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Chapter 64: External Recruitment

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    "Ma Yuqing! Ma Yuqing!" Ma Yuqing was doing nothing at home when he suddenly heard someone calling his name downstairs in the factory dormitory. The voice sounded like his best friend Zu Dawei from the same factory area.  He was very bored at home. When he heard the sound, he opened the window and looked down. Sure enough, it was Zu Dawei and Zhou Fang who was playing together.  The two of them raised their heads and looked at the window of their home on the third floor. Zu Dawei looked very anxious and put his hands to his mouth in the shape of a trumpet, shouting one after another.  "What's going on?" he shouted down.  "Come down quickly!" Zu Dawei saw him sticking his head out and waved quickly.  Zhou Fang also smiled and waved to him, signaling him to get down quickly.  "My dad doesn't allow me to go out!" It must be something fun. Ma Yuqing felt itchy. He could think of his father's stick and became timid again.  Zu Dawei looked around and moved his lips, but made no sound.  "Come down quickly, I really have something to do with you!" Zhou Fang was also anxious and shouted for Zu Dawei.  Ma Yuqing hesitated for a while, but finally couldn't resist the curiosity in his heart. He took the key, closed the door, and rushed downstairs in one breath.  "Whatwhat is it, so mysteriousmysterious?" He was running fast, a little out of breath, and asked with his hands on his hips and breathing heavily.  "Your dad is still locking you up? Can you go out?" Zhou Fang asked instead without answering.  The parents of the three of them are employees of a metallurgical machinery factory, and the three of them went to the factory kindergarten, elementary school, junior high school, and high school together.  Just last year, they all graduated, but the official staff quota in the factory was full early, and even temporary workers had no positions and had to wait.  When they first graduated, they all had a lot of fun.  There are no adults to control me anymore, and I don¡¯t have to go to class or do homework. I just have fun and have fun.  But there is nothing to do in this era. This is the county town. After playing for a few months, they have released the emotions they have suppressed for many years. They start to worry about work.  After waiting for so long, only ten people were hired into the factory, all of them temporary workers.  Every time someone came in, there was a huge quarrel in the factory, fighting for a spot.  Such a severe situation has made them lose interest in playing, and they don¡¯t know when they will be able to have a job.  Anxious, worried, and angry, they got into more trouble when they were playing outside.  Without a job, there is no income. After entering society, I discovered that there are so many ways to use money.  What should I do if I have no money in my pocket and can¡¯t ask my parents for it?  So, sneaking around became the main side job of the three of them.  He took some broken copper and iron from the factory and sold them. When no one was paying attention, he quietly threw some copper wires and aluminum materials outside the factory. Then he went out to pick them up and sold them to the scrap collection station.  After walking at night for a long time, they finally encountered ghosts. They were caught by workers who noticed something was wrong.  If he were not the son of an employee of the factory, he would have been taken to the police station long ago.  Even so, the three families had nothing but good things to say and even paid the money. They were beaten severely and then grounded when they returned home.  But fighting can¡¯t cure the root cause. As long as work matters are not resolved, they will feel insecure.  Since the factory was no longer able to steal, they went outside to steal. Soon, the three families had to go to the police station to pick up the child and pay compensation.  This time, they were discovered again when they were stealing castings stacked in the foundry.  Zhou Fang is a girl who is responsible for showing off outside and is the fastest runner.  Zu Dawei was at the top of the wall preparing to pick up something. When he saw a figure moving, he slipped off the wall and ran away.  Only Ma Yuqing remained inside the wall. As soon as he jumped up and climbed onto the wall, someone grabbed his pants and pulled him down.  The other party also hated these bastards very much. Without saying a word, he punched and kicked him until he was angry enough, and then sent him to the police station.  I was beaten outside, and when I came home I was beaten severely by my father.  This time the father was really heartbroken, and he resorted to a deadly attack, beating Ma Yuqing to the point where he cried for his father and called his mother for his mother, and fought to the death.  The mother kept wiping her tears but did not persuade her.  It wasn't until my father broke two wooden sticks that he finally gave up and said: If you dare to go out to steal again, you will be beaten to death!  Ma Yuqing lay in bed for more than a month before he recovered from the injury on his buttocks. He stayed at home for another two months and stopped locking the door when his parents went out.  Otherwise, unless he used a rope to lower himself down from the third floor, he would not be able to leave the house today no matter how itchy his heart was.  "What do you want to do with me? We agreed first. If you want to steal something again, I won't go. My dad said that if you dare to steal something again, they will never go to the police station to pick you up again, and you will be sent to jail or to a labor camp.  , I deserve it all!" Ma Yuqing said angrily.  "You think we are born thieves. We would only steal things if we were given jobs in the factory!" Zu Dawei was very dissatisfied with his attitude and spat.  "Don't worry, we won't steal anymore. Now we have a long-standing reputation."It stinks, even if you are wandering nearby, there are workers watching from a distance, and you can't do anything even if you want to.  "Zhou Fang smoothed her hair, with a mysterious expression on her pretty face, "We were wandering around the cinema just now and saw someone setting up a stall and posting job notices.  As soon as we saw it, we ran to call you.  " "Recruiting workers?  Where to recruit workers?  "Ma Yuqing was stunned and asked. "It's really new. There are still people recruiting workers. These days, work is all arranged by the organization. College students don't mention it. It's allocated by the state. For middle school and high school graduates, they either solve it themselves in the factory, or they work through it.  Neighborhood committees and subdistrict offices helped recommend it, but no company recruits employees through social recruitment, so when he heard it, his first reaction was not excitement, but shock. Zhou Fang smiled: "Long Kang!  Brigade 291!  " " Brigade 291!  "Ma Yuqing jumped up when he heard this, his face was full of excitement, and he was running around in circles, obviously his mind was confused. Because of the domestic deliberate downplay, knowing that there are very few people in the People's Party's First Special Military Division and 291 Brigade, even  Not many people have heard of this name, but in southern Xinjiang, especially in several autonomous prefectures, counties and cities close to the border, this name is such a resounding golden sign that at least half of a hundred people have it.  Many people know something about them. Especially the new city construction plan, which has completely subverted many people's understanding. At the end of last year, the People's Army and the Yi Ding Army were fighting to the death, and the sound of gunfire was deafening.  In the past six months, the economic construction of the same land has been in full swing, as if the previous bloody battle had never existed. And in the past few months, names such as 291 Brigade, Guan Fei, Zhang Shengguo, and Sun Yaohua have been poured into people again and again.  The head of the 291 Brigade went to Hong Kong and opened a company and made a lot of money! The 291 Brigade bought bags of snow-white rice from Hong Kong and transported it to the base area in trucks!  The brigade hired hundreds of teachers from China, and everyone who went there could go to school for free! The 291st brigade was going to build a new city in the mountains. At first, some people laughed at it, but with the arrival of a new city from China!  Truckloads of cement, steel bars, and various construction machinery were being laughed at by fewer and fewer people. Later, the news that all those who studied there and obtained a high school degree could receive a job offer caused a sensation in surrounding counties and cities.  , news about the wage system, seniority standards and other news came one after another, which was like a big stone dropped in the hearts of all those who knew about it, arousing violent reactions - this wage standard is too high, so much higher than in China, where workers' income is already considered high!  It is much higher than administrative agencies and public institutions, but the salary standard of the 291 Brigade is even higher. If you include seniority wages and technical level wages, it is at least two-thirds to twice as high as domestically!  When he came back to his senses, he heard about room allocation again! This is a room allocation! It¡¯s an elevator apartment! Ma Yuqing didn¡¯t know what the family building of the Metallurgical Machinery Factory was like.  There are more than a dozen family buildings, all of which are three-story red brick buildings with single rooms on one side. Each single room is a family! There is a public toilet and a public stove on the first floor, which is used to go to the hut and cook vegetables every day.  Neighbors have been fighting for a long time. Since they are all shared, no one is willing to take the initiative to clean them. The smell in the toilets can spread throughout the building, making it difficult for everyone to eat.  Even so, no one went to clean it, so they just endured it to see who could keep calm. It was pretty good. At least the young workers in the factory had a place to live.  Many of the young workers lived in dormitories for several years, becoming friends and even planning to get married. The factory could not spare a single room for them, forcing these young workers to do so.  In order to quench my hunger and thirst, I went to the park or the river to have fun in the grass!  There was a young worker in the factory who made his girlfriend pregnant, so he went to the factory leader to force her to get a house, but the factory manager could only spread his hands and smile bitterly.  Comparing the current housing situation on both sides, the housing allocation policy of Brigade 291 is tantamount to an atomic bomb, which makes everyone dizzy and envious.  No matter how envious they are, they are still giving benefits to their own people and have nothing to do with the country.  But today, Ma Yuqing heard from a good friend that the other side had come to the county to recruit workers. This was unprecedented good news!  ¡°Then why are you lingering? Let¡¯s go right away!¡± Ma Yuqing couldn¡¯t bear it anymore. Regardless of the fact that his parents were still imposing a ban on him, he ran towards the county cinema.  ¡°If it weren¡¯t for informing you, we would have signed up a long time ago!¡± Zu Dawei and the other two complained and followed closely.  When they rushed to the cinema, they found this placeThe place was already crowded with people, and countless people who had received the news came in droves, crowding the recruitment point.  "If I had known it was so cute, we would have signed up first and then called you" Zu Dawei was dumbfounded when he saw the huge crowd of people.  Unexpectedly, he ran to join someone. After being delayed for less than half an hour, so many people came after hearing the news.  When the People¡¯s Party recruited troops in the early years, it also set up a branch in the county cinema, but not many people could sign up.  Affected by old impressions, he thought it would be okay to wait a little later.  He never thought that there was a big difference between recruiting workers and recruiting soldiers.  