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Body 292 [Female intern]

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    With Zhao Han's recommendation letter and Wu Bing leading the way, Wang Wei and Lin Xue quickly found jobs.

    Wang Wei went to a girls' school in Jishui County as a teacher, while Lin Xue cooperated with many bookstores and usually drew some illustrations for books.

    In order to test the price of paintings in Jiangxi, Lin Xue took out a picture of Guanyin painted by herself, and the calligraphy and painting shop directly gave five taels of silver.  Moreover, the owner of the painting and calligraphy shop also said that he would charge as much as he could for paintings of this quality.

    Five liang of silver is worth ten days' salary of Pang Chunlai, Li Banghua and others.

    Even if she doesn't do anything, but only relies on painting and selling paintings, Lin Xue can still live well, but she came to Jiangxi to get married.

    Not to be a concubine, only to be a wife.

    As for how superb Lin Xue's painting skills are, Dong Qichang once commented.  Among the female painters in the late Ming Dynasty, Yang Huilin of the Southern School and Lin Xue of the Northern School were called "Southern Yang and Northern Forest".

    There is also a great writer, Li Yu. Regardless of what his masterpiece is, anyone who understands it will understand it.

    When Li Yu was creating "Yin Zhong Yuan", he was deeply moved by the experience of the two female painters. In the opera, he married Yang Huilin to Dong Qichang and Lin Xue to Chen Jiru.

    On this day, Liu Rushi came back in a sedan chair, and a bookstore clerk helped deliver books.

    Back in the yard shared by the two, Lin Xue said in surprise: "Buying so many books, you really want to be a female official?"

    Liu Rushi smiled and said: "I have inquired about it. Yamen in various places recruit officials to watch the government every quarter. During the period of watching the government, there is no salary, and board and lodging are taken care of by themselves. As long as you don't make mistakes, you can become a reserve official in three months."

    "It seems that you have made up your mind." Lin Xue smiled.

    The two hired maids, and the mother-in-law cooks and does laundry. Their small life is very nourishing.

    Liu Rushi asked the store clerk to bring the book into the room, and gave a handful of copper coins as a tip.

    She rolled up a book and said, "Sister Lin, what do you think this is?"

    Lin Xue came over to take a look: "Fanyin."

    "It's the world's Datong silver dollar. One silver dollar is one or two taels of silver, which is much more convenient than broken silver and silver ingots." Liu Rushi threw the silver dollar over, "I'll give you one, it's rent."

    Today is sunny, Lin Xue took the calligraphy and painting to the yard to dry.

    Liu Rushi was reading a book on the porch. The book she was reading was official document writing.  The format has long been understood, but there are other rules in Jiangxi, official documents must not contain uncommon words, try not to quote allusions, and must use vulgar writing.

    Vulgar texts are colloquial articles, which can be understood as ancient vernacular.

    In fact, many academic articles in the Ming Dynasty, including the works of great Confucian scholars, often use popular Chinese to explain.  The degree of colloquialism is between classical Chinese and vernacular, only slightly more formal than "Water Margin".

    After Liu Rushi understood the rules, he stopped reading this book and picked up "The Great Ming Law of Addition and Loss".

    "The Great Ming Law of Addition and Loss" is a deleted and revised version, and about one-third of the entire book has been changed.

    After spending a few days in this way, it suddenly occurred to them that they had not registered yet, so they made an appointment to register.  You can only apply for temporary household registration, and you need to settle in for more than half a year before you can change to permanent household registration.

    Come to Huke.

    The middle partition wall has been demolished, like a large office with bright and clean windows.

    The section chief of the county government office is very young, and he is writing books at his desk.  Maybe it was because he had been working for too long, he put down the brush and rubbed his wrists, and suddenly saw Lin Xue and Liu Rushi, staring at them intently.

    "What are the two young masters going to do?" a small official asked.

    "Settled down." Lin Xue replied.

    The little official took out a household card and said, "Sit down. Outsider?"

    Lin Xue said, "Yes."

    The little official asked, "Name."

    "Lin Xue, the word Tiansu."

    "Native place."

    "Fujian, Jianning."


    "The cost of household post cost is 15 renminbi, and Chongzhen will not charge 10 renminbi. The security fee is 20 renminbi per month, which can be paid on a monthly basis or for a whole year in advance."

    "What is the security fee?"

    "There are too many people in Ji'an Prefecture, and the Criminal Division of the county government has to set up separate yamen, and build a police station every three squares, responsible for patrolling, arresting robbers, fighting fires, and fighting police."

    Both women have paid the security fee for half a year, and think this police station is very interesting, a bit like the Wucheng Bingmasi in Nanjing.

    Due to the stability and prosperity, the population of Ji'an Mansion has expanded rapidly, many of them are foreign registered permanent residence, and the total number of people inside and outside the city has exceeded 250,000.

    Even some cultivated land around the city has been demolished to build houses.

    How can the officials in the county manage it?

    &nb; The last magistrate of Luling punished Fei Chun's parents!

    ? On the first day of Liu Rushi's internship in the county government, it directly caused a sensation. Officials from various departments took turns to watch, and ran to the household department with messy excuses.

    In the first two days, Liu Rushi was just doing odd jobs. The young section chief of the household department saw that there were too many onlookers, so he threw her to the innermost place to copy official documents.  Gradually, I assisted in handling government affairs, and all kinds of work came at my fingertips. After I finished, I still had time to study mathematics by myself.

    General Military Mansion.

    Zhao Han laughed and said, "Is she watching the government at the county government?"

    "That's right, the news has reached the General Military Mansion." Secretary Wang Dai said.

    "The people under the order, don't make things difficult, and don't need to take care of them," Zhao Han asked, "Is the marching army organized?"

    Zhang Jiayu said: "Half a month of training camp."

    Fei Ruhe has been transferred back, and the official has been reinstated, but he is now in charge of the Eastern Army Academy.  He transferred the backbone of the army from Guangdong as a framework, and transferred some officers back from Hunan, and then recruited farmers and soldiers from poor areas in Jiangxi to join the army.

    The number of professional soldiers under Zhao Han finally increased to 28,000.

    Calling Pang Chunlai, Li Banghua, Fei Chun, Chen Maosheng, Xiao Huan and others, Zhao Han said: "In the past few days, everyone has discussed for a long time, and I have also made a decision. This year, Fujian will not be fought, and Jiangnan will be occupied first.  , all divisions should make corresponding preparations, and send troops as soon as the summer grain enters the warehouse!"

    What made Zhao Han change his strategic decision was a letter from Xu Ying.

    Zhejiang scholars are about to revolt!

    Fushe has branches all over the country, and Yishe is the most influential branch in central Zhejiang.

    Xu Du, the leader of the righteous society, actually wanted to launch an uprising. He had linked up with scholars from several counties, and had the support of many businessmen and small and medium-sized landlords.

    Zhao Han must change his expansion plan.

    This time, Zhao Han is going to conquer Jiangnan himself, and personally control those big families in Jiangnan.
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