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Text Chapter 229 Eastern Theater

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    Chapter 229: Eastern Theater War is the highest form of struggle for conflicts between political groups, ethnic groups, and countries. It is an armed struggle between two interested parties in order to achieve certain political and economic goals. It is a means of resolving conflicts.  One of the highest and most violent means of disputes, it is also usually the fastest and most effective way to resolve disputes.  War is the highest expression of politics. Problems that cannot be solved by political negotiation can only be solved through this highest form of politics.  It is the most extreme expression of political struggle.  When the territorial issues between China and the Soviet Union could not be resolved through negotiations, China could only choose the most extreme, fastest, and most effective means of war to resolve it.  ¡¾¡¿ With strong national indignation against the old and new czars, Deng Feng commanded China's millions of lions to launch a preemptive and ferocious attack on the Soviet Union's arrogant polar bear with an unprecedented new style of play.  Directing one of the most magnificent wars in human history.  In order to obscure the transmission of Soviet information.  The Chinese Air Force used large-scale electrical destructive weapons - electromagnetic bombs.  The application of electromagnetic bombs on the battlefield is mainly to destroy the enemy's electronic system.  The higher the sensitivity of the radio electronic system, the more likely it is to be destroyed by the powerful electromagnetic field released instantly when the electromagnetic bomb explodes.  It serves as the main weapon of the Chinese Far East Corps to carry out information attacks on the Soviet army, and has achieved extraordinary results.  "" When the Chinese Far East Corps launched the first round of attacks on the Soviet Army at the beginning of "Operation Bear Hunting", it dropped electromagnetic bombs on various Soviet radar stations and air defense units, which destroyed the air defense systems and commonly used weapons in most areas of the Soviet Far East Military District.  The command and communication systems and other military and civilian electronic equipment suffered huge electronic damage. Most of the electronic devices in the Soviet equipment were burned and penetrated, causing serious damage. The radar system and the command and communication system of the anti-aircraft artillery were completely paralyzed.  Once the Soviet electronic emission entity was detected, the Air Force's electronic countermeasures aircraft carried out precise strikes against it from the air.  This kind of electromagnetic suppression, which had both "hard destruction" and "soft destruction" against the Soviet army, successfully paralyzed the Soviet battlefield "neural network" system, making the Soviet army deaf, dumb, and blind. Subsequently, the Chinese Far East Corps Air Force  The Soviet Air Force carried out unscrupulous large-scale bombing of 44 Soviet airports and anti-aircraft artillery positions. Faced with such an unprecedented attack, the runway was bombed, the radar failed, and the radio station was destroyed. It was completely stupid and unable to do anything.  At the beginning of the war, the Soviet Far East Air Force could only watch as more than 2,000 of its aircraft were destroyed on the ground. The Chinese Far East Corps Air Force seized the air superiority of the entire theater in one fell swoop.  , this is a unilateral information-transparent war that spans generations. It is a brand-new war model that Soviet commanders at all levels could never imagine. But whether the ultimate goal of the war can be achieved can take back what has been used by the Soviet Union for generations.  The territory occupied by people also depends on the hard work and real ability of the ground troops. In the winter in the Northeast, there is white snow, thousands of miles of ice, the cold color is green, the north wind is thick and the ice is not cracked, and there is a cold light in a short day.  , bare branches, leaving not even a scrap of green, enduring the howling cold wind from Siberia for nine winters. The 2nd Group Army of the Shenyang Military Region of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, in accordance with the order of Deng Feng, commander of the Far East Corps, the unified commander-in-chief of the war against the Soviet Union, on 2  At about 20 o'clock in the evening on the 10th, they began to enter the preset offensive position on the right bank of Heilongjiang along more than a dozen logging forest roads and temporarily built simple roads. Opposite them were the unequal "Aihun Treaty" and "Aihun Treaty" passed by Tsarist Russia.  The Chinese territory Hailanpao occupied by the Beijing Treaty and the 3,600-square-kilometer territory of Jiangdong 64 that was forcibly seized by Tsarist Russia have been controlled by successive Chinese governments, whether it was the Manchu Qing government, the Beiyang government, or the Kuomintang government of the Republic of China.  It is the government of the People's Republic of China that has never recognized the legality of Tsarist Russia and the Soviet Union in occupying this territory. This is in accordance with the provisions of the two unequal treaties imposed on the Chinese people - the "Aihun Treaty" and the "Beijing Treaty".  It is also an undisputed Chinese territory. Jiangdong 64 Tun refers to a section of land on the left bank of Heilongjiang, starting from the mouth of the Jingqili River on the other side of Heihe Town in Aihui County, and going south to the opposite side of Holmojin Tun in Sunwu County.  