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Text 782 Irrelevant to the case 5

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    The end of the world and the cold winter of the rat generation 782 has nothing to do with the case 5 Faced with Lin Na's objection, Zhou Yuan expressed great disappointment!  She is very good at fighting for power and gain, and she is also a master who often wins.  But I don't want to live my life just staring at the immediate interests. I must raise my head when it's time to raise my head, and I can give up when it's time to give up.

    It's a pity that most people are reluctant, including the ally in front of me who has been supporting each other in political struggles.  Even if death is imminent, what you can see in your eyes is the immediate benefits, and you don't want to let go of death.

    "What you said has some truth, but it's not enough to convince me. How about this, I will pay attention to the work progress of the medical laboratory, have a detailed talk with Alexei, and listen to the opinions of experts.

    In addition, I will also let the agencies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs distributed in various places pay attention to collecting cases of zombies infected by animal bites, and do a good job in collecting and recording specimens.

    Zhou Yuan, we are not children anymore, and now we are not a rescue team of dozens of people. No matter how big the problem is, a few people can make a decision after discussing it.  We are about to break through 200,000 people, 200,000, what kind of concept is this?

    Every move of you and me will involve the life and death of thousands of people.  Based on the information in your hand, can the council agree?  I'm sorry, don't be too annoying, this set of things is made by the good man in your mouth.

    I objected at the beginning, but as a result, no matter what I want to do now, I have to study hard a few months in advance like the college entrance examination for junior high school students, and then try to persuade a group of idiots who don't know anything.  So he is not omnipotent, he will make mistakes, don't be too superstitious, and don't be confused by personal feelings!  "

    In fact, Lin Na did not object for the sake of objecting. She had her difficulties, and the actual situation was more in line with her ideas.  To be in a high position is to be stable, you cannot change your position back and forth, support this one today, and support another tomorrow.

    Where there are so many truths, those who can keep the collective interests behind while ensuring personal interests are very qualified managers.  If you can think of a little bit of vulnerable groups from time to time, you will be able to govern the world.

    "Huh well, I'll wait for your news. Oh yes, Zhang Fengwu's death really wasn't done by an insider? Lu Yejiangnan hasn't had any trouble with Song Changjiang in the past six months, right?"

    On the surface, Zhou Yuan seemed disappointed, but in fact she had already achieved the goal she expected before, and there was still a little excess.  Didn't I say it, Lin Na won't gain advantage by fighting her brains and tricks.

    After she came back, she had been thinking about how to raise this issue with Lin Na. As for Zhang Fengwu's case, she didn't take it to heart at all, and didn't think of asking until her own problem was solved.

    "Jiangnan won't. He's just as slippery as you, he's full of rules, and he never refuses to give anyone an excuse. Besides, the current situation is in your favor, and there is no need to take any risks in any way.

    ?This early autumn is really going to suffer a lot and they deserve it. Some officials are really outrageous, degenerate too quickly, have no aggressiveness in work, and are not sloppy in their private life.

    Do you think Pan Wenxiang was behind the scenes? Those young military officers have mentioned the rectification issue more than once, and their modus operandi is very similar to that of soldiers.  "

    It is said that husband and wife fights are made by the head of the bed, but in fact, the separation and reunion between women is faster than husband and wife.  Just now they were pulling their hair and glaring at each other, but once they reached an agreement on key issues, they immediately became good girlfriends again and could discuss very core issues.

    "Hecut, you are so impressive. He was fooled into dissecting a lot of zombies to find the magic core, do you remember? This kind of person who is full of strange ideas has a lot of ideas, but his execution ability is very good.  Difference.

    Youdao means that things of a kind flock together and people are divided into groups. Apart from Zhang Ke, besides Zhang Ke, do you think there are other people who can do things?  If there is, your Jiao Qiao will not let it go.

    Sometimes I wonder if Pan Wenxiang is a smoke bomb released by Jiao Qiao, deliberately making people feel that the armed forces department is a mess, and opinions are very divided, so as to reduce everyone's fear of him.  "

    Youdao is a fan of those involved, and even a person like Lin Na still doesn't see it as thoroughly as Zhou Yuan.  Of course, Zhou Yuan would never let go of the opportunity to disgust the couple.

    "If he can do this kind of thing, I won't marry Alas, the military department has been turned into a mess by him.  Pretending to be the grandson of the budget, the staff and the council are flirting with infernal affairs.

