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Chapter 185 Two legs and four wheels

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    "Division Commander, the military division sent an urgent message, saying that Guogen County is still in the hands of the county committee. Let us immediately lead a regiment to help and be sure to defend the county." Geng Feng and Feng Aiguo, commander of the first company of the military division's elite guard battalion, were in the Xincheng Industrial Zone  Next to Menghong Ferry, we inspected the terrain and discussed how to build fortifications.  Suddenly, the combat staff guarding the jeep jumped out of the car, ran towards the two of them, and loudly conveyed the military division order.  "What? Guogen County has not been lost yet?" Geng Feng and Feng Aiguo were overjoyed. They immediately ran to the side of the jeep, grabbed the microphone of the 861 walkie-talkie placed on the seat, put it to their mouths and shouted  Said: "Headquarters, headquarters, I am Geng Feng! Guogen County has not been lost yet?" "Yes, according to Staff Han's report, Secretary Yang of the County Party Committee acted decisively after receiving our notification and immediately concentrated the county brigade in the county. At the same time, let  Political Commissar Mo took control of the troops and was waiting for an opportunity to arrest Peng Desheng and his men. However, someone under Political Commissar Mo secretly informed Peng of the situation, so the other party took the initiative and took out the troops who were still loyal to him and retreated to the county town to join forces with the county brigade.  , the two sides are currently fighting fiercely at the city gate. According to Staff Han's observation, the fighting will of both sides is not very high. I wonder if they are all locals. For fear of accidentally injuring the masses, Peng Desheng's side did not use heavy firepower after firing two cannons.  The troops loyal to him did not have a strong will to fight. They rushed twice and failed to capture the city gate, so they relied on the houses, fields, and slopes outside the city for protection and fired at the city head.  The county seat cannot be captured within a day or two. Accordingly, the headquarters orders your troops to mobilize a regiment of militiamen to reinforce Guogen County, with the First Guard Company as the leading force. The minimum requirement is to hold the county seat. If possible, defeat the rebels and relieve Guogen County.  Gen County is in danger!" "It may be that Guogen County is not in danger of being lost for the time being. The other party explained in detail on the walkie-talkie, the causes and consequences, and the orders given to the militia division.  "Understood!" Geng Feng and Feng Aiguo were overjoyed and immediately accepted the order loudly.  The Salween River is the boundary between the Military District and the Northeast Military District next door, and crossing the river is entirely dependent on ferry boats.  There are two main ferries: one is Mangladu, which is 20 kilometers upstream, about three kilometers away from the university town and connected to the road to Kangka; the other is Menghongdu in front of us, which is only two kilometers away from the military division breeding base.  More than 100 meters away, less than one kilometer to the north, is the Xincheng Industrial Zone.  There is no bridge to pass between the two places, and they rely entirely on ferries. It does not require many troops to defend them.  But if the opponent fires from the other side, it will definitely fall into the university and industrial zone.  In the end, even if the goal of blocking the enemy is achieved, these two important places may be destroyed by the artillery fire between the two sides.  This is what gives the two of them a headache.  At this moment, they heard that Guogen County had not been lost, and the two of them were extremely excited.  People are selfish.  To put it bluntly, compared to the heartache of destroying some pots and jars in their own home, and going to start a war on someone else's territory, they are more careless.  In the end, even though both sides reduced Guogen County to ruins, Geng Feng could only sigh a few words afterwards.  "Quick! Quick, call the engineers to come over and build the bridge immediately! Captain Feng, please take a ferry across the river first, and I will send you another company of militiamen. After the other brigades are completed, I will lead them to follow  Come up!" Geng Feng made a decisive decision and immediately issued the order.  "Yes!" Feng Aiguo stood at attention and saluted.  In order to prevent the enemy from breaking through before the fortifications were completed, the first guard company and the assembled militia were divided into two groups and rushed to Mangladu and Menghongdu respectively.  In Menghongdu, Feng Aiguo only had two platoons of more than 70 people, far less than the strength of a company.  But the military situation was tense. In order to avoid any accidents, Feng Aiguo did not bother to gather his troops, so he took the third and fourth platoons, as well as several correspondents and deputy instructors, to join a militia company handed over to him by Geng Feng and rushed to the ferry.  