Recruiting soldiers means fighting, not to mention the hardships and hardships of traveling over mountains and ridges. In war, you often deal with death. It's okay to get a little injured, but bad luck can kill people!  What is there to be afraid of when recruiting workers? It is just to be a worker. How is it different from domestic industrial and mining enterprises?  I heard that there will be no war over there, and safety is guaranteed.  Even if the fight breaks out again, it will still be too late to run away!  With this mentality, almost all the unemployed young people in the county who heard the news came, more than a thousand people. By the evening, more than 3,000 people had come to sign up, completely blocking the street in front of the cinema.  .  All passing vehicles had to take a detour from the side streets under the command of the traffic police.  ¡­ This scene was staged simultaneously in Zhenkang County and Mangshi, which are adjacent to the military division.  The recruitment information together aroused huge response in the two counties and cities.  The total number of people who are temporarily unemployed in these two places is tens of thousands. It is not that there are no jobs in the country, but there are not enough jobs to accommodate these people.  They are looking forward to a job and looking forward to it.  The recruitment information now announced by the military division is like a message from heaven to them, and every family refuses to give up.  Since this is just a trial recruitment, the military division has only set up recruitment points in these two cities, with a total quota of only 500 people.  In order to compete for these 500 places, families of unemployed young people in the two cities have tried their best.  In the Northeast Military Region, which is across the river from the military division, the recruitment point was also grandly established in the center of Guogen County, and its impact was even greater than that of Zhenkang and Mangshi.  Unlike Zhenkang and Mangshi, which have state support, as a province with major mineral resources, the metallurgy and machinery industries are supported, and there are many enterprises and institutions.  Although employment is tight, there is still hope.  Guogen has been governed by chieftains since the Ming and Qing Dynasties, and there was no change during the Republic of China. Coupled with the discrimination and exclusion of them by the Yiding government, there was no industry at all in the area.  After the rise of the Kuomintang, it has been at war with the Yading Army all the year round. It relies on domestic aid. How can the upper management have the thought, energy, and ability to develop the local economy?  Until now, Guogen, with a population of 130,000, still follows the ancient way of working at sunrise and resting at sunset, completely lacking the modern atmosphere of the 1970s.  With its ancient rammed-earth city walls, low, dark tile-roofed bungalows, and bumpy stone pavement, the entire county still looks like a city that existed in old photos.  There are 130,000 people in the Northeast Military Region, but only 20,000 live in the county. Among these 20,000, only a few thousand have regular jobs.  Most of them can only do temporary jobs to earn some money to make ends meet.  The Northeast Military Region is also surrounded by mountains. The only agricultural basin of tens of square kilometers was occupied by the Qingshui River Estuary and fell to the enemy.  During the period when the People's Army suffered a disastrous defeat, life in the Northeast Military Region was very difficult.  Fortunately, the 291st Brigade was building a new city and recruiting people to the Northeast Military Region on a large scale. The people here were also overjoyed and sent nearly 40,000 people at once.  The salary of one and a half pounds of rice per person per day is equivalent to life-saving food, which makes the 130,000 Guogen people grateful.  With the land leveling completed, the 291st Brigade finally selected 18,000 hard-working and willing people from among 40,000 people, and formed a formal engineering team together with the military division's own people.  In the words of those who were selected, they are "eating from the public family"!  Their labor remuneration has also increased from one and a half pounds of rice per day to an additional 50 cents per day!  After a month, in addition to rice, I can also earn fifteen yuan, which can be used to buy cloth, salt, MSG and other daily necessities at the external supply and marketing cooperative of Brigade 291.  Therefore, as soon as the news that the 291 Brigade was recruiting workers spread, it was immediately surrounded by a swarm of people on three floors inside and three outside, everyone vying to sign up.  As for the salary, it is the same as what they have heard: basic salary, academic salary, skill salary, and performance salary.  During the training period, only basic living expenses will be paid. After the training, there will be a three-month probationary period, and the salary will be reduced by half. After passing the probationary period, you will become a regular employee and you will be assigned a room!  With such good treatment, even those who have been recruited into the engineering team are moved.  If the leader of the engineering team had not made a timely announcement,Engineering team workers will also enjoy the same treatment after the three-month trial period ends. I am afraid that many engineering team workers will also go to the recruitment center to sign up.  It only took half a day to fill the recruitment quota for a total of 1,500 people.  After the person in charge of the recruitment point repeatedly stated that more and more companies will be built and put into operation in the new city in the future, more workers will be needed. Even if they are not recruited this time, they will still have the opportunity next time. Tens of thousands of people  With eyes full of expectation, a road was opened, allowing the people from the 291st Brigade who came to recruit workers to leave smoothly.
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