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Chapter 195 Fire

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    "Do you want to go down?" The two planes carefully circled a place far away from the top of the mountain, circling back and forth several times. No abnormality was found. Deng Min couldn't help but turn on the intercom and ask his companions.  "Don't worry, let's wait and see! Anyway, we are full of fuel and can be in the sky for a few hours!" Captain Maung Aung replied.  ¡°But, I forgot to relieve myself before boarding the plane, and now I suddenly feel full of urine!¡± Captain Theng Min said embarrassedly.  "Who told you not to be prepared? You deserve it! Let me tell you that a unit from Xingwei is about to arrive at the reconnaissance position to conduct ground searches. If you don't hurry up, they will arrive first!" During the call, a sudden interruption  He heard the angry voice of Major Maungkong.  "Okay! ok!" Deng Min said helplessly, not daring to openly contradict his boss on the communication channel.  The Army is the largest in the Yiding Army, and the role of the Air Force is to support the Army.  If they don't do anything, it's okay to anger Major Maung Kong, but if they anger those army gentlemen, they will be punished.  "Then let's go around two more times. Maybe they came for a sneak attack. Maybe they have run away now." Captain Maung Aung was very considerate of his good friend's difficulties. He carefully examined the scenery below and felt that he really couldn't see the presence of a large force.  He suggested comfortingly.  "Great! Let's do it!"  "I said why these two planes are always circling in the sky and just refuse to come down!" Captain Thein Min and Captain Maung Aung were hesitating in the sky whether to lower their altitude.  At that time, on the air defense position on the east side of the main peak of the 1800 Highland, Gu Hongming, the commander of the air defense company, also held up his binoculars and chased them through the grid of the Type 65 camouflage net, complaining constantly.  The 65-type camouflage net is the first generation of standard camouflage and shielding equipment independently developed in China. It is made of PVC plastic fiber.  Depending on the area of ??use, the camouflage leaves hanging on the net are different. For example, the air defense company currently uses broad-leaf camouflage suitable for tropical areas in southern Xinjiang.  After covering the camouflage net, it blends with the surrounding scenery. The enemy's line of sight from a high altitude is completely deceived and cannot smoothly observe ground targets.  The military division has conducted experiments with unmanned reconnaissance aircraft. When the reconnaissance aircraft is at an altitude of more than 1,000 meters, it cannot identify objects more than five meters on the ground.  When the reconnaissance aircraft drops below 800 meters, if the camouflage area is large enough and the design is clever, it can also be unrecognized by the opponent.  Only when the reconnaissance plane drops below 300 meters can you vaguely see the abnormality below.  But at this height, even a squad machine gun can carry out an air attack on it. With other anti-aircraft firepower, even if it is seen, there is probably no chance to go back and report.  Because the Type 65 camouflage net is made of PVC plastic fibers, it can not only achieve optical camouflage, but also has an infrared camouflage function, which can avoid the opponent's infrared light exposure, reduce the heat of military targets hidden underneath, and reduce detection.  possible.  For the weak Yading Air Force, using such a thing is actually too luxurious.  They have almost no advanced detection equipment and basically rely on naked eye observation and attack.  With such a big net covering it, the possibility of being discovered by the other party is quite low.  After the main force of the military division cleared the enemies on the main peak, they covered all the positions and fortifications with camouflage nets and quietly waited for the arrival of the enemies.  There is no exception for the vital position of the air defense position.  With this camouflage net, Gu Hongming could stand on the top of the mountain in a dignified manner, chasing the silhouette of the plane with a telescope, and still have time to complain once or twice.  There was a sound of running footsteps behind him. When he looked back, he found that it was the deputy company commander of the company left behind. He ran towards him quickly. When he got closer, he whispered: "Lao Gu, there is a call from the frontline headquarters. The discovery was made in 1508 Highlands."  A convoy came from the direction of Xingwei. Highland 1508 reported that there were two armored vehicles in the convoy, and the others were infantry. It was judged that it was not a convoy transporting supplies. It should be to search this area. We need to shoot down the enemy aircraft quickly.  At least we should scare them away, so that they dare not fly low, and cover the troops to attack the enemy. " "I am also anxious, but he won't come down. The anti-aircraft machine gun at this height can hit it, but it is not accurate at all.  Remind the other party." Gu Hongming was anxious and said angrily.  "How about we try to lure them down" "Draw them down? But" Gu Hongming hesitantly turned towards the enemy planes that were circling east, gritted his teeth, stamped his feet and said, "Okay! Let's give it a try, then.  Can you lure them down? " "3011, 3011! Enemies found at nine o'clock! Repeat, there is a group of people running to the west!With a strong urge to urinate, he suddenly heard Captain Maung Aung's call on the intercom. He quickly turned his head and looked down to the left through the glass cockpit.  The scenery on the mountain is still so small. If he stays still, he really can't see anything different from usual.  But when the opponent started running dragging a long shadow, the small black dot formed was immediately visible to him.  Sure enough, there is a row of tiny black spots on the left side of the mountain, running quickly towards the main peak.  Although it is fast, from the perspective of them who are 3,800 meters in the air, it seems to be moving slowly. It is only because the other party is moving that it is so easy to distinguish it from other stationary objects.  "I saw it!" He turned the control stick, and the plane drew an arc in the air, turning its nose from east to north. "There are about a dozen people, and no other targets were seen! I'm ready to get off!" "Understood!  