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Chapter 54: The days when there are no more patents

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    "Hello, I'm Zhou Xiaoshan, who are you?" The voice on the other end of the phone changed a bit, but Zhou Xiaoshan's voice could still be distinguished, but this kid actually rolled his tongue and spoke half-baked Cantonese, which made Guan Fei  Angry and funny at the same time.  "I'm Guan Fei! I haven't seen you for a few months, but you actually learned Cantonese!" Guan Fei scolded with a smile.  "Brigadier! Oh, you miss me so much!" On the other end of the phone, Zhou Xiaoshan was stunned for a moment, then immediately changed back to Mandarin and shouted enthusiastically, with very strong emotional fluctuations in his voice, and he was obviously very excited, "  Brigadier, you made the call from the county seat? The voice was a bit low and I couldn't hear you clearly. " Guan Fei has not had direct contact with him for several months since he came back from Hong Kong, and he was very happy to hear his voice.  Xiaoshan has been with him since a very early age, and it can be said that he trained him single-handedly.  In this time and space, he has no relatives, so he pays special attention to the people around him. From an emotional point of view, these people around him are his relatives in this time and space, and Xiaoshan is like his biological brother.  Although long-distance calls are very expensive, and Hong Kong calls are even more expensive, it has been a long time since we last saw him, and he really misses his brother, so he takes advantage of the opportunity to talk about business and have a good chat and laugh with Xiao Shan.  At the same time, he also opened the analysis module of the biological accessory brain.  The biological accessory brain will automatically filter out the phone noise and analyze and judge the content, method and intonation of the conversation.  Xiaoshan is his younger brother again, but after a few months in Hong Kong, which is full of temptations, and managing such a large company alone, no one knows whether there will be any changes.  The topics they chatted about also contained some misleading content.  Whether Xiaoshan answers directly or sideways, Guan Fei can indirectly understand his psychological changes more accurately and make a clear judgment on his current situation.  This is the responsibility he must fulfill as a manager and has nothing to do with emotions.  If it is found that Zhou Xiaoshan is no longer suitable for the position of general manager of Taiyu Technology, even if there is only a slight sign, then he will not hesitate to remove him from his position and transfer him back to make other arrangements.  This is also to protect the hill.  There is still a long way to go, and the 291st Brigade will have a very bright tomorrow. If Xiaoshan is uncertain, it will be a small gain but a big loss, which will ultimately harm others and ourselves.  Fortunately, Xiaoshan is still the same Zhou Xiaoshan who loves and respects him.  Every question Guan Fei asked, he answered directly and without any hesitation, and in great detail, including what happened, his analysis, and the decisions he made, without any reservations.  During the process, he even frankly admitted that when he and his girlfriend Pan Meifeng were together, they always used each other¡¯s money, which made him feel very humiliated and like a freeloader.  For some entertainment receptions, the Pan family took the initiative to settle the accounts every time. He felt that this was not good.  But he didn¡¯t know what to do and was very distressed.  Now that Guan Fei could contact him on the phone, he immediately asked Guan Fei for advice, just like he used to follow him and ask Guan Fei for instructions and reports on big and small matters.  This made Guan Fei very satisfied, happy and relieved.  "Entertainment expenses are necessary and can be used as the company's operating costs. For the specific amount, you should first discuss it with Mao Xiuliang and make a plan based on the expenses during this period." Guan Fei is very liberal in this kind of normal expenses.  I readily agreed immediately.  After the small talk, Guan Fei said seriously: "Last time you sent a message back from Hong Kong, saying that pirated arcade machines have appeared in Japan?" "Yes! This trend appeared as early as late May, but the number was not large. At that time, it was  Yaning was busy promoting and signing pre-sale contracts, so he didn't pay much attention. But starting from June, the number of merchants who signed pre-sale contracts with us began to decrease. Only then did Bao Yaning realize that something was wrong, and after asking around, he learned that,  There is already an arcade machine that completely imitates "Space Invaders" on the market." Zhou Xiaoshan's voice became more serious when reporting business.  The pirated machines appeared first in Japan, which was a bit unexpected by Guan Fei.  It stands to reason that the level of integrated circuits in the United States is higher. Even if it is pirated, the United States should come out first.  In fact, it turned out that Japan took the lead.  "Has our program been cracked?" Bao Yaning and the others didn't fully investigate at that time. The person who brought the letter just gave a general idea and reported to Guan Fei that pirated machines had been released and appeared in the Japanese market. He gave the details.  Can't tell.  This is the disadvantage of serious information lag.  Nothing happens all at once, there is always a process of brewing, spearheading and explosion.  If Guan Fei was in Hong Kong, he would naturally have known about this situation very early and could make decisions and adjustments in a relatively timely manner.  But Brigade 291 is thousands of kilometers away from Hong Kong, and it takes a long time to send a message.?Sending it back from China will have to be delayed for at least seven or eight days.  When Guan Fei received the initial news, things may have already escalated in the Japanese market and Hong Kong.  The reason why the territory could not be expanded in ancient times was that the information lag prevented the center from effectively managing it.  Previously, the 291 Brigade was actually using the ancient method of delegating power to Zhou Xiaoshan to take charge of the economic lifeline. Although they knew that the disadvantages were huge, due to the backward communication methods, they had no choice but to do anything.  He asked Zhou Xiaoshan to discuss with Mao Xiuliang when something happened. In fact, Mao Xiuliang held the position of supervisor in Taiyu Technology, which was equivalent to the supervisor assigned by the central government.  The effect of this method is also very limited. Just like at the beginning of the dynasty, the center can maintain absolutely overwhelming power and stable control over the local area.  But when the local government becomes corrupted and regulators and managers work together, the central government's influence on the local government will be limited to its past prestige, and it will no longer be able to actually control it.  The last time Sun Yaohua was asked to bring domestic accountants over to audit the accounts, it was the second layer of protection measures he set up. He conducted random inspections to determine whether the 291 Brigade¡¯s control over Taiyu Technology had weakened and whether the people below had begun to become corrupt.  If he finds any signs of it, he will immediately take drastic measures without mercy.  But now that there is a phone, he believes that the possibility of Taiyu Technology getting out of control will be much smaller.  Ordinary people cannot accurately judge the size of the changes in the person below, but he is not an ordinary person!  With the biological assistant brain emotion judgment module, he will detect any slight changes in Zhou Xiaoshan and other senior managers, and respond immediately, including immediately dispatching a large number of people to take over the company.  Zhou Xiaoshan didn't know this and was still reporting work to him seriously: "According to Bao Yaning's investigation, these pirated machines seem to be exactly the same as our games in terms of graphics, sound, and levels at first glance, but after taking a closer look,  I found that there were still some differences. Kondo Koji, who co-founded the Tokyo Trading Import and Export Company with us, judged that the other party had stolen our ideas and then asked the programmers to redesign them, rather than directly stealing the program content.  From April to late May, there were nearly two months" Guan Fei listened to his continued report while his mind was filtering and analyzing the information.  Piracy began to appear in late May, which shows that Japanese pirates are very determined and unscrupulous.  They must have given up the idea of ??cracking the program in a short time as soon as they discovered the difficulty of cracking it, and organized programmers to weave new programs themselves based on the design elements of "Space Invaders".  "Space Invaders" is not a big game.  In this era, computer hardware itself is very weak, and ordinary commercial entertainment equipment cannot support large-scale program software. The total size of "Space Invaders" is only 11 kilobytes.  Of course, this is Guan Fei's optimized design relying on the powerful computing power of his biological accessory brain. They will definitely not be able to achieve such a high compression rate, but the redesign can only be twenty or thirty kilobytes.  "So how is the progress of the patent application?" Guan Fei was not nervous and asked calmly.  He doesn¡¯t expect much from patents either.  Patents are actually a kind of restriction for countries that develop technology first, and it is also a kind of exploitation for countries that are less developed.  Through patents, we can limit the costs for countries with backward technology to enter this field, and use the cost difference to limit or even strangle the other party.  Sure enough, the results of Zhou Xiaoshan's report were not optimistic: "The software patent application was directly rejected - whether it is Japan or the United States, the situation is the same. Japan implements a trade protectionist policy, and the United States believes that our claims are inappropriate.  