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Apocalyptic Rats

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category Sci-fiauthor The Tenth Namestatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 4403246 Wordslatest update 2023-08-11
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Apocalyptic RatsBrief introduction:

Apocalypse, zombies, individuals, groups... I've also read some post-apocalyptic-themed novels, and, well, how should I put it, I always feel that they're not quite coherent and logical. Some people say that logic isn't necessary in science fiction, and being too nitpicky can make it less enjoyable. Indeed, including many Hollywood movies, they often introduce some unrealistic settings in sci-fi plots, but it's also to enhance the entertainment value and appeal of the story.

However, personally, I prefer works in the post-apocalyptic genre that maintain a certain level of coherence and internal logic. Such works not only allow me to immerse myself more in the story, but also stimulate my thoughts about possible future events. After all, while sci-fi works can introduce many imaginatively rich plots, if they completely detach from real-world logic, it might make them hard to accept.

In conclusion, logical consistency isn't the only crucial factor in science fiction, but it certainly adds a lot to the story and makes readers or viewers more engaged.

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