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Text Chapter 367 Problems within the North Korean Party

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    After wiping out more than 13,000 people in the South Korean border guard area, the 6th Division of the Korean People's Army, which marched southward via the Yongchuan-Seoul Highway and Railway, arrived at the Satellite City 1 Yizhengf¨³, 8 kilometers northeast of Seoul, at 3 o'clock on the afternoon of March 10.  Immediately, the 8th Division of the 4th Corps of the Korean People's Army non-stop bypassed the political affairs department and surrounded Seoul from the east.  So far, only 188 hours into the war, the Korean People's Army has completed the encirclement of Seoul, the capital of South Korea.  Subsequently, hundreds of thousands of Korean People's Army poured into South Korea like water.  ¡¾¡¿ The South Korean National Martial Law Command, located at the South Korean Army Headquarters, suffered a devastating blow in the first round of air strikes at the beginning of the war.  The person who carried out this "beheading" was Senior Colonel Yang Zhe, deputy head of the advisory group of the Korean People's Army in the Far East Corps of the Chinese People's Liberation Army.  A "Destroyer" bomber painted with the logo of the Korean People's Army, piloted by Colonel Yang Zhe personally, carried four slender laser-guided 225-kilogram thermobaric bombs. It took off from Pyongyang Airport and passed 38 kilometers 38  Afterwards, these four thermobaric missiles were fired consecutively at the South Korean Army Headquarters, the lair of the "Japs" whose hands were stained with the blood of the Chinese people.  The rainbow thermal explosion warhead followed the laser beam of the laser target indicator set by the special forces members of the Flying Leopard Commando, and drilled into the nearly one meter thick reinforced concrete wall of the army headquarters from different angles.  After penetrating the wall, the warhead's fuses detonated one after another in 120 milliseconds, instantly emitting huge incandescent fireballs like four small suns.  "The high temperature and high pressure generated by the explosion quickly spread from the explosion point in all directions and entered all the spaces of the army headquarters through all ventilation parts. The scorching high temperature caused deep burns on the skin of people living here. The super high pressure can cause  "People's internal organs were ruptured" and the fierce burning consumed all the oxygen in the space, causing those who were shocked to death to suffocate to death even if they were not burned to death.  A dozen key figures who participated in the coup, including Jang Chang-guk, the deputy commander-in-chief of South Korea¡¯s National Martial Law Army, Commander of the First Army of South Korea, and General Kim Jong-5, the commander of the reserve army, were turned into ¡°very hideous-looking black charcoal.¡± Hiding behind the Cheong Wa Dae Presidential Palace  The initiator and commander of this military coup in the Bukaksan Air Defense Center, the Chief of Staff of the South Korean Joint Staff Headquarters, and the Commander-in-Chief of South Korea¡¯s National Martial Law, Jung Il-kwon, and the South Korean Defense Forces who did not ¡°go to work¡± at the Martial Law Command for unknown reasons.  Minister Kim Sung-eun escaped this disaster, but he did not escape the punishment of the people. On his way to work in the morning, the air raid siren sounded.  He hurriedly stopped the car and hid in a nearby air defense shelter under the protection of a driver and two guards. "His point was too late. He happened to catch up with this air defense shelter. It was the secret of a guerrilla unit of the Seoul People's People's Army.  stronghold.  The three unlucky guys, Jin Shengen's driver and two guards, were immediately shot to death by the guerrillas. Jin Shengen was also shot in the abdomen. After suffering three hours of painful torture, he was hanged by the guerrillas.  On a big elm tree on the street.  The Bukaksan air defense shelter behind the Blue House Presidential Palace became the command center of Jung Il-kwon, the commander-in-chief of South Korea's martial law. When he learned that "the Korean People's Army had surrounded Seoul from all sides, he knew that he could no longer hold on. South Korea**  The team left the U.S. Army like a dog with a broken backbone. It has no use except eating and pulling. The only thing he can do now is to escape quickly." He changed into plain clothes and took the place of two reliable men.  Guard, in the name of inspecting the front.  Carrying more than 500,000 US dollars collected in the past few days, he left the Beiyue Mountain Air Defense Base, leaving heavy military protection, and his life was in danger. Jin Zhongbi heard Ding Yiquan announce a military coup on the morning of March 3, and recorded the seizure  From the moment he lost his rights, he wanted to put Ding Yiquan to death quickly, so he sent top agents from the Central Intelligence Department to keep an eye on his every move. It was just because the defense around him was too tight.  Chance.  