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Volume 4 Leviathan 155 Exercise 1

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    "I have been ordered by Marshal Gao to welcome Mr. Siba from the Ministry of War in Hanjing!" A standing tall officer gave a military salute to Batu, and then made a right-hand downward gesture. He was already waiting on the platform.  The band immediately beat drums and played majestic military music.  Batu returned a military salute. The officer took a step back, made a sign to the carriage door behind him to get on, and whispered: "Please get in, sir. Marshal Gao is already waiting at the camp outside the city!" Batu nodded.  Nodding, he quickly stepped onto the carriage, followed closely by the two accompanying officers carrying suitcases who also boarded the carriage.  Batu looked at the military band playing music outside the car window, looking a little dazed. He had just been transferred back to Hanking from Zhenhai, Zhejiang two months ago and became the most important department in the Ministry of War - a doctor in the Fang Department. But he still  Before he had time to familiarize himself with the new working environment, he received a new order - to go to Youzhou, as a representative of the Ministry of War, to participate in the upcoming military exercise - a military exercise that mobilized almost the entire Dashun North China military force.  exercise.  The Staff Department of the Ministry of War, which is in charge of the maps of each province, the narration of merits of military officers, verification, rewards and punishments, pensions, and military inspections and tests, can be said to be the most important department in the Ministry of War during the Ming and Qing dynasties.  As the chief officer of this department, although he has not been in office for a long time, Batu still knows a thing or two about the inside story of this large-scale exercise that has not been seen in decades. When Dashun's finances were very tight, Gao Tingyu was able to take over from the head.  The only possibility for the assistant to get the money for the exercise is that the threat from the north has become serious enough that it has to be taken seriously.  And being able to enter the center at this juncture and become the official of the most important department is also consistent with the reform of the military system that he has always advocated, establishing a national mobilization system, increasing the reserve of non-commissioned officers, and changing the professional military system to a compulsory military system.  Inseparable from the appeal.  When he thought about the responsibilities of this trip, Batu felt his shoulders become heavy.  "Sir, can you lower the curtains?" A calm voice interrupted Batu's thoughts. He raised his head and saw that the officer who greeted him just now was speaking to him. He whispered: "The commander ordered  "Everything about this exercise must be kept secret. Youzhou Prefecture is an important commercial center in the north. There are many Russian businessmen here. I'm afraid there will be some tricks!" "You did the right thing!" Batu nodded lightly.  I stomped my feet. After getting off the heated luxury car, my feet were numb with cold.  "That's it for Youzhou. I'm afraid that Mongolia and Manchuria will be even colder. It seems that I have been serving in the south all these years and I am still not prepared for the northern climate." Batu smiled bitterly. He looked at the officer and lowered his voice.  The voice said: "When is the specific date for the start of the exercise?" "I'm telling you, your Excellency, I am only responsible for welcoming you. Please ask Marshal Gao directly for the specific date when the exercise will start!" "That's it!"  They all nodded, but they were secretly surprised. This officer was so tight-lipped that even he, a superior officer from Han Dynasty, was rejected. Gao Tingyu had been in the Northland for nearly thirty years without a single defeat. It seemed that he was definitely not lucky.  To.  Batu and his party left the city and walked another ten kilometers before arriving at a large, continuous camp. The telegraph poles carrying the notification lines leading to the telegraph office in the city were one after another. The end of the yard could not be seen at a glance.  Supplies piled high on the mountain.  Batu couldn't help but be secretly shocked after watching this. The scale of this exercise was so large that Dashun had not seen it for a hundred years. Could it be that the situation with the powerful neighbor to the north had become so bad?  The officer led Batu through four or five sentry posts and walked into a rather ordinary-looking farmyard. He asked a young officer who came out of it, turned around and asked in a low voice: "Sir,  Marshal Gao is holding a military meeting inside. Do you want to wait outside for a while? " "No, I was originally participating in the exercise as an observer." Batu nodded to the officer and walked into the courtyard.  After passing through a courtyard, he saw dozens of officers sitting upright in the hall inside. A young officer wearing pince-nez was holding a thin stick and explaining loudly on the hanging military map.  The young officer is not tall, but has a thick build. He has a huge head on broad shoulders. He is somewhat bald, and his raised forehead shines in the light. Judging from his slightly bowed legs, he should be an old cavalryman.  .  "Shh!" Batu made a silent gesture to signal the officer leading the way not to interrupt the explanation. He sat down in the last row and listened carefully to the middle-aged officer's explanation.  "According to the current information available to our military, the Russian military in the Far East probably includes two infantry divisions and a naval brigade responsible for guarding ports. The sailors of the Pacific Fleet can also form two or three if necessary.  