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Text 365 New Enemies

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    But starting from July 10, the flight had to be interrupted.  The sky was overcast with thunder and lightning, and it rained almost every day for half a month.  Sometimes it is showers, sometimes it is drizzle. It is really desperate to take off and land without accurate weather forecast.

    Several major events have happened in the world these days, so Hong Tao had to stop going abroad to find foreign aid, and calm down to think about what to do next.

    First of all, the chairman of the Survivors Alliance, Mr. Pascal Flo of France, led thousands of French, Italian, and Belgian refugees after a long journey, and finally found a suitable base in a place called Porsgren in southern Norway.

    There is a dam there, with abundant hydropower, relatively high terrain, close to the river, and the climate is not too cold.  Regardless of the development of industry or agriculture, or fishing and hunting, they are more promising.

    This is good news, but with it comes bad news.  According to the statistics of the alliance, there are more than a dozen living corpses and blue devils that have appeared in Europe alone. Two Eastern European groups and one German group have encountered large-scale zombie siege.

    The most serious situation is in the British mainland, where the living corpses seem to grow the fastest. Not only can they gather a large number of zombies to besiege humans, but they even use buildings to ambush them.  The living corpses are hidden very concealed, and it is difficult to be found and killed.

    At present, many large cities in southern England are occupied by living corpses. Whether survivors hide in buildings or in the suburbs, they are always in danger of being attacked.  Most of the British survivor groups had to gather in advance to the seaside, looking for ships to transfer to Norway in batches.

    On the other side of the Atlantic, the situation in the eastern United States is also not very optimistic.  Not many living corpses were found there, but the number of blue devils was increasing.  They used to be alone, but in the past two months there have been signs of groups.

    Compared with the group of zombies led by the living corpses, these blue monsters are more difficult to deal with.  They are more agile than humans, and their skin and bones are so tough that they are basically indestructible with light weapons.  Once approached by them, even escaping is an extravagant hope.

    Now the survivors in the eastern part of the United States no longer dare to rely on their own guns to live their own lives. Many people hold groups to find various nearby military bases, trying to use heavy weapons to fight against the threat of the blue devil.

    Some people began to move to the central region. Many previously connected groups have lost news. I hope they are only temporarily lost, and they can appear on the alliance channel again after they settle down.

    Relatively speaking, the living corpses and zombies in Asia and Australia are relatively safe, and the number of blue devils is small, but the climate change here is more severe than that in Europe and America.

    The increase in rainfall is worldwide. Regardless of Europe, America, Australia or Asia, rainfall has increased significantly since March and April.  But the increase is most obvious in Asia. Even some areas with very low rainfall all year round, such as Mongolia and the northwestern provinces, now, like the Yangtze River Basin, it rains for several days.

    Since the beginning of summer, the most call signals in the Asian League are not because of being besieged by zombies, but because of various floods and landslides.  Who would have imagined that living on a high loess slope would one day have to abandon traditional cave dwellings due to too much rainfall.

    In addition, there are frequent earthquakes. Since June, there have been news of earthquakes in Japan, South Korea, Southeast Asian countries, the Indian Peninsula, the Middle East, and the northeast and southwest regions of China.  Some were only slightly felt, while others were houses collapsing, landslides and ground cracking.

    If living corpses, zombies, and blue devils were the biggest dangers for survivors before, then if the current trend continues, nature may be another threat.

    Although zombies don't like water, they are numerous and can afford to die. There are not many survivors. The sudden change of nature is like adding a sharp sword to human beings.  It fell on the head, and it was not light when it fell.

    But not everyone has the same understanding of nature.  In order to let everyone have an intuitive concept, Hong Tao specially organized a field trip.  I found a sunny day and drove for dozens of miles, and took the executive director and heads of various departments to Wanping City.

    "Guys, let's take a look, this matter is really not alarmist" Facing the turbulent Yongding River, even he himself, who was mentally prepared, was a little moved.