    That is to say, the paratroopers and the air crew still have some old feelings and always support the old chief, otherwise he, the Minister of Armed Forces, will become an empty shell, and he will not even be able to command a regiment!  "Speaking of Jiao Qiao, Lin Na has another lawsuit on her head.

    The Ministry of Armed Forces is not monolithic like the Ministry of Internal Affairs,The factional fighting inside is more complicated than anywhere.  It's no wonder that any faction wants to win over the military as a backup, and they all look for opportunities to mix sand into the army.  With Jiao Qiao's lazy personality, he must be too lazy to care.

    "If it wasn't done by the military, then only our chairman is the only one. Smear yourself, it seems that you are at a disadvantage, but you are taking advantage of it. Now people have to say that the royalists are too aggressive, even the old man who came from the rescue team  It has to go to the black hands, and if it doesn't work out, there must be a neutral faction.

    Zhang Fengwu was not a very capable master in the first place. He has relied entirely on his qualifications for these years, and he is usually undisciplined and has a bad reputation.  Taking the opportunity to change to a younger and more determined person will not only strengthen the control over the Ministry of Transport, but also win sympathy points, killing two birds with one stone!  "

    Temporarily ruled out the suspicion of military meddling, Zhou Yuan also gave a suspect in her mind, the reformers!  She analyzed it from the perspective of gains and losses, and whoever benefits the most is the most suspicious.  Obviously, if done properly, the reformists not only have nothing to lose, but they have gained a lot.

    "There are too many people, too many dragons, too many experts to eat If I ask Chu Qiu, she will definitely say that the royalists are the beneficiaries. So, I don't plan to listen to anyone, this time I will let Wang Jian put  Check it out and see who is the ghost!"

    But Lin Na didn't believe in this kind of speculation, and now she planned to believe no one else. She would investigate carefully from a neutral point of view, and then speak with the results, and this burden was entirely on Wang Jian.

    "It's such a big deal, you won't be afraid of messing it up if you ask him to come forward?"

    Zhou Yuan's understanding of Wang Jian should be considered the most comprehensive, and she was a little worried when she heard this.  Zhang Fengwu's death is likely to involve the upper echelons of the league. What is needed is not a drill bit that rushes and hits, but an adhesive that wraps around fingers.

    "If Zhang Fengwu was really assassinated from within, I don't care about making things worse. Instead of suffering all day in fear, it's better to cut the mess quickly, remove the cancer and keep it stable for another ten years. By then we will all be old, and the younger generation will also  They have grown up, how to continue is their responsibility, and we have no regrets in our hearts!"

    Lin Na's thoughts are exactly the opposite of Zhou Yuan's. She is not afraid of making matters worse, and only wants to get rid of the hidden unrest.  If there is real evidence, even if it causes the alliance to split.

    "That's right, it seems that women will indeed become stronger if they have children. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is completely on the side of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in this matter, but the joint investigation team may not be helpful to the investigation work. Didn't you also say that  , there will be chaos if there are too many people."

    At this time, Zhou Yuan had to look at the Minister of Internal Affairs who was weak on the outside but extremely tough on the inside with admiration. This kind of courage to break the boat was not something everyone could have.  After all, it is a child.  As a mother, Lin Na instinctively thinks about her child's future, and tries to remove all stumbling blocks that may affect the stability of the alliance.

    "The joint investigation team is only a suggestion of the government, and the investigation power is still in the hands of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. No one has the right to interfere unless the basic rules are changed. Any department can apply to join the investigation team. There is only an obligation to assist and not to investigate independently.  Quan. I want to see who is secretly making tricks!"

    Regarding Zhou Yuan's concerns, Lin Na already had a plan in mind.  Intentionally let various forces join in, and Wang Jian led the performance at the front stage, while she stood in the background and watched coldly.  Let everyone expose their true colors, so that they can know what they are doing.

    "Okay, then I have to stay away from you as soon as possible, so as not to be regarded as an early bird!" Now that Lin Na said so, Zhou Yuan can no longer rush to post, and being too enthusiastic about the case is also suspicious.

    It seems that this time it is really going to be serious. With the joint efforts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the military, there is no need to care about others.  The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is not a pure and pure saint, and there are also many violations.  At this time, you should go back and wipe your butt clean, and ask yourself for good luck.

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