The situation was unknown before. In order to fear that the enemy would suddenly arrive and seize the ships, all the ferries on both sides of the strait were ordered to gather in the military division. There were a total of one large, two small and three wooden boats.  "Comrade company commander, you lead the people to respond here. I will lead the guard company to cross the river first to observe the enemy's situation. When I get to the high ground, I will give you a signal, and then you will lead everyone across the river." Feng Aiguo's brain  Li had already planned it, and as soon as he arrived at the dock, he couldn't help but issue the order.  "Yes!" He Yuanchao stood at attention and accepted the order.  He knew that the militiamen had not received formal training and would not know how to respond if they suddenly encountered an enemy.  He himself had no idea how to actually fight the war. Instead of seeking credit, it would be better to listen to Captain Feng and let the guard company cross the river first to eliminate danger, and then let the militiamen cross to make it safer.  He looked around, just to be on the safe side and not let the militiamen wait at the dock.  Instead, he ordered the platoon to beThey were scattered and hiding behind several small slopes.  In this way, even if the enemy suddenly appears on the opposite side, everyone will not be exposed in an unprotected area and be used as a target by the opponent.  Waves of commands rang out near the dock. The people from the guard company, led by Geng Feng, boarded the ship in order. The militia company here also hid behind the small slope under the command of He Yuanchao.  Although the militiamen are not as good as the regular army, their military appearance and discipline are not inferior.  Although many people looked nervous and their movements were a little stiff, they still strictly followed the orders of the platoon leader, worked in a hurry and moved quickly to the back of the slope.  The engineers responsible for building the bridge ignored them and inspected the terrain around the dock to determine where and how to build the bridge.  Above the river bank, there was also the sound of running boots on the ground, the sound of hundreds or even thousands of people gasping, the clang of guns clashing, the sounds of commands and whistles from commanders at all levels, and engineers commanding the start of construction vehicles.  The roar of the engine and other sounds were like a boiling pot. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?.  The guard company led by Feng Aiguo had just boarded the ship. The boatman used poles to push the ship away from the dock when he heard the sound of an engine dozens of meters above his head.  He Yuanchao looked up and saw a crane emerging from where the black smoke was drifting, carefully walking along the cement ramp, preparing to come down.  Menghongdu and Mangladu are the most important traffic arteries connecting the military subdivision and Guogen County. In order to facilitate the transportation of materials, the dock has also been renovated and expanded with cement. Vehicles can pass through a zigzag ramp from the river bank to the 50-60 meter  pier.  In fact, the pier below can only be used in winter.  Every year in the spring when the rain starts to increase, the river level will gradually rise.  Each zigzag corner is the most suitable river surface height in a season.  In summer, when the rainfall is heaviest, the river surface may rise to a height of thirty meters, which is the first corner of the zigzag cement ramp from top to bottom.  That's where the docks are in the summer.  Behind the crane, a truck loaded with steel frames also poked its head out.  When the crane turned the corner, the driver also stepped on the brakes, then released his foot. When the vehicle slid down a meter or two, he quickly stepped on the brakes again, and then slowly slid down.  Behind this truck, another truck followed, and then another They were originally preparing to help build a fortress on the river bank, and were fully prepared with various construction machinery, equipment and materials.  When I heard that the bridge was going to be built, I immediately brought down the crane and other equipment.  When the ferry rowed out five or six meters, the crane arrived at the dock, lowered the support column, and turned the crane tower.  The river is very narrow in winter, only about 20 meters at Menghongdu, and the water flow is not fast.  In just a few minutes, the ferry was approaching the other side.  At this time, the first truck transporting the steel frame also came down to the dock and slowly stopped in front of the crane.  The engineers climbed onto the truck, tied the steel cable hanging from the crane tower to the angle steel, and then blew the whistle and waved the red flag to direct the crane to lift the steel frame, slowly turn the direction, and lift it to the ground.  He Yuanchao looked at the guard company flying off the ferry over there, then at the bridge-building work here, and blinked.  No one else had seen the engineers building the bridge. They all leaned out curiously and stared blankly at this side.  "This steel frame is used to build a fortress. It is too short to build a bridge directly. It needs at least four sections to have enough length!" An engineer commander carrying a major military academy shouted loudly, commanding the crane to move the more  Multiple steel frames were hoisted down, and then a group of engineers rushed up and used thumb-sized screws to fix the segmented steel frames and splice them into a longer span.  