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Chapter 187 Company Commander VS Commander (Part 1)

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    It was about three o'clock in the morning on December 21, 1980.  Deep night covers the earth, and there are no insects in the mountains in winter. Most birds have fallen asleep in their nests. Only bats are still flying in the air, looking for food.  From high in the trees, you can hear the cooing sounds of owls from time to time, and occasionally you can see their plump figures swooping down from the branches to catch mountain mice.  About three kilometers west of Guogen County, a heavily armed six-man team formed two triangular arrow formations one behind the other. Taking advantage of the undulating terrain, they moved quickly from one mound to another with half a body.  A mound.  Under the Kevlar helmets covered with camouflage cloth, everyone wore black hoods with only their eyes exposed, which did not reflect any light in the night.  They moved very quickly, and it only took a few seconds to move from one hill to another hiding spot. With the combat camouflage on their bodies and the thick night, even at close range, they could only see something passing by.  From a little further away, you can hardly see anyone moving here.  If you observe carefully, you will find that when they are running, their boots always land on the forefoot first, and there is an upward recovery movement at the moment they touch the ground. The heels do not touch the ground to slow down the impact when they land.  , to avoid making loud noises.  But even when moving quickly, they still maintain a high degree of vigilance.  Everyone holds the gun with their right hand, holding the handguard with their left hand, and the butt of the gun against the shoulder. The muzzle of the gun maintains the same direction as the movement, and is slightly offset according to their front, rear, left, and right positions in the team, forming a fan shape.  Everyone's index finger rests on the trigger guard to ensure that the trigger will not be accidentally touched while running, and at the same time, the trigger can be pulled immediately to shoot at the target when the situation is discovered.  About two or three minutes after the search team passed, another team of dozens of people caught up with them.  Their attire was exactly the same as that of the previous search team. They also used hoods to cover their faces. They were very careful when moving and were careful not to make any noise when running.  It¡¯s just that there are so many of them, even if they are careful, they still make a lot of noise when they run.  Anyone within tens of meters, as long as they were not asleep, could hear the noisy footsteps of many people running.  A group of people rushed behind a small slope a few meters high. An officer at the front, holding a May 4th pistol, had his knees slightly bent. He raised his left hand in a half-crouch, with his elbow outward, his forearm straight upward, and his palms together.  Turn your back to your back.  Seeing his gesture, the others quickly stopped and took a vigilant posture, waiting for new orders.  Feng Aiguo threw himself on the slope, pushed his feet on the ground, and quickly climbed to the top of the slope. Carefully, only one head was exposed, and he raised his binoculars to search for the pathfinding team in front.  Assistant instructor Hou Ping was behind him and crawled to his side, searching with his binoculars.  He searched around, and Hou Ping, who was beside him, gently touched him with his elbow and pointed to the side and forward.  He quickly turned the lens, and soon found a few points of faint phosphorescence dancing among the soil slopes in the eight-fold military telescope.  This phosphorescence is painted on the back of the search team's collar and cannot be seen from the front, but the large troops behind can find their location through the phosphorescence.  The phosphorescence is very weak and cannot be seen from a few steps away. Only by searching purposefully with a telescope can you find them.  If someone has particularly good eyesight and sees these pulsing phosphorescence, most ordinary people, unless they are experienced veterans, will regard it as a will-o'-the-wisp.  Good boy, you run so fast!  Feng Aiguo admired them silently in his heart. He admired them and felt proud to have such strong soldiers under his command.  The search team has an arduous task. Whether it can quickly and covertly find a passable road determines the safety of the entire unit, so the psychological pressure is very high.  In addition, in order not to alarm the enemy, their running postures are extremely demanding. Their movements do not conform to the functions of the human body. They also have to approach the enemy's position quickly, which consumes their physical strength very quickly. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????::???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? It's only a kilometer or two away, but it takes a lot of hard work on weekdays to achieve immediate results.  If ordinary people follow their instructions and run, they will either get cramps or run out of energy, making it impossible to finish.  Feng Aiguo did not immediately lead the team to follow. Instead, he continued to lie on the top of the slope, using his binoculars to look over the heads of the search team and look at the sloping hill a few hundred meters ahead of them to the right.  The northern part of Heding, like Yunnan, is part of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, with mountains crisscrossing the territory and little flat land.  The Guogen area is also surrounded by mountains, and 90% of the territory is mountains.  Even where the county seat is located, it is just a mountain basin, with only a small area of ??completely flat land, with the northwest-southeast direction as the base, forming a triangular shape.  