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Chapter 11 Breaking the wall

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    If Granny Si or the village chief were here, they would definitely scold him for messing around and use his life for messing around.

    After all, the divine voice that appeared when the wall was broken is different from the divine voice that the girls in the ruins uttered. Using the magic voice against the divine voice of the girls to counter the divine voice that appeared when the wall was broken, the wrong medicine is the next best thing. The key is that if the divine voice  If there are other strange changes with the magic sound, it is not as simple as losing your life, and you may even lose your soul!

    However, Qin Mu had no one to guide him, and he didn't know the danger inside, so he started to experiment immediately after learning the magic sound.

    When his vitality came to the center of his eyebrows, the divine voice that seemed to come from nine days away sounded again as promised. When the vitality met the divine voice, it retreated automatically, and Qin Mu recited the magic voice silently. The divine voice and the magical voice immediately stuck together, colliding and attacking each other  cutting.

    Qin Mu took the opportunity to urge his vitality to rush towards the wall of the spiritual fetus, but the divine voice still broke through his magic sound from time to time, forcing his vitality back.

    He failed again and again, but he was not discouraged, and kept pumping his vitality to attack. After hundreds of failures, his vitality finally hit the wall of the spiritual fetus.

    It's just that the wall of the spiritual fetus still exists and has not been broken.

    "I was disturbed by the divine sound, and I couldn't gather all the vitality to attack with all my strength, so I couldn't break through the wall."

    Qin Mu summed up his mistakes for a while, and immediately made the next attack. After experiencing failures again and again, he finally let his vitality hit the wall of the spiritual fetus for the second time.

    This time also failed to break the wall.

    It didn't take long for him to hit the third time, then the fourth time, and the fifth time

    When he learned how to refine medicine from a pharmacist, he had already developed a lot of patience.  Alcohol refining is a test of patience, wisdom, eyesight and skills, among which patience is the most important. Without patience, one cannot make a good medicine blindly.

    After countless failures, finally, Qin Mu suddenly heard a light click between his brows.

    This soft sound was as beautiful as fairy music, even though Qin Mu had strong concentration, he couldn't hold back the excitement in his heart.

    There is an extra crack on the wall of the spiritual fetus, a crack in the shape of lightning.

    The wall of the spiritual fetus is an invisible wall, which cannot be seen, but can only be felt, but when the crack came out, Qin Mu felt a light shining from the center of his brow, like a lightning symbol.

    This feeling is very strange.

    When you close your eyes, what you see in front of your eyes is darkness without any light, you can't see the center of the brow, you can't see the spiritual treasure, and you can't see the wall of the spiritual fetus.

    And a crack was created in the wall of the spiritual fetus by the vitality, and you can see the light like lightning coming out of the darkness.  At this time, you can see the wall of the spiritual fetus.

    Qin Mu not only saw the wall of the spiritual fetus, but also saw the divine treasure of the spiritual fetus from the lightning-like crack on the wall of the spiritual fetus.

    The radiance in the Spiritual Embryo Divine Treasure was dense, golden light, and abundant and rich vitality was overflowing from the lightning-like crack, constantly combining with his vitality.

    The vitality in Shenzang is more pure and powerful, but this vitality is the same as the vitality he cultivated himself, without any attributes.

    Qin Mu is convinced that the vitality he cultivated is the unique vitality of the domineering body, the vitality of the domineering body, so he doesn't care about it.

    There is not only vitality in the Spiritual Embryo Divine Treasure, but also more wonderful things hidden in it, but he only blasted a lightning-like crack, and the wall has not been completely broken, so it is impossible to see what else is inside.

    The crack in the shape of lightning was slowly healing, and Qin Mu's heart sank. Obviously, the wall of the womb is not as simple as he imagined. The wall of the womb is tangible and intangible, like a viscous slurry, which can be healed even if a hole is opened.  .

    Unless you can break through the wall of the spiritual fetus in one go, then you can open the divine treasure of the spiritual fetus!

    "My vitality is not strong enough, but the impact of the cracks can make my vitality rapidly increase! Before long, my vitality will be able to break the wall of the spiritual embryo!"

