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Text Chapter 1821 [About Buddha (2)]

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    Ananda - the most knowledgeable person

    Ananda is shortened to Nanda, which means "celebration" and "joy".  He is the younger brother of Devadatta, the son of King Amrita Rice, and the cousin of Buddha.  When he was young, he had the ambition to become a monk and once studied under Shili Kassapa.  When the Buddha was fifty-five years old, he took refuge in the Buddha.  Because he was young, smart, and the cousin of the Buddha, he was elected as the Buddha's attendant (attendant) by his disciples after he became a monk.  He devoted himself to serving the Buddha and was inseparable until the Buddha's Nirvana. He followed the Buddha for twenty-five years.  He has a good memory and can never forget all the teachings taught by the Buddha. Among the disciples of the Buddha, he has heard the most Dharma, so he has won the reputation of "the most knowledgeable person".

    After the Buddha's Nirvana, Venerable Kassapa convened 4999 Buddhist disciples who had achieved Arhat to gather the Dharma in order to preserve the Dharma. Ananda was rejected because he had not achieved the holy fruit.  He was deeply ashamed of this life, so he worked hard that night and finally achieved Arahantship overnight and joined the team that gathered Dharma.  At the gathering, Ananda recited all the Sutras (Sutra is Sanskrit, meaning Buddhist scriptures), including the Four Agama Sutras, the Parable Sutra, and the Dhammapada.  He made indelible contributions to the collection and dissemination of Buddha's teachings throughout his life.

    Among the Buddhist disciples, Ananda was not only outstanding in talent and profound in Buddhist knowledge, but also a noble character.  When he was promoted to be the Buddha's attendant, in order to avoid suspicion, he made three requests: "He will never wear the Buddha's new or old clothes."  Praised by Buddha.  He has a gentle temperament and treats others with humility and sincerity.  He is the most popular among Buddhist disciples, especially women who like to be close to him.  He once asked the Buddha to allow his aunt, Mrs. Prajapati, to become a monk.  The emergence of bhikkhunis in the Buddhist Sangha is inseparable from Ananda's running and calling in front of the Buddha.

    After gathering in Rajagaha.  Ananda spread the Dharma everywhere.  Twenty years later, he followed the teachings of the Venerable Kassapa and became the leader of the Sangha.  At this time he was sixty-six years old.  When he lived to be one hundred and twenty years old, he saw that the world was full of self-attachment and did not act in accordance with the Buddha's teachings. The great disciples of the Buddha left one after another, so he decided to reach nirvana.  According to legend, he was about to die.  The relationship between Magadha and Vaishali, located on both sides of the Ganges River in India, suddenly became tense as they competed for his relics.  In order to quell this simmering war.  Ananda used his supernatural power to enter annihilation in the sky above the Ganges River, split his body into two halves, and distributed them to the two countries for worship. The war ended before it was ignited.  When Ananda was approaching Nirvana, he still thought about all sentient beings.  It is the embodiment of the compassionate spirit of Buddhism.

    Rahula - the first in the secret practice

    Venerable Rahula, also known as "Rahula", "Luo Yun" and other names, free translation of "covering the barrier", "obstacle moon", "zhiyue" and other names.  He is the biological son of Buddha.  His mother's name is Yasodhara.  He met the Buddha with his mother when he was seven years old, and became a monk from Shariputra when he was fifteen years old. He was the earliest novice monk in the Buddhist Sangha.  When Rahula first became a monk, he was very naughty and liked to tell lies. After strict training by the Buddha, his good roots sprouted and he regretted his past mistakes.  From then on, he strictly observed the pure precepts and practiced Taoism according to the teachings.  He strictly abides by all the "three thousand majestic rituals" and "eighty thousand meticulous conduct" prescribed for monks in the Buddhist precepts.  Never indulge in violations.  Therefore, he won the title of "Number One in Esoteric Practice" among Buddhist disciples.  In addition to observing strict discipline, he also has the virtue of patience.  "The Great Wisdom" records that one time, when he returned from a trip, his dormitory was occupied by other monks, and all his clothes, bowls and other belongings were thrown outside the door.  According to the Buddhist law at that time.  The monk is the big one, the novice is the small one.  Novice monks are not allowed to stay in the same room with monks.  Therefore, he had to find another place to live.  It was pouring rain outside at that time, so he had to hide in the toilet and sit in meditation, enduring the stench and rain.  Another time, when he went out to beg for food, he was attacked by a group of gangsters. He was beaten with bruises all over his body, but he was still not angry.  When Rahula was seven years old, he begged the Buddha for inheritance, and the Buddha promised to leave him the "Seven Holy Wealths".  These seven properties are: faith, diligence, discipline, shame, hearing and equanimity, patience, and concentration and wisdom.  Looking at Rahula's life, he strictly adhered to the pure precepts, endured humiliation and worked diligently. It should be said that he fully inherited the legacy left by the Buddha and lived up to the expectations of the Buddha.