In order to ensure the strength of the steel frame, two layers of steel fasteners are added to the connection to strengthen it.  Several engineers squatted on the riverside, drawing sketches based on the draft of the three ships and the height of the river surface, and made nervous calculations before handing the sketches to other waiting engineers.  "In order to build the pontoon bridge, we have requisitioned these ferries!" He Yuanchao saw the ferries returning and was about to let one row and two rows board the ship, but the major stopped him and announced that these three ferries would be requisitioned.  "But we haven't crossed the river yet" He Yuanchao opened his mouth. The major glanced at his reserve epaulettes, said nothing, and returned to continue directing operations.  He Yuanchao's face was filled with excitement, shame and anger.  He understood that the other party looked down upon his status as a militiaman.  The other party was a major after all. His reserve rank was only a captain, and he had to be demoted one level when he was transferred to active duty. In fact, he was only a lieutenant and a platoon-level officer.  The other party didn't even bother to explain to him carefully, and simply used his status to force him to obey.  "Comrade Major, I am He Yuanchao, commander of the first company of the militia. The order we received is to rush to the rescue of Guogen immediately. This is the order of Commander Geng! You have commandeered the ferry,"We can't cross the river!  " He suppressed his anger and negotiated with the other party as calmly as possible. "The order to build the bridge was also given by Commander Geng!  "When he took out the title of Commander Geng, the major hesitated for a moment, then raised his hand and asked them to use the boat first. When the militiamen crossed the river in two batches, He Yuanchao looked over from the other side and saw only those on this side.  The steel frame has just been completed. It is nearly 30 meters long and has two flat steel frames about 40 centimeters below, which are like piers holding up the steel frame.  The zigzag ramp here leads to the river embankment. Looking down from above, the major was smiling and talking to the returning ship bosses, and then asked the guards around him to take out a few thick stacks of banknotes from their briefcases.  The famous ship boss happily took the money and actively cooperated with the engineers to remove all the roofs above the ferry cabin, leaving only a flat hull. Then, several engineers and the ship bosses left the dock with the roofless ferry.  "They are planning to use these three boats as bridge piers to support the steel frame on the river!  The action is quite fast.  " It took less than half an hour from the time Feng Aiguo led the guard company to complete the crossing of the river to the entire militia company. The engineer company had already welded the steel frame and started to formally build the bridge. He Yuanchao was amazed to see it on the top of the mountain, although it was still  I wanted to continue watching, but I had a heavy responsibility, so I had to give up with regret. After the team was assembled, they hurriedly took off on the road and ran along the road towards Guogen County. There is also a cement factory in Guogen, but they obviously don¡¯t have one.  Cement was used to build the road. Although the road was widened and slightly smoothed for the passage of cars, this main traffic road leading directly to the county town was still a dirt road. The road surface was not very smooth, and some traces of ruts were still there.  There was some water, forming small puddles. More than a hundred people started running on this road, and the dust was everywhere. After running for less than a kilometer, they all turned into gray faces and their pace was slow.  Slowed down. The military division is said to be across the river from the Northeast Military Region, but in fact it is only connected to the Xingwang District of Guogen County. From Xingwang District to the Xishan District where the county seat is located, you have to go east around Xiaozhongshan and Manggang.  Turn south along the Manggang River and Nitang River, continuously cross Huoshi Mountain with an altitude of 2,000 meters, and Manga Mountain with an altitude of 1,800 meters, and then turn east to reach the road. The whole journey is about 120 meters.  Kilometers, not to mention that each of the militiamen was carrying more than 20 kilograms, and they could not move forward lightly. Even if they did not have such a heavy load, the militiamen who had never received cross-country training would not have the ability to run from Menghongdu to the county seat in one go.  It is estimated that it will be good if they can reach the county seat tomorrow night. As for the security company led by Feng Aiguo, they have not seen it along the way. Only the fresh footprints on the road prove that they have passed here.  At the traffic artery of the military subdivision, they saw a steady stream of people going to the military subdivision. Most of them went to work, and some people were carrying burdens filled with vegetables, fruits, chickens and ducks, ready to be transported.  