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Text 486 [Emperor Si Zonggang]

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    If it weren't for the development plans of Sichuan and Guangxi, Zhao Han would never have known that opium had become popular in the upper circles of Nanjing.

    There are not just hundreds of people at all, but more than 1,300 people!

    A quarter of the officials of the Hanlin Academy and Qintian Academy have fallen.  I can't tell who started the trend, anyway, they all regard opium as a good thing, and when they are tired and sleepy, they come to take a few sips to relieve fatigue and refresh themselves.

    Even Xiao Shizhong, the dean of Qintian Academy, a leading mathematician in the New Dynasty of Datong, and the former crush of his younger sister Zhao Zhenfang, has become a loyal fan of opium.

    "Why are you touching that thing?" Zhao Han was heartbroken.

    Xiao Shizhong couldn't understand: "Your Majesty, why not take drugs? The two formulas I deduced this year are all inspired by taking drugs."

    Zhao Han could only explain intimidatingly: "This is poison. If you take it for a long time, your internal organs will rot, your mind will become dizzy, and your teeth will fall out. And the longer you smoke, the harder it is to quit. In the end, you know it's poison and you have to smoke it."

    Xiao Shizhong was dubious about this, and always felt that the emperor's words were alarmist.

    Zhao Han asked, "How did you get it?"

    Xiao Shizhong replied: "This spring, I was very tired from studying mathematics. One of my subordinates sent me medicine, saying that this product can relieve my fatigue. After I smoked it, many people in the Qintian Academy thought it was a good idea.  thing."

    Zhao Han can't be blamed, and those who don't know are not guilty.

    Until World War I, Europe and the United States still regarded drugs as good medicine, and during World War II, synthetic drugs were listed as military supplies.  The same goes for radioactive elements, which, because science is fashionable, even advertise baby products as containing radioactive elements.

    Fortunately, opium is very expensive, and it has not been spread among civilians for the time being, so it is very convenient for the government to investigate and arrest.

    Basically, if you catch one, you can take it out for a circle.

    It is impossible to deny the truth, throwing it into a prison for two days, and the addicts must scream wildly.

    Zhao Han said to Xiao Shizhong: "You temporarily suspend your job and quit the drug. If you can't quit, not only can you not continue to be the dean of Qintian, but you will not be able to study mathematics from tonight."

    Xiao Shizhong was shocked and said: "Your Majesty, it's okay not to be an official, why can't you study mathematics?"

    Zhao Han couldn't help laughing and said: "Don't think about obedience and transgression, keep you imprisoned, don't give you paper and pen, let's see how you do your research! Of course, this time is an exception. You can rehabilitate well in prison, while refraining from opiates.  Do your research."

    There were so many pleadings, Li Kefa, the minister of the Ministry of Industry, came to plead for his son in person.

    He didn't dare to disobey Zhao Han's will, so he just asked to take his son home and let his family take care of him to wean him off slowly.

    Zhao Han said directly: "You can take your son home, let's talk about it after you resign. By the way, you can go to the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice and see why I forbid smoking drugs."


    Li Kefa was so frightened that he immediately shut up, and was taken to the prison of the Ministry of Justice by the guards.

    In just a few days, there were more than a thousand people here.  The cells are all overcrowded, there are no single rooms, and there are no double rooms. Twenty or thirty people are crowded into one cell.

    "I beg the messenger, give me a bite!"

    "Let me out, let me out!"

    "I'm dying, untie me quickly, I'm going to hit the wall and commit suicide!"


    Li Kefa was terrified when he came to the area where drug addicts were detained.

    Hundreds of people suffered from drug addiction, crying and screaming.  Their hands and feet were bound, and they rolled all over the floor in discomfort. Some even lost control of their urine and feces.

    "Li Shilang, Mr. Ling is inside." The jailer pointed to a cell and said.

    It took a long time for Li Kefa to recognize who his son was.

    Li Zhun is locked up with his good friend Fei Ruyi, and both of them are in a state of drug addiction.  Fei Ruyi's voice was hoarse, her face was full of tears and snot, and she was still twisting and twisting.  Li Zhun huddled in the corner and kept hitting the wall with his head, but lying on the ground with his hands and feet tied, the force of hitting the wall could at most knock him out.

    Li Kefa turned around and looked at the other cells. This situation was everywhere, and his whole body turned cold: "This ghost is also, A Furong is a harmful thing!"

    Not long after, officials from the cabinet, the ten cao, and the ten ministries were brought in by the prison guards in batches for observation.

    They couldn't understand Zhao Han's policy, so they were thrown by the emperor collectively.

    Li Banghua stood beside him silently, and then left silently.  Not only did he understand, but he also went home that night, called all his wives, concubines, and grandchildren, and said sternly: "In the future, anyone who dares to take drugs and drugs will be expelled from the gate immediately, or not allowed to enter the family tree, even if he dies."  You cannot enter the ancestral hall. I immediately wrote a letter back to Jiangxi, the descendants of the Li family,; To make up for the past is to be just, to be self-improving is to be just, to be strict in government and punishment, to be righteous and courageous to be just Although it is only a posthumous posthumous title, Zhao Han has already beautified Chongzhen.

    Zhao Han has now given Chongzhen a temple name and a posthumous title, and it is only when Daming is in the south that it can be considered a real turning point. This is called a final conclusion.

    ? Qian Qianyi and Zhang Pu bowed and withdrew, with joy on their faces.

    They used to hate Chongzhen very much, but now they miss him a little.  To be able to give Chongzhen a good posthumous title is also a matter of peace, and he can gain the gratitude of the scholars of the previous dynasty.

    "Your Majesty is still kind." Zhang Pu said with emotion.

    Qian Qianyi also sighed: "Yes, it is considered extremely kind."

    The two left, Zhang Dai, who went to North Korea to become the king, returned to Nanjing to report to the emperor.

    After reporting on the mission, Zhang Dai cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, the King of Korea please send the young girl to Nanjing to be a court lady."

    It doesn't matter if it's a court lady, she can be released from the palace when she reaches the marriageable age, and she can find a lover to marry.  Zhao Han nodded and said, "Yes."

    The youngest sister of the king of Korea, the only daughter of Li Ji, the historical Lord Xiaoming, is only six years old this year

    This is a consistent practice in North Korea. The young daughters of high-ranking officials are selected and sent to the Ming court to be court ladies. There is a certain chance that they will be canonized as concubines.

    In the middle and early Ming Dynasty, they also liked to select foreign boys and girls and bring them into the palace to be eunuchs and maids.  Because they have no relatives in Daming, they are not afraid that their relatives will interfere with politics.

    Vietnamese eunuchs, Korean court ladies, that is a major feature of Ming Dynasty.

    It's just that the king of North Korea, who rose to power by a coup d'¨¦tat, is so humble to China that he sent his own sister to be a court lady.
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