It is about 140 miles long and 50-70 miles wide from east to west. It has been a place where Chinese people lived for a long time. There were 64 Chinese residential villages in history, so people used to call it Jiangdong 64 villages.  There are nearly 35,000 Chinese residents including Han, Manchu, and Daur ethnic groups. "The land is fertile, the people are diligent in farming, and the annual output of grains makes the province rich." It is the richest place in the middle reaches of Heilongjiang. In 1858, Tsarist Russia took over.  The opportunity for the British and French forces to attack China forced the then Chinese Qing government to sign the unequal "Sino-Russian Aihui Treaty", which stipulated that Heilongjiang would be the border between China and Russia and ceded a large area of ??Chinese land on the left side of the Yangtze River.  Article 1: For those located on the left bank of Heilongjiang River,?The 64 villages where Chinese people have lived for generations have made the following regulations: "The original Manchus and others are still allowed to live permanently in the villages where they live, and they are still managed by the Manchukuo ministers and officials. The Russians and others are reconciled and cannot be invaded.  "According to the provisions of this treaty, Chinese people have the right to reside in No. 64 Tun, and the Chinese government has jurisdiction over the people there.  However, when the Eight-Power Allied Forces invaded China in 1900 (the 26th year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty), Tsarist Russia took the opportunity to expel the Chinese from Jiangdong 64 Village across the river.  In July 1900, the Russian military police received the order to "annihilate the Chinese who appeared in our territory without asking for instructions."  On July 17, Russia sent an army across the Jinqili River and attacked Jiangdong No. 64 Village.  The Russian army drove a large number of villagers to "gather in a large house" and set it on fire. Less than half of them escaped.  The Russian army marched along the riverside, one village after another, setting fire to and destroying the houses of Chinese residents.  The Chinese residents who had narrowly escaped death, supported the elderly and the young, and fled to the Heilongjiang River. Because the river was blocked by the river, they could not bypass it, so they had to sleep on the river beach, crying and miserable.  In an instant, the Russian cavalry came after them, shooting like rain, and the blood of Chinese residents dyed the water of Heilongjiang red again.  On July 18, another Russian army crossed the Jingqili River and continued to burn the "Manchu villages". They shot thousands of Chinese residents in Bordo Village alone.  They also forced all those who had not crossed the river, including men, women, old and young, farmers, craftsmen, and people from all walks of life, into the river.  Except for dozens of people who swam across the river bank to survive, the rest were forced to drown in the river, and corpses were left floating in the river for several days. This is how Tsarist Russia occupied this land.  After the Sino-Russian peace talks in 1902, despite repeated negotiations with the Qing government to reclaim the land, the Tsarist Russian government adopted various rogue means to deny the Chinese people originally living in this area the opportunity to return to their homeland where they had lived for generations.  The issue of Jiangdong 64 villages has become an unsolved issue in history.  Until 1991, when the government of the People's Republic of China and the former Soviet Union delimited the border, the then President of the People's Republic of China signed a treaty with Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev, and the People's Republic of China officially recognized the relinquishment of sovereignty over the area.  Hailanpao¡¯s original name was Mengjiatun, but later it was renamed Hailanpao.  It is a transliteration of the Mongolian "Halapao", which means Black Paozi. It is an important town on the north bank of the upper and middle reaches of Heilongjiang.  It is located opposite the urban area of ??Heihe County, Heilongjiang Province.  In May 1858, Tsarist Russia forced the Qing government to sign the unequal "Sino-Russian Treaty of Aihui", which included a large area of ??Chinese territory north of Heilongjiang, including Hailanpao, into Russian territory, and renamed Hailanpao "Blago"  Veshensk" became the capital of Amur Province.  By 1900, the population of Hailanpao City had grown to 38,000, 30,000 of which were Chinese. They were mainly engaged in commerce, handicrafts, vegetable production, and selling labor as hard labor. There were more than 500 large and medium-sized businesses operating.  Like No. 64 Village, a tragic massacre of Chinese people took place here. On the same day as the No. 64 Massacre, the Tsarist Russian Police Department in Hailanpao City rushed all the imprisoned Chinese to the riverside and lied about using boats to arrest them.  Cross to the other side.  After arriving at the river, the Tsarist Russian soldiers waved their swords and drove all the Chinese "all the way into the water."  "While the women threw their babies onto the shore, begging for at least their lives, the Russian soldiers caught the babies, picked them up on bayonets, and cut them into pieces."  A mother "left her child on the bank and walked into the river herself", but after walking a few steps, she came back and hugged her child and walked into the water. Finally, she had to go ashore to "put down her precious child". It was inhumane.  