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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Sci-fi -> Reborn in 1999  Unleashing the Era of Black Techno

Chapter 782 EU Members: We Are All Yu Zecheng

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    Robert's father has a narrow social network and no colleagues. In order to ensure the frequency of use of Hanhai's mobile phone, in addition to simple functions such as surfing the Internet, listening to news or playing videos, the most important thing is to keep in touch with his family.

    Moreover, the use of mobile phones by immediate family members directly affects the father's points.

    This made Robert very embarrassed.

    The younger sister thought that Robert would probably ignore this email, and called in a hurry, begging for Robert to take real responsibility for his father's health.

    The younger sister talked a lot about his father's hard work in bringing them up as adults, saying that he is now sick and in great pain.

    After Robert hung up the phone, he fell into infinite entanglement and pain.

    Now that the ball is at his feet, his decision will affect his father's entire treatment plan.

    Robert knew that if today's plan was passed after the third reading, then what happened later would no longer be under his control.

    The sales of Hanhai mobile phones in Europe will be greatly affected, and there may be no way to obtain sales qualifications.

    And there is only death waiting for his father.

    Robert's breath was short of breath, and he couldn't take care of so much anymore.

    He immediately called his assistant and issued an urgent order, asking the relevant members of the law he led to vote against this draft law after the third reading was over.

    Of course, old politicians like Robert cherish their feathers very much.

    He will not pour dirty water on himself in this matter.

    Robert also found a very high-sounding reason.

    He told his assistant that the reason why he voted against the draft bill was not because he was on the side of Changtian Technology, nor was he hoping that Hanhai mobile phones could continue to be sold in Europe, let alone that he accepted the  No benefits of technology, but he really stands in front of fairness and justice, and looks at this bill from the invisible perspective of European consumers.

    He believes that this bill still has many flaws and cannot protect the privacy of European users well.

    Therefore, this imperfect bill should not have been passed.

    Robert duplicity explained to the assistant why he wanted to vote against, and the assistant also conveyed Robert's meaning to the relevant members of the parliament in a timely manner.

    At the same time, Robert immediately used his mobile phone to contact his partner in parliament, expressing the same meaning.

    Some of Robert's strategic allies saw Robert's rhetoric and understood Robert's willingness to vote against it.

    These people actually know it well, because they or their family members have also received relevant information from Xiaoying's voice assistant.

    The congressmen were already retreating, but now that the old guy Robert is taking the lead, it is logical for these people to vote against this plan.

    In the parliament, there are many small councilors who were in a wavering state at the beginning. Later, after seeing the list of those who can enter the intensive care center for treatment and the list of those who have made an appointment successfully announced by Hanhai's mobile phone, they became even more anxious.

    Now that Robert has given them an order, I hope they can vote against it, and these swinging congressmen can also breathe a sigh of relief. They can choose to vote against it more independently, instead of being forced to vote for it.

    After the third reading, the time has come to 11:00 in the morning.

    The speaker of the parliament announced the opening of the vote.

    The congressmen pressed the voting devices in their hands one after another.

    There are only two options for the voting machine: yes or no.

    As long as more than half of the votes are in favor, the draft will be passed.

    At this moment, Herman in the hotel couldn't sit still anymore.

    He couldn't help turning on the TV to watch CNN's live broadcast of the parliamentary vote.

    Herman is also analyzing in detail with his assistants the number of congressmen they have wooed and can determine 100% of the votes against.

    Finally, after repeated calculations, they concluded that the number of MPs who voted against should account for more than 65% of the total.

    Herman's Democratic Foundation will not take risks in doing things. They will not just convince 51% of the congressmen to vote against it. To do it, they must do it more thoroughly.

    So this time they persuaded a total of more than 65% of the members of the parliament through various methods.

    Herman said to the assistant optimistically, "Even if 5% of the 65% of the congressmen are swingers, then at least 60% of the congressmen will vote against it."

    "So think this time, the council isHerman took out his mobile phone, wanted to call Robert, and questioned him, asking why the audience took advantage of the benefits and said well, but why he broke down on the stage!

    More than 600 negative votes!

    Here are more than 600 tickets for fxxxk!

    Herman even wondered, when he was negotiating with these grandsons, did he express his meaning in reverse, and let these people vote against it?

