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Text Chapter 956 The First Battle on the Subcontinent (End)

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    India in October is at the end of the rainy season, and the earth is soft and pitted after being soaked for several months.  The rainwater flowing down from the Jodanagpur plateau brings trace elements such as phosphorus and potassium, which nourishes the farmland of Jharkhand and makes the roads muddy.  But this is not a problem for the Type 25C "Civet Cat" tank, which has undergone major modifications to specifically enhance its tropical combat capabilities.  As the second generation tank equipped by the Wehrmacht, the Type 25 is a light tank that was finalized in 1925 based on the German Panzer III tank.  At present, it has been gradually replaced by Type 31 and Type 36, but it is still irreplaceable in areas with low traffic rates such as rainforests and tropics.

    In order to maximize its use, designers improved it before the war and equipped it with the Southwest Group Army.  But that improvement still did not satisfy the Army, so it underwent another major operation early last year.  This improvement is revolutionary!  The new turret, which looks exactly like the Type 36, uses a 300-horsepower diesel engine, medium-load wheels, and widened tracks. It can swim in rivers with a depth of 1.2 meters without preparation. The maximum speed on the road is increased to 53 kilometers per hour and 35 kilometers off-road.

    The biggest change is the appearance!  The improved "Civet Cat" weighs 22 tons and has no trace of the No. 3 at all. Instead, it looks more like the M24 Joffre tank.  In order to meet the army's bottomless pit-like firepower needs, the designer also expanded the gun mount circle, and the original 40mm gun was replaced with the L25/70mm low-pressure gun.  The biggest innovation is the addition of a 25mm parallel machine gun next to the main gun!  The two artillery guns use the same sight and look like a replica of the famous BMP-3 infantry fighting vehicle!  For anti-armor needs, while ensuring that the 25mm cannon can fire high-speed tungsten alloy armor-piercing projectiles, the 70mm low-pressure gun is also equipped with hollow-charge armor-piercing projectiles, which can penetrate 110mm/vertical homogeneous steel plates within 600 meters.  It was originally planned to use a new armor-piercing projectile with three times the caliber of armor-piercing depth, but the equipment was abandoned due to confidentiality and other reasons.  The 7.62mm machine gun on the top of the turret has also been replaced by a 12.7mm Fang heavy machine gun, and the 7.62mm heading machine gun on the front of the car body is retained.  After this major modification, both speed, power and firepower have been improved several times compared to the earlier models.  The "Civet Cat" has also transformed from a light tank into an all-rounder on the battlefield.

    The military was very satisfied with this improvement. Not only did it decide to take back all the old Type 25 tanks and modify them in this way, it also placed another order for a thousand new tanks.

    When Li Zongren pointed at the Steel City on the horizon and shouted the words "fight in", twenty-five new "civet cats" rushed out of the forest and ran over the empty ten-kilogram iron oil drums discarded on the ground.  The column marched towards the Steel City on the horizon.  Following them were dozens of T2 armored vehicles equipped with 7.62mm machine guns, each filled with elite mountain infantry.  They are slightly bent over.  Holding the loaded assault rifle, he stared ahead with cold eyes.

    "Enemy attack!" After the armored cluster broke through three kilometers, a shrill cry rang out from the hidden sentry bunker beside the road.  Second Lieutenant Kadinich from GC International in Albania discovered the rapidly approaching armored cluster and immediately launched an attack with rifles and grenades. The sound of explosions and fire provided early warning time for the troops behind.  But the fire also exposed his position, and several 12.7mm heavy machine guns were quickly aimed at him.  "Da da da" Without any mercy, the machine gun bullets easily penetrated the sandbags at the outpost.  When the sandbags collapsed, he and several soldiers from the International Column were also wounded by bullets.

    Cadinich's death bought time for the defense to wait for the "civet cats" to cross the post.  The unique roar of the DP light machine gun sounded from several directions at the same time.  "First row, cover! Four o'clock, high-explosive bombs!" The leading "civet cat" was Nai, an old battalion commander with several years of armor experience.  When the machine gun flames light up.  He immediately ordered the first squadron to stop, suppress the fixed sentry points, and protect his comrades to continue to break through.  "Boom, boom, boom" Within two minutes, the four parked "civet cats" locked onto their targets.  The 70mm low-pressure cannon fired a volley of fire, destroying the machine gun points one by one.  In order to ensure that no enemy was left behind, the heavy machine gun on the roof of the vehicle also continuously fired at the hidden outpost.