    Mahakassapa - the first among Toutuo

    Mahakasyapa means "drinking light".  He is a son of a wealthy family in Rajagaha, the capital of Magadha.  He was tired of the secular world since he was a child. Because of his father's persecution, he once married Miao Xian, a wealthy woman from Vaishali, Linguo. However, Miao Xian had the same aspirations as him, and they had been living apart.  After twelve years of marriage, both his parents died, and the time finally came for Kasyapa to become a monk.  He bid farewell to Miao Xian and went out to look for teachers. He visited several famous teachers, but none of them satisfied him.  One day, he came to Zhulin Jingshe and listened to the Buddha's sermon. He felt that it was in line with his original intention, so he followed the Buddha and became a monk.  Soon, Miao Xian was brought into the group of female monks to practice the holy life together.

    After Kassapa converted to Buddhism, although he became a member of the Buddhist Sangha, he never lived in the Sangha. He believed that the life in the Sangha was too affluent and was not suitable for practicing transcendental methods. He was always alone in the mountains and outdoors, in the tombs.  Identify and meditate next to the corpse.  He??There are ten ways to practice: 1. Choose a free place to live; 2. Always go on alms and beg for food; 3. Live in one place; 4. Eat one meal per day; 5. Beg for food regardless of the rich or the poor; 6. Strictly observe the three robes.  Tools; 7. Often thinking under trees; 8. Often sitting quietly in the open air; 9. Wearing dung-sweeping clothes; 10. Living in tombs.  These practices of Kassapa are called "Dhutu practices" in Buddhism.  Toutuo means "shake up", which means shaking off troubles and dirt.  Kasyapa practiced this ascetic practice for a long time and never slackened off, so he was known as the "No. 1 Tutu" among the disciples of Buddha.  The Buddha also trusted him very much, praised him as the true abbot of the future Dharma, and passed on the mantle to him.

    There is a well-known story in the history of Zen Buddhism that Kassapa attained the Buddha¡¯s teaching.  According to the Sutra of Brahma King Asking the Buddha and Resolving Doubts, the Buddha was once invited by King Brahma to go to Lingjiu Mountain to preach.  After the Buddha ascended the throne, he did not say a word, but held a Polo flower in his hand to show to the public.  Everyone present did not understand, and they were all looking attentively. At this time, only Venerable Kassapa smiled when he saw the Buddha showing flowers.  The Buddha immediately announced in public: "I have the Dharma Eye, the wonderful heart of Nirvana, and the subtle Dharma of the formless reality, which I entrusted to Maha Kassapa." At the same time, he also gave Kassapa the gold-threaded cassock and alms bowl that he usually used.  Kasyapa thus became the successor of Buddha.  Therefore, Chinese Zen Buddhism regards him as "the first patriarch of the Western Heaven".

    After Buddha¡¯s Nirvana.  Kasyapa then took on the important responsibility of abbot Dharma.  Under his leadership and auspices, the work of gathering the Buddha's teachings was carried out.  This gathering took place in the city of Rajagaha and was attended by five hundred great bhikkhus who had achieved Arahantship.  At the meeting, Ananda recited the Sutra Collection, Upali recited the Vinaya Collection, and compiled two major Buddhist scriptures, the Sutra Collection and the Vinaya Collection.  This is the first gathering in the history of Buddhism.  The work of compiling Buddhist scriptures initiated by Kassapa made an indelible contribution to the collection and preservation of the Buddha's teachings and the widespread spread of Buddhism since then.

    It is said that when Kassapa was in his seventies, he passed on the Dharma to Ananda, and then he went alone to the basin between the peaks of Jizu Mountain (there are three peaks standing on the mountain, shaped like chicken feet) eight hundred miles southwest of Rajagaha, and meditated into concentration.  When Maitreya is born, he will hand over the mantle taught by Buddha to Maitreya.

    Kachanyan - the first in discussion

    Kachanyan was a native of the country during the time of Buddha.  He was influenced by his uncle Asituo Immortal since he was a child.  He is proficient in Vedic scriptures, astrology and various ancient Indian texts, and his attainments in ancient texts are particularly profound.  According to legend, there was an ancient monument in India at that time, and no one could read the words on it.  The king posted a list and issued an edict to the whole country: Anyone who knows how to do it will be rewarded heavily.  Jiachanyan unveiled the list and applied for the competition.  The inscription was easily translated.  Although the inscription was translated, the content of the inscription was puzzling to him.  Following his uncle's instructions, he went to Zhulin Jingshe to consult the Buddha, who explained the contents of the inscription to him in detail.  It turns out that this monument talks about the principle of ending worries and realizing Bodhi.  After listening to the Buddha's explanation, Kaccanyana admired the Buddha's knowledge and thoughts very much.  In this way, an ancient monument introduced him to the world of Buddhist truth.