    Where is the Yongding River?  Just look at the branches and debris in the river to know how strong the water is upstream.

    The upper reaches of this river are in Shanxi and northern Hebei, and are regulated by the Guanting Reservoir along the way. It is the largest river west of the capital.  If it has such a large amount of water, it can be imaginedImagine what the upstream Guanting Reservoir would look like.

    "Well, what Lao Hong said is right. It seems that specific measures for flood fighting and disaster prevention must be put on the agenda. There is no delay!"

    If the water level of the Yongding River represents the safety of the northwest side of the city, then there is another river that is the symbol of the northeast side, the Chaobai River!  When the convoy ran from the West Fifth Ring Road to the vicinity of the East Sixth Ring Road, and saw the same turbulent North Canal and Chaobai River, Liu Quan was the first to make a firm statement.

    At this time, there is no need for water conservancy experts to give pointers. Only individuals can see what these two big rivers that are already level with the road represent.  Their upstream is the largest water source in the capital, Miyun Reservoir, and there is Huairou Reservoir in the middle.

    If there is a problem with these two reservoirs, the entire east and south sides of the city will become a swamp country, which can spread as far as Tianjin.  Whether there will be problems in the urban area, no one can guarantee.

    "" More than a dozen people present looked at Hong Tao in unison.

    "I don't have scales on my body, so I'm useless. Go back and gather manpower and vehicles, and bring generators and medicine ribs. Headed by the Ministry of Energy, let's go to the dam for an on-site meeting!"

    It's really exhausting if you can do it, but you can't do it to death. Hong Tao called them here because he wanted to brainstorm and share the responsibilities. He didn't realize that he was the one who came up with bad ideas in the end.

    Wanting to solve the flood problem, Hong Tao couldn't think of any clever way, so he could only use the existing reservoir.  The first option is to restore the power supply to the sluices and open the sluices while the dam is still holding up.

    The second solution is that once the gate cannot be opened, the dam will be blown open with explosives before the reservoir is filled. Don¡¯t wait for the dam to burst when the reservoir is full, and force a long stream of water to flood the east and south areas of the city.  , as a flood discharge area.

    But no matter which method is used, Shunyi, Xianghe, Wuqing, and Tianjin will become a whole country, and land transportation will be partially or completely interrupted. It is hard to say whether Langfang and Baodi will be affected.

    Up to now, the urban area of ??Tianjin has not been officially cleaned up.  There was no one on the radio channel, not necessarily the local area.  When the flood came, the threat of zombies could basically be eliminated, but the local survivors would also suffer.  Their deaths must also fall on Hong Tao's head, whoever gave the order is the responsibility.

    However, as the leader of a team of nearly a thousand people, Hong Tao had to give this order.  You can't just watch the living people around you suffer, and go out of your way to ensure the safety of those who only stay in the possibility.

    So let¡¯s put it this way, no matter who you are as a leader, you may face that multiple-choice question that has always been debated and has not yet been settled: there is one person on one railroad track, and ten people on the other railroad track.  If you were asked to be a switchman, should you let this one person live or let ten people live!

    It wasn't just Hong Tao who encountered this multiple-choice question, and it wasn't just the Revival Alliance that was affected by climate change.  From July to mid-August, more than half of the survivor groups in Asia shifted their focus to confronting nature.

    The most talked about in the channel is where there is a flood, where is flooded, which team is forced to evacuate and other topics.  Living corpses and zombies seem to be no longer the main threat, and often no one mentions them for several days, making them very non-existent.

    In comparison, the capital is considered lucky.  There are floods, and the flood of Yongding River has cut off most of the roads to the west and southwest of Beijing.

    After several days and nights of continuous efforts by hundreds of people, Miyun Reservoir and Huairou Reservoir finally opened part of the floodgates and successfully released the flood. Although it is not Zeguo outside the city's East Fifth Ring Road, it has become a Jiangnan water town full of ravines and lakes.

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