In addition, there are some long strips of land sandwiched between the surrounding mountains, which can be regarded as arable land.  ? ?After questioning Deputy Commander Chang and others, he learned that after Peng Desheng's troops were unable to attack, they retreated to the southeast when it got too late and stationed themselves on a hill about four kilometers away from the county seat.  It seemed that Peng Desheng was very careful. He was not so arrogant that he camped under the city. Instead, he chose a hill that was easy to defend as a base and built a layered defense system to avoid sneak attacks from the city at night.  Although Deputy Commander Chang only drew a sketch without precise topography, and even the directions and shapes of the mountains were somewhat deformed, he could still figure it out at a glance with the help of several iconic reference objects such as lakes and mountains to identify the location.  Understand where that is.  Because of the specific terrain, Feng Aiguo has remembered it very clearly on the sand table and large-scale military terrain map produced by the military division.  Although he had never been here before, and the sky was dark and he could hardly see his fingers, he could still find the exact location where Peng Desheng's troops were stationed.  Pengbu is only a few kilometers away from the county seat. From this distance, you can see clearly with a telescope.  Deputy Commander Chang and others used their fingers to draw in detail the location of their camp and several warning posts on the ground. They were concentrated on a roughly arc-shaped mountain range in the southeast of the county. They were not 20 meters away from the mountains.  A guard post was posted on an adjacent hilltop.  Although this hilltop is not connected to the mountain range and there is a gap of about 20 meters in the middle, it can be judged from the shape that it belongs to the remaining veins of this mountain range.  And after crossing a break of about ten meters, it is connected to another mountain range behind it, gradually rising up and stretching for tens of kilometers, all the way to the top of Daqing Mountain.  And the strip of shallow hills running northeast-southwest a few hundred meters in front of the search team is the mountain range that is only about ten meters away from the top of the hill.  Who knows whether Peng Desheng will quietly send a small force here after night falls to cover the left wing.  Even if there are no troops above, from a warning point of view, it is appropriate to place an observation post on the top of the mountain.  As long as Peng Desheng was not so paralyzed that he lost his due vigilance, he should have left a night sentry post here.  Therefore, he did not rush to lead his troops to follow, but first observed from a distance from the rear to see if anything unusual happened on the mountain as the search team approached.  "It's only six to seven hundred meters anyway. If the search team is ambushed, he can lead a large force up in time."  The search team obviously also thought of the problem he thought of.  In the telescope, the jumping amplitude of the phosphorescence became much smaller. It started from running wildly and quickly, and then entered the state of engaging the enemy.  As they get closer to the mountains, the team's movements become more careful. In addition to moving to the hiding place every time, they are still very agile. After entering the hiding place, they will stay for a short while to observe the surrounding movement and confirm whether there is any movement.  Alert the enemy before moving to the next hiding place.  While waiting for them to approach carefully, Feng Aiguo returned to the back of the hillside and asked the guard to find the combat map issued by the military division from his briefcase.  Then ask other people to form a circle, block out possible bright lights, and use their personal low-light flashlights to carefully study and judge the nearby topographic map.  It took the search team twenty minutes to finally reach the bottom of the mountain range.  With a clearer understanding of this generation of terrain, Feng Aiguo and others who returned to the top of the slope could not help but feel their hearts tightening. They held the telescope and stared unblinkingly at the beating phosphorescence, and the constant back and forth.  He searched all over the mountain top for fear that gunfire might suddenly appear somewhere.  This mountain range is not very high. From the topographic map produced by the military division, we know that the highest point of the ridge is about 250 meters, the northern section is relatively flat, and the slopes on both sides range from 20 to 40 degrees.  The southern section is very steep. The slope is basically around 45 degrees. It is shaped like a prism and it is difficult to climb on both sides.  Therefore, the peaks of the mountain range are shaped like blades, and there is almost no adequate foothold for stationing troops here.  Considering that Peng Desheng did not have many troops, the main force must be concentrated in the mountains to the northeast of the hill. Most of the troops will not be stationed here.  Even if he is worried, the most he can do is put a warning post on the top of a hill, and it will probably be on a flatter part of the northern part of the mountain range.  The phosphorescent light representing the search team moved more and more slowly, and was sometimes obscured by the terrain, disappearing from sight for a moment before quietly appearing in another place.  Feng Aiguo and others saw that the search team was divided into two three-person groups, with one group moving forward and slowly moving up the west slope.  The other group always fell dozens of meters behind and did not keep pace with them.  This is also a standard cover formation.  