    While the row stopped.  The "civet cat" following behind accelerated through the passage separated by them.  "Expand a fan-shaped assault queue, protect the armored vehicles, and rush through the enemy's interception line at full speed." When marching in the dark, encountering enemy interception and not knowing the enemy's specific defense situation, the officer's personal experience becomes the deciding factor in victory or defeat.  The essential.  At this time, the old battalion commander showed the quality of an excellent armored soldier and decisively ordered the tank battalion to deploy, move forward at full speed, and forcefully break through the enemy's defense line with steel.

    Under his order, the tank battalion quickly changed from a column to a fan-shaped assault formation. Armored vehicles carrying mountain infantry also accelerated from behind, following the "civet cats" and rushing toward the unknown line of defense.  At the same time, the motorcycle also began to accelerate, quickly spread out to both wings, and quickly passed over the tank armor cluster.  This is a typical mechanized assault formation. Although the motorcycles should have been replaced by light tanks, the "Civet Cat" should have been replaced by the Type 31 "Leopard" or the Type 36 "Siberian Tiger", and the T2 should have been changed to a half-track vehicle or a full-track infantry fighting vehicle.  , but even if these conditions are not available in the South Asian subcontinent where supply is difficult, the armored regiment still uses a bunch of seven pieces of equipment.The compact and light equipment created a momentum like a tiger descending from the mountain.

    Low-pressure artillery is an artillery specially designed to deal with infantry, light targets and non-solid bunkers. Together with the parallel 25mm machine gun, it can quickly and effectively suppress all enemy targets that emit fire.  As if the shells had eyes, they continued to shoot into the chaotic International Column defense formation.

    "Tank! It's a tank! Comrade division commanderChinese tank!" In the headquarters of the steel plant, Sani Roman was still calling Damodel River to inquire about the situation, when a panicked staff officer burst into the door.  "Damn it! Damn it! Why did Chinese tanks appear here? Where did they come from!" After Sani Roman raised his telescope, he was stunned.  After a long while, he cursed loudly and ordered all combatants to enter the position.

    The 76mm anti-aircraft gun deployed on the roof of Steel City had its muzzle leveled, the previously captured British 75mm howitzer was also dragged out, and even the workers in the steel plant were mobilized.  "Enter the position, hurry up! Get the cluster grenades ready! Bring the Molotov cocktail!" Captain Eric, who is in his forties, is from Italy, a Jew, and a staunch gc internationalist.  Having participated in the Spanish Civil War, he was well aware of the power of tanks.  When he saw the dark figure on the horizon, he immediately shouted for everyone to prepare cluster grenades and the "Motorov Cocktail" that became famous in Spain and Finland.

    "Get out of the car! Hide behind the armored vehicle! Be careful to save bullets and don't let the enemy get close to the vehicle!" In order to avoid being hit by stray bullets, he was still some distance away from the outer defense line of Steel City.  Captain Shi Chenfei, who was leading the team, asked everyone to get out of the car.  Although the 16th Brigade is a mountain brigade, it has also received tactical training with infantry and tanks, so the soldiers can quickly find their positions after getting off the vehicle.  "Be careful, it's a motorcycle!" The armored regiment advanced at an extraordinary speed. Before Captain Eric could deploy his defense line, the motorcycles from both wings had already rushed over.

    ¡°Shoot, shoot!¡± Sergeant Paul of Mexico¡¯s GC International gritted his teeth and firmly held the trigger of the Maxim water-cooled heavy machine gun.  In the hail of bullets, several sprinting motorcycles were hit and fell down.  But not long after the fight, two "civet cats" spotted him at the same time and quickly stopped.  Turn the muzzle around.  "Be careful!" Captain Eric flew towards Paul and at the same time, artillery shells exploded around them.  Fortunately, the machine guns and bunkers blocked most of the debris, so neither man was injured.  By the time they got back up from the smoke, the first "tanuki" had already passed the obstacle.

    "Give me the grenade!" Upon seeing this, a soldier from the International Column immediately grabbed the cluster grenade from his stunned partner and rushed towards the "civet cat" like crazy while holding it.  When he rushed left and right trying to get closer to the tanuki, there was a rapid and nervous cry from behind.  "Pete, be careful on the left!" The soldier named Pete subconsciously looked to the left and saw two T2-type armored vehicles following the "Civet Cat".  It had already spurted out long tongues of fire.  "Chichichi" The bullet hit his chest instantly and detonated a cluster grenade.