    If there is no one from Robert among the more than 600 people, Herman would not believe it if he killed Herman!

    Just when Herman was about to make a call, Special Reporter Robert, who was about to leave the parliament, caught him.

    The reporter of cnn quickly put the microphone on it and asked: "Mr. Robert, what do you think of the failure of the relevant draft law this time? What role did the EU cross-party MPs under your leadership play in this vote?"

    Robert's face darkened.

    Although the vote this time was a secret ballot, but the disparity between the negative votes and the positive votes was so large, Robert himself would definitely not be able to wash it off.

    Robert could only use his thick-skinned flickering spirit, and said to the camera:

    "It is true that during the trial of the bill this time, many cross-party MPs voted against it, but voting against it does not mean that we do not agree with the bill and do not safeguard the security and privacy of European users."

    He himself did not believe the nonsense Robert said, but in order to clear the air, he still said: "On the contrary, many of our congressmen care about the safety and privacy of users, so we think this draft law is too simple, there are many  We need to do more to make this draft more perfect and more in line with the reality of the European people, thank you!"

    The cnn reporter was in a daze. Robert seemed to have said everything, but he didn't seem to say anything.

    The cnn reporter quickly asked: "Mr. Congressman, why didn't you raise any objections or constructive comments during the second reading debate?"

    Robert ignored the reporters this time and left the venue immediately.

    Because he has no way to answer later.

    The reporters chased after Robert, and also commented on Robert's answer just now, and conspiracy theories were even more rampant.

    Finland, Simpson.

    Simpson unbelievable!

    The European Parliament did not pass the bill!

    These aggressive congressmen actually withered when they voted.

    Simpson just couldn't figure it out, could it be that Herman's lobbying in Europe for almost half a month had no effect at all, and you must know that Changtian Technology Headquarters did nothing.

    Simpson urgently reported the European report to Chen Xiao.

    At this time, Chen Xiao had already turned off the live broadcast, and went to have dinner with Song Yi and others.

    After receiving Simpson's call, Chen Xiao arranged work for Simpson: "Strictly control the sales of mobile phones, crack down on scalpers, and do scalpers all by ourselves. Do a good job in public opinion work, and we will decide what the public and the media like to hear.  Just say what you want."

    "We can also make appropriate contacts with European software development companies. Haven't we established a foundation? We should invest in what should be invested."

    This time the European Union passed relevant laws to prohibit the bankruptcy of Hanhai mobile phone sales plan, then Hanhai mobile phone will have retaliatory sales in Europe.

    It is always more comfortable to make money and occupy the market than to speak harshly.

    Xia Guo, the domestic Internet has long expressed concern about the European Parliament.

    ? Before the start of the parliament, everyone was scolding, thinking that Hanhai mobile phone was going to follow in the footsteps of Xia Guo's steel industry, and was legally prohibited from export by Europe.

    However, everyone did not expect that this law would not be passed.

    At this moment, the entire Xiaguo Internet was stunned at first, and then it was boiling.

    "The Europeans have transformed? How can the passage of this law be prevented? Does it mean that Hanhai mobile phones can be sold in Europe unimpeded?"

    "I'm really convinced! I just saw the news, why didn't the bill pass?"

    "What is the last name of the European Parliament?"

    "Upstairs, didn't you see that Changtian Technology bound the mobile phone with the quota of the intensive care center?"

    "That's right! Changtian's technology is amazing. It doesn't talk nonsense with Europe at all. The conditions are here for you. You can use it or not!"

    "Strongly support Changtian Technology. Over the past few decades, Xia Guo's companies have been getting angry when they do business with overseas companies. This time they are finally bullish! Playing Europe around, hahaha!"

    "I heard that for this European blockade, the relevant capital and foundations of the United States have spent a lot of money!"

    Changzezhou, Changtian Technology Group can have a good Spring Festival.

    On the eve of the Spring Festival, the "New York Times" reported a piece of inconspicuous news; "I heard that for this European blockade, the relevant capital and foundations of the United States have spent a lot of money!"

    Changzezhou, Changtian Technology Group can have a good Spring Festival.

    ? On the eve of the Spring Festival, the "New York Times" reported a piece of inconspicuous news ?
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