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Text Chapter 462 Ten-Day Crisis (Part 2)

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    Detective Fog City Volume 462 Chapter 10 Days of Crisis Liu Zhen yelled through the radio: "Everyone please obey the on-site security instructions and enter the lawn in an orderly manner. Don't crowd or push."  There are two gates, north and south.  She dared not let the security guard open the gate.  First, it is difficult to convey orders, and second, it is easy to cause panic, especially when there are many people still in the stands. Once there is a chaos, it will inevitably cause casualties. The number of casualties is likely to exceed the number of bullets owned by the gangsters.

    After all, it is a football field, and there are relatively strict entry inspections, even if it is a staff member, it is difficult to entrain AK.  It's not easy to hide even if you bring it in.  The shop in the rest area is only open on game days and the aisles are very clean with little to no items.  In addition to the vending machines, there are simple iron row seats.

    Liu Zhen has on-site command experience. She judged that even if there is terror, even if there are weapons, the weapons will not be many, and the lethality is very limited.  The only thing Liu Zhen did wrong was not calling someone, and when Liang Xi was not sure, she was even less sure.  She regretted it when she picked up the microphone in the broadcasting room, and immediately blew the whistle to call for reinforcements after putting down the microphone.  Now that I have stopped the League Cup, if the stadium is fine, then I must be in trouble. If so, why didn't I ask for help before?

    This is the commander-in-chief thinking that Liu Zhen lacks, and Liu Zhen has to learn from Yisha on this point.

    The gunmen have been forced into the bathroom from left to right, and the orderly actions of the fans under the command of the security guards have maintained a certain degree of discipline at the scene, reducing the possibility of panic.  After the fans recovered, Liu Zhen notified the north and south gates to let the fans disperse.  Liu Zhen was worried that some gangsters would sneak into the fans with weapons and shoot, artificially creating riots.  The arrival was too hasty and the time was too tight, Liu Zhen couldn't arrange snipers.

    The picture of the fans leaving the stadium was immediately on the TV news. The live commentator explained that they didn't know what happened, but no matter what happened, they seemed to be forgotten.  Until the agent kicked in the door, a group of three agents were checking the personnel from room to room. When they saw the people in the studio, they were stunned for a while: "Why are you still here?"

    "We are very close to the escape route." The on-site director explained that he did not find any obvious fire.

    "Go!" The detective greeted: "Don't take anything, go right away."

    Several officers followed the agents towards the emergency exit. Just a few meters away, the vending machine about seven meters away from them suddenly exploded. The power was not great, but the shock wave also knocked down the first agent, who fell on his back  Two people.  Almost at the same time, more than a dozen vending machines on several floors exploded in chains, shaking the ground for a while, and dust fragments flew around, like a doomsday scene.

    As soon as the bomb exploded, the toilet gangster took the opportunity to break out, and the two agents guarding him lay down to avoid danger, losing the first opportunity to shoot.  The three of them fired in unison.  The criminal shook his body back and forth and fell to the ground for a while.  Two detectives were reloading magazines, and another vending machine exploded, eight meters away from them. One detective suffered multiple fragments, and his face and body were bleeding profusely.

    They were on the same floor as the studio staff, so everyone stepped forward to help. One person ran back to the studio to get the first-aid kit, and a person with medical knowledge commanded the pressure to stop the bleeding.  Another detective involved in the shootout originally interrupted contact with Liu Zhen, but suddenly fell down without saying a word.  He opened his clothes along the bleeding hole and found that he had been shot in multiple places in his lower abdomen and legs. He needed medical assistance as soon as possible.

    Contacted the command center and learned that some members of the special police team who had arrived outside the stadium maintained order at the scene, and some people abandoned their cars and entered the football field on foot. The traffic on the scene was congested and chaotic.  It will take some time for the ambulance to come in.  The director has a move, contact the TV station to send a helicopter.  The TV station is just three blocks away. Hearing that there is news here, he has already reached the sky above the stadium and landed to transport the wounded to the hospital.

    Liu Zhen: "Don't get close to the vending machines, how many of them haven't exploded?"

    "Boss, do you have to count?" an agent asked in the channel.  There are few of them, and they have to check every room floor by floor.

    Liu Zhen: "No, you report the number."

    "8 units?"

    Liu Zhen contacted: "The command center, it is reported that there are still eight suspicious vending machines, please enter the explosives team." Always talk about data, one or eight will do.  What do you want the EOD team to do after everything is blown up?

    "Hello." Liu Zhenqing went to another call waiting line.

    Liang Xi read the news and said: "Call someone to check the fire trucks and ambulances, or tell them to stay away so that they don't get tricked." If you drive the fans out and the fire truck explodes in the crowd, then you really missed the nut.

