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Text Chapter 955 The First Battle on the Subcontinent (8)

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    "Be careful, it's the 97th Land War."

    "Falcon, follow me to intercept."

    In the sky over Sirjar, four Thunderbolts turned quickly and rushed towards the six Japanese Type 97 Army fighter jets coming to support from Dhaka.  Amid the screams of their engines, ten fighter planes circled and swooped over the infantry's heads, creating complex spiral tracks.  After the escort fighter jets attacked, the twelve Huaren B fighter attack planes that followed were divided into six groups and flew over the Japanese troops from low altitudes.  The 90mm rockets and aerial bombs were like heavy hammers, hitting the position of the Takata Wing of the 31st Division of the Japanese Army.  "Boom!" "Boom!" The explosion sent up large clouds of smoke, and the broken arms and limbs of the Japanese soldiers were flying among the branches and leaves of the rainforest. The Japanese soldiers, who had no air superiority, could only hide behind the woods and rocks and endure misery.

    After dropping the bombs, the attack aircraft did not leave and used the four 25mm cannons on the wings to once again ravage the Japanese troops.  The cannons banged, and the shells raked the ground like raindrops, creating a whirlwind in the dense rain forest, breaking tree trunks and flying branches wherever they passed.

    "The China plane is gone! The Emperor is on board! Attack!" No matter how powerful the air attack is, there will be a time when the ammunition is exhausted. As soon as the attack aircraft group left with the record of shooting down six enemy planes, they emerged from the swept rainforest.  Countless Japanese soldiers holding Sanba Gaigai rushed towards the Indian Army position south of Sirjar Mountain.

    "Commander! The Japanese are charging again. Marder! Why can't these bastards be beaten to death?" Huang Pei'en, leader of the 2nd Regiment of the 166th Division, with gauze wrapped around his head, rushed into the command post hatefully.  He was also an old officer who had been trained in Afghanistan in his early years. He had never frowned when facing the Soviet army, but he stumbled in this rainforest and was almost broken by the Takata Regiment of the 31st Division. In the end, he fought to the death.  He personally led the commando team up to block the gap.  His forehead was also scratched with a bayonet.

    "How many people are there? Can you see the number clearly?" Lin Diannan put down his pen, picked up the telescope and walked to the observation window.

    "The Fukuoka Regiment went down, and what came up was the son-of-a-bitch Takata Regiment!" The enemy was extremely jealous when they met, and Huang Peien wished he could lead the troops up in person.

    In the telescope, the Takata regiment that had just come up was in a wave formation. About 3,000 Japanese soldiers took advantage of the cover of woods and rocks to rush towards the Bangladesh regiment and the Chindi brigade stationed in the position.  The staff officer saw this and sneered again and again: "It's a wave charge formation. These little Japanese just focus on eating rather than fighting. Division commander, the heavy artillery regiment is ready."

    "Then fight! Fight hard! Patron. Take your second regiment to the left to prepare and hand it over to the Bengalis. Remember, after the bombardment is over, charge forward hard! Combine Takata and  Break the team's back!" Lin Diannan ordered loudly, but in fact he felt really unsure.  After four days of fighting.  The position was already crumbling, so after giving the order, I was still muttering secretly in my heart: "Commander Li, don't play with me!" It has been six days since the 16th Brigade set off, and the six supporting regiments of the 153rd and 154th Division were also removed.  Three, but there is no news from Steel City so far, which really makes him very anxious.

    "Commander, just watch." Huang Pei'en didn't know what the commander was thinking, so he yelled and led his second regiment towards the woods on the left wing with a submachine gun.  Before the troops were in place, bursts of sky-piercing screams could be heard behind them.  The six 155mm howitzers that had just arrived from Kunming last night began to show off their power.  Twelve 105mm field guns from the division's artillery battalion also fired at the front of the Shannan Highlands.  The shells fell among the charging Japanese troops, kicking up large clouds of mud and gravel, and carrying shock waves that shattered the Japanese charging formation into pieces again.

    After fifteen minutes of shelling, the Takata United Force could no longer maintain its formation.  Before they could get up from the mud pit.  Huang Pei'en led the Second Regiment, like red-hot iron pincers, to launch a countercharge towards the left wing of the Takata United Army.  "Baga! Fire! Fire! What are the artillery waiting for?" Seeing that the fourth charge was about to be repelled, Shojiro Iida was so angry that he was shaking with anger and kept ordering to fire.