When Jung Il-kwon left the Blue House this time, he was attacked by agents of the South Korean Central Intelligence Agency before he had gone 2,000 meters. An M20 88.9mm rocket hit the m1 Lincoln in which Jung Il-kwon was riding.  Brand high-grade bulletproof car, and the car was immediately torn into pieces. Ding Yiquan and his personal guard were not spared. The death of Ding Yiquan meant that the South Korean army had lost its organized and planned resistance.  Half an hour after the attack, Kim Jong-pil announced through the Chunchuan Radio Station in Chunchuan, near the 38th Parallel, that South Korea's commander-in-chief of martial law, Jung Il-kwon, had been killed near the Blue House.  In the name of the Minister of Intelligence, the officials of the South Korean intelligence system were ordered to surrender to the Korean People's Army. The South Korean army, which had no fighting capacity and was in a low mood, lost its leader Ding Yiquan.  After that, it was even more like "Goryeo's crotch, piled to the bottom". Now it's like the Central Intelligence Agency of South Korea.A big spy leader like Chief Jin Zhongbi has surrendered, so why are you taking his own head?  Surrender too.  "The power of role models is infinite." Except for a few die-hard elements in the South Korean army, police, and constitution who have bitter hatred and deep hatred against each other,  They laid down their weapons one after another, walked out of their positions, and surrendered to the Korean People's Army.  The South Korean army in Seoul could not find the Korean People's Army for a while, so they simply turned to the People's People's Army of * City and the "South Korean People's Committee for Democracy and Promotion of Unification", and the Korean People's Army occupied Seoul without blood.  In the basement of the Cheong Wa Dae Puppet Presidential Palace, I found the "acting president of South Korea", Choi Doo-sun, and asked him to order all the armed forces of South Korea and the staff of the former government to report to the Korean People's Army in the name of "legitimate government".  surrender.  This military coup initiated by these [Japanese] war criminals in the South Korean army was extremely short-lived. It was announced by the Chief of Staff of the South Korean Joint Staff Headquarters, Nakajima Kazukon, and became the commander of the South Korean National Martial Law Department headed by him.  , less than a week after the first martial law was announced, he was sent to the guillotine in history, ending his sinful life.  South Korea, a puppet government supported by the United States, was established in August 1948 and fell suddenly as its American masters withdrew from Asia. This campaign to liberate South Korea and unify the entire Korean Peninsula  The operation was part of the "Operation Warwick" planned by Bang Feng and others, and it was also the final step of the "Operation Warwick" plan. This battle to liberate South Korea was carried out by the former director of the base war room who is now the director of the Chinese People's Liberation Army.  Lieutenant General Zhang Tao, Chief of Staff of the Far East Corps, planned and commanded "Xiaohe", and nearly 500 personnel of the Far East Corps, including Yang Guang and Yang Zhe, directly participated.  The entire operation started with the assassination of Park Chung-hee, a strongman in South Korea, in order to create confusion among South Korea's top leaders and a momentary power vacuum. During this period, the underground party in South Korea launched a student movement to demand "self-imposed freedom".  The "movement" to realize the peaceful reunification of the north and the south through "democracy" strives to gain the moral high ground. For a chaotic situation where the "president" and students "made trouble" just lost their lives under abnormal circumstances, any ruling party  The authorities will take tough measures to maintain its stability. It is normal for the South Korean authorities to adopt "military control" during this extraordinary period. However, this normal thing will definitely affect students and citizens.  The [movement] demanding "freedom" and "democracy" and the peaceful reunification of the north and the south have formed fierce conflicts, which will create greater chaos.  This "objectively" created the most high-sounding, justifiable and widely anticipated excuse for the North Korean army to enter South Korea to quell the unrest and take over the South Korean regime.  Moreover, Ding Yiquan and his gang of remnants of Japanese militarism cooperated very well with Deng Feng's plan.  In particular, the Renhan River incident was particularly prominent. The Northern Dynasty sent troops to send troops and received a lot of help in the whole world. No one would support a government that used tanks to crush its own people. At least no one supported this on the surface. 3  The sound of gunfire that rang out on the March 9th Parallel was an explosion of long-simmering anger on the part of the people of the Korean Peninsula and an unprecedented explosion of anger against those enemies who attempted to bring about the dark age of Japan¡¯s imperialist rule.  "It was this anger that turned into terrifying power." In less than a month, the Korean People's Army, with the strong cooperation of the South Korean people, wiped out all the remaining forces of the old world throughout South Korea.  Completely liberated South Korea.  What¡¯s next is the Korean peninsula going to peace?  Should the country independently develop the "Three Thousand Miles of Country", or should it return to the great China?  This created great divisions within the Korean peninsula and the Workers' Party of Korea.  This disagreement also has its historical reasons.  The Workers' Party of Korea is mainly composed of the Yan'an faction, the Soviet faction, the Manchurian guerrilla faction and the South Korean Workers' Party within the Korean Party. Kim Il-sung is a representative figure belonging to the Manchurian guerrillas. The so-called Manchurian guerrillas are actually [Chinese]  "A branch of the Kuomintang" was mainly the Korean people who participated in the Anti-Japanese Allied Forces in Northeast China. In the first year of the lunar calendar, they moved to Shuangchengzi in the Far East of the Soviet Union with the Northeast Anti-Japanese Anti-Japanese Federation Zhou Baozhong, where they established Zhou Baozhong as the brigade.  The leader of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Allied Forces Teaching Brigade and the Northeast Committee of the Communist Party of China. Kim Il-sung should be a "middle-level cadre" in the teaching brigade, and was only a battalion commander of the brigade. At the end of July 1945, ¡¼  According to the needs of the development of the situation, the Northeast Committee of the Communist Party of China divided the original Chengyan into the Northeast Working Group and the Korean Working Group to lead the Soviet army into Northeast and North Korea respectively. This way, a number of Korean cadres and soldiers were assigned to work in North Korea.  The regiment marched into North Korea with the Soviet army. This is the so-called Manchurian guerrilla faction. It is better to be a leader than to hang a butt curtain. After Japan surrendered unconditionally, North Korea was liberated.  Cheng took the lead and proposed the idea of ??building a party, a country, and an army. His idea received strong support from the Soviet Union on October 1, 1945.On the 0th, the Organizing Committee of the North Korean Revolution was established, with Kim Il-sung serving as the first secretary.  Later, it merged with the New Democratic Party of Korea to form the Workers' Party of North Korea, and was elected as the General Secretary of the Central Committee, completing the first step in breaking away from the Chinese Communist Party.  With the help of the 25th Army, the North Korean Provisional People's Committee was established and he served as chairman.  On February 8, 1948, the Korean People's Group Army was established.  Therefore, the Manchurian guerrilla faction occupied an important position within the Korean Party with the support of the Soviet Union.  The main threat to Kim Il Sung¡¯s power in North Korea is the famous Yan¡¯an faction.  This faction mainly originated from the period from 1945 to 1950 when the Korean soldiers and cadres of the Korean nationality in the [Chinese] country came to North Korea to participate in North Korea's desperate struggle with the approval of the supreme leader at the request of Kim Il Sung.  Among the "Chinese" people who participated in the "Chinese" Communist Party of China and the "Chinese" People's Liberation Army's Lao Siye and the Eighth Route Army and the New Fourth Army, the earliest Koreans in "Chinese" who participated in the Northern Expedition were Lao Caoming. Mainly.  The characters include Wu Ting, Jin Doufeng, and Cui Changyi." Most of these people have very close relationships with the supreme leader, Lin B, and ***, and most of them are cadres trained by the ***.  A large number of these people are older than Kim Il Sung and have been participating in the war for a longer time, and their positions are much higher than him. Kim Il Sung is just a small battalion commander of the Anti-Japanese Alliance. If he is compared with these Yan'an faction  I am afraid that the old man is not even qualified, but he has the advantage of leading the Soviet army into North Korea and being able to speak a few words in Russian after staying in the Soviet Union for several years. In history, Korea was liberated in 1950.  From the beginning to the end of the war, Kim Il-sung established his prestige and vigorously purged all factions in the North Korean Party. Without the support of the [Chinese] Communist Party, the Yan'an faction was naturally not spared. These cadres and soldiers of the Yan'an faction  They were treated extremely unfairly and were purged and massacred by Kim Il-sung. According to later declassified Soviet internal documents, Kim Il-sung¡¯s purge process: within a month, more than 2,000 people were purged, including 400  Many people were publicly shot in the name of opposing the North Korean political system. In 1951, Kim Il-sung dismissed the most powerful figure in the Yan'an faction, deputy minister of the Ministry of National Defense and commander of the People's Army Artillery, on the grounds of "the fall of Pyongyang" and "incompetent combat."  "The power in Ting's hands" Who is Wu Ting?  That was in 1952. At the age of 20, he gave up his position as artillery lieutenant colonel in the [Chinese] Communist Army and resolutely joined the [Chinese] Red Army Artillery, which was only a less than a thousand people at that time.  One of the founders of the Communist Party of China, he was the person who saved the lives of the Central Red Army at the hands of Zhang Guotao during the Long March.  He is the only old Korean Red Army soldier who survived the 25,000-mile Long March. He has experienced hundreds of battles and made extraordinary achievements many times, and has left a strong mark on the history of China as a hero.  "The base", after arriving in this era, has, to a certain extent, avoided the disaster of some people from the Yan'an faction within the North Korean Party.  Protected some of these Korean cadres and soldiers who had made significant contributions to China's destiny.  In 1951, Wu Ting, one of the founders of the artillery force of the Red Army who was persecuted in China, was taken to Dandong. Doctors at the base hospital successfully performed an operation to remove two-thirds of his stomach.  His life did not end due to a severe attack of gastric ulcer, an old disease he suffered during the Long March. Historically, he died on the most ordinary bed in a field hospital in North Korea in October 1952. After he recovered, he was  The boss arranged to serve as the vice president of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Artillery Command College. At the 16th Plenary Session of the Second Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea in April 1955, Park Il-woo, the North Korean Minister of Internal Affairs who was considered the personal representative of the m¨¢oZD, was also dismissed from his post.  In his early years, Park Il-yu participated in the "Grass Ming" in Northeast China and served as the county party committee secretary of the anti-Japanese base area behind enemy lines. He served as a senator of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region and was a representative of the "Seventh National Congress" of the National Revolutionary Committee.  In March 1946, he made a speech at the "Seventh National Congress" of the Communist Party of China on Japanese imperialism's policy towards North Korea and the situation of the Korean people's resistance struggle.  After compiling the plan, he was ordered to lead 2,000 Korean volunteers to North Korea. Later, he served as the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and was elected as the Political Commissar of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea in October 1950.  After the Chinese People's Volunteers entered Korea to fight, they were appointed by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China as deputy commander and deputy political commissar of the Chinese People's Volunteers and deputy secretary of the Chinese People's Volunteers Committee. In January, they were appointed as frontline officers of the Korean People's Army.  Deputy Commander of the Command, in December he was appointed deputy political commissar of the Joint Headquarters of the Chinese People's Volunteer Army and the Korean People's Army. In 1953, he was promoted to the rank of Second Marshal. At the 16th Plenary Session of the Second Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, Park Il-woo was severely punished.  Criticism: "Among those who came back from [China], people like Park Il-yu can be regarded as a typical example. He claims to be a representative figure from China, saying that more comrades from [China] have not been promoted to become cadres.  . He did not get along well with people from the Soviet Union in terms of work and living habits, etc., trying to gather comrades with weak class consciousness around him, and secretly engage in shameful deeds."  ¡°We in the Workers¡¯ Party of Korea will never allow people like Park Il-woo to regard themselves as"A proxy for a certain person and a certain force." At the 16th Plenary Session of the Second Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, Park Il-woo was publicly announced by Kim Il-sung as an "anti-party sectarian" and expelled from the party, and all positions inside and outside the party were revoked.  Later, he was executed by Kim Il Sung "for adhering to the wrong line of anti-Party". In order to prevent the recurrence of this historical tragedy, Li Dawei personally went to North Korea during the 16th Plenary Session of the Second Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea.  Yi Yu, an outstanding international anti-Japanese warrior, took him back to China and sternly warned Kim Il-sung that if he dared to persecute the cadres of the Yan'an clique again, his head would be moved. Due to Li Dawei's timely arrival,  Park Yiyu escaped this historical disaster and was later assigned by Bang Feng and Li Dawei to work in the International Communist Movement Department of the Indian Secret Service. After the establishment of the Shannan Special Economic Zone, he became the director of the Special Zone's Foreign Affairs Office
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