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Text Chapter 213 The Lord Harmony Faction is in Action

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    Chapter 213: The Peace Faction in Action Whether it¡¯s war or peace.  Khrushchev was prepared for both.  According to Khrushchev's original intention, he hoped to resolve border and territorial issues with China in a peaceful manner.  In later history, during the period when Sino-Soviet relations were tense, many books and articles published in China regarded Khrushchev as a revisionist, ambitious, ignorant, rude and barbaric.  Reckless and rude, he was demonized to the maximum extent.  If there were no ideological debates and no competition for the status of the leader of the international communist movement, Khrushchev should be said to be a good person, and he would also provide the greatest support to China.  Before the "controversy" between China and the Soviet Union, both the official and the people in China praised Khrushchev.  Even Khrushchev himself admitted that Mao Zd was friendly and respectful to us in the first few years after Stalin's death.  Objectively speaking, for China, Khrushchev is infinitely better than his predecessor, the new tsar Stalin, and his successor to Stalinism, Brezhnev, the leader of Soviet social-imperialism.  Of course, according to Stalin's standards, he was undoubtedly a revisionist. If we look at it from another perspective, was he a pioneer of socialist reform?  Is it the xxxx of the Soviet Union¡¯s reform and opening up?  After stabilizing his position in the party, he implemented the de-Stalinization policy in the Soviet Union, breaking the shortcomings of the Stalin model and the shackles of personality worship, and rehabilitating the victims of the Great Purge.  At the same time, he actively promoted agricultural reforms, which improved the people's livelihood in the Soviet Union and the Soviet national economy developed rapidly.  Of course, these liberalizing reforms were somewhat disorganized and unsystematic, and formalized Stalin's mistakes while fundamentally abandoning Stalin's Marxist content. All of this was bound to be criticized by the Soviet party and government as well as the international community.  * Stalinist opposition within the movement.  Externally, he gave up and always believed in Lenin's view of "war and revolution" as his main guiding ideology.  He proposed the peaceful transition from capitalism to socialism; peaceful competition with the capitalist camp, peaceful coexistence with capitalist countries, and a moderate "Three Harmonies" line.  ¡¾¡¿ ¡±¡° Faced with a series of ¡°invasions¡± by China, a special meeting of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the Soviet Union was held for three days to study countermeasures.  On the first night of the meeting, Khrushchev called Andropov to his office and asked him individually for his views and solutions to the Sino-Soviet territorial dispute.  Andropov believed that "a war between China and the Soviet Union, the two big socialist countries, is undesirable. It will inevitably lead to the total collapse of the entire socialist camp, which is not in the interests of the Soviet Union. China and the Soviet Union should still negotiate  To solve this problem, it is necessary to lose soldiers and save vehicles. Khrushchev asked Andropov to comprehensively analyze from the perspective of the socialist camp, the war between the two major powers, China and the Soviet Union, and its impact on the international political cause and the Soviet Union.  Influence. Find a practical and feasible way to peacefully resolve the Sino-Soviet border issue and maintain the unity of the socialist camp, especially the Warsaw organization Then he found Bulganin, the current chairman of the National Economic Council, and learned about Bulganin¡¯s ideas:  ¡°It is certain that the Sino-Soviet war affected the economic development and construction of the Soviet Union. If the scale of the war extended to the European part of the Soviet Union, it would cause a complete collapse of the Soviet economy.  Even if the Soviet Union wins, the Soviet Union will be reduced to a second- or third-rate country like Britain is now.  And now the chances of winning are slim.  If China and the Soviet Union can resolve this territorial issue left over from history through negotiation, carve out some land, and strive for friendly coexistence between China and the Soviet Union, the advantages will outweigh the disadvantages no matter from which aspect.  Khrushchev instructed Bulganin: "Then from the perspective of the development of the national economy and the Soviet Union's national economy and people's livelihood, analyze which of the two aspects, war and peace, is more conducive to the economic development of the Soviet Union, and which is more conducive to the well-being of the Soviet people?  , which one is more conducive to the long-term stability of the Soviet Union. "Compared with the Soviet army and millions of Soviet people living a half-starved life on meager rations, it is another story in the Kremlin restaurant.  