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Chapter 30 Study for tomorrow

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    "Communism does not mean poverty! We pursue communism, which is the highest ideal of mankind. But what is communism? Putting aside all kinds of unfamiliar vocabulary, it can be summed up in two aspects: no oppression, social fairness  . And these two highest ideals are still a means. As a human social system, its ultimate goal is still to serve people, not metaphysical empty ideas. Then we have a social system with social fairness and no oppression.  As a person, what do we pursue? According to history, we can know: that is to be extremely rich in material, which can satisfy as many of our material needs as possible! Only on this basis can we devote more energy to spiritual civilization.  Go into creation and let our thoughts be sublimated The ancients often said that if you have enough food and clothing, you will know honor and disgrace. Although the ancient sages did not have scientific Marxism as a weapon to analyze and criticize the world, they could analyze and criticize the world based on what they observed.  Social phenomena sum up this simple truth, which shows that building material civilization is the common need of human society, and it is a truth that applies to all countries and is no exception in ancient and modern times" Zou Yongdong sat on a small stool, with his knees up.  I carefully recorded the words of the instructor Miao Wei with a pen.  He could see through the gap between the two rows of people that the company commander and deputy company commander sitting in the front row were also listening attentively, and from time to time they would record the speeches they considered important.  He knew that the company commander and instructor were both veterans.  The veterans here do not refer to those with long service years. Of course, they are also the first batch to join the People's Army, but in the 291 Brigade, veterans usually refer to those who were the first to follow the brigade commander.  In terms of qualifications, the deputy company commander also joined the People's Army very early, but in other units, he cannot be called a veteran.  As far as he knows, most of the senior and middle-level commanders of the 291 Brigade are these veterans.  Not to mention the brigade commander, deputy brigade commander, and political commissar, the company commanders and instructors of the twelve field companies are also veterans.  Even in his engineering battalion, more than half of the engineering companies are composed of these veterans serving as military and political officers.  Zou Yongdong himself is not a veteran. He was recruited from Meng Hai not long ago, but he is very satisfied with the current situation.  Although the work in the engineering camp is harder, he can still eat well, and the troops can buy a pig from China every week for everyone to beat and sacrifice. He thinks this kind of life is quite good.  "Human social systems are not eternal. Especially when multiple systems coexist and compete with each other, for the sake of their own survival and development, under external pressure, they usually absorb the advantages of other systems and make changes to their own systems.  Make improvements" When his thoughts were wandering, he heard further explanations from the instructor Miao Wei on the stage.  The engineering battalion used to be mainly composed of captured soldiers of the Yading Army, plus a small number of guard soldiers. When it was established, there were only more than 400 people.  Later, it gradually expanded to more than 800 people. The former soldiers of the Ding Army were also released from their prisoner status. They could go home as long as they worked for three years and were paid according to their work status. Many soldiers settled down.  Not long ago, the brigade commander decided to take in all the personnel still staying in Menghai, and the engineering battalion suddenly expanded to more than 3,100 people, becoming the largest battalion-level unit in the entire brigade. Zou Yongdong followed him that time.  Came here.  I heard that Miao Wei was just a junior class deputy. He had only been an instructor for a few days and had no experience in political work. He only read the manuscripts distributed by him every day when studying.  If he hadn¡¯t been a veteran, there would have been no way he could have become this instructor!  Listening to what Miao Wei just said, Zou Yongdong secretly muttered in his heart that the subtext behind these words was to change the previous guiding ideology.  Isn¡¯t this revisionism?  With this thought in his heart, Zou Yongdong did not offer any rebuttal.  He came out to work in the revolution for two years and suffered a lot. His understanding of the world is no longer as enthusiastic as when he first came out, and he has become more mature in looking at things and thinking about problems.  ¡°In addition to communism being their pursuit of excellence, he no longer believes that there is any absolute truth that will last forever.  If things are developing in a very good direction and are good for the country, the people, and himself, he will not criticize and oppose it as enthusiastically as he did when he was young.  From what he learned, brigade commander Guan Fei is a principled and capable man.  So far, the changes he has led have led the troops to move in a brighter direction. At the same time, as a grassroots soldier, he has also enjoyed the benefits of such changes.  ¡°Perhaps, on the basis of a firm stance, revisionism that appropriately adapts to the times and makes some changes is not so terrible There are not people who oppose this view in the army, but the number is very small.  The vast majority of soldiers believe that the current development direction is correct and firmly support the brigade commander's decision.?.  The military is not allowed to engage in liaisons, but there is no specific criticism of these people. Those who find out are punished for violating military discipline: running with weights, frog jumps, pull-ups, etc.  The magnanimity of the troops won over more people, and the voices in the troops gradually became unified.  