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Text Chapter 214: The Beginning of Farming

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    There were countless colons representing speechlessness in the group.

    There are also various speechless emoticons.

    You are a dignified sailing cup champion, ran to farm?

    ? Sure enough, it was an unconstrained choice.

    The thinking of ordinary people simply cannot keep up.

    After chatting with his classmates, Wang Che looked at the sky.

    "It's too early to start farming."

    Wang Che thought for a while, and when he returned to the cabin, Wang Che released his martial soul.

    Enter the palace on the first floor.

    The water orchid planted last night, after a day of growth, a light blue bud has emerged.

    "Soul plants can grow so fast."

    The growth cycle of soul plants is much slower than that of ordinary plants.

    Even if it is ripened, it will be much slower.

    If the birch fir tree hadn't been ripened by Wang Che, it would have grown naturally in the spiritual field, and it would have taken at least a few hours to grow to a height of four or five meters.

    However, the growth cycle of birch fir trees in normal soil takes more than half a month.

    If it is in fertile soil, it will take about a week. With the ripening of various modern techniques and materials, coupled with the power of the human martial soul, it can be shortened to three or four days at the earliest.

    The birch fir tree itself is a small tree species with a very fast growth cycle.

    Otherwise, it will not become one of the staple food raw materials for many young insects.

    And Water Youlan is a soul plant, even if it is only the lowest level of soul plant, it only contains a little life energy of the water system.

    But it is also a soul plant.

    Soul plants cannot grow in ordinary soil, even in fertile soil.

    It can only grow in the soil of soul power, and the water for irrigation cannot be ordinary water, otherwise the natural growth will be extremely slow and it will easily wither.

    "Spiritual field is not the soil of soul power, nor is it ordinary soil The spiritual field transformed from the martial soul possesses some of the power of the original real spiritual field Water Youlan grows in the spiritual field, and the growth rate can maintain a relatively fast speed  "

    "As for light and water, and fertilizer"

    "Essentially speaking, all the soul plants need to grow are all kinds of energy My soul power is injected into the spirit field, and the spirit field will be filled with various energies that the soul plant needs. Cultivating immortal farming is really different from technological farming."

    "For a water orchid, after one day, the consumed soul power will be fully restored. If I don't use the hand of life to ripen it, there will be no consumption at all."

    After a day of observation, Wang Che decided to grow several plants.

    Water Youlan has more seeds.

    There are nine bags, each bag contains ten seeds, a total of ninety seeds.

    Calculated the area of ??the spirit field and the condition of the water youlan after it matured.

    Wang Che planted the remaining nine seeds and ten more seeds in one bag neatly.

    A total of twenty seeds.

    Wang Che immediately felt that the loss of soul power in his body had accelerated by more than ten times!

    The more you plant, the more soul power you will consume.

    When there is no drop of soul power left, the spirit field will stop providing energy, and the soul plant will stop growing.

    It will wither over time.

    If you use the hand of life to ripen, your soul power will be consumed faster.

    I'm afraid it's immature, and the soul power is gone, so it's not safe.

    "Twenty pieces are about the same. Not surprisingly, it will take at least a week for natural growth to mature. If it is replaced by other soul soil, even if it is taken care of, it may take a month or even longer."

    "If the ripening is carried out, the time can be shortened But the ripening is not necessary for the time being. Right now, it is growing naturally. After a week, we will see the situation of the mature Shui Youlan. Don't worry."

    After the twenty water orchid seeds were planted, there was still an open space in the middle.

    Wang Che thought for a while, and planted a horse chestnut seed in the small open space in the middle.

    There are only seven seven-leaf smoked grass, which itself contains a little soul energy, which can improve spiritual power.

    However, it is more difficult to cultivate horse chestnut.

    Regarding soul energy, ordinary soul soil cannot satisfy it.

    Its seed value is also very high.

    At the same time, it also needs a specific environment, such as a simple mental force field, to stimulate the growth of this seed.

    However, when the seeds of the horse chestnut were planted, Wang Che found that his soul power was lost.bsp; After seeing Wang Che's martial spirit, the instructor was a little confused because he couldn't understand it.

    Then he contacted the principal directly, and after learning about the origin of Wang Che's martial spirit, he waved his hand and let Wang Che play it by himself.

    Because the instructor could tell at a glance that Wang Che's martial soul was not only perfectly realized, but also very mysterious.

    The soul-guiding technique for cultivating martial souls reserved by Linhai University has no effect on this mysterious martial soul.

    If this new type of martial soul wants to practice soul guidance, it can only be re-tailored according to this kind of martial soul.

    That is not something a mentor can do.

    Just kidding, as Li Yanming said before, Zhao He from the Wuhun Research Department of Xiyuezhou sent Wang Che's Wuhun model to the Wuhun Research Department in the center of the theater, but he was unable to develop a suitable soul guide technique.

    Not to mention a mentor, even if the entire Beijiang professors who study martial arts gather together, it is impossible to research it.

    Then you can only see Wang Che's free play.

    The instructor had no choice but to make many students curious about Wang Che's martial spirit.

    But they can't see anything anymore.

    "Students, please calm down when you go back in the next two days. I will teach you to formally practice spiritual power in two days."

    The instructor's words made many students a little excited.

    The four classes are over, and what Wang Che is most interested in is the agronomy class.

    It's not about the level of the lectures, but the level of lectures, but they are very interesting. There are many short stories or knowledge about agronomy, many of which Wang Che could not know through books.

    These little stories and little knowledge are summed up by these mentors based on their decades of planting experience.

    Whether it is useful or not is not important.

    Wang Che thought it was quite interesting.

    For other students, it is not only interesting, but also useful.

    After the course is over, there is an afternoon and evening.

    Wang Che first went to the Nongzhi Hall, intending to take on some small tasks and earn some small points first.

    Then exchange for some more common crop seeds and plant them in the farmland outside the wooden house.

    No way, no matter if it is the senior sister or the professor, the rewards given are really good.

    But it's just too good all of them are soul-planted seeds, which can't be used up for the time being.

    It is embarrassing for ordinary crop seeds without
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