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Text 724 Strange red bird

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    724 The strange red bird Najia Tuzhi came out of the cave. He stood in the open space not far from the cave, spread his hands, and silently recited a spell.  With a click, a hole suddenly opened in the space, and many turtles crawled out of the gap. The turtle was not an ordinary turtle, it had an eagle head, a mouth like scissors, four claws like hooks, and a tail like a sword.  After seeing the little silver snake, the turtles immediately screamed excitedly, like an eagle, and quickly crawled towards the little silver snake.  When those little silver snakes saw the turtle, they were so frightened that they fled in all directions, as if the turtle was the snake's nemesis.  Those turtles rushed forward, opened their scissor-like mouths, clicked, like scissors cutting things, cut the small silver snake into two pieces, and then swallowed it.  "What kind of turtle is that? It's really strange that a turtle cuts off a snake and eats it!" said Mr. Li in surprise.  "That should be the Snake-Scissor Turtle, the nemesis of all snakes!" Jiang Fan said with a smile. I didn't expect that Idiot could summon the Snake-Scissor Turtle from another world. This other world really has everything.  "Snake-cut turtles! Where did you get so many of these snake-cut turtles?" Guo Huaicai said in shock.  "Haha, these snake-cut turtles come from another space, a space parallel to ours." Jiang Fan explained.  "A space parallel to ours, isn't our space three-dimensional? How can there be a parallel space?" Guo Huaicai said in shock.  "Haha, the space we currently know is only three-dimensional, but in fact space is multi-dimensional, and there are many parallel spaces!" Jiang Fan said with a smile.  "Parallel space, uh, I really don't understand it!" Guo Huaicai sweated. His knowledge of space only includes three-dimensional space. How could he understand multi-dimensional space?  While the two were talking, the little silver snakes had been killed by the snake-scissor turtles and fled, and the snake-scissor turtles returned to another dimension.  Najia Earth Corpse returned to the cave and said with a proud face: "Master, the little silver snake has been driven away!" "You are becoming more and more promising, and you can even summon snake-cutting turtles!" Jiang Fan said with a smile.  "Haha, these are all subjects in my domain, and they all obey my orders." Najiatushi said with a proud smile.  After everyone was disturbed by the little silver snake, they could no longer sleep, so they chatted and listened to Dad Li telling the story of going to Mount Horadi thirty years ago.  When it was daylight, they set off immediately. The morning was very hot and gloomy, and there were constant bursts of thunder in the sky.  Dad Li looked at the sky, "It looks like it's going to rain heavily. Let's go down the mountain quickly, otherwise we will encounter mudslides!" Dad Li said worriedly.  When it comes to mudslides, Jiang Fan and Huang Fu know it well. They encountered a mudslide on the way to Yuexiu Country when sending Ruan Lingyu to Yuexiu.  "No, there are woods in the mountains here, so there won't be any mudslides!" Jiang Fan said doubtfully.  "It won't happen here, but the further you go down the mountain, the fewer trees and more sand and gravel, so mudslides are more likely to occur. Someone in our village encountered a mudslide here some time ago, and several people died as a result!" Dad Li said.  Boom!  There was a thunder, a flash of lightning flashed across the sky, the wind and clouds suddenly changed, and it started to rain heavily.  "The rain is too heavy, let's hide in the woods!" Guo Huaicai suggested.  Dad Li shook his head and said: "You can't go into the woods when there is thunder, otherwise you will be struck by lightning. Let's go down the mountain in the rain. We will go down the mountain in an hour at most!" You can't hide under a tree after it rains and thunders.  Is it raining? Jiang Fan and Huang Fu knew this common sense. In fact, Guo Huaicai also knew it, but he forgot it in a hurry.  Everyone immediately held their heads and trotted down the mountain, boom!  There was a muffled thunder, followed by a loud crack, and a big tree in front was struck by lightning.  The big tree immediately stood in the middle of the road, "Holy shit! Move the tree away quickly!" Jiang Fan said to the Najia corpse.  "Yes, Master!" Najia Earth Corpse immediately rushed up and hugged the big tree. Suddenly, the sound of birds came from the tree branches. Najia Earth Corpse looked up and said, "Master, there is a little bird here!" Jiang Fan also looked at it  When I saw the little bird, it was red and looked like a sparrow, but it had a red crown on its head. "What kind of bird is this? How come it was struck by lightning and didn't die?" Jiang Fan asked in surprise.  The little bird jumped towards Jiang Fan. Just as Jiang Fan was about to walk past, Father Li stopped him and said, "Dr. Jiang, be careful, could this bird be a poisonous bird?" Jiang Fan felt that the little bird had no killing intent.  , if there is danger, his Tianyan acupoint will beat, and he shook his head and said: "It's okay, this little bird will not attack people!" Jiang Fan walked over and said to the little bird: "If you are a good bird, you are willing to  Follow me and fly into my hand!" Jiang Fan said this casually. There are birds out there who are willing to follow people they don't know.  The little red bird seemed to understand Jiang Fan¡¯s words, and flapped its wings and flew towards Jiang Fan¡¯s hand, but the rain was heavy, so it reluctantlyIt fell on Jiang Fan's palm.  "Hey, this little bird is quite intelligent!" Jiang Fan said, touching the head of the red bird.  "Brother Fan, what kind of bird is this? Why does it look a bit like a sparrow!" Huang Fu said in surprise. He came over and touched the head of the red bird. The little bird seemed reluctant and tilted its head to look at Huang Fu.  He called Huang Fu several times.  "Haha, Xiaofu, he said your hands are very dirty. You don't wash your hands when you pee. Don't touch his head!" Jiang Fan laughed.  "Damn, this little bird, even if I don't wash my hands when I urinate, it will be washed away by such a heavy rain. How could you be struck by lightning? You are definitely not a good bird!" Huang Fu pointed at the red bird.  The red bird tilted its head and called Huang Fu a few times, "Brother Fan, what did it say?" Huang Fu said.  Jiang Fan used his psychic ability to know what the red bird was saying, "Haha, it said he was a good bird, but you are not!" Jiang Fan said with a smile.  Everyone couldn't help laughing immediately, "Brother Fan, did you say this or did this little bird say it?" Huang Fu looked at Jiang Fan awkwardly.  "Of course the little bird said it!" Jiang Fan said with a smile.  At this time, the rain suddenly stopped, the dark clouds dispersed, the thunder disappeared, and the sun appeared in the sky. "Hey, it's really weird. Just now it was pouring rain and thunder, and now it's sunny after the rain!"  Guo Huaicai said in surprise.  ¡°It¡¯s strange, this kind of weather is really hard to encounter before!¡± Dad Li said.  "Dad Li, don't you recognize this red bird?" Jiang Fan said with a smile.  Dad Li shook his head and said: "I have never seen such a red bird. It looks a bit like a sparrow. It may be a fire skylark!" "Well, let's call it fire cloud from now on!" Jiang Fan said with a smile, the red little bird  The bird chirped a few times happily and jumped in Jiang Fan's hand.  "Come on, Huo Yun, let's get to know everyone!" Jiang Fan said with a smile. He pointed at Huang Fu and said, "This is Huang Fu, your good brother! You already know him!" A message to readers: The second update is here!
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