    "Lieutenant General, we need to use artillery sparingly. We don't have much supplies." The Japanese 75mm mountain cannon opened fire, but within a short while, the stingy staff officer came to his side and reminded Iida Shojiro.

    Hearing the word "supply", Shojiro Iida and the officers all twitched at the corners of their mouths.  If there were sufficient supplies and a few decent heavy artillery, how could a division of more than 20,000 men be blocked here for four days and nights by a Chinese miscellaneous division and thousands of Bangladeshi militiamen?  But no matter how distressed he was, he had no choice. The navy's failure in Mariana forced the supply fleet to take a detour from the Coral Sea, which was more than 10,000 kilometers away. It took at least twenty-four days for the transport ship to go back and forth.  Even if the base camp sends a supply ship, the priority for supply is Rabaul and the Philippines, so Bangladesh has not received any supplies for a whole month.  Moreover, during this month, the troops were constantly harassed by guerrillas and consumed a lot of supplies.

    Thinking of this, Iida panicked.  It was going well, and I went smoothly in Myanmar, as relaxed as a vacation.  But how long did the good days last?  China and Japan declareFight.  In the past, the navy, which had eyes on its head, just started the war, and was beaten to only half of its main force. The north-south sea lanes were also cut off by the Chinese navy.  Therefore, when he heard that China was marching into India, he was very nervous. He tried his best to contact the Indian Communist Party and Nehru, and then jointly launched a three-sided attack.  Originally, according to his plan, Nehru held back Chandra, the Indian Communist Party attacked Rangpur, and his two divisions went directly north from Silgar and Imphal, and they could capture Northeast India and Digboi in one fell swoop.  of oil, and then use this place as a base to counterattack China, unite the Indians and the Soviets, and fight all the way from Jiangxinpo to Yunnan.

    But he did not expect that the two divisions were stubbornly blocked at the same time. They fought for four days and four nights, but failed to cross Sirjar and Imphal.

    "Don't stop, keep attacking! Attack!" As soon as the artillery fire stopped, Captain Inage, the commander of the Takata Regiment, came out of the woods, gathered the soldiers, and ordered the attack to continue.  Seeing the densely packed Japanese soldiers charging again with fanatical shouts, Lin Diannan also quickly asked the machine gun team left behind to strengthen the position, and the battle once again returned to the brutal strangulation of infantry.

    "Put it here! Bullets, give me bullets." Zhu Biao carried the H32 universal machine gun and asked his comrades to fix the defensive tripod in a hidden trench. Then he quickly fixed the machine gun, kicked open the ammunition box, and opened the ammunition box from the inside.  Pull out a 250-round metal dispersible ammunition chain.  After closing the gun cover, he used the air pressure regulator on the muzzle.  After adjusting the rate of fire to 1,000 rounds per minute, he aimed at the Japanese soldiers who were coming like locusts.  "Look at how powerful I am! Hee hee hee" The general-purpose machine gun made a sound like tearing oilcloth, attracting many Bangladeshi soldiers nearby. Under their surprised and excited eyes, the machine gun sprayed out a terrifying fire dragon.  , in any area that was strafed, the Japanese troops continued to fall at a speed visible to the naked eye.

    Tripods are generally used for defense. At this time, the maximum range of the h32 machine gun is two thousand meters.  Although the efficiency is low, the rate of fire makes up for the accuracy problem.  Only for a short while.  A 250-round ammunition belt was empty.  The bullet chains scattered under their feet and the fallen Japanese soldiers in pieces made the surrounding Bangladeshi and Chindi brigade soldiers swallow hard.

    Every time a bullet chain is fired, the deputy machine gunner will quickly replace a barrel to ensure the design speed.  The twenty H32 machine guns of the machine gun team became the supporting axis of the position.  In conjunction with mortars and the battalion's 12.7mm heavy machine guns, the Takata Wing was continuously pulled toward the cliff of hell.  The Japanese army who were still using "crooked tactics" could not imagine how terrifying a general-purpose machine gun with thousands of bullets per minute was, but even if they knew it, they lacked resources and could not afford such a "cost-burning product."