The Russian soldiers stabbed the child and his mother to death.  There are countless examples of such cruelty.  A Tsarist Russian officer who participated in the massacre narrated the entire massacre process like this: "When we arrived in Verkhovna Blagoveshchensk, the eastern sky was red, and the water of the Heilongjiang River looked like a stream of blood.  Russian troops holding bayonets surrounded the crowd.  , constantly compressing the encirclement. The officers waved their swords and shouted wildly: 'Anyone who disobeys the order will be shot immediately' The crowd began to be crushed into the turbid current of Heilongjiang like an avalanche. The crowd shouted like a madman, and the sound shook the blue sky.  Some tried desperately to push through the flow of people and get out of the trap; some trampled on the women and babies who were pushed down in an attempt to escape. These people were either kicked into the air by the cavalry's horse hoofs, or stabbed to the ground by the cavalry's bayonets.  , the Russian soldiers shot together. The shouts, cries, gunshots, and curses were mixed together, and the misery was indescribable. It was simply a scene of hell. "The work of cleaning up the scene was followed by a bloody battle.  The massacre began immediately after.  ¡­ Most of the piles of ¡®corpses¡¯ are living people whose breath is still alive, with livers and brains splattered all over their bodies, and their flesh and blood are messy.  Whether he was dead or alive, he was thrown into the river at once.  after cleaning.  The half-dead people floating on the water of Heilongjiang rolled away like rafts. What remained in the large pool of blood on the river bank were only some scattered discarded shoes, hats and baggage.  Even these relics were ravaged to the point of being left intact.  " The Chinese on the other side also witnessed this tragedy. Yang Jigong, the deputy governor of Aihui, wrote: "At 11 o'clock in the morning on the 21st (July 17th in the Gregorian calendar), looking at the other side, the Russians drove countless overseas Chinese to surround the river.  , the noise shook the wild.  Take a closer look at the Russian soldiers, each holding a sword and axe, slashing east and west, breaking corpses into powder and bones, and the sound is sore in the nose. Those who were seriously injured died on the bank, those who were lightly injured died in the river, and those who were not injured were all thrown into the water and drowned. The bones were overflowing and covered.  The river is full of oceans.  "This brutal massacre lasted from July 17 toOn the 21st, more than 5,000 Chinese compatriots lost their lives.  On July 22, the Amur government announced that all Chinese people in Hailanpao had been "purged".  In his article "China's War", Lenin angrily condemned this crime of Tsarist Russia.  Hailanpao, this vast and fertile land that originally belonged to the territory of the Chinese nation, has since changed its ownership.  The political mobilization in the "Operation Bear Hunt" plan stipulates: "The crime of Tsarist Russia invading our territory and killing our compatriots must be widely publicized throughout the party and the entire army through various forms, so as to inspire all party members and the People's Liberation Army  The national indignation and patriotic enthusiasm of the commanders and fighters should be used to educate the majority of party members and PLA commanders and fighters not to forget this class hatred, and not to be fooled by the so-called big brother of Soviet socialism. Russia is against China.  The most vicious neighbor who has hurt the nation the most is the sworn enemy of the Chinese nation. We must educate the majority of party members, cadres, and PLA commanders and fighters that the Chinese are not easy to bully, and blood debts must be repaid with blood." The 100,000 cavalry of the 2nd Group Army of the Shenyang Military Region are cherished.  Full of hatred for the Russians and the determination to repay the blood debt with blood, he divided his troops into two groups and crossed Heilongjiang to regain the lost territory.  The 2nd Mechanized Infantry Division will cross the Heilongjiang River from the east and north of Heihe County and launch an attack on the 44th and 45th Border Defense Regiments of the 34th Tank Division of the Soviet Far East Military Region entrenched on the opposite bank, towards the manufacturing site of Jiangdong 64  The Tunhehailanpao massacre owed the Chinese people a huge blood debt, and the Soviet army, the descendants of Tsarist Russia, paid off the blood debt.  Recover the richest and most beautiful place of our great motherland. The second route will cross Heilongjiang from Xunke County to the 36th Motorized Rifle Division of the Soviet Far East Military District and the 48th KGB Border Guard Regiment in the Poyarkvo and Rechisinsk areas.  Launch an attack.  After success, attack to the east toward Obruchye, Bilakan and Bila areas. After success, turn south toward Khabarovsk and attack Birobidzhan.  In the virgin forest east of Heilongjiang, Heilongjiang, Heihe County, the surroundings are surprisingly surrounded, and there are thousands of troops ambush in this strange deep mountain forest.  Destroyer tanks, wheeled armored vehicles, and tracked personnel carriers are ambushing Siberian tigers lurking in patches of red pine forests. The black muzzles of hundreds of artillery pieces have been calibrated with coordinates, directions, and directions.  Shooting Zhu Yuan aimed at the target of the first round of strikes on the left bank where the Soviet army was entrenched.  [Member Dedication]
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