The scenery was great.  The bizarre richness on the table amazed everyone except this "servant of the people."  The table is covered with a variety of food and drinks.  Red caviar, black caviar, smoked salmon, freshwater salmon, sturgeon, roast suckling pig, suckling sheep and suckling goat, stuffed turkey, piles of vegetables and fruits, piles and piles of spirits and a variety of wines  , the ice cream cakes here all reflect the great material richness of the Soviet socialist society.  In the small restaurant dedicated to Khrushchev in the Kremlin, Khrushchev slowly chewed red caviar while listening to Zhukov's analysis of the comparison of military power between China and the Soviet Union: "Just now  The situations I mentioned are only what I know about China's nuclear equipment. Therefore, I believe that a nuclear war with China will have no other consequences than the destruction of the Soviet Union. If we engage in a conventional war with China.  , the premise is that the United States and North Atlantic Treaty Organization do not take action, of course this?The setting is unscientific.  No matter what the United States and NATO say, there is no chance that they will not take action.  This is not a question of the personal character of any American leader; it is determined by the nature of imperialism.  As long as one of China and the Soviet Union showed signs of defeat, they would pounce on the losing side like wolves. There is no doubt about this.  But we still set the Sino-Soviet war under this untenable assumption.  Otherwise, we can't even think about fighting, but even so, according to the results deduced by me and several generals, there is no chance of winning.  "Zhukov picked up a glass of white wine on the table and drank it in one gulp. Then he skillfully cut a small piece of smoked salmon with a knife, put it in his mouth and tasted it slowly. Then he symbolically dipped his napkin on his lips.  Liao Zhan said: "If we start a fight with China now, we will only be humiliating ourselves. It is very painful for a soldier to come to such a conclusion, but this conclusion is the closest to reality.  " Khrushchev put down the fork in his hand, pushed the plate inward, took a sip of white wine and said: "Are our nearly 1 million troops in Asia really so vulnerable?  " "The quantity of modern warfare is no longer the main factor, but the quality is more important. As early as 1951, after the Sino-US joint announcement, Stalin continued to increase the number of troops stationed in Asia.  Before 1951, we had about 30 divisions stationed in Asia, including 15 divisions in the Soviet-Chinese border area. Now we are increasing our troops vigorously in Asia, especially the Soviet-Chinese border area, so that the Soviet Far East Military District close to Northeast China  It has become the only largest military region among our 16 military regions with more than 20 divisions. The Soviet Sixth Army in Asia has gradually increased to 50 divisions, 5,000 military aircraft of various types, as well as the Pacific Fleet, more than 100 intercontinental missiles and some Chinese  range missiles, with a total strength of nearly 1 million.  Although China has been engaged in various wars over the years, their army has always remained between 250,000 and 300,000.  The total strength of the Shenyang Military Region, Beijing Military Region, and Xinjiang Military Region, the three military regions close to us, is also around 1 million. In addition to the 300,000 people of the three newly established Far East Corps armies, China's total strength in the north is 130,000.  Around 10,000.  In terms of numbers, it is not terrible that they have 300,000 more people.  What is terrible is their quality. 70% of the officers above lieutenant level are veterans who participated in the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea, and many of them have attended military schools ranging from 1 to 4 years in length.  In terms of equipment, they have about 1,000 aircraft, which is 80 fewer than us in number. But judging from the air battle in Outer Mongolia, the quality is not comparable to ours in quantity. From the moment they appeared to the time they destroyed ours  The flight took only three minutes.  And we didn't even see their planes.  "Speaking of this, Zhukov, the Soviet Marshal who had been fighting all his life, couldn't help but let out a long sigh. "Hey, this quality gap, no matter how large the quantity is, what's the use except to add more orphans and widows to the Soviet Union?  There is also the difference in tanks between them. From India to Outer Mongolia, we have not heard of a record of one of their tanks being destroyed." Khrushchev looked at Marshal Zhukov who was looking at the sky and sighing and said: "I can understand you.  Feelings of concern for the country and the people, let's talk about these situations at this special meeting of the Central Committee Presidium with those stupid supporters of Stalin's line, and analyze the chances of winning the Sino-Soviet war from the perspective of military strategy and tactics  How big is it? Predict the price the Soviet people will have to pay during the war, and comprehensively demonstrate the direction and results of this war.  "Come in, Comrade Suslov, Comrade Khrushchev is still waiting for you in the office." The staff in Khrushchev's office looked at this "** Puritan" with great reverence and pushed Khrushchev away for him.  The heavy door of Rushchev's office.  "Comrade Suslov, please sit down," Khrushchev pointed to the chair in front of his desk and said, "Thank you." Suslov took off the round Lenin hat on his head and said to Khrushchev  After nodding, he sat opposite Khrushchev.  Khrushchev looked at this saint who had been his university teacher and liked to quote Lenin's words to strengthen his strength and self-reliance when writing articles. He was incompatible with materialistic ideas and had no selfishness. He said: "Comrade Suslov.  The main reason I invited you here today is to understand the contents of the "Garahan Declaration on China". I know that you are extremely familiar with this matter. "Oh," Suslov responded softly and thought for a moment.  He said that there were some contradictions before and after the two "Galahan Declarations on China", but in general Lenin still advocated the abolition of the unequal treaties signed by Tsarist Russia and the Qing government. The main contradictions were that "Galahan Declaration"  The First Declaration on China wrote: ¡°After the Soviet government returns to the Chinese people everything that the tsarist government has plundered from the Chinese people or that it has plundered with the Japanese and the Allied Powers, it immediately proposes to the Chinese government to abrogate the 1896 Treaty and the 19o1 Treaty.  The Beijing Agreement and all agreements signed with Japan from 19o7 to 1916 were negotiated.  The first article of the Second Planning Declaration reads: ¡°The Government of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic declares that the former RussianAll treaties concluded by the previous government with China are null and void, all territories previously seized from China and all Russian concessions in China will be renounced, and everything that the Tsarist Russian government and the Russian capitalist class have seized from China will be permanently returned to China free of charge.  " "It is indeed a living dictionary of Marxism-Leninism." Khrushchev couldn't help but admired when he saw that Suslov effortlessly and accurately stated the key points of the "Galahan Declaration on China" twice. Then he asked  He said: "Now the Chinese have proposed these two "Declarations", what do you think of this?  " "To be honest, when I answer this question, I feel mixed and contradictory. From the perspective of Russia's national interests, I hope that the bigger our territory, the better, and the more resources we occupy, the better.  But from the standpoint of an international activist, in terms of the nature of the lands acquired by the Tsarist Russian government, the actions of the Tsarist Russian government are definitely imperialist plunder.  Comrade Khrushchev, you know that before the middle of the 16th century, Tsarist Russia was a purely European country and had no border with China.  Later, Tsarist Russia continued to expand and occupied the vast Siberia, and then it was adjacent to the Chinese border.  Since the Shunzhi period of the Qing Dynasty in China, Tsarist Russia has penetrated deep into the Heilongjiang River Basin and occupied large areas of land there.  In 1685, the Qing Dynasty sent troops to encircle the city of Yaksa where the Russian army was entrenched. There was an armed conflict between the two sides. The Russian army failed and the Russian government requested an armistice. After 14 days of negotiations, China and Russia finally reached an agreement on September 7, 1689.  Japan signed the Treaty of Nerchinsk.  The treaty stipulates that China and Russia are bounded by the Gelbiqi River, the Ergun River and the Transoxingan Mountains. The north and west belong to Russia, and the east and south belong to China.  The Nerchinsk area west of the Ergun River, which originally belonged to China, became Russian territory.  The city of Yaksa was owned by China, the city built by Russia was demolished, and the residents were sent back to Russia.  After the two parties reached an agreement, mutual trade was allowed.  Thirty-eight years after the signing of the "Treaty of Nerchinsk", that is, in 1727, during the Yongzheng period of the Qing Dynasty in China, China and Russia signed the "Treaty of Brenches" and the "Treaty of Kyaktu", which stipulated the middle period between the two countries.  boundary.  During this period, there were basically no major conflicts on the border between the two countries.  But then the Second Opium War broke out, and the British and French forces attacked the suburbs of Beijing and burned the Old Summer Palace.  The Qing court was very frightened, and Emperor Xianfeng fled to Rehe in panic.  At this time Russia took the opportunity.  ¡± [Member Dedication]
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