It makes sense that the program itself is based on the actual application of algorithms, and algorithms are equivalent to mathematical formulas and cannot be patented. But at the same time, they did not say anything, saying that although they do not accept our patent application, it does not mean that they will not apply for a patent in the future.  We will not use patents to protect computer programs." Zhou Xiaoshan's tone was full of indignation, and he was obviously extremely angry at the rejection of patent applications by the United States and Japan.  "Haha, this is tantamount to talking on both sides." Guan Fei laughed without getting angry.  There¡¯s nothing to be angry about, things are obviously like this, and getting angry will not help.  Refusing algorithms as patents cannot be used, but leaving the door open for patent protection of domestic software in the future. This is the right choice for the country to make.  So, running the country is the biggest business!  But he is not angry, and more importantly, he was the one who pirated it first!  It was he who pirated the future designs of Japan's Taitung Game Company in advance. The real losers were the Japanese, Taitung Company, not Taiyu Technology! ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? meant that they were earned in vain, it doesn¡¯t matter how much or how little.  ¡°Can the arcade frame, internal layout, and game buttons be patented?¡± he asked again.  ¡°These were accepted as practical inventions, but they were notAll accepted.  And they said they would still investigate. If they receive applications from other companies in the near future, and if it is proven that the other company invented the invention before ours, the patent will still not be granted to us.  Zhou Xiaoshan said angrily. He had just arrived in Hong Kong and admired the prosperity of capitalism. But through this patent application, he saw clearly that the so-called protection of intellectual property is actually a means, and the ultimate goal is to  Maintaining the leading position of the first-developing countries in technology will not give others a chance to catch up. It is said that the butt determines the head. Zhou Xiaoshan's favorable opinion of advanced countries such as the United States and Japan suddenly changed when his own actual interests were threatened.  For the sake of malice, or even the resentment caused by deception, there was an even stronger emotional backlash, which made him extremely suspicious of the so-called justice claimed by these countries. Guan Fei just smiled lightly at Zhou Xiaoshan's angry complaints.  Naive! Zhou Xiaoshan is still too naive. There is no eternal truth in the world. Even if the patent acceptance he complained about is actually an inevitable choice for the country to perform its normal functions, he will also implement it in the future.  How can outsiders take advantage of patents and even laws that are beneficial to us? His name is Guan Fei, not Lei Feng! "Then let's launch our improved version of the game. I believe we can win another month or two."  Dominance.  "Guan Fei pondered for a moment and gave instructions. "It's been launched!  After we received Bao Yaning's feedback, we immediately replaced your updated chip.  After the last batch of older consoles were delivered on Tuesday, we went into full production of the new models and launched them into the market.  "There was a hint of pride in Zhou Xiaoshan's voice. "Okay!  " Guan Fei was overjoyed. This was the real reason why he put Zhou Xiaoshan and others in Hong Kong. If he was required to make any decisions, with the serious lag in the original information of the 291 Brigade, waiting for him to make decisions based on feedback, Daylily  It¡¯s cool. Now that Zhou Xiaoshan and others can make adjustments in time, it¡¯s very good. The previous training is equal to success. It¡¯s a matter of judgment. This is the courage to make decisions under pressure.  It¡¯s a matter of courage and courage. He can accept failure. He has so many future technologies in his mind that he can withstand failure again and again. He firmly believes that no matter what failure, he can only stand on top of the world.  , not others! He asked Zhou Xiaoshan and others to stay in Hong Kong because he hoped that they would have the courage to take responsibility and make decisions within their scope of authority - no matter how stupid they are, they can grow with more experience!  What he is afraid of is the weaklings who have no courage. That is the real wall that cannot be supported by the mud. Zhou Xiaoshan's words "They have launched a new version a long time ago" made him feel very relieved and felt that all the efforts had been rewarded.  , with a team that can resolutely implement his orders, and cadres who dare to take responsibility, what can stop him from moving forward in the future? Patents are nothing! You like to use rules to limit your opponents, but I can¡¯t beat you.  I know how to flip the table! So what if I don¡¯t want patents? I¡¯ll be the first to take any technology. I don¡¯t think this patent law will be of any use in the future! In the future, no one will want to rely on patents to suppress others. The future will be a world without patents.  ! Everyone is competing on the same starting line, competing for manufacturing capabilities and hard power! Fight with me, I have ten thousand ways to kill you!
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