    "I have no one." Liu Zhen wanted to cry but had no tears.  After estimating the situation in his head, Liu Zhen contacted the person in charge of the SWAT team: "Seize all ambulance and fire engine staff Yes, search the body, check the identity, and check the vehicle."

    Liu Zhen contacted the command center: "I am Liu Zhen, the traffic on the scene is congested, please do not send to the area for the time being.thing.

    He entered London as a refugee ten years ago, lived in A District, got close to many people with extremist ideas, and gradually became an eyeliner of Shengqi.  He said that the Ching Temple in the North District had become a den of recruiters for the Holy Banner. He and another arrested person joined the Holy Banner because of the influence of some people in the Qing Temple.

    Daofeng shifted his focus of work to this Qing temple in the North District, arranged for informants, bought information, and found out that there was an extremist ideological propaganda group called the Reading Club.  Yesterday evening, Daofeng secretly arrested the three leaders of the Reading Club, who insisted that they had nothing to do with Shengqi.  How can an intelligence officer believe what they say?  So the little time was wasted bit by bit, until multiple vending machines in the North End of London exploded, and the blade hadn't turned the corner.

    ?Because the interrogation of Sasha successfully dug up 50 kilograms of explosives, the blade did not stop extorting a confession from Sasha.  The bold assumptions made by the intelligence personnel and their style of seeking evidence made them not consider other possibilities. On the one hand, they focused on 07's residence and Sasha, and on the other hand, they focused on the reading club in Qingsi.

    Facts have proved that the planner who planned the terrorist attack did have real talents.  But he still committed the old problem: superfluous.  The plan abolished the delivery mission of Shasha's Kelin Company, and has successfully shifted Blade's attention to the vending machines.  The plan had to be perfect, this line should have been broken, assuming that what was attacked today was not the League Cup, but another Premier League match, it would be impossible for Liang Xi to connect the clues together.

    The master plan was Wang Bo in the ambulance, and the hole card in ambush at the end caused the most serious damage.

    This case exposed the fact that although the British London police have strong adaptability, strong combat effectiveness, and high comprehensive standards.  But the British police are unable to stop explosives and weapons entering the UK through illegal channels.  Taking the United States as an example, they cannot completely intercept the flour and weapons entering the United States through illegal channels.  But the U.S. intelligence system is doing very well. They keep an eye on people and secretly develop informants. Whenever terrorists have large-scale operations, the judiciary can always receive early warning information and even fully grasp the terrorists' actions.

    Having said that, the Holy Banner is a branch independent of the identity terror system. It is not led by traditional organizations. It has no normal contact with the traditional holy priests. It will not cooperate with the needs of other identity terror groups.  There are many desperadoes in the world. As long as you give enough money, let alone people with firm beliefs, if you eliminate one wave, they will form another wave. As long as you have money, as long as the boss is not poached, you will be able to carry out a successful attack sooner or later.

    Was the attack a success?  Depending on the result, Liang Xi judged from the news footage that it was not a success for Shengqi.  The first reason is that most of the casualties this time were law enforcement officers, medical personnel, and firefighters. This will not cause panic, but will cause the whole people to be angry.  The second reason is that the fans are farther away from the explosion point and the fatality rate is lower.  The third reason is to guess that the number of deaths expected by the Holy Banner is at least more than 50 people, but the facts obviously cannot reach this number.  The fourth reason is that too many things have been done, the layout is too large, and there are too many clues. Afterwards, the police will definitely be able to effectively attack the vital forces of the Holy Banner.  The last reason, whether it is the anti-terrorism office, the SWAT team or the police station, or the patrol police officers of the front-line police department, they performed very well, reducing the casualties of the people as much as possible.

    There are also some subtle effects. Facts have proved that the intelligence service cannot replace the police as the main force for domestic anti-terrorism in the UK. After the next parliamentary report, there will be no MPs supporting mi6 to interfere in domestic security in the short term.  This is a big blow to some people who want to return to the mi5 era.  At the same time, the Coastal Defense Act will definitely be passed to increase the budget of the Coast Guard and comprehensively crack down on sea smuggling channels.

    One of Liang Xi's previous bold assumptions is that Mr. X is really mi6 or has a close relationship with mi6, or maybe he is the group of people who want to rebuild mi5 before the reform.  This attack seems to rule out this possibility. If the assumption is true, the blade led by mi6 will definitely stop the terrorist attack in an all-round way.  Don't let the police counterterrorism office take the credit.

    The blade department currently has a very important resource: the gold master.  The benefactor is about to or has already confessed Davis' identity.  Davis is basically identified as a member of the Dark Society and has direct contact with the Holy Banner.  The judiciary also believes that Davis is Mr. X.  Perhaps because the benefactor has not been killed, this terrorist attack is Davis' last crazy performance.
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