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Text 063 Another "beautiful" death

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    After going out to play, Cao Xuan also became more familiar with several leading actors, and the atmosphere of the crew became more harmonious.

    The only headache was that after going out this time, Fan Bingbing felt that he was getting closer to Cao Xuan, so he kept pushing towards Cao Xuan's side, in the name of asking for advice on acting skills.

    Cao Xuan almost couldn't hold back his complaints.

    The production crew consisted of a group of veteran actors, and there were many majors. They had to ask him, a singer who was a group performer, for advice on acting skills. Those who didn't know the inside story thought she was mocking Cao Xuan.

    Cao Xuan is also welcome, if you dare to ask for advice, he dares to give real advice, and he not only teaches alone, but also pulls Jiao Enjun, Kaohsiung, Yu Feihong and several old actors to teach together.

    Forcibly turned one-on-one private teaching into a multi-person one-on-one acting tutoring class.

    He also assigned Fan Bingbing homework after class, and checked it the next day. If he failed to complete it, he would be fined to copy the script.

    Cao Xuan didn't know what Fan Bingbing was thinking, but the way the others looked at him was astonished.

    Cao Xuan didn't care about everyone's reaction. Instead, the crew was full of actors and invited to the remedial class to give lectures.

    Cao Xuan did this not because of Fan Bingbing, but mainly because he found that the tutoring class was also useful to him, so he was busy learning to steal from the class.

    Cao Xuan is not the only smart person, Wu Jing soon discovered the benefits of this remedial class, and ran over to take the class with a shy face.

    He is also not from a major, and his acting skills are not bad. He usually has no time to study, so he has a rare opportunity to attend a class, so he can't miss it.

    Later, including Fan Bingbing himself, although at first he was pissed off by Cao Xuan's coquettish operation, but later realized that he could learn something, and he became a student by doing fake shows.

    Like these artists who became popular in later generations, especially when the traffic era was not yet popular, they were able to break through. In addition to factors such as luck, ability, and noble support, personal efforts are also important reasons.

    At least when they were not famous and on the rise, they really dared to fight and endure hardships

    Baye Yuan is so stupid. He has been in the industry for decades since his debut in 1962, and he has never seen any scenes in the crew.

    Men and women broke shoes, men and women broke shoes, men and women broke shoes, hacked, murdered, set fire, used guns, and even gave birth on the spot.

    But it was the first time he saw a group of actors who spontaneously formed a group to hold remedial classes, and even brought homework assignments.

    Baye Yuan looked at Cao Xuan and the others, and sighed to another director, Li Zetao.

    "With this kind of energy, not many young actors can match it now, and these few will definitely do well in the future."

    Li Hantao nodded in agreement. Although he has not been an official director for a long time, he has also worked in TVB and ATV before.

    He has seen actors who are so down-to-earth and knowledgeable, and they have basically shown themselves. Even if they can't be the protagonists, they don't have to worry about acting. The most popular ones have even become the pillars of the Xiangjiang film industry.

    For example, Liu Qingyun, Ren Dahua, Wu Mengda, Zhou Xingchi

    Cao Xuan's remedial classes are getting bigger and bigger.

    Not only young actors such as Ren Quan and Jia Jingwen joined in one after another, even other crews who were also in Hengdian secretly came to take lessons.

    The booming remedial classes made Cao Xuan feel that he was quite talented in running the classes.

    If one day he can't become a star, he can follow Huang Haibo's example and hold art training classes.

    It's really a little trick for quitting circles every day

    In fact, when it comes to training classes for celebrities, there are quite a few in the industry. For example, Fan Bingbing, who is now an honest student, once ran an art school in Beijing, but it closed down later.

    Mr. Zhou and Chen Kun also set up a performing arts school, and the annual tuition fee alone is hundreds of thousands. Zhao Benshan once cooperated with Liao Province University to open a department, and then stopped the cooperation.

    Others Cheng Long, Zhang Guoli, Feng Gong, and Liu Xiaoqing also cooperated with universities to start classes, but few persisted.