    "Boom!" At the same time that Peter's body was broken in the explosion, the artillery in the Steel City finally opened fire.  Boom, boom shells fell all around the armored battalion.  Soldiers continued to fall down after being hit by shrapnel.  But more mountain infantry used the cover of tanks and armored vehicles to rush into the small town, which was almost entirely made of steel facilities.

    "Block them! Block them! Quick, let Colonel Yafu come back, we have been fooled! This is the enemy's main attack point!" Inside the command post.  Sani Roman had already messed up his plan. He just randomly asked the troops who had just gone to reinforce the 20th Division to come back, and then desperately threw troops into the front of the tank cluster.  Hope to use flesh and blood to block the impact.  "Commander Sani, do you want to blow up the steel plant?" Leon Freeman saw that he had forgotten the steel plant and quickly reminded him loudly.

    "Wait a moment! Trust our soldiers, they can stop the enemy!" Sani Roman gritted his teeth and refused to blow up the steel plant so early.  After all, the steel plant is the lifeblood of whether they can survive in India for a long time. No one is willing to blow it up unless it is absolutely necessary.  But he still miscalculated, thinking that tonight's sneak attack was all armored units, so there was still time, but he didn't know that Li Zongren, who was following the armored group, had already prepared a second meal for him.

    Sixteen T2-type armored vehicles dragging 107mm rocket launchers approached the Steel City and quickly deployed. The artillerymen quickly locked onto Zhuyuan based on the firelight and the shadows of the buildings.  As soon as the twelve-barreled 107mm rocket launcher appeared, it became the most sought-after equipment of the Army.  This new weapon, which is simple to make but powerful in firepower, has almost become a symbol of the army.  If it weren't for the fact that rocket manufacturing couldn't keep up, Qin Zhangshu even thought about ordering 10,000 pieces of equipment to be distributed to each battalion.  "Fire!" Following the command, 192 rockets rushed into the void at a speed of 16 rounds per second.  The streaks of orange-red tail flames became the most terrifying sparks of death in the eyes of Su Yinshi soldiers.  "Boom! Boom! Boom!" In the almost indistinguishable sound of continuous explosions, the small steel city was instantly covered in fire. Hundreds of fireballs soared into the sky in the dark night. In the violent explosions, buildings were constantly being destroyed.  Recommend?.

    Those veterans of the Soviet-Indian Army who have fought in Afghanistan for several years are no strangers to rocket launchers. Even if they have never seen them, they have heard its legends.  But Captain Eric and other GC international warriors were so frightened by this instant full firepower that seven or eight "Civet Cats" rushed past their positions and forgot to stop them.  The International Column is brave and good at fighting, as can be seen from the Spanish Civil War, but the opponent they encounter tonight is no longer the old Spanish National Army, nor is it the German army that has not exerted its full strength, but the army tactics and equipment are standing in the  The Chinese Army at the top of the world!  What's worse is that this is the Indian Great Plains. There are no rugged mountains here, and there are no large numbers of buildings to cover. The Bokaro Steel City is just an area of ??ten square kilometers, all composed of steel plants, mines and machinery factories.  Factory area, the nearest town is also five kilometers away on the Damodel River.

    Before the shock of this wave of strong firepower could be digested.  The second wave of rockets struck again.  In the overwhelming and chest-shaking explosions, countless International Column soldiers were killed, their skins and flesh were charred and their limbs were mutilated. Factories, camps, and artillery positions were all subjected to intensive shelling.  Captain Eric's teeth were almost broken. He rushed to the Maxim machine gun next to him, but just as he was about to shoot the infantry behind the T2 armored vehicle, he was hit in the thigh by a bullet fired from an unknown place. The pain was so painful that he could no longer move.

    "Commander, we have a breakthrough!" Wu Huanxian pointed at Steel City.  Handed the telescope to Li Zongren.  In the mirror, tank battalions and armored vehicles have rushed into the steel factory area. Firefights broke out next to every building and every machine. The densely packed light spots flashing like fireflies made people's scalp numb.

    Strangely, Li Zongren was not happy at all, and shook his head slightly inadvertently: "Leave one armored company to support the infantry, and the rest will go to the northeast to block the retreating enemy!"

    Wu Huan nodded first.  After asking the staff officer to pass the order, he asked about what he had just shaken his head about: "Commander, what's wrong? Is there something wrong with the fight?"

    "No, it's just a feeling." Li Zongren smiled slightly.  Pointing to Gangcheng, he asked: "Such an important place, if it is placed in the northwest, it cannot be taken without a few days of fighting back and forth. But now Huanxian, do you know why?"

