beam of light formed in his eyes and shot around aimlessly.  The laboratory where the original stone was imprisoned was exposed to the laser fire, and within a few seconds, holes leading to the outside were revealed. The researchers who were exposed to the original stone fell to the ground one after another and passed out.  "Plop! Plop! Plop!" Following several muffled sounds, the Emperor found that all the researchers had fallen to the ground, but no injuries could be seen on their bodies.  This is not because they were frightened into unconsciousness. The psychological quality of the researchers is not necessarily that bad. They were just raped by [Dream Manipulation].Pulled into a dream.  The other three people all took action, so how could the last [Future Sight] not move? He rushed straight towards Emperor Du, as if he wanted to knock him down.  After such a long time, the rampaging rough stones have gradually regained some sense, otherwise they would not have thought of joining forces to fight the enemy.  "You actually want to challenge me, this is not a smart decision." With a flick of his head, several wind blades filled the space between the Emperor and the original stone, and quickly slashed towards the original stone.  In Emperor Du¡¯s view, just using this move is enough to deal with him. Just because he can see him doesn¡¯t mean he can avoid him.  As long as the attack is faster than the opponent's reaction, so what if you can see the future.  With a cold light flashing from the corner of his eyes, Emperor Du instinctively activated [Vector Control] to deflect the force back.  Turning around, he saw [Future Sight] holding a sharp iron piece actually broke through his attack and came to the Emperor's side.  Seeking death!  With a slight anger in his heart, the waste material that he thought he could just throw away almost hurt him. For the first time, the Emperor took a good look at the rough stone.  They were dressed in pure white hospital clothes, probably assigned to them by the research institute.  In order to break through the killing force of the wind blade, his clothes had been torn several times, and the red outline was gradually spreading.  He held a piece of iron about one meter long in his hand like a sword. He squeezed the sharp piece of iron so hard that the skin of his hand was cut, and drops of blood flowed from his wrist.  "Drink!" With a loud shout, the boy holding the sword swung his sword and struck straight at the Emperor.  Even though they were strangers, he knew that if they could not defeat the Emperor and escape, their future would be dark.  The Emperor sneered and did not move. No matter how superb the opponent's swordsmanship was, it was impossible for a pure sword to break through the defense of [Vector Control], and the power of the sword stabbing him would be in vain.  In his eyes, the tip of the sword was getting closer to his lower abdomen.  Even now, you still haven¡¯t attacked the vital points?  What a naive and ridiculous idea!  To the Emperor's surprise, the young swordsman actually pulled the tip of the sword downwards and withdrew the long iron piece in his hand when the tip of the sword approached the Emperor's clothes.  At this moment, the Emperor showed an expression of disbelief, and his expression immediately changed.  Although Teitu's [Vector Control] comes from Accelerator, their calculation formulas are different. Compared to Accelerator reflecting all the power back all the time, Teito prefers to deflect the power of the attack and refract it randomly to other directions.  And the direction is different every time. No one except Emperor Du knows where it will be refracted.  In this way, even if you understand his calculation formula, it will be difficult to crack his [Vector Control] defense.  But now, someone actually made the most correct reaction to his refraction the first time, even before they suffered.  Because the opponent pulled back the iron piece at the last moment, the iron piece that should have been deflected upwards would stab straight into the Emperor's belly.  Within a tenth of a second, Emperor Du quickly changed the calculation formula. At the moment when the clothes were pierced, the power of the iron piece pulled by Emperor Du's ability was directly reflected back.  Breaking out in a cold sweat, the Emperor couldn't understand how the other party could possess this power. He put aside the analysis of other abilities and began to fully analyze the ability of [Future Sight].  Emperor Du discovered that the ability of [Future Sight] was not to see the future at all, but to determine a specific future, just like the ability of the protagonist in a certain anime he had watched before traveling back in time -  -Eye of calamity.  However, the only future that the other party can see is the future that he himself is sure can achieve.  For example, among the many futures he can see, he can jump, retreat, punch and other actions in the next second, but it is impossible to appear directly outside Academy City.  But even so, his ability is very terrifying.  ?Choose the desired one from countless possible futures and determine this future.  For example, he glimpsed two futures in the next second: one was that Emperor Du attacked first and stomped his feet to trigger a shock wave; the second was that Emperor Du attacked first and waved his hand, causing a sea of ??fire.  If he chooses the second option, Emperor Du will attract a sea of ??fire in the next second instead of sending out a shock wave.  Of course, in such a future, it is impossible for the Emperor to suddenly kneel down and surrender. What he can see is what others can do in the future, and the future that he can do.
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