While the front three-person group was crawling forward, the rear group relied on the uneven terrain, set up their guns, and were ready to attack any sudden enemies and cover the retreat of the front group.  Wait until the first group is in place and stop before the next group sets out to reach them.  Then the first group is responsible for guarding, while the second group crawls forward, and the two groups are ready.In this way, explore the path alternately until you encounter the enemy or successfully complete the investigation.  With Feng Aiguo and others paying attention, the two groups moved forward slowly, slowly approaching the top of the northern slope of the mountain range.  During this process, there were no accidents. Whether it was this mountain range or the hills in the northeast, everything was quiet.  Either the scouts were concealed and did not alert the enemy, or Peng Desheng did not place a warning on this mountain range.  When the search team successfully reached the top, Feng Aiguo finally breathed a sigh of relief, and his heart returned to his chest.  He raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead and found that the deputy instructor Hou Ping was doing the same action. The two looked at each other and smiled, saying nothing.  Being a soldier is dangerous, and no one knows when he will fall on the battlefield.  The scouts are the most dangerous among the troops. They are responsible for detecting the enemy's situation for the troops. They often go deep behind enemy lines without adequate cover and operate under the eyes of the enemy.  Any slight mistake may lead to a frantic attack by the enemy, being surrounded by heavy enemy troops, and suffering heavy losses.  During training, Feng Aiguo could still treat them with a calm attitude. If he made a mistake, he would just reprimand them severely and start over.  But on the real battlefield, there is no chance to do it again.  The price of a mistake is life!  You must know that for the convenience of movement, they only wore combat uniforms. Even the bulletproof vests were too cumbersome to take off, and they were not equipped with bulletproof inserts.  No matter how beautiful the combat uniform is, it can't stop bullets.  If they were discovered during enemy reconnaissance, their chances of surviving when the enemy concentrated firepower would be slim.  When the reconnaissance team climbed quietly, even though they were hundreds of meters away, Feng Aiguo was still so nervous that he didn't dare to show his anger. His hands holding the telescope were all sweaty.  He was always ready to lead his troops forward to meet their retreat if the situation changed.  It wasn¡¯t until he saw that they successfully reached the summit without any danger that he finally felt relieved, wiped his palms, and wiped away the sweat from his forehead.  Even though you have experienced hundreds of battles, the tension you feel when you are on the battlefield never changes.  "They are crazy! They are still continuing to investigate that hilltop! It is simply unorganized and undisciplined!" Feng Aiguo had just let go of his nervousness. Hou Ping, who was beside him, suddenly violated battlefield discipline and cursed in a low voice.  He immediately raised the telescope in front of his eyes and looked towards the direction of the reconnaissance team.  When he saw it, he was so angry that smoke came out of his nostrils.  Sure enough, as Hou Ping said, the reconnaissance team did not return after climbing the mountain, but moved down the north slope.  Judging from their direction, they planned to continue their efforts and move forward to the hilltop in front to detect whether there were enemies on it.  It¡¯s just playing the piano randomly!  He can guarantee 100% that Peng Desheng will definitely put people on the top of the hill. He dare not say how many, but there will be at least one to several fixed sentries, two to three hidden sentries, and maybe some mobile sentries.  After all, Peng Desheng is a veteran who has fought many battles, and he is at the forefront of combat. How could he be unprepared?  It is a great achievement for the reconnaissance team to find out that there are no enemies on the mountain range. It can ensure that the large force can approach the mountain range without any scruples.  Then consider touching off the sentinels sent by Peng Desheng, or continue to go around and make the next decision based on the situation.  It would be too rash to touch it directly like this!  Feng Aiguo was so anxious that he no longer cared about observing the situation here. He rolled down the slope and shouted in a low voice to the guard and the third platoon leader who came to help him: "Old Huang is so reckless, he actually  I want to get under the nose of the enemy's sentry post. Hurry, gather your troops and follow me to attack!" After saying that, he buckled his slightly skewed helmet and took the lead in rushing out of the mound where he was hiding, heading towards the mountains.  Although the situation was urgent, he did not act impulsively.  Under his leadership, the troops still used various obstacles along the road to cover and approached the target as cautiously as possible.  When he was still a hundred or two hundred meters away from the southern part of the mountain range, he slowed down to prevent the sound of his fast running from spreading too far and alerting the enemy.  Human eyesight, in such a dark night, can only see as far as twenty or thirty meters.  Under a bright full moon, only moving targets sixty or seventy meters away can be seen.  He knew that there were no sentries sent by the enemy on the mountains, so he was not worried that the troops would be discovered by the enemy, but the sound was different. On such a quiet night, the sound of a large group of people running wildly was enough to spread two to three hundred meters.  .  Fortunately, when everyone had rushed to the bottom of the mountain range and turned northward along the mountain, they had not heard the gunshots coming from the top of the hill.  