    Wu Huan thought for a while and said: "There are no armored troops and no heavy weapons. After adding Indian soldiers, the strength will be reduced a lot."

    "You are only half right! The war that the president taught us to fight is actually the cooperation of multiple arms. The cooperation of infantry and tanks, and the cooperation of air and ground. When combined, it makes it larger than one plus one. But this method of play is currently only available to us. Why?  Because others, even if they have good airplanes and tanks, don¡¯t have as many tactics as we do. The Soviet Union is the same, with its own style of play. Heavy firepower, large depth, large corps But the Soviet army entering India does not have these conditions. In fact,  Theycan no longer be counted as Soviet troops."

    Wu Huan didn¡¯t understand why he said this at first, but he slowly realized: ¡°Commander, what do you mean, we don¡¯t need to fight further south?¡±

    "I don't know, but after occupying this place, I'm afraid the British won't let us fight to the southwest. Besides, our mission is to cut off the connection between the Japanese and Indian factions. Now Iida has been surrounded by us, and the president is also  Consider the opinions of your allies.¡±

    Wu Huan nodded first, seizing Steel City and controlling Jharkhand would be equivalent to surrounding Calcutta and Bengal, and getting most of India's resources.  If the British continue to fight, they may worry that India will be annexed by their side.  Thinking of this, he understood why Li Zongren shook his head, because the Indian theater could not demonstrate his abilities at all.  However, the upcoming big victory diluted this emotion and asked: "Then what should we do next?"

    "Sweep first!" Li Zongren said three words calmly.

    The battle was still going on fiercely. The armored regiment that had broken through the defenses divided half of its strength to quickly intercept the Soviet troops returning from the northwest.  The other half stayed in the city to hurry up and eliminate the remaining enemies.  Although they have already grasped the tail of victory, the soldiers with firm beliefs in GC International still have a tenacious will to fight. If the mountain infantry were not more skilled and sophisticated than them, accidents might have happened.  Fortunately, the second group of main infantry on bicycles and on foot arrived quickly, finally tilting the balance of victory.

    By five o'clock in the morning, two gunships and more than ten bomb trucks arriving from Rangpur overwhelmed the 7th Soviet Indian Division. Seeing that the Chinese flag had been planted in the steel city, Sani Roman had to leave behind three thousand soldiers.  With many corpses and wounded soldiers, he led the remnants of the 7th Suyin Division and the 20th Indian National Division to break through to Ranchi in the south.

    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

    Nagpur is full of joy.  The flag of India's independence made many radical Indian youths rejoice. Even when the sky was bright, the recruitment points set up by the Communist Party of India and Chuikov here were crowded with young people.  Trains loaded with supplies were transported to the northern base areas, and weapons and equipment seized door by door.Guns, countless weapons and ammunition made Yabyshev, who had just arrived here, grin from ear to ear.  In just a few days, the initiative on the Indian battlefield was in the hands of Chuikov's surprise attack. As long as Mumbai could be captured as soon as possible, it would join Nehru's Indian National Army in the South Asian subcontinent, which is rich in resources and has steel bases.  It will become a new Soviet base!  It doesn't even take long for more than a million troops to be mobilized to cooperate with the Japanese army to sweep through the southwestern provinces of China known as the rear area!

    From hundreds of thousands of remnant soldiers to defeated generals, we are now thriving.  The whole journey was like a dream. No wonder he never closed his mouth after arriving at the headquarters.  "Comrade Yabyshev, how is the situation in Eluru?" Political Commissar Cherepanov was also very happy and sent the news of the victory to Moscow early. He could imagine that the current Kremlin  How excited.  Because Moscow has taken the initiative in the Indian battlefield, it is very calm whether it is sweeping Hyderabad to the east or driving away the British first to the west.

    "The British troops in Eluru have withdrawn from Hyderabad. They no longer dare to hide on the coast."

    "Where are Patna and the Japanese? Is there any latest news?" Chuikov remained calm. The cruel and failed Central Asian war made it impossible for him not to stay vigilant.

    "Patna? Haha, Comrade Chuikov, you will die laughing." Yabyshev recalled the poor performance of the Indian National Army in Patna and mocked: "After one of their divisions crossed the river from Patna, they forgot to repair the bridge.  We did not bring any pontoon bridge equipment for protection. As a result, the bridge was blown up, and a whole division was unable to retreat on the north bank. We were surrounded before our eyes, and we almost had the enemy cross the river from Beguserai to encircle us."

    "Oh? Begusarai was breached?"

    "No, they said they had defeated the enemy. They also blew up the pontoon bridge."