    After Kachanyan became a monk, in addition to diligently cultivating Taoism, he also actively devoted himself to the promotion of Buddhism.  He is quick-thinking and eloquent.  His reasoning is thorough and he is known as "the first in discussion" among Buddhist disciples.  Because he was good at argumentation, many heretics were in awe of his arguments.  Many people also entered the Buddhist path under his skillful teachings.  There is such a story in "The Book of Virtues and Fools". There was a poor and helpless old woman in the country of Apanti. Because her family was poor, she walked to the river and cried bitterly, hoping to commit suicide.  Seeing this, Kaccanyana hurriedly came forward to comfort him.  Kaccanyana learned that the woman was poor.  Then he skillfully taught her how to "sell poverty".  The way to sell yourself out of poverty is to give alms.  The old woman gave alms according to this, and was finally born in the Trayasatra Palace.  This story is called "Jacchanyan taught his old mother to sell herself into poverty".  Most of the places Kaccanyana preached were in Western India where Buddhism was not yet popular at that time.  visible.  He was also a pioneer in the spread of Buddhism.

    Fuluna - the first to say

    Fulou free translation means "full of wishes", "full of wishes", etc.  He was born on the same day as Buddha in a Brahmin elder's family in Kapilavastu City.  He became a monk from Buddha when he first turned the wheel of Dharma at Sarnath.  He is famous among Buddhist disciples as "the first in Dharma".  He got this title mainly because he was good at preaching.  According to records, when he preached the Dharma, he "first used his eloquence to sing wonderful words to make all sentient beings happy; then he used painful words to make those who heard the knot understand."  It can be seen that he used a thorough and step-by-step method in explaining his teachings.  Fuluna was also a famous preacher among Buddhist disciples.  In order to spread the Dharma and let all living beings benefit from the Dharma, he was not afraid of hardships and even risked his own life, running around and broadcasting Dharma rain, so that countless sentient beings would realize their return and abandon darkness and turn to the light.  At that time, there was a remote "Suluna Country" in western India. The culture there was backward, the human nature was violent, and Buddhism had not been introduced, making it a difficult place to spread Buddhism.  In order to save the foolish sentient beings there, Fuluna went ahead despite the difficulties and asked the Buddha to allow him to go there to spread the Dharma.  Venerable Subhuti put him to the test and found out that he really had the spirit of forgetting his body for the sake of the Dharma, so he agreed to his request.  Before leaving, the Buddha specially saw him off.  Fuluna went to the country to recruit 500 disciples, and built 500 sanghalan (temples), achieving success in preaching.

    ? ???Bodhi¡ª¡ªThe first solution to emptiness

    Subhuti means "good view", "emptiness" and other meanings.  He was born in a Brahmin family in Rajagaha. He was very smart since he was a child, but he had a stubborn and angry temperament.  It is said that he was guided by the mountain god and converted to Buddha.  Subhuti also has his own specialties. He is "good at understanding the meaning of emptiness and aims at emptiness and silence". He is known as "the number one in understanding emptiness" among Buddhist disciples.  He often puts "empty principles" throughout all his words and deeds.  Once, he was in Luo Yuecheng?  While he was mending clothes in Huizhong, Buddha suddenly came to the city, and the local people went to greet him and worship him.  He originally wanted to go to greet the Buddha, but just as he was about to leave, he suddenly thought about the empty principle that "all appearances are false." He should not look at the Buddha with his physical body. The real way to pay homage to the Buddha is to understand  The truth of the emptiness of all dharmas is not met.  His approach was later highly praised by the Buddha, who called him "the first person to greet the Buddha."  Because Subhuti is good at interpreting the meaning of emptiness, he is able to avoid attachment to all things, and is free from lawsuits. He is broad-minded and open-minded. The Buddha praised him for having achieved the samadhi of no objections. He is the first among people and the first dispassionate Arahant.  .

    Upali - the first in upholding the rules

    Upali means "near attachment" and "near access".  He was born in the Sudra class, the lowest among the four castes in India, and was originally a barber in the royal family of Kapilavastu.  Because of his honest nature and diligent work, everyone in the royal family liked him.  When the Buddha returned to Kapilavastu to visit his relatives, princes such as Anuruddha and Ananda in the royal family all asked to become monks with the Buddha.  He also had this wish, but he was troubled by his humble background.  The Buddha saw his ambition and allowed him to become a monk together with other princes.  He has deep roots of kindness. The Buddha said that he was the great discipline disciple of Kassapa Buddha in the past, and asked him to take the ordination and become a monk before other princes.  After he became a monk, he strictly observed the precepts and never violated them. The Buddhist scriptures record that he "has never violated the precepts even an inch since he received the precepts from the Buddha." Therefore, he is known as "the best in keeping the precepts" among Buddhist disciples.  Although he was famous for his observance of the precepts, he did not stick to the rules set by the Buddha. There are often instances in Buddhist scriptures where he cared about sick monks and asked the Buddha for permission.  Not only did he strictly observe the precepts personally, but he also helped the Buddha control the precepts and upheld the Buddha's precepts at all times and everywhere.  Most notably, he was the reciter of the Vinaya in the first collection of Buddhist scriptures.  He made an immortal contribution to the neatness of the Buddhist Sangha of later generations and the development of Buddhism on the right track.  (To be continued)
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