I will stay at two thousand meters to provide you with cover." Captain Maung Aung also confirmed that he had not seen any traces of the soil being disturbed, which proved that there was no enemy position below. This was not a trap, so he was very loyal.  The ground accompanies him to lower his height and provides him with cover.  Their level is very poor compared to other big countries, but they still have basic tactical literacy.  After discovering the target, it is impossible for a swarm of swarms to chase and fight. Instead, one aircraft lowers to a height that can carry out ground attacks, and the other aircraft provides cover on his side and rear. When the first aircraft completes its attack, he also  A second strike is possible.  In the event of an unexpected situation, this aircraft can dive immediately to attack the emerging enemy and cover the smooth escape of the aircraft in front.  "Thank you, I'll treat you to a drink when we get back!" Captain Deng Min gave him a thumbs up, pressed the nose of the plane, and drew an arc to dive sideways towards the group of running people.  It took them three minutes to raise from 2,800 meters to 3,800 meters.  But when he descended from 3,800 meters to 2,000 meters at the maximum dive speed allowed by the aircraft, it only took him 23 seconds in total.  This amount of time is only enough for the group of people to run a hundred meters!  The difference between the altitude of two thousand meters and the altitude of the hillside of about one thousand meters is only one thousand meters.  At this height, he could clearly see the slender tubes carried or held by these people, which were obviously weapons.  And they are also wearing the same attire, camouflage uniforms.  If they hadn¡¯t started running, even with his sharp eyes as a pilot, it would have been impossible to find them.  They were probably lying on the hillside before, and their camouflage uniforms deceived their eyes.  Then I found that they still refused to leave, so I had no choice but to run away in a hurry. It seemed that I planned to run to the main peak, use the cover of the mountain, and escape into the ravine.  These cunning mice!  Captain Teng Min¡¯s suppressed desire to urinate was intertwined with anger. In order to successfully solve the task and go back to urinate, he decided to descend immediately and kill all the escaping rats.  You can first use the aerial cannon to sweep them over to scare them away from being exposed in the open space, and then turn back and blow them up into the sky with bombs!  He has already thought up the battle plan, with a smile on his face, maintaining the same flight posture and route.  The engine exhaust smoke drew a beautiful arc in the air, like a death scythe, falling from the sky and beheading the group of people.  One thousand eight hundred meters.  His fingers have moved to the top of the joystick, ready to press the gun firing button at any time.  One thousand six hundred meters away, there is a sharply expanding mountain top ahead, and the distance between the plane and the running group of people is close to about two thousand meters.  From this distance, he can already identify everyone carefully, and it is useless no matter how hard he hides!  Those people probably knew that the end was coming, so they ran faster.  In order to run faster, they threw all their weapons on the ground.  Some of them probably thought it was cumbersome, so they took off their backpacks and other things and threw them away.  Behind them, all kinds of messy debris formed an obvious trail, exposing them.  Captain Denmin had a gleeful grin on his face.  ¡°Maybe it was the huge overload caused by the plane¡¯s sharp decrease in altitude, and the blood surged up, making him a little dizzy.  Adrenaline secretion stimulated him to want to kill, and only blood could calm his excited nerves.  In order not to fly too fast and have no time to aim, he lowered the flaps and lowered the speed from 270 kilometers to the normal 220 kilometers.  Two hundred kilometers One hundred and eighty kilometers One hundred and sixty kilometers One hundred and twenty kilometers. When the speed dropped to a low speed close to the stall speed of 110 kilometers, he was afraid that the plane would enter a spiral state and quickly stopped.I didn't dare to lower the speed any more after using the joystick.  But at this time, the distance between the two sides has been reduced to less than 500 meters.  Looking from the side, the expressions on the faces of those guys who were running for their lives were clearly visible.  He yelled and adjusted his flight path for the last time, his breathing getting thicker and louder.  This is the time!  ¡­ ¡­ ¡°This is the time! Fight!¡± Gu Hongming was overjoyed when he saw the plane descending from the sky as they wished, and actually charging straight at the air defense position.  This is better than the best-case scenario he expected!  As an anti-aircraft weapon, anti-aircraft machine guns are not precision shooting weapons.  For a flying target whose relative distance exceeds a kilometer and moves tens of meters per second, it is useless to chase it from the side or from behind. Ninety-nine percent of the bullets will fall behind the aircraft.  If you want to shoot down the opponent, it is best to attack head-on and let the aircraft stay in the shooting window for the longest time.  Then, according to its flight speed, a large number of bullets are poured out in front of its flight path at a certain advance, forming a net for the opponent to hit.  He only dared to pray for the opponent to fly over head-on, but he never expected that the opponent would not only lower his altitude and come head-on, but also reduce his speed!  Judging from the speed at which the other telescope jumps from one scale to another, the opponent's flying speed will not be higher than 130 kilometers per hour!  This is simply a great joy!  "There's something, if there's anything better than shooting an aircraft that's moving sixty-one meters per second, it's a slower target.  Now, the opponent's speed has dropped to 30 to 40 meters per second. This is simply a delicious meal that was unexpectedly sent to you. If you don't eat it, you would be really sorry for the opponent's cooperation!  "Fire!" He looked up and looked at the twisted face of the pilot above that could be seen with the naked eye. He finally broke the radio silence and gave the first command to the walkie-talkie with a loud voice.
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