The total number of the regiment's marine troops, plus some garrison troops, does not exceed 40,000, of which only about half are mobile troops. These are Russia's entire strength in the Far East. If war breaks out,The latest reinforcements from the other side must also come from Central Asia. Even if we do not consider the containment effect of the Anxi Protectorate, they will not arrive until three months later. Their number is also quite limited. Those arriving from Europe  The time required for reinforcements will be more than six months, and the Far East region's own resources cannot sustain more troops.  " "What if the Trans-Siberian Railway is opened to traffic?  "An old voice asked, and Batu noticed that it was Gao Tingyu himself who spoke. "Then this is difficult to predict, because we don't know the specific route and railway running speed of the Trans-Siberian Railway.  But even if the worst single-track railway is used, the number of trains traveling in a day and night is more than 30 trains. If one train carries 20 standard trains, then there are 600 trains in a day.  We calculate based on one wagon carrying eighty infantrymen, their weapons and equipment, and half a month's supply.  If the total length of this railway is 10,000 kilometers, and the train runs 1,000 kilometers a day, then ten days after the outbreak of the war, the first batch of troops from Europe will arrive in Vladivostok. If Russia can make this railway  At full capacity, it will transport about three infantry divisions of soldiers and weapons and equipment to Vladivostok every day.  So if we were to win the war, we had to defeat the Russians before their European reinforcements arrived, or capture the Far East before the railroad could be built.  " Hearing this, there was a gasp of air among the officers. Batu, who was sitting in the last row, couldn't help but smile. This was the first time he met this middle-aged officer who was rather academic. He was here.  In the eyes of an officer, tens of millions of people and weapons have been abstracted into simple numbers. War seems to be just a simple numbers game, with big numbers overwhelming smaller numbers. Equations, tape measures, maps and pencils have replaced bayonets and rifles.  A thousand lives in exchange for moving the front line on the map by five centimeters is a very cost-effective deal. The war has completely changed. "There is something wrong with your calculations. The Russians simply don't have that many locomotives and carriages. If you follow your calculations."  Algorithm, all the trains returning to Europe from the Far East are empty. All the locomotives and trains in Russia are not enough if they are left on this railway!  "An officer retorted loudly. "This is just a theoretical calculation!  "The middle-aged officer adjusted his pince-nosed eyes and replied in a deep voice, as if he was answering a student's question in class: "But it will take at least a few years to complete the railway. You can't guarantee that the Russians will not be able to do it during this period.  Get enough locomotives and wagons.  Besides, this is a war, and anything can happen in a war. The Russians can completely transfer all their European locomotives and wagons to the Trans-Siberian Railway, and temporarily buy or rent locomotives and wagons from their European neighbors to temporarily replace them.  Shortage!  " "We can send a partial division to cut off this railway line. Except for a few key points on the long border defense line, neither side has a dense defense line. As long as we send troops, it will not be difficult to cut off this railway line!  "Another officer replied loudly. "But our company's railway from Youzhou to Zhangjiakou is still under planning, and it will not start construction until at least a year later.  If nothing else happens, before the Russians complete the Far East Railway, Dashun can only complete the journey from Youzhou to Shengjing and then to Heilongjiang.  Railway construction in Mongolia has not yet entered the agenda.  Without railways, Dashun simply could not maintain an army to enter the enemy's border for long-term operations.  Even if we can send a small number of troops across the border to destroy a small section of the railway, the enemy troops who occupy key points along the line can quickly repair it. Without reliable rear supplies, it is impossible for our army to occupy and hold on to a certain railway point.  !  The Russians do not need to use heavy troops to guard the national border. The seven or eight hundred kilometers of desolate areas on both sides of the national border are themselves the best defense.  ¡± Everyone fell silent. Although the narrator¡¯s voice was not high, the power of the strict logic contained in it was irresistible. These people have been fighting on the northern border for more than ten years or even decades.  They all know that outside the Great Wall, except for the densely populated and resource-rich Liaoxi Corridor, large-scale military movements in the vast tundra zones of Inner and Inner Mongolia and even Siberia are extremely difficult. Soldiers  Every grain of grain and every bullet needed must be transported from the interior thousands of miles away, and the only means of transportation are the most primitive camels and carts. This fragile supply method determines this kind of battle.  The method is very dangerous. ¡°That¡¯s it for today¡¯s military discussion!  Gao Tingyu's old voice broke the silence: "Everyone, think about it when you go back. The more time you spend on the deduction now, the more you will gain!"  ¡± Thanks to the book friend Lian Shen Ting Wei Yu and the trainee police officer for the reward. There will be another update in the afternoon.
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