    "That's good, that's good." Chuikov felt relieved.  You know, Begusarai is only 200 kilometers away from Steel City, although it is blocked by the Jodanagpur Plateau.  But a plateau of several hundred meters really cannot be considered a natural chasm.

    Cherepanov also asked: "What about the Japanese? How is Comrade Kozlov's fight going? Have the Chinese launched a counterattack? Have additional troops arrived? He should be told to be careful."

    "The Japanese were temporarily blocked in Silgyr and Imphal." Speaking of Rangpur, Yabyshev's face gradually became serious: "Rangpur was strongly blocked, Comrade Kozlov said. Approximately  There are four to five enemy regiments and a lot of rocket launchers. However, there are not many reinforcements. Only one regiment has been added. I don¡¯t know if it is"

    "Wait a minute, you said that only one regiment was added in six days?" Before he finished speaking, Chuikov's expression suddenly changed, he turned to look at Yabyshev and became nervous: "Comrade Yabyshev, remember you were there last time?"  Doesn¡¯t it mean that the Chinese Air Force can transport one regiment to India every day?¡±

    "Yes, I calculated it based on the transportation volume of 100 transport aircraft per day. It has been six days now, even if there are no additional aircraft, there are still six" Yabyshev also remembered something when he said this.  , his face suddenly changed!

    Only Cherepanov didn¡¯t know why and was still calm in the joy of victory and asked: ¡°What¡¯s wrong?¡±

    "Six regiments, at least six regiments! If more aircraft are added, maybe seven to eight regiments have arrived for reinforcements! Then why did Rangpur only add one regiment? There are only two Japanese regiments in Siljar and Imphal  Infantry Division, where the mountains are high, the forests are dense, and the terrain is rugged. It is impossible for all the reinforcements to be sent there!" Chuikov said to himself, and jumped up at the end: "Come here! Send a telegram immediately to ask Nehru, Ya  How long did it take for the pontoon bridge at Besserai to be destroyed! How many enemies completed crossing the river! Contact the Japanese again and ask them how many there are"

    "Commander! Comrade Commander, boom, it's bombers, a lot of bombers!"

    Before Chuikov could finish speaking, the door was knocked open by the guards, and then a buzzing noise came from the air.  By the time Chuikov pushed aside the officer and walked to the window, a metal cloud appeared in the western sky.  Sixty-six Persian Gulf Army H-7 long-range bombers transferred to the Karachi Airport built with China's aid and flew 1,300 kilometers to appear in the sky over Nagpur.

    Before the bombers could get closer, a dozen elf-like and dexterous Yasha dive bombers and Lightning fighter jets emerged from the clouds, screaming and diving down at the Suyin Division target on the ground.  "Boom, boom, boom!" A speeding arms train was hit by a bomb unprepared, and bursting fireballs ignited the entire Nagpur.  "The fleet! It's the fleet! The Chinese Navy and the Indian Fleet!" As soon as the Yasha dive bombers and Lightning fighter jets appeared, Chuikov's expression changed again and again!  At the most critical moment, the Chinese navy was dispatched!

    A few minutes later, the unsuspecting Nagpur was plunged into chaos amidst a series of deafening explosions. One hundred and forty tons of bombs were sown throughout the city in an instant.  The intensive carpet bombing not only shatteredThe Indians' dream of independence has awakened Chuikov and others who had previously dreamed of unifying India and using this place as a base to attack southwest China and Central Asia.

    The Queen of India Steel Mill, railway station, printing and dyeing factory, power plant all collapsed and burned in the smoke and dust of the explosion.  "Comrade Commander!" Before the continuous explosions ended, a louder voice exploded in everyone's ears: "Comrade Sani Roman reported that they were attacked by Chinese tanks rushing out from the Jodanagpur Plateau.  Division's attack! Pokaro Steel Cityhas been lost!" As if being hit by a bomb, both Chuikov and Yabyshev's eyes turned black and their whole bodies became cold!  Bokaro Steel City accounts for 90% of India's steel processing capacity!  One hundred percent copper!  One hundred percent coke!  100% phosphorus!  All hope for Soviet Indiaall gone!  The most annoying thing is that the enemy actually used the same tactics as Chuikov, secretly passing through the ally's war zone, and then launching a sneak attack across the entire plateau!

    Without strategic resources such as steel, copper, phosphorus and coke, we cannot contact the country. Even if we can continue to fight, how long can we persist?  The plan to unite the Japanese forces to attack Southwest China was completely aborted before it even started

    (To be continued)
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