    "Baga! Baga! Baga!" Daomao Rang was really anxious.  He just couldn't understand why a miscellaneous division and thousands of guerrillas mentioned in the intelligence had such powerful firepower!  The Shannan position opposite is like a piece of iron.  No matter how the three regiments of the division attacked in turn, they remained unmoved!  In four days, more than two thousand imperial warriors stained the mountainous area less than five kilometers wide with blood, but they could not make the Chinese army even take a step back.

    I saw my soldiers being beaten back by machine guns again.  He was already mad. The great cause of the empire had just begun smoothly, and the road to conquer Asia had just begun. How could he be frustrated here?  !  "Organize the troops. Follow me! Attack again!" Daomao Rang pulled out his saber and led the team himself.  The sixth charge of the day begins.  "Let the Nara regiment go up! The baggage regiment and the engineering regiment all rush forward! Today, we must break through the Chinese position!" Seeing this, Iida also tried his best.  Not only was an infantry regiment reinvested, but engineers and baggage regiments were also pulled out.

    Four regiments, tens of thousands of soldiers, attacked only one Chinese infantry regiment, one Bangladesh regiment and one Chindi regiment. The width of the position was less than five kilometers. One can imagine how much pressure Lin Diannan was under.  "Crazy! Damn, these little Japanese are crazy, they are all here." Huang Pei'en was also anxious and loudly asked the reinforcements: "Commander, when will the reinforcements arrive?"

    "It won't arrive. They have already gone to support Imphal. The next batch will arrive tomorrow morning."

    "Tomorrow? The day lilies are already cold!"

    "It's tomorrow, why are you talking so much nonsense! Go and call for air force support. Let me tell you, Fatty Huang, no matter whether the little Japanese is crazy or not, I have issued a military order in front of Commander Li! The commander's telegram has not arrived yet, so I threw it away  If you lose the position, I will drag you to death!" Lin Diannan was also very nervous. It was the first time the 166th Division went to the battlefield and they were fighting such a fierce blocking battle. They really didn't feel confident.  After a full-blown curse, the fire in my heart finally extinguished a little, but when I saw the densely packed Japanese troops, I couldn't help but breathe rapidly.  Looking at the setting sun, he simply gritted his teeth and grabbed the pistol: "Everyone who can hold a gun, come with me! Even if you die, you must guard until noon tomorrow!"

    When the blocking positions of Sirjar and Imphal were crumbling, Pokaro also received a group of uninvited guests.

    The light rain makes the world foggy at night.  Tsering Wangdui lay down in a large crater and took out a handkerchief to wipe off the stains on the scope.Fog.  The crater was made by bombers during the day, and the charred soil combined with his camouflage uniform and camouflaged leaves made him look like a low, charred bush.  After wiping his lenses, he first aimed at the Steel City in the distance.  The traces of the air force bombing during the day were very obvious, but it seemed that work was still going on in the dilapidated factory building, and the dull sound of heavy steel collision could not be heard.  Steel City was too far for a sniper rifle, so he slowly made his way back to the Indian National Army post a few hundred meters away.  After aiming at the smoking sentry and placing his finger on the trigger, he saw that there were no action signals around him, and his thoughts slowly returned to decades ago.

    In the early years of the founding of the People's Republic of China, Marshal Cai E was ordered by the President to rectify the Southwest and forcibly abolished the serf system that had plagued the plateau for thousands of years. Thousands of chieftains who had committed evil crimes were directly shot, and tens of thousands were executed!  During those years, rivers of blood flowed on the plateau, and everyone was in danger. Even the lamas were banned for a time!  His reputation can still stop children from crying at night.  The chieftains and noble lords hated him, but there was nothing they could do because the president fully supported him.  He also gave him 100,000 long guns and short cannons.

    But Tsering Wangdui and the vast majority of serfs still regard the marshal and the president as their biggest benefactors, because they liberated everyone, brought education, cattle and sheep, and prosperity.  He was still very young at that time, and he only remembers his parents taking him, and kowtowing tremblingly to the master who used to be aloof, but his face was pale and sweating, and a dozen Han soldiers put their guns to their heads.  He happily holds the portraits of the marshal and the president and keeps them at home day and night. It is said that this can bless peace and prosperity.  At that time, he remembered the mighty soldiers, the marshal and the president.  later.  He went to a free primary school in a pastoral area with his friends. His parents also raised a lot of yaks in exchange for many Han products and gave him several younger siblings.  So when he grew up, he and many of his friends from back then joined the army and became national defense warriors who defended their home and country.  After years of hard training, he became the best sniper in the brigade.  He also met General Yue Peng, another national defense double who had been rumored for a long time.

