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Text Chapter 130 National Liberation

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    Our month and day.  Today, major cities in the country are filled with a strong festive atmosphere. The streets and lanes are covered with slogans celebrating the second anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China and the liberation of Taiwan.  Five-star red flags were planted on tall buildings, fluttering in the strong wind.  In the past year, we have achieved victory in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, the return of Ryukyu, and Japan¡¯s reparations.  The liberation of Taiwan happened one after another.  The victory dazzled people.  I feel extremely excited. This series of great victories has greatly inspired the patriotic enthusiasm and national pride of the people across the country.  Early in the morning, cheerful Beijing citizens dressed in festive costumes went to participate in various National Day celebrations.  People held bouquets and colorful flags to form parades, shouting passionate slogans to celebrate victory. Like a rolling torrent, they poured into *** Square from all directions. Children held small colorful flags and walked through the parade.  "Playing around" [] Around 6 o'clock in the morning, during the music of "The East is Red", almost all the party and state leaders appeared on the Tiananmen Square. The entire Tianjin Square suddenly burst into applause, and the shouts of "Long Live Long Live" resounded through the sky.  With tears of excitement in their eyes, people waved colorful flags and bouquets in their hands and shouted loudly. People expressed their support for their leaders in this way. This excitement is beyond words across the country.  At the meeting where the people warmly celebrated the second anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Supreme Commander stood on the tower of ** City Gate and delivered a National Day speech: Comrades and friends, in the past three days, our heroic People's Liberation Army has calmed down.  The armed rebellion launched by the Kuomintang die-hards in Taiwan Province has now been occupied by the People's Liberation Army, which has completely destroyed the Kuomintang die-hards, the source of their destruction of China's stability and unity, and overturned the three mountains that weighed on the Taiwanese people.  , the people of Taiwan have been completely liberated. Taiwan has finally returned to the embrace of the motherland! "The Chinese people have always been a great and hard-working people, but this backwardness is entirely due to imperialism and the domestic reactionary government.  The result of oppression and exploitation. After more than a hundred years of heroic struggle, the Chinese people, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, finally achieved the great victory of the people's revolution and completely liberated the whole of China. Now I declare the victory of the National Liberation War in the East!  End! We are not only capable of destroying an old world, but we are also good at building a new world and completing the reunification of the motherland. However, we have completed the first step of the long march, and our revolutionary work is not over yet. We are still facing more arduous tasks.  We must continue to work hard to create our own civilization and happiness with our hard-working hands and infinite wisdom, so that our economic construction and spiritual civilization construction can achieve rapid success. The national-scale economic construction work has been placed in front of us.  . We will build our country into a powerful socialist country with modern agriculture, modern industry, modern national defense and modern science and technology within a short period of time. Our people will have a job and food for everyone.  Everyone has food, clothing, housing, and a happy and happy life. We will implement compulsory education nationwide; we will work hard to improve the quality of basic education for our next generation.  We will gradually implement universal free medical care nationwide to improve the health of the nation, develop sports, and enhance people¡¯s physical fitness. To achieve all of this, we have many difficulties, but we are convinced that everything will be done.  All difficulties will be overcome by the heroic struggle of the people across the country! The Chinese people already have extremely rich experience in overcoming difficulties, as long as we maintain the style of hard work, as long as we are united, as long as we always uphold the socialist system and always adhere to the people.  With democratic dictatorship, we can quickly achieve victory in economic construction and spiritual civilization construction.  With the arrival of a wave of economic construction, there will inevitably be a wave of cultural construction.  The era when Chinese people were considered uncivilized has passed. The Chinese nation will appear in the east of the world as a nation with high material civilization and high spiritual civilization!  