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    Time passed quickly, and Yana finally turned to the last page of the book.

    Closing the book in her hand, her face showed unfinished thoughts. The information recorded in this book really attracted her so much.

    She never thought that there would be so many secrets in elves, and elves themselves are indeed the most incredible creatures in this world.

    In addition, such as the attribute restraint relationship and the description of characteristics, etc., the framework of elfology was completely constructed. Even when she recalled it, she felt dizzy in her mind.

    She raised her head and looked at Ai Wen with a horrified gaze. It was hard to imagine how Ai Wen knew all this. Could it be that the other party's wisdom is still higher than hers?

    "Have you finished reading? Do you feel anything?" Ivan looked over with a smile.

    Hearing that, Yana was taken aback for a moment, and immediately let out an ah. Only then did she realize her impoliteness, and she picked up the book and read it without asking Aiwen's consent.  .

    "Sorry, Your Highness Aiwen" Yana showed embarrassment on her face, "I was so fascinated by watching"

    "It's okay, these books are textbooks in themselves, and all students in the school can read them." Ai Wen said indifferently: "Do you feel anything?"

    "Feeling?" Yana exhaled, "The feeling is really too much, and it even changed my view of elves for so long."

    "In addition to this, I saw scenes in Lizhi City. Everything proved the power of elves. Relying on elves to change the world is not empty talk."

    Yana kept thinking about her words, with uncontrollable praise in her tone. She looked closely at the elf illustrated book in front of her, feeling that she still had too much to learn.

    "Using the power of elves to change the world and create a world where humans and elves live in harmony, this is my goal and will never change." Ivan responded with a smile.

    After hearing his words, even Yu Kexi turned his head and nodded slightly after a while. He is indeed a human being recognized by Yaknom, which can definitely be close to Yaknom's heart.

    Now, it is a little envious of Kia Knom, and the knowledge Ivan has is enough to be recognized by it, but he is the one chosen by Kia Knom, and it is a little embarrassed to rob him!

    "If you want to understand the relationship between elves and productivity, you can read this book." Ivan smiled and handed over another book.

    It is naturally impossible for the trainer school to be established just to train powerful trainers. Many talents in other elf-related industries must also be established.

    In addition, he came to the trainer school this time because he wanted to set up elf breeder courses here. There are no excellent elf breeders in the territory, so he needs to come to many courses in person.

    He does not reject this situation, but looks forward to it. After all, this is spreading the knowledge of elf breeders, and passing on what he has learned has great significance.

    "Okay, thank youthank you." Yana's eyes lit up, and she picked up the book and wanted to check the contents of it.

    "Your Highness Yana can read this book slowly, it's getting late now, let me do the landlord's etiquette first." Ivan suggested with a smile.

    At the same time, Yana's stomach grumbled just now. She smiled awkwardly and nodded to Ivan. She also found so many books, which she couldn't read in a short while.

    The time of reading really passed very quickly, and now it was already dark, so she didn't shirk any more, and followed the study where Ai Wen left, to the castle by the pure river!

    The castle is next to the elf breeding area.

    Standing on the balcony of the castle, you can see the situation in the elf cultivation area.

    At this time, a large number of marilou were happily playing by the big lake next to the elf cultivation house.

    In addition to these marijuanas, there are also many lucky eggs living on the grass by the lake.

    At the same time, a faint special fragrance enveloped the space, blowing into the castle with the breeze.

    "It's a strange fragrance, it smells very comfortable." She stretched her arms, stayed up reading last night, and now she wakes up a lot after blowing the cold wind.

    At this moment, she suddenly saw figures of elves gradually appearing in the garden of the castle, and these figures began to exercise after arriving in the back garden.

    Among them, the first ones came from Super Iron Tyrannosaurus Rex and Seadolanne. She had already heard the information about these two elves from Yuxi, but it was still unbelievable to see them now.

    In addition to this, there are Miss Qun'er, Snow Demon GirlWhen everything happens in the city, they will all start to resist. In this case, even the elves can't bear it, right?

    But when she found Aiwen to ask about this matter, she saw Aiwen's face was very calm, and she just said flatly: "This is the inevitable choice of the times, and it is also the choice of the vast majority of people in this world."

    Regarding Aiwen's words, Yana was very puzzled at first, until she thought of the trainers she came into contact with during this period, most of them were just ordinary civilians, but now they have impressive power in their hands.

    If all the civilian trainers stand unswervingly on Ivan's side to overthrow the rule of the nobles, this will definitely be the most powerful force in the entire world, even if all the nobles add up, it is impossible to stop it!

    "That's right, the power of civilian trainers has already become an indispensable force in this world."

    "In other words, the power of civilians is indispensable no matter what period of time, even the nobles also need civilians to build their territories."

    "And as these civilians become trainers, their right to speak will increase. When they all start saying no to the nobles, how much power do you think the nobles have left?"

    "This is the inevitable choice of the times. The number of trainers will increase. One day the noble system will be completely overthrown, and a new system of trainers will be established."

    "Now, I am working hard in this direction. Only in this way can the trainer system be fully implemented."

    "You also know that if there is no restriction on the strength of trainers, it will definitely cause chaos. Only under the framework of the Elf Alliance can the trainer system develop smoothly."

    Ai Wen looked solemnly at the Lord of Wisdom City in front of him. To some extent, she is also the most noble noble in the Sinnoh Continent. Ai Wen's words are undoubtedly challenging the authority of this Highness.

    But just as he guessed, there was no anger on Yana's face, but she began to think very calmly, analyzing what Ivan said, with absolute reason.

    And after this period of observation, Aiwen judged that the lord of Wisdom City could not be regarded as a qualified nobleman, and his thirst for knowledge far outweighed the power in his hands.

    So when he said this now, he was also testing the opinion of the wise city lord in front of him. After all, the other party had expressed more than once during this period that he wanted to implement the trainer system in wise city.

    If the other party really wants to implement the trainer system in Wisdom City, they must join the Elf Alliance, and the real Elf Alliance itself is a framework of power and has its own system.

    The elf alliance system and the aristocratic system must not coexist, so Yana must make a choice, choose whether to stand on the side of the nobles or on the side of the trainer.

    Yana was also looking at Aiwen at this time, and she naturally saw some reasons why Aiwen said this to her, but she still fell into silence, her heart was very confused, and she still couldn't make a choice for a while.

    "You can take a look at Binhai City when you have time, and maybe you will have the answer in your heart." Aiwen smiled and patted Yana on the shoulder. The other party's not making a choice is actually the best answer.

    The current Binhai City has basically completed the reform of the Elf Alliance system, and all the rights of the nobles have been taken back. The Elf Alliance Branch and the City Hall manage the entire Binhai City.

    In this case, the elf alliance system can be passed on quickly, and the territory's alliance system is advancing faster.

    A large amount of farmland was cultivated by elves, which liberated a large amount of labor force. At the same time, as a large number of factories were established in Binhai City, civilians began to invest in the factories continuously.

    The construction of the elf cultivation area, elf cultivation house, elf center, and elf gymnasium are all proceeding in an orderly manner. Compared with the elf collar, some aspects are developing faster. This is the benefit of centralization.  </div&gt
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