Go to the military subdivision to sell. Guogen here doesn't have enough spending power, and the people here are still implementing the policy of the People's Party headquarters, which does not allow individual economics, and if they are caught, they will confiscate and accept criticism, so the people here are doing it secretly.  They grow and raise their own goods, and then take them to the military subdivision to sell them for money. The mountainous area is closed, and the news has not spread here. They don't know that the fighting has already started in the county town. But they saw the militia company marching on the road.  There was no expression of surprise, but a friendly wave to say hello to them. The common people knew who was good to them, even if they didn't say it, they would rather be governed by military divisions.  Next. So the common people don't care whether these "flower-dressed" soldiers are here for training or have other plans. Maybe some people are secretly happy and wish they could take over the fruit roots so that they don't have to do business secretly.  Every hour of marching, we stopped to rest for a quarter of an hour. In this way, everyone was panting and exhausted. From two o'clock in the afternoon until the evening, the whole company had only traveled fifty miles, which was twenty-five kilometers, and the company was a quarter.  Not even a single step has been reached.  But everyone has lost their strength, and all the water in the kettle has been drunk.  If the cadres had not stopped them in time, they would have thrown away all the heavy bulletproof panels, gas masks, field tents and other items that seemed of no use.  Until now, they still haven't seen the guard company, and some militiamen are speculating whether the two sides missed the road somewhere.  In their opinion, they have already fought hard for their lives, and even if the guards are faster than them, there will not be a single one running slower.  According to common sense, a setThere will always be some laggards in the body, such as cooks, clerks, etc. It is impossible for them to undergo such intense training like combat soldiers. One or two should be left behind. How come I didn't see any of them along the way?  ?  "Company Company Commander, let's find an empty place to camp here!" The deputy company commander, sweat dripping from his head like water, and his entire collar was soaked with sweat, said to He Yuanchao with his hands on his hips.  He asked for instructions, "Comrades, we really can't run anymore. If we continue like this, I'm afraid a few of us will be exhausted before we even reach the county seat." "Then well, first, let's find an open space and put up a tent!"  He Yuanchao was also a little overwhelmed. He wiped the sweat on his chin that could not be wiped away, panting.  "For these commanders and fighters who were transferred from the regular army to the militia, after leaving the regular army, the training intensity was not as good as before in the army.  Although the basic training is still maintained, it is no longer comparable to the soldiers of the regular army, and their physical strength is gradually approaching that of the militia.  ¡° A twenty-five-kilometer cross-country trip, even if fully armed, would only take about three hours in the army.  But now they ran from two o'clock to seven o'clock, and it was already dark before they finished the journey.  Moreover, everyone's physical strength has been exhausted, and it will definitely be impossible to maintain the state of rapid march tomorrow.  He Yuanchao felt a little anxious. At this speed, when would they reach the county seat? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Just as He Yuanchao sent people to search the surrounding area to find a camping site, he heard a car horn sounding on the road.  Immediately, car lights pierced the darkness and swayed along with the ups and downs of the road.  Where does this convoy come from?  He Yuanchao was suspicious, so he forced himself to stand on the side of the road, found a high ground, raised his binoculars and looked in the direction of the car lights.  "Our motorcade is our motorcade!" He could not see the motorcade logo clearly due to the dazzling car lights, but the militiamen lying on the ground had jumped up excitedly, cheering and waving to the other side.  The convoy is approaching quickly, and you can see that all the cars have their lights on, as if they are on their own territory.  Crunch!  A jeep stopped next to the hill where He Yuanchao was standing. An officer jumped out of the car, looked up at the stunned He Yuanchao, and mocked: "I told you to give me the ferry, and you still carried it out."  Mr. Geng came to press me and insisted on rushing across the river. What happened? It took your little arms and legs all afternoon to cover this small distance, and it took us two hours to complete it!  On the pontoon, I caught up with you in the car for an hour. You might as well wait by the river! You really don't know the heart of a good person! With your two thin legs, I think you won't be able to catch up with the fight.  So, do you want to take our convoy transporting equipment? I'll take you there and I'll make sure we arrive at the county seat tonight!" This proud guy is the major who was directing the construction of the pontoon bridge on the river!  
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