    Qin Mu cheered up, and suddenly heard the sound of cock crowing in his ears, his heart moved slightly, and he quickly opened his eyes.

    Among the strange beasts that entered the ruins to avoid, there were a few bald-necked roosters. They were unusually majestic and tall, as tall as a person, with gorgeous wings, but their necks were hairless.  Chicken crowing.

    "It's almost dawn."

    Qin Mu's heart moved slightly, and the eastern sky had already appeared a hazy light, indicating that the sun would rise soon, and it was too late for him to completely break through the wall of the spiritual fetus.

    Fortunately, he has already understood how to break through the wall, as long as he can escape from Senior Brother Qu and Senior Sister Qing, he will have plenty of time to break through.

      Although he failed to completely break through the wall, he only broke through a crack, and his cultivation base has improved a lot. He has enough confidence to escape from the hands of the two!

    "It's almost dawn." Senior Brother Qu said meaningfully.

    Senior Sister Qing said coldly: "The three junior brothers died to slay the demons. If this little demon bastard escapes, wouldn't it be a disappointment to their spirits in heaven?"

    Qin Mu turned a deaf ear, stood up, and stretched his muscles.

    The girls in the square are still fighting against the darkness, you come and go, deadlocked, the darkness and the light are fighting fiercely.

    It didn't take long before another cock crow came, and the darkness became anxious, and the voice became incomparably louder and thicker, and the divine voices from the girls also became passionate and louder.  Incomparable.

    Suddenly, a third rooster crowed, and a ray of sunlight pierced the darkness in the east and fell on the highest mountain nearby.

    When this ray of sunlight shines, the pitch-black darkness recedes like a tide, and quickly recedes into the distance. The darkness is as fast as it came, and it goes faster and faster, and finally disappears on the horizon.

    And the morning sun shines down and reflects the canyon. Before the sun shines on the ruins in the canyon, the high-hanging pearl is slowly falling, and the colorful rays of light flooding the square pour into the pearl.

    The glow disappeared, and the girls in the square reverted to skeletons sitting there cross-legged, motionless, as if the girl's bravery against the darkness that night was just a gorgeous dream.

    Qin Mu had long heard people in the village talking about strange things in the Great Ruins. What happened here was bizarre and unimaginable.  But I heard it was heard, and it was even more shocking to experience these strange things myself.

    Whenever the night falls, the darkness invades, the faces in the darkness, the mysterious magic sound, and the pink skeletons in the ruins that turn into girls every night, and the confrontation between light and darkness, are all incomprehensible.  strange thing.

    These secrets are waiting for people to discover.

    Qin Mu hid himself among the moving beasts, and walked out quietly. The beasts obviously had an unwritten rule, that is, no hands could be touched inside the ruins, but outside the ruins, the beasts would become incomparable.  dangerous.

    On the other side, Senior Brother Qu cast a wink at Senior Sister Qing, and the two of them also mixed into the herd and kept approaching Qin Mu.

    The herd of beasts was still walking out in an orderly manner, and suddenly a sword light came quietly and came behind Qin Mu.  Qin Mu dodged sideways, and the sword almost pierced a strange beast.

    The strange beast roared anxiously.

    "Junior Sister, don't control the sword. We will all die here if we hurt the beasts and go berserk!"

    When Senior Brother Qu's voice came, Junior Sister Qing quickly withdrew her sword, turned over and jumped onto the back of a strange beast, then jumped onto the other side, and quickly approached Qin Mu.  Qin Mu's eyes were very hot, he gathered his energy into silk, and manipulated the sword to kill the enemy dozens of feet away. Although this kind of ability is not as amazing as the butcher's supernatural power, it is still very remarkable.

    Senior Sister Qing's footsteps were light, her skirt twirled like a pink lotus flower, and her toes under the lotus flower kicked Qin Mu like sharp knives!

    Her legs are sharp, and every kick is like a giant hammer with sharp spikes, shaking the air to buzz.

    This kind of kick can easily smash a big rock to pieces and pierce a copper wall and iron wall!

    However, Qin Mu's eyes lit up, meeting Sister Qing's whirlwind kicks!

    The cripple once told him that he has never been afraid of any kicks from other people with the stealthy kicks he taught him!  (Remember the site URL:
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