    To put it bluntly, there are so many formal art academies here, such as Nortel, China Opera, Shanghai Opera, and China Communications Academy. The good seedlings have basically been snatched up, and the success rate of the remaining ones who have been selected is pitifully low.

    ?The school's success rate is low, it can't attract good students, there are no good students, the school's success rate is low, and it goes back and forth, eventually forming a vicious cycle.

    Therefore, most of those acting institutions later were training art exams.

    There are very few elite classes that can independently train acting skills, and the average students can't afford it at all, and they are all those rich second-generation or traffic stars who want to enter the circle.

    The remedial class was lively, and Cao Xuan's scenes were filmed less and less.

    On October 23rd, Ren Quan was killed, and Cao Xuan just accompanied him to killGreen Banquet, and it was his turn on the third day.

    ? Dazhi Temple, a certain courtyard

    Kaohsiung, who played Shangguan Jinhong, held two gold rings and glared at Cao Xuan.

    "Jing Wuming, you dare to betray me."

    "If you never have loyalty, how can you talk about betrayal."

    Cao Xuan was still the cold swordsman fan, but seeing that he was about to fight against the big enemy, his voice and emotions still fluctuated a little.

    "From the day my family died at your hands, I have been looking forward to today, Shangguan Jinhong, I have killed your son, and now I will send you to reunite with him."

    "Arrogant, I will kill you first today, and then I will kill Li Xunhuan to avenge Feier."

    Shangguan Jinhong was enraged, and flew over to kill the general. Jing Wuming was not afraid, and directly used Shangguan Fei's exposed left-handed sword trick to fight Shangguan Jinhong.

    In the original version of "Little Li Flying Knife", Jing Wuming's death was very hasty. He could obviously fight Shangguan Jinhong three-on-one with Li Xunhuan and Fairy Jinghong.

    Of course, the setting in the play is that he has the confidence to kill Shangguan Jinhong, but in the end he hides his trick for a long time, which is to stab someone with a dagger in his right hand when Shangguan Jinhong is not prepared.

    Let's not talk about whether this trick is out of the style of a master.

    The key is that you have to stab the black knife. When you can't stab Shangguan Jinhong undercover for more than ten years, you have to face the enemy head-on and use this trick.

    As a result, Shangguan Jinhong was wearing soft armor and was not pierced, and was hammered to death by a golden ring.

    So Cao Xuan changed the script, and Shangguan Jinhong's conspiracy was revealed, so the strategist Li Xunhuan and others were transferred away from the mountain, and planned to go out in person to destroy the evidence against him.

    Jing Wuming was aware of his plan. In order to completely destroy Shangguan Jinhong and the money gang behind him, he fought Shangguan Jinhong alone.

    He intends to delay Shangguan Jinhong, protect the evidence, and wait for Li Xunhuan and others to come back for help.

    Although the circle is still not perfect, Cao Xuan also tried his best, and it is more valuable than the original plot of forcibly giving away the head to kill the dead.

    Baye Yuan also gave Cao Xuan a lot of face, and personally went into battle to design the action for this scene, making sure that Jing Wuming died "beautifully".

    Cao Xuan vaguely found the feeling of the Lion House back then.

    I don't know if I have committed a feud with Yuan Baye, but the characters I worked with were all beaten to death in the end, and died terribly.

    Ximenqing was beaten by Wu Song, and finally thrown downstairs, his head was chopped off with a knife.

    In order to embody the tragedy of the battle to the death, Jing Wuming insisted on charging again and again when he lost to Shangguan Jinhong in martial arts, and was beaten by Shangguan Jinhong, flying all over the yard, vomiting blood.

    When the protagonist Li Xunhuan finally arrives late, Jing Wuming's dead face covered in blood reveals the first and last smile in the whole play.

    Then he was smashed to the temple by a golden ring from Shangguan, and he was off the assembly line.

    No, Cao Xuan still has to lie on the ground as a dead body, wait for Shangguan Jinhong to kill Fairy Jinghong, and Li Xunhuan kill Shangguan Jinhong again, and then everyone will get a boxed meal together to finish off.
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