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Text Chapter 1724 Thatched Cottage (one more)

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    Chu Xiong didn't like this kind of tactful person.

    He would rather be the kind of outspoken admonisher than follow his own words. The former can understand the other party's thoughts, and at the same time, he can avoid making mistakes by going too smoothly.

    After all, people are not sages, and it is impossible to be proficient in everything. There will always be inconsistencies. If you follow your own in everything, you will definitely make a big mistake.

    I have so many courtiers to use their wisdom, not to let them use their own wisdom.

    Fakong laughed and said, "Your Majesty, shall we continue to look elsewhere?"

    "No need." Chu Xiong sighed: "It's enough to see here, don't need to look any more."

    Fakong said: "What do you think, Your Majesty? Is there any room for improvement?"

    Chu Xiong snorted and squinted at him: "Are you showing off?"

    Fakong laughed and said: "Your Majesty is wise and powerful, and his wisdom is superhuman. How can it be seen by ordinary people."

    Chu Xiong snorted: "I didn't see anything wrong, I just want to remind you, Sheng Mien, Dou Michou."

    Fakong nodded slowly: "Your Majesty reminded that it is really not appropriate to give them too much, otherwise they will be greedy and want more, even the entire Xingnan Peak."

    In fact, he did not count on the gratitude of various sects.

    ?Because being kind to everyone is the same as not being kind, some people may be grateful for being able to step into the Grand Master, so they have a good impression of Xingnan Peak.

    More importantly, inspire their confidence.

    I want them to become my believers, and the stronger and purer the belief, the better.

    As for being grateful, it is second.

    However, this cannot be said for sure.

    In Chu Xiong's eyes, his actions are to invite people's hearts, with ulterior motives, other than that, he really can't think of a reason, and he doesn't know his fundamental purpose.

    In the whole world, Xu Qingluo is probably the only one who knows her true purpose.

    Even the disciples of the Vajra Temple who have practiced the Vajra Immortal Art will only think that they are doing it for merit, not knowing that it is for faith.

    The foundation of merit is faith, this core secret, which I have not disclosed, even Xu Qingluo does not know.

    What Xu Qingluo practiced was not the magical skill of indestructibility, so it doesn't matter if you don't know it.

    Chu Xiong said calmly: "Will Xingnan Peak always invite young masters from various sects to practice? Or is it just this time?"

    "What do you think, Your Majesty?" Fakong said.

    Chu Xiong said: "In my opinion, this time is enough."

    Fakong laughed and said, "Your Majesty, you don't want Dagan to have more Grandmasters?"

    "The Grand Master should be almost ready now, there is no need for more," Chu Xiong snorted, "Anyway, I can't mobilize them to start a war with Dayun."

    Fakong smiled and said: "If there are more, Your Majesty is worried that the branches are strong and the stems are weak?"

    "That's right." Chu Xiong nodded.

    The more great masters, the better. If it is the Shenwu Mansion, the more the better, but among these great masters, the Shenwu Mansion only accounts for a very small part, which is not good.

    If it continues and the proportion of masters in Shenwufu is getting smaller and smaller, then how to suppress the heroes.

    ?When the masters of Shenwufu are far inferior to the three sects and each sect, each sect will feel contemptuous and contemptuous.

    This is not something they can control, it will happen involuntarily and cannot be controlled.

    Fakong pondered: "This is indeed a problem. The three sects plus Shenwufu can definitely suppress the whole world."

    Chu Xiong squinted at him.

    Fakong laughed: "Your Majesty is still worried about Feiqiong?"

    "I don't worry about Feiqiong, but you are the one I worry about!" Chu Xiong snorted, "Can you control Daxue Mountain?"

    "Daxueshan is a disciple of Buddhism, so he won't think about other things." Fakong shook his head and said, "There is also the holy religion of light, so your Majesty don't need to worry too much."

    "Things are impermanent." Chu Xiong snorted: "Who knows how people's hearts will change In short, Shenwufu needs to be strengthened and cannot be weakened any longer."

    Fakong pondered.

    Chu Xiong said: "You want to stay at Xingnan Peak, Ye Mingsi and others?"

    Fakong nodded: "Their identities are embarrassing, it's better to stay at Xingnan Peak, and it's not suitable to go down the mountain."

    "It's better to join the Shenwu Mansion." Chu Xiong said.

    Fakong laughed.

    Chu Xiong said: "Why, not willing?"

    "Your Majesty's move is inappropriate." Fakong shook his head: "When they went up the mountain, they had already let go of their promises, and they would never make things difficult for them, and they would never let them go.??Do something to betray Dayun.  "

    "Hey." Chu Xiong snorted.

    Fakong said: "Your Majesty, let's go down the mountain."

    Chu Xiong snorted: "Keep one hundred and forty-eight great masters at Xingnan Peak, do you think those censors of the imperial court will agree?"

    They haven't received the news now, once they receive the news, the censors will definitely play like crazy, and they will definitely force Xingnanfeng to weaken the great master.

    The threat of the one hundred and forty-eight great masters is too great, and the whole Shenjing will tremble in front of the one hundred and forty-eight great masters, and cannot sleep well.

    Fakong laughed and said, "Your Majesty can handle it."

    "If I don't act, I will be regarded as weak." Chu Xiong said: "How do you think I will deal with it?"

    Fakong said: "Your Majesty does not admit it."

    Chu Xiong laughed.

    Fakong nodded and said: "Who knows if they are great masters? There are so many great masters on the mountain, and they don't show their traces."

    These great masters will soon restrain their breath, especially under the blessing of the Qingxin Mantra, they will soon control themselves in a subtle way, thus completely restraining their breath.

    Chu Xiong frowned.

    The two walked down the mountain while talking.

    Fa Kong said: "His Majesty often comes to see and recuperate his body. After a day, he is extremely tired and his body is damaged. Come here to recover."

    Chu Xiong frowned.

    Fakong said: "When the abode was first built, a special abode was built for His Majesty. Although we knew that His Majesty would not come, we still built it."

    "Go and have a look." Chu Xiong said.

    Fakong and him came to the easternmost abode, located on the edge of the cliff, a dozen pine trees stood proudly on the edge of the cliff, and a thatched cottage was behind the pine trees.

    In front of the thatched cottage is a fence, and inside the fence is a field with several herbs planted.

    When Chu Xiong came to the gate of the fence, he turned his head to look at Fakong in surprise.

    Fakong laughed and said: "The design here is all done by the four of them, the princess is the main one, and Qingluo and the others are the assistants. Your Majesty will see if he is satisfied."

    Chu Xiong glanced across the field one by one, then opened the firewood gate, and walked slowly along the cobblestone path to the front of the hut.

    Fakong stopped and said with a smile, "Your Majesty, go in by yourself."

    Chu Xiong pushed open the door and stepped into it slowly.

    Fakong turned around and left the small courtyard, came under the pine tree, and sat at a stone table under the pine tree.

    A chessboard was placed on the stone table.

    Facing the gusts of breeze, Fakong looked at the peaks.

    Fifteen minutes later, Chu Xiong came out, his aura had changed, it was a little more dusty and relaxed, and a little more elegant.

    Fakong stood up and said with a smile, "What do you think, Your Majesty?"

    "I will come over occasionally to take a look." Chu Xiong snorted.

    Fakong smiled and said, "You are welcome."

    Chu Xiong went down the mountain, walked all the way to the foot of the mountain, finally waved his hands, and drifted away surrounded by everyone.

    Fakong smiled and nodded secretly.

    The one who knows Chu Xiong best is Chu Ling.

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