We must continue to strengthen our country's national defense construction, and we will never allow any imperialists to invade our land again.  We must not only build a strong army, but also a strong air force and a strong navy.  Our cause is just, and a just cause is invincible.  Our goal will definitely be achieved, our goal will definitely be achieved!  ?While holding a conference to celebrate the second anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China at ** Square in Beijing.  In the square in front of Taipei Jieshou Museum.  A "warm celebration of the second anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China and the founding of the Taiwan Provincial People's Government" was also held.  Taiwanese people spontaneously held activities to celebrate Taiwan's liberation.  Parades composed of students and citizens gathered in the square in front of Taipei Jieshou Hall.  Among the parade, there were a group of performers including lake boats, lion dancers, dragon lanterns, fire stars, morning boats and stilts.The gongs and drums were noisy, and the event was unprecedented.  On the morning of the same day, Wang Zhipeng, deputy commander-in-chief of the Guangdong and Fujian fronts, presided over the founding meeting of the Taiwan Provincial People's Government. Sun Liren and many other officials were also invited to attend.  Thousands of people from all walks of life in Taiwan participated in this celebration with historical meaning.  Wang Jipeng first announced: "Now, on behalf of the Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China, I announce that the People's Government of Taiwan Province of the People's Republic of China was officially established today! The original Jieshou Hall is the seat of the People's Government of Taiwan Province, and the square in front of the People's Government of Taiwan Province is officially  Renamed, People's Square!" After the applause of the audience subsided, Wang Lipeng continued: "Now the flag-raising ceremony begins, everyone stands up." The temporary national flag class, which was temporarily guest-starred by the former Marine Division, appeared.  , they walked out from the main entrance of the Provincial Government, walked to the melody of the march of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, escorted the national flag to the flag-raising place in the square, and completed the action of putting away their guns and standing at attention.  Accompanied by the majestic "March of the Volunteers", the first five-star red flag was raised on the island of Taiwan.  All the soldiers present raised their hands in salute to the national flag, and the soldiers in the national flag squad raised their guns in salute.  After the flag-raising ceremony was completed, the colorful flags were fluttered and there were thunderous cheers.  This historical moment was captured forever by the cameras of the few Chinese and foreign reporters present.  After the flag-raising ceremony, Xiao Qiang delivered a "Message to the People of Taiwan" on behalf of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Garrison in Taiwan: "On the first day of the new year, the Kuomintang die-hards launched an armed riot in Taipei, causing huge losses to the lives and property of the Taiwanese people. On this day,  In just three days, more than 60,000 Taiwanese citizens were killed or injured, leaving more than 10,000 people homeless.  In response to the request of the Taiwanese people, the People's Liberation Army quickly landed on the island and faithfully performed its sacred duties. It stopped the armed rebels from continuing to infringe on the lives and property of the Taiwanese people, resolutely eliminated all armed rebels who dared to resist, and arrested some who instigated armed rebellion.  The leading criminals in the riot quickly quelled the armed riot.  This action of the People's Liberation Army saved the Taiwanese people and Taiwanese society, effectively safeguarded the integrity and integrity of China's territorial sovereignty, and achieved the true reunification longed for by the people of the country.  The People's Liberation Army is now clearing out armed rioters and restoring normal production and living order in Taiwan. Wherever the People's Liberation Army goes, we hope that people from all walks of life in Taiwan will provide assistance.  Zite announced the eight chapters of the treaty and is willing to abide by them together with the people of Taiwan.  1. Protect the lives and property of all people in Taiwan.  People from all walks of life in Taiwan, regardless of class, creed or occupation, all hope to maintain order and adopt a cooperative attitude with the People's Liberation Army.  If there are rioters or other saboteurs who take the opportunity to cause trouble, rob or destroy, they will be severely punished.  2. Protect Taiwan¡¯s national industry, commerce, agriculture and animal husbandry.  All privately operated factories, shops, banks, warehouses, ships, docks, farms, etc. are protected and inviolable.  It is hoped that employees in all industries will continue to produce as usual and stores in all industries will continue to operate as usual.  