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Chapter 1044 Using the city as an array

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    Outside the city, many demons flew towards the city wall.

    Every time they reached a node, they would take the initiative to stop and search carefully on the city wall, looking for magic patterns.

    The entire city wall can be seen every 500 meters, and a magic pattern is carved on it.

    This magic pattern is very light and shallow, as if it has been engraved on the city wall.

    If you don't observe carefully, you really can't see the existence of the magic pattern.

    However, when these heavenly demons stepped forward and touched the magic pattern, the magic pattern instantly burst into brilliant black light.

    In the black light, there is a ferocious red, as if a lot of blood is hidden in it.

    Can detect the fierce and evil spirit emanating from it.

    "Hahahaha, when all these magic lines are activated, the whole city will be turned into a purgatory on earth. By then, Master Mingze will be born!"

    "The human race here is a bunch of idiots. Why don't we attack them? It's nothing more than raising them first and saving them for greater use. What's ridiculous is that they think that our demons dare not attack them, hahahaha!"

    "After all these magic lines are connected together, the sky will collapse, the sun and the moon will be dark, and once the big formation is activated, all flesh and blood will not be able to escape from this formation!"

    Several demons sneered, and they activated one magic pattern after another.

    After the magic pattern is drawn, it has actually been absorbing the spiritual energy between the heaven and the earth.

    It's just that, in a very special way, the aura is sealed in it.

    After being touched by these heavenly demons, these magic lines were reinfused with magic energy and became ferocious and terrifying.

    After all, it is a magic pattern, how can it be harmless to humans and animals?

    In the entire Beiling City, there are tens of thousands of magic patterns carved.

    These magic lines were drawn by the Heavenly Demon Clan in secret over the past month.

    What's ridiculous is that none of the more than 10 million practitioners in the entire city noticed this.

    He is about to become a lamb to be slaughtered, but he still doesn't know it.

    Dozens of heavenly demons activated the magic patterns at a fast speed.

    The whole process is very time-consuming.

    It will take at least an hour to activate all the magic patterns.

    "Hurry up, hurry up, everyone, speed up, you must move all the magic patterns before the end of noon."

    "Next, an adult will naturally take action and activate the formation!"

    The group of heavenly demons are urging, while speeding up to do things.

    Inside the city.

    Dozens of heavenly demons patrolled around.

    Their task is to eliminate all unrest factors in the city before the grand formation is opened.

    For example, to see if there is a great emperor in the city.

    In case there is a human emperor hiding in it, find out quickly and let the demon emperor deal with him.

    Otherwise, a human emperor may destroy the whole plan.

    On the main street in the city, many cultivators watched these heavenly demons shuttle around. On the surface, they didn't dare to say anything, but in fact they cursed all kinds of things in their hearts.

    "Arrogance, a bunch of dogs!"

    "Yes, when the Dragon Sword Emperor comes, he will kill you all sooner or later."

    "Isn't it because I have a large number of people, so I am arrogant and domineering?"

    Those group of cultivators thought bitterly in their hearts.

    "Go away!"

    Those heavenly demons rushed into the downtown area, and there were practitioners blocking the way in front of them. Without saying a word, they burst out their demonic energy and blasted them away.


    Several cultivators were not cultivated enough, and were directly shattered into blood mist.

    Some people fell out in embarrassment, spitting blood.

    "It's crazy!"

    ? Some practitioners clenched their fists, resentful.

    However, after the anger passed, Kong Yu felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

    Even if the demons are arrogant and domineering, who can deal with them?

    The world of heaven and man has already changed.

    It is no longer the world of the human race!

    Dozens of heavenly demons patrolled separately, checking for breath.

    In the city, there are two aristocratic families with emperor-level existences.

    At that time, they directly admitted that they were cowardly, and did not have a direct conflict with the demon clan.

    And what these heavenly demons have to do is to investigate and rule out other emperors other than these two human emperors.

    After investigating all the way, it is true that there is not much aura of a strong human race.

    "They?What are you going to do?  "

    "One by one, are you crazy?"

    "The Tianmo clan suddenly behaved like this, could it be that there is some big move?"

    "I don't quite understand either."

    Many practitioners are full of confusion.

    Are you chasing someone?

    Apart from this, I can't think of anything else they have.

    As for whether the Heavenly Demon clan will be disadvantageous to them.

    I never thought about it that way.

    In a city as big as Beiling City, there are more than 10 million practitioners, which is not a small number.

    No matter what decision the Heavenly Demon Clan makes, it is bound to take into account so many people in the city.

    Therefore, these practitioners are not too worried.

    Inside the restaurant.

    Many practitioners are all talking and laughing about this.

    There is no worry about the change of the demon clan.

    "What are we in a hurry for?"

    "That's right, the two great families of Beiling City, the two great emperors of the human race are not in a hurry, so it's our turn!"

    "Even if the sky falls, there will be a tall one to hold it up."

    "What's there to be afraid of?"

    "Come, come, drink, drink!"

    Ye Chen sat in the corner, his perception was much sharper than that of ordinary practitioners.

    He can clearly perceive what others cannot perceive.

    The entire city seemed to be surrounded by a vaguely demonic energy.

    The sky seemed to be covered with a layer of haze, which was very light at first, but the feeling became more and more intense.

    Ye Chen tapped his fingers on the table while drinking.

    Intuition told him that a change is coming!

    In Beiling City, the Liu family.

    The Liu family and the Li family are two super families in Beiling City, each of which has a strong man at the level of a great emperor sitting in charge.

    In the meeting hall of the Liu family, a figure wrapped in black air floated, it was the Heavenly Demon Emperor.

    In front of the Heavenly Demon Emperor, two old men were sitting there, looking a little anxious.

    "But my lord, even if it's an investigation, it won't be such a big battle to seal off the whole city, right?"

    The ancestor of the Liu family was named Liu Zhen.

    He frowned tightly and asked proactively.

    Because he sensed that the demonic energy outside the city was rising, and judging by the posture, he wanted to seal the entire city into the formation.

    "The person to be arrested has a very good status. We have a total of five great emperors sitting in the city and setting up a net. It is absolutely impossible for him to escape."

    The Demon Emperor sneered that day, "You two, I am here to inform you, not to discuss with you, and I will give you half an hour to leave the city!"

    "But, we are gone, what about our family?"

    Li Xing, the ancestor of the Li family, was a little anxious.

    "Don't worry, I will issue orders to continue, not to do anything to your family."

    The Heavenly Demon Emperor took a deep look at the two of them, "So, stop talking nonsense, and leave quickly before my patience is exhausted!" (Remember the website URL:
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