As time goes by, everyone feels more and more that under the leadership of the brigade commander, their lives are getting better and better.  Especially after the power was turned on yesterday, the whole brigade went crazy and cheered as if it was a festival.  From now on, their amateur cultural life will no longer be so boring. They don¡¯t have to train every day. After work is done, it will be dark and everyone can only go back to their rooms to sleep.  Due to abundant electricity, wires were connected to each barracks and electric lights were lit.  Before the lights-out signal sounds at ten o'clock, they can finally do their own things under the lights.  Washing clothes, reading books, writing letters, writing diaries, playing poker, chess, harmonica, erhu There are many talented people among the educated youth. With the enthusiasm high, some people made their own table tennis tables and rackets to prepare for the next time.  During the holidays, I took a bus to the country and went to the county town to buy table tennis balls.  Someone cleared a vacant lot and decided to build a night football field.  Electricity is such a good thing.  With it, everything is different. Longkang Town, which originally fell asleep at six or seven o'clock, was noisy until the lights-out signal sounded last night.  Many soldiers were so excited that they kept talking while lying on the bed and refused to rest.  Zou Yongdong was also very excited, and this excitement lasted until the morning.  ¡°Perhaps his thinking is too active. He can¡¯t concentrate now, and his thoughts have wandered off many times.  The engineering battalion is not a field force. Its main job is to be responsible for various projects, so its work and rest arrangements are also different from those of the field company.  The weight-bearing run in the morning is the same. After breakfast, there is half an hour of political study. Mainly given by Miao Wei, some are study materials distributed by the above, some are domestic situations, and occasionally there are major international events.  , generally in the areas of politics, economy, military, and science and technology.  The 291st Brigade are all educated youths, and the engineering camp is no exception. Everyone is cramped in the mountainous area and is more eager to understand the outside world.  Everyone has a certain level of knowledge and can have their own analysis and judgment on the principles and things explained by the instructor. Listening to these often broadens their horizons and they have more understanding of the various decisions made by the brigade commander before.  , and thus consciously and voluntarily support and defend these decisions.  Miao Wei was still reading from the manuscript above, and the people below were still taking notes carefully.  Soon, half an hour passed. Miao Wei read the last paragraph and then announced that today¡¯s study was over.  At this time, he gave up his position to the company commander and deputy company commander, and let them arrange today's work.  Zou Yongdong and his company are numbered Engineering Company No. 9. There are a total of two hundred company cadres and soldiers, which is much larger than the field company in terms of organization.  Today, the task of the Ninth Engineering Company is still to go up the mountain to cut trees.  Logging work is very hard and requires climbing mountains.  Most of the 291 Brigade Defense Area is an undeveloped primitive zone. The mountains have lush vegetation, numerous mosquitoes, and many snakes swimming around. Soldiers are easily bitten by insects and snakes when walking in the mountains. ????????????????????????????????????? However, there are a few people in the company who have worked in forest farms before, and they provide advice. Since the establishment of the Ninth Company, there has been no major casualty accident.  The place where logging is done is on the mountain to the west. The absolute height of the mountain is about 500 meters, and there are many tall trees growing from the mountainside to the top of the mountain.  Zou Yongdong and the others smeared wind oil essence on their faces, hands and other exposed skin to drive away mosquitoes and flies, and walked up the mountain along the opened road.  The grass on this road has been pulled out and salt has been sprinkled to prevent new seedlings from emerging. It is safer to walk on.  The road up the mountain is relatively steep and is a groove washed out during the rainy season, which is also convenient for sending felled wood down the mountain.  Halfway up the mountain, the slope is slightly gentle, and this is their logging area.  This is a mixed forest zone, where subtropical and boreal tree species grow together, and there are also many shrubs that cover the entire forest.  According to the information distributed above, the main types of precious tree species growing on this mountain are pear tree and rosewood. Among them, rosewood is the most expensive, followed by pear tree.  The company commander said that the troops of these two types of wood cannot effectively exert their economic value for the time being, so it is not worthwhile to cut them now.  Their target is Southwest Birch.  This is a widely distributed evergreen broad-leaved forest. There are many such trees in the defense area. Zou Yongdong also saw many of them in Yunnan.  From the data point of view, Southwestern birch not only has a straight trunk, but is also easy to process, making it very suitable as a furniture material.  Moreover, it is a fast-growing forest that can be replanted after being cut down to avoid depletion of forest resources due to long-term cutting.  On the hillside, large tracts of southwestern birch can be seen everywhere.  Since no one cuts it all year round,??, it has been growing for who knows how many years, with a diameter at breast height of more than 40 centimeters, and a height generally around 278 meters, which is much thicker than similar trees he has seen in China.  When logging, two people work together, and the groups are tens of meters apart to avoid accidents.  Zou Yongdong¡¯s partner is He Wei, who is in the same class. The target they chose to fell was a Southwestern birch tree that was more than 30 centimeters thick.  