Third, Taiwan¡¯s banquet capital was confiscated.  All factories, shops, banks, warehouses, ships, docks, post offices, telegraphs, telephones, tap water and farms run by the reactionary Kuomintang authorities and big bureaucrats will be taken over by the People's Government.  Among them, if the private shares are found to be true after investigation, their ownership shall be recognized.  All personnel working in bureaucratic capital enterprises must continue to work as usual before the people's government takes over, and are responsible for safeguarding assets, machines, charts, account books, files, etc., waiting for inventory and takeover.  Those who have merit in protection will be rewarded, and those who sabotage work will be punished.  Anyone who is willing to continue serving will be hired on the basis of their ability after the people's government takes over, and they will not be displaced.  4. Protect all public and private schools, hospitals, cultural and educational institutions, sports venues, and all other public welfare undertakings in Taiwan.  All personnel serving in these institutions are expected to continue to serve as usual, and the People's Liberation Army will protect them from infringement.  5. In addition to criminals who commit riots and commit heinous acts of murder, arson, and poisoning, all officials of the Kuomintang government at all levels, representatives of the National Congress, legislative and supervisory committee members, senators, and police personnel  The People's Liberation Army and the People's Government will not take prisoners, arrest, or humiliate those who do not resist with guns and do not conspire to sabotage.  The above-mentioned personnel are instructed to perform their duties, obey the orders of the People's Liberation Army and the People's Government, and be responsible for protecting the assets and files of various agencies and waiting for them to be received and processed.  Among these personnel, the people's government will allow those who have certain skills and have no serious reactionary behavior or serious misdeeds to be recruited separately.  Anyone who takes advantage of the opportunity to sabotage, steal, commit fraud, abscond with public funds, property, or files, or refuse to account will be punished.  6. In order to ensure urban and rural security and social order in Taiwan, all stragglers must surrender to the People's Liberation Army or the People's Government.  Anyone who voluntarily surrenders and surrenders all weapons will not be held accountable.  Anyone who resists and fails to report for duty, or who conceals weapons, will be arrested and investigated.  Those who conceal and fail to report shall be subject to appropriate punishment.  7. The feudal land ownership system in rural areas is unreasonable and should be abolished.  But to abolish this system, we must be prepared.There are steps.  Generally speaking, rent and interest should be reduced first, and then land should be distributed. It also requires the People's Liberation Army to arrive and work for a long period of time before the land issue can be seriously resolved.  The broad masses of farmers should organize themselves to assist the People's Liberation Army in carrying out various preliminary reform tasks.  At the same time, we must work hard to cultivate so that the existing agricultural production level will not decrease, and then gradually increase it, so as to improve Taiwan's farmers and supply urban people with commercial food.  City taxi land houses.  The problem of unwillingness to stay in one place is dealt with in the same way.  8. Protect the safety of life and property of foreign nationals in Taiwan.  We hope that all foreign nationals in Taiwan can live their lives in peace and maintain order.  All foreign residents of the Bridge must abide by the laws of the People's Liberation Army and the People's Government, and are not allowed to engage in espionage activities, act against the cause of China's national independence and people's liberation, or harbor riot criminals and other criminals.  ¡°Otherwise, they shall be subject to legal sanctions by the People¡¯s Liberation Army and the People¡¯s Government.  "The People's Liberation Army has strict disciplines, buys and sells to the public, and is not allowed to take a needle or a thread from the private sector.  I hope that all people in Taiwan can live and work in peace and contentment and not believe in rumors or disturb themselves. ? Subsequently, representatives from all walks of life in Taiwan, industry, agriculture, and commerce spoke one by one. They first warmly celebrated the second anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China; they also warmly celebrated the founding of the Taiwan Provincial People's Government.  Next, they severely condemned the Kuomintang die-hards for launching an armed riot in Taipei; they firmly supported the People's Liberation Army stationed in Taiwan and would vigorously cooperate with the People's Liberation Army to suppress the armed rioters of the Kuomintang die-hards; they warmly celebrated Taiwan's return to the embrace of the motherland; they all said,  We must work hard under the correct leadership of the Taiwan People's Government to build Taiwan into a better place!  