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Body 250 [Battle in Guangdong]

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    When Zhang Tieniu fought from Huguang to Guangdong and picked up fifteen cities for nothing, Fei Ruhe's army from the south only took down one Heping County.

    Moreover, Jiang Dashan succeeded in the surprise attack on Heping County, which has nothing to do with Fei Ruhe himself.

    Fei Ruhe crossed mountains and ridges and bumped into Longchuan County. He has not been able to conquer this city until now.

    Shen Youlong divided his troops to defend strategically important places, and did not come out to fight in the field. He just fought in a dull manner.  However, he still had enough troops, and they were veterans who had been suppressing the bandits for three years. Fei Ruhe tried all kinds of methods but failed.

    Jiang Dashan led his troops to join him and besieged Longchuan with Fei Ruhe, but there was still nothing he could do.

    In desperation, Fei Ruhe could only continue to surround Longchuan and let Jiang Dashan lead troops to attack Xingning County.  Apart from Xingning County, there is no other place to go, because no matter where you go, you need to cross mountains and mountains.

    After Jiang Dashan arrived in Xingning, he was also stuck under the city. There were also three thousand veterans stationed here.

    The two sides stood still and entered a two-month standoff.

    Outside Longchuan City, the Datong Military Camp.

    Fei Ruhe pulled the troops out for a walk as usual, the moat had already been filled, he tried to attack the city once, and then he was too lazy to fight recklessly.

    This guy was smiling all over his face, showing no signs of frustration at all, and he took out his binoculars to observe the city tower leisurely.

    In the county seat, Shen Youlong was worried instead.

    He didn't dare to go out of the city at all, so he could only keep passive defense.

    Moreover, it is impossible to increase troops, because the main force must be stationed in Nanxiong.  If troops are deployed to support Longchuan, if Nanxiong falls, it will be equivalent to losing half of Guangdong.

    Nanhai Juren Feng Yushun, who was Shen Youlong's staff at this time, looked outside the city and frowned and said, "Master, this is not the way to go, the rebels have been dividing the land outside the city for nearly two months, and Longchuan has essentially become an isolated city.  "

    "Out of the city, you will lose the battle." Shen Youlong said with an ugly face.

    Some time ago, Shen Youlong saw that the main force of the Zhao thieves was in Longchuan, so he asked the general Lu Qian to send troops from Nanxiong, trying to take the opportunity to capture the three passes of Meiling.

    Lu Qian led 5,000 elite veterans to attack Meiguan, which was garrisoned by 300 people.  After the first battle, he threw away his helmet and armor, and suffered more than six hundred casualties. Lu Qian was so frightened that he hurried back to Nanxiong to hide.

    Lu Qian also sent news that there are a large number of "enemies of ten thousand people" in Zhao's bandit army.

    And those ten thousand enemies are all made of ceramic shells, which can be thrown for a long distance on flat ground.

    Shen Youlong said worriedly: "I'm most worried about Lu Qian's side."

    "Can Zongbing Lu still be a thief?" Feng Yushun asked doubtfully.

    Shen Youlong sighed and said: "He was impeached by the gentry in your hometown."

    Feng Yushun was speechless for a moment, secretly cursing his countryman as mentally retarded, and at the same time slandering Lu Qian as a jerk.

    ?Guangdong General Lu Qian, when suppressing the bandits last year, killed a few gentlemen from the South China Sea, and robbed the goods of these gentlemen for smuggling.

    In the Ming Dynasty, smuggling along the coast was not only at sea, but also had to be supplied by land.

    Relying on his status as the commander-in-chief, Lu Qian wanted to forcibly intervene in the land smuggling trade.  And it was a bit too much, often sending troops to loot, which angered the land private businessmen in Nanhai County.

    Feng Yushun said: "The court is in the midst of employing people, so it is unlikely that General Lu will be dismissed."

    Shen Youlong shook his head and said: "If Lu Qian is not dismissed, the gentry in Nanhai County will join forces with thieves."

    "Thisis really possible." The more Feng Yushun thought about it, the more frightening he became.

    Guangdong has many mountains and little land, and those coastal gentry and wealthy families did not rely on land income to make their fortunes.  When goods from Huguang and Jiangxi arrived, they purchased them openly, and then secretly sold them to maritime merchants behind their backs.

    It is these people who have been obstructing Daming Kaihai all this time!

    As for sea merchants and pirates, they are either their puppets or their partners.

    Today, the Datong Army has closed the three Meiling Passes, preventing goods from Jiangxi from entering Guangdong.  The Huguang business road was also cut off, Guangdong smugglers suffered heavy losses, and even sea merchants like Zheng Zhilong also suffered huge losses.

    In addition, there are Guangdong salt merchants. Their main sales markets are Huguang and Jiangxi, and they can't ship them now.

    Salt merchants, sea merchants, and land smugglers are now as anxious as ants in a hot pot.  They did not dare to offend the "King of Jiangxi" Zhao Han, because Jiangxi was the source of goods, so they tried every means to backstab Guangdong officers and soldiers in series.

    They not only impeached Lu Qian, the general of Guangdong, but also impeached Shen Yulong, the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi.

    For these merchants, Guangdong can be occupied by rebels, but they must not fight for a long time!

    A few days later.

    ?The people in the county are all their own people, and they can take the opportunity to suppress the landlords and increase the army rations.


    "The Ba Pai Yao uprising has captured the four cities of Lianzhou, Lianshan, Yangshan, and Ruyuan!"

    Hearing the news, Fei Ruhe smiled and said, "There is no need to fight in Guangdong, the officers and soldiers will soon collapse."

    The three cities of Lianzhou, Huguang in the north, Guangxi in the west, and the transition area of ??the three provinces are all Yao people's settlements.

    In the eight years of Chongzhen in history, it was not only Liu Xinyu who led the Huguang Yaomin miners to rebel.  At the same time, there were also the Eight Pai Yao Uprising in Guangdong, the Huayao Uprising in Huguangjiang, and the Yao People's Uprising in He County, Guangxi.

    The Yao people and miners in the three provinces rebelled at the same time, and it took three years before the imperial court sent the coalition forces of the five provinces to encircle and suppress them.

    However, the Ba Pai Yao uprising was the most troublesome, encircled and suppressed by five provinces, and changed two governors. From the eleventh year of Chongzhen to the fifteenth year of Chongzhen, it was not put down.

    Two years ago, Shen Youlong exhausted all his energy and finally beat Ba Pai Yao back to the mountain.

    At this very moment, Zhang Tieniu led his troops to occupy Lechang, which happened to be the site of Ba Pai Yao next door.  They took the opportunity to go out of the mountains, captured all four counties, and cooperated with Zhang Tieniu to fight officers and soldiers.

    Guangdong is gone, and the officers and soldiers can't bear it.

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