They determined the direction in which the tree would fall. They first sawed into one-third of the root of the tree facing the hillside, and then used an ax to cut a triangular gap diagonally.  In Northeastern dialect, this is called Xiahao, and local forestry workers call it Xiazhao, which is to determine the direction in which the tree will fall.  The kerf of their downward saw faces the hillside, which means that the trees fall directly onto the hillside.  After that, they went around to the back of the tree and stuck on the trunk with a fixed fork.  At the lower position of sawing the flat edge, reaching the position of four centimeters upward, they began to saw vertically inwards.  After sawing a section, they used a wedge to hammer into the saw edge to ensure that the saw would not get stuck.  After a while, the saw reached more than half of the tree. At this time, there was a cracking sound from the trunk of the tree.  The two men were alerted that the tree was about to fall, so they quickly pulled out their saws, looked at the direction of the tree's fall, and quickly backed away.  The tree trunk shook a few times, and gravity broke the final connection.  Unable to fall down the slope due to the support of the fixed fork, it fell along the gap in the lower haw. The branches hit the slope hard, and a large number of grass blades were blown up.  There was a gap at the bottom, and the sawing point was correct on the ground. The end of the thick trunk did not jump up. The whole tree rolled several times on the slope, overturned a bush, and then stopped moving.  The two waited until the tree was really no longer moving before moving closer. They used an ax to chop off the unusable twigs and throw them to the ground, leaving only a bare trunk.  They were already very skilled at this job. After finishing it here, they chose a large tree with a diameter at breast height of more than 40 centimeters next to it, and started doing it in the same way.  In one morning, they felled a total of five southwestern birch trees.  At noon, the company commander checked the results of each group. After registration, everyone started to have lunch.  At this time, a soldier ran up from the mountain, found the company commander, saluted him, and handed him an order.  After the company commander read it, he discussed a few words in a low voice with the instructor and deputy company commander, and said loudly: "That's it for today's work. Let's eat quickly and then drag the felled wood down the mountain. Our job in the afternoon is to build a temporary classroom.  ! Hurry up!" Upon hearing this, the soldiers quickly untied the bamboo tubes they carried, which contained the rice and vegetables prepared by the cooking class in the morning, and ate them hungrily.  Instructor Miao Wei stood up with a smile and said to the soldiers who were eating: "Comrades, according to the instructions of the brigade headquarters, when the classroom is repaired, all comrades must go to class" "There are still classes! I am most afraid of class.  ! Besides, I¡¯m too old to be able to study even if I sit in the classroom! Can I not go?¡± After hearing the instructor¡¯s words, a soldier named Fang Xiaolin lamented loudly.  But the other warriors¡¯ eyes lit up, they stopped talking and raised their heads.  Can you really go to school?  In the past, what they were most afraid of was going to school, and they were very happy when they heard that classes were suspended to start a revolution.  But after these years of real adventure, they realized how valuable knowledge is.  Even under such difficult combat conditions, some people still took the time to study on their own tirelessly. I didn't expect that the brigade hired so many teachers to allow them to enter the classroom again.  Many people¡¯s hearts suddenly became hot.  Miao Wei was not angry at Fang Xiaolin's words. He was actually a very kind person. As long as it was not a formal occasion, he was never angry when the soldiers were joking with him.  He said with a smile: "Okay, if you are willing to be a soldier for the rest of your life and don't want to go to class, forget it. But I heard from the brigade plan that as long as everyone passes the high school diploma examination, they can be included in the plan and guaranteed to be assigned jobs in the future.  Become a worker and go to work in the factory" "Really?" Hula, everyone stood up and looked at the instructor excitedly.  Becoming a factory worker is a dream for almost everyone.  Except for a few people who aim to become generals and decide to join the military for the rest of their lives, who wants to be a soldier for the rest of their lives?  It can be said that being able to work in a factory is their greatest happiness!  "Of course it's true. When did the brigade deceive everyone?" The company commander also stood up, walked to the center of the crowd, waved his arms and said loudly, "The higher ups have tried their best for everyone's future. Why did the brigade commander work so hard?  We went to Hong Kong first so that we could live independently, but more importantly, we wanted to give everyone a better future by setting up a factory here.As a soldier, you will always grow old and retire.  What to do after you retire from the army?  Go farming?  Therefore, the brigade commander decided to set up a factory so that every soldier can get a better ending after retiring from the army.  The brigade commander also said that if you can obtain a high school diploma, you can continue to study in various technical schools and obtain a college degree, and you can obtain cadre status after you graduate!  If any of you have the ability to become a scientist, engineer, or teacher, the brigade will do its best to help you!  " " Long live!  "The soldiers were ecstatic, including Zou Yongdong. They were so excited that they threw the rice buckets in their hands into the sky, waved their arms, screamed and jumped on the ground, and couldn't stop for a long time. They couldn't wait to enter the classroom right away.  , everyone was here and had no intention of eating. They hurriedly packed up their things and worked together to drag the wood they had cut in the morning down the mountain, load it into the car, and then lined up neatly, singing loud military songs, and headed towards the brigade headquarters.  .
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