During the last distance, they were even more careful. They set out one by one in class units and gradually gathered forward. Finally, all seventy-three people gathered at the distance.At the foot of the mountain in the northern section of the Yangtze River.  This place was only a few dozen meters away from the hill. Everyone held their breath and held their firearms more lightly, for fear of making a sound when the metal parts of the automatic rifle collided.  Feng Aiguo followed the foot of the mountain and climbed to a position where he could see the top of the opposite mountain, and observed the situation again.  The distance was too close. He didn¡¯t use a telescope this time and could see the green fluorescence approaching the top of the mountain.  It was obvious that the reconnaissance team was not mindless. They moved very slowly. Every time they climbed forward one meter, they had to stay for a long time. Their movements were so slow that if they hadn't been staring, they wouldn't have noticed that they had moved forward a certain distance.  During this process, they did not alert possible enemies on the top of the mountain.  This proves that the other party did not pay too much attention to this hilltop. It is also possible that they did not have enough troops, or they did not expect that they would come up from the left side, so they did not place sentries on the mountainside, which allowed the reconnaissance team to successfully reach the place close to the top of the mountain.  But here, they all stopped and didn't move forward for a long time.  Feng Aiguo suddenly understood: They have discovered the enemy!  Moreover, the enemy was very close to them, so close that he might be just a few meters in front of them, so they did not dare to move.  As long as you move, no matter how small it is, you may alarm the other party!  He immediately raised his telescope, looked over the heads of the reconnaissance team, and searched upward inch by inch. Then, he found a semicircular thing behind a rock five or six meters in front of the team.  Although there was no bright light for illumination, Feng Aiguo immediately understood what it was from the duck tongue-like thing on the front of the round object - a military cap!  Looking down from the military cap, you can only see a dark shadow, and it is completely impossible to identify what it is.  But with the military cap as a reminder, he naturally knew that it was a squatting or sitting person.  From the direction of the brim of the hat, you can tell that he is facing the investigation team. Maybe he is trying to keep his eyes open and looking at where they are lying.  The reconnaissance team climbed up from below with very slow movements. Slowly revealing a head would not expose the target, but if the entire body was revealed, it would definitely be recognized by the opponent.  This is why the reconnaissance team is motionless, because they don't even dare to retreat now.  Feng Aiguo quickly climbed back and found sniper Xu Zhen and his partner, deputy shooter Cao Chengwen, among the troops on standby. He pointed at them and the silencers they carried.  The two people understood immediately, immediately took off the silencer, installed it on the muzzle of the Type 79 sniper rifle, and then followed him and slowly climbed to a higher place.  The location of the reconnaissance team is very unfavorable, with a large height difference between the upper and lower levels.  They could see the hidden sentry, but it was blocked by rocks and only a trace of scalp was exposed.  The scout at the front also discovered him from the side after changing positions, but he was also exposed to the opponent's sight and lost the possibility of attacking.  "As for others, it is almost impossible to kill the sentry from the bottom up.  Xu Zhen and the others were in a different position. Although they were at a lower place, from here they could only see the top of the Anshao's neck, while the bottom of the neck was obscured by the terrain.  But he could change direction, avoid the obstructing big rock, and snipe from the side of the hidden sentry.  The two talked silently using gestures for a few seconds, and then separated.  Xu Zhen lay down on the spot with his sniper rifle resting on a stone. He slowly adjusted his breathing and put the dark circle into the center of his aim.  Cao Chengwen was two meters away to his left, raising his gun in a kneeling position and aiming it at the side of An Shao's head.  The two adjusted, Xu Zhen pulled the trigger first, and Cao Chengwen immediately fired after hearing the sound. The difference between the two soft sounds of "pop" and "pop" was only a few tenths of a second, and the black man hiding behind the rock  The shadow swayed, and then disappeared into the shadows with a slight sound of rolling stones.  The sound of a sniper rifle equipped with a silencer is weak, and the breeze blowing from the mountain top reduces the possibility of being discovered.  Seeing the hidden sentry disappear, the reconnaissance team did not continue to move forward or retreat, but still lay motionless on the spot.  Xu Zhen and Cao Chengwen immediately loaded their second bullets and aimed in that direction again.  Feng Aiguo even directed the squad that came up, aimed at the possible location of the enemy on the top of the mountain, and was ready to shoot.  ¡°One second, two seconds¡­, everyone is on guard.  There is no change. No one pokes his head out from the top of the mountain to look around, and no one shouts. Except for the mountain wind blowing in his ears, there is no other sound.  The reconnaissance team moved forward again. A few minutes later, they touched the rock where the secret sentry was hiding.  A scout raised his hand and pointed his thumb towards the bottom of the mountain, indicating that there were no enemies - the enemies who were here have been killed!
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