Make the motherland more prosperous!  After the speeches by representatives from all walks of life in Taiwan.  The troops of the Chinese People's Liberation Army stationed in Taiwan pushed the celebration activities to the extreme.  In the majestic march of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, the People's Liberation Army Taiwan Garrison Army, Navy and Air Force held a grand military parade. There were a total of individual foot formations participating in the military parade. At the front was a pistol foot formation composed of PLA officers, followed by  A dismounted automatic rifle formation composed of officers and soldiers of the 1st Marine Division; a phantom bazooka dismounted formation and a rifle dismounted formation composed of the People's Liberation Army; and finally, a naval dismounted formation composed of sailors from the landing ship detachment, followed closely behind  It is a 4-axis tank formation led by 4 tanks and an artillery formation composed of old 1.5mm artillery.  Walking at the back was an armored formation consisting of 4 old armored vehicles guided by an armored command vehicle. When these formations passed through the People's Square, they were modified from old MiGs to form 6 triangular formations of 3.  The majestic momentum of a diamond-shaped formation passed over the People's Square.  With a strong lineup, majestic momentum, sophisticated equipment, and high morale, the People's Liberation Army's army, navy, and air force have demonstrated to all walks of life in Taiwan the spirit of our People's Liberation Army as a mighty and victorious division that is proud of all heroes and overwhelming.  It had a great deterrent effect on the remnants of the Kuomintang die-hards on the island.  At the same time, it also greatly stimulated the Taiwanese people's sense of identity and belonging to the motherland.  After the military parade ended, the song "Socialism is Good" came from the loudspeakers at the scene.  In the singing of "Socialism is Good", the Taiwanese people's march also started.  Huo Lianxing opened the road and played small trumpets and drums together. A handsome young man in a soft-top convertible car in front kept waving a big five-star red flag. Behind the car were students from Taiwan Girls' Middle School who were holding bouquets, singing and dancing;  Then came the student military band; then the colorful flag formation; followed closely by the Taiwanese citizen formation holding banners celebrating National Day and the liberation of Taiwan; followed by the dragon dance team, with the dragon's head dancing, and each section of the body was golden  The lotus flower, the dragon tail is a butterfly, I really want to be a dragon flying and dancing in the lotus pond.  Followed by a group of gongs and drums That evening, Sun Liren, in the name of the director of the Taiwan Military Control Commission, made a statement at Taipei Songshan Airport: "The Taiwan Military Control Commission of the Kuomintang has accepted the peace agreement between the Japanese and Chinese occupation forces in April 2018.  The principle of the final amendment. I now order all the armed forces of the Republic of China, including the army, navy, air force, military police, police forces, local forces, all military agencies, schools, factories and logistics agencies, to comply with the regulations on April 1, 2020.  Article 4, paragraph 7, and paragraph 8 of the final amendment to the Chinese Communist Party peace agreement will be adapted in principle. It is hoped that all ministries will strictly implement the principles of the final amendment to the peace agreement. Stationed in Kinmen, Matsu, Dadan, and Erdan.  , the Kuomintang defenders on Dachen Island and other mainland coasts received a call from Sun Liren. After they learned through various channels that the People's Liberation Army had occupied Taiwan, they went to fight without any response.  Rush to send telegrams to the Central People's Government and the Taiwan People's Government. Warmly celebrate the second anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China! Celebrate the liberation of Taiwan and resolutely implement the peace agreement between the Japanese and Japanese occupation in April of the old year.  Article 4 of the final amendment accepts the central government¡¯s adaptation of these principles.He highly praised them and hoped that they could implement the Three Major Disciplines and Eight Points of Attention of the Chinese People's Liberation Army before accepting the adaptation.  Officers at all levels must continue to serve as usual, be responsible for daily work, and be responsible for protecting all weapons and equipment, various military facilities, and various military supplies under their command, and must not destroy, transfer, or hide them.  So far, on the second anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the country has finally been liberated.
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