    "Tsering." A soft sound interrupted him.  Turning around, he saw that his comrades had quietly crawled over: "The battalion commander said, the brigade commander and the others will arrive in an hour. We are going to lure the Soviets in Steel City over here."


    Like all Tibetan soldiers.  Tsering Wangdui is silent and silent, like a lone wolf on the plateau, the most hard-working and calm hunter.  "Remember. Take action as soon as the flare hits!" His comrades reminded him again, fearing that he would forget.  Then crawled to the next lurking point.

    Ten minutes later, a dazzling flash bomb suddenly rose from the banks of the Damodel River.  The Indian sentry in the scope was obviously stunned, probably because he didn't expect to be touched under his nose.  Just as he was about to blow the whistle, Tsering Wangdui pulled the trigger.  "Pa." The sentry disappeared behind the sandbag with a cloud of blood mist.  At this time, the assault battalion's mortars had already sounded. Amidst the roaring explosions, the Indian sentries in several other positions were so frightened that they yelled and ran backwards.  What made Tsering Wangdui dumbfounded was that almost all the sentries were running away to the camp behind, and no one fired to stop them!  Thanks to Bodhisattva, even the Indian soldiers in a DP machine gun spot that was planned to be cleared by sniper dropped their machine guns and ran around as if they had seen a ghost.

    Although he was dumbfounded, his gun did not stop, and he shot one after another coldly.  In the blink of an eye, all six Indian soldiers who rushed out of the machine gun point were killed.  "Tsering, good fight!" When the comrade at the assault machine gun point crossed his body, he raised his thumb vigorously.  He liked this feeling. After quickly changing into a new twenty-round magazine, he followed his comrades and rushed towards the Indian National Army camp a few hundred meters away.

    "Grenade!" As the platoon leader shouted, Tsering Wangdui had already rushed into the camp gate.  As soon as I entered the door, I saw hundreds of Indian soldiers rushing towards me. Almost without thinking, a hail of grenades hit them.  "Boom, boom, boom" The grenade exploded among the Indian soldiers, and the fragments and steel balls caused them to be bloody and bloody.  Just after the grenade rain passed, all fully automatic assault rifles rang out.

    The 16th Plateau Mountain Brigade, the 17th Jungle Brigade, and the 18th Airborne Brigade are rapid and lightly armed reaction forces established by Yang Qiu, who completely copied the special warfare and strategic duty systems of later generations, and established them with his will and ideas. They are used to handle border emergencies and wars.  The vanguard.  Since their establishment, the three forces have participated in dozens of border battles and conflicts, large and small, and have already sharpened their sharp edges.  In order to arm these three troops, Yang Qiu was not stingy. As early as two years ago, he replaced all of them with new firearms such as H37 fully automatic assault rifles and H38 semi-automatic sniper rifles.  In particular, the assault rifle is based on the 81-bar and Type 03 models and uses 6.8 mm SPC bullets. It feels like a small machine gun in the hand. It has powerful firepower and is extremely fast, making soldiers love it.

    You can imagine how terrifying it will be when an elite mountain infantry battalion with more than 400 assault rifles rushes into the unprepared Indian National Regiment's station!  So much so that Tsering Wangdui regretted choosing a sniper rifle because he oftenAfter aiming at the target, the comrades who were separated from the assault rushed all the way and swept and beat them to death.  Not only are the weapons and equipment superior, but after more than 20 years of exploration, the three armies have fully understood the army tactics brought by Yang Qiu. After eight years of resistance, they have also softened the army tactics of many local wars in later generations. Once they entered the camp, the grassroots  The company platoon leader knew how to lead his troops to cut through and encircle them without command at all.  The entire commando battalion was like a pack of hungry wolves, constantly charging and cutting, choosing the weakest targets to bite violently.

    "Boom! Boom!" As several 40mm grenades accurately passed through the glass window and exploded in the enemy regiment headquarters in the center, more than a dozen Soviet and Indian officers who were awakened were killed.  The Indian soldiers who lost their command completely became headless flies.  There was no plan for a sneak attack. As a result, the Indian infantry regiment of more than 2,000 people was chased by hundreds of commandos like ducks.

    The explosion alarmed the 7th Suyin Division, which was defending the Steel City five kilometers away. Before the raid, the division commander Sani Roman had his hands on his hips and chatted with several GC International steel technicians. The fiery molten steel reflected on their faces, as red as drinking.  Bottles of vodka.  Steel is the soul of the army!  Able to obtain the complete Steel City.  This means that they are in an invincible position in exile in India.  The only regret is that most of the products here are the lowest quality crude steel, and there is no technology to produce barrel artillery and armor steel. They can only manufacture some firearms and mortars.  But that was good enough for them, something the Red Guards didn't have during the Civil War.  Didn¡¯t they drive away imperialism?

    "Comrade Leon, I will definitely report to the General Secretary and tell him your contribution to the fight against imperialism!" As a Georgian military officer, Sani Roman always talked about Stalin, but in fact he only  I saw Stalin from afar at the graduation ceremony of the military academy.  A third of the soldiers in his 7th Division were from Georgia, Stalin's homeland.  Of course, the other half were Indian Sikh soldiers who he considered to have low combat effectiveness.

    Leon Freeman from GC International in France is a steel technician.  Naturally, he didn't know the details of Sani Roman.  Hearing him say that he could directly report to Stalin and inform him of his role here, I was very excited and was about to show off.  Suddenly there was a rumble of explosions outside.  "Enemy attack! Enemy attack!" The shrill and piercing police whistle broke the calm of the Steel City. Thousands of soldiers from the 7th Suyin Division and the GC International Column rushed out of the barracks and looked at the fiery northwest with nervous expressions.  How many enemies are coming?

    "who is it?"

    "Report. Comrade Division Commander! The 76th Regiment of the 20th Division was attacked by the Chinese Communist Party! The Indians said that the number exceeded one division!"

    "One division!" Sani Roman liked to have a relationship with Stalin.  But that doesn't mean he's incompetent.

    In order to protect Steel City, he worked hard on defense.  Since Japan-controlled West Bengal lies to the southwest and everyone is a temporary ally, he deployed the 19th Division, composed of purely Indian soldiers, in Dhanbad in the northeast to protect the copper mines and copper smelting plants.  The 20th Division, also composed entirely of Indian soldiers, was deployed on the Damodar River in the northeast.  In his opinion, with the help of the river, the Twenty Division can at least double its combat effectiveness.  The seventh division with the strongest combat effectiveness, two international columns, a dozen fighter jets and an anti-aircraft artillery regiment were all deployed in the center of Steel City to ensure the safety of the steel plant and railways.  This deployment was effective. At least when it was bombed during the day, the anti-aircraft artillery regiment shot down two Chinese H-5 bombers.

    But his mistake was to look too high on those Indian soldiers who had only picked up guns for four or five months. Even with the help of the river, they had no will to fight in the face of the sneak attack of the 16th Brigade Commando Battalion. The whole regiment was as fast as snow in spring.  Crash and melt.  The collapse of the 76th Regiment quickly spread to several nearby regiments. The disintegrated Indian soldiers ran around and dispersed the brother troops who came up to support them.  So much so that a mere battalion with hundreds of assault rifles was mistaken by the Indian division commander for a division.  Because he believed that the opponent's number of "machine guns" was only as large as that of division-level troops.

    The intensive explosions and fires made Sani Roman not dare to take it lightly. He immediately left a regiment and the International Column to protect Steel City, and then asked the remaining troops to immediately support the Damodel River, ordering that all the enemies must "cross the river".  Drive the opponent into the river.  But just as the main force rushed to the Model River, a patchwork force assembled 25 T25 C tanks, 118 T2 armored vehicles, 2,000 bicycles and 400 motorcycles, 1,000 horses  An arrow composed of mules and horses, 8,000 elite mountain infantry, two infantry regiments, and 3,000 Indian logistics troops trailing behind, had quietly emerged from the plateau forest between Dhanbad and Steel City.

    "Fight in!" Standing on the T2 armored vehicle serving as a command vehicle, Li Zongren raised his finger with cold eyes.

    Whether we can stabilize the Southwest and reverse the situation in India is tonight!

    (To be continued)
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