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    Yang Qiu needs to go beyond the war to think, prepare, and adjust, and prepare in advance for the national economy, people's livelihood, and world pattern after the war.  But the war will not stop because of his adjustments. On the contrary, the snowball of war is still getting bigger and bigger according to its own rules.

    The world after the Lunar New Year can be described as lightning and thunder. When the Soviet Union and Germany joined forces to open up the Asia Minor peninsula, and the Ankara defense line became a concern for the whole of Europe and even Yang Qiu, the Chinese National Defense Force also launched a series of offensives in the Far East.  From distant Truk to the neighboring southeastern peninsula, the "China Storm" that has been building up for several years is sweeping across!

    On the southeastern peninsula, shortly after the Battle of Singapore, 200,000 freed-up Chinese National Defense Forces and Asian Alliance troops quickly moved north along the Malay Peninsula, liberating Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh, Penang and other places in less than a month.  In early March, the National Defense Forces landed again in Songkhla and Pattani in Siam, successfully encircling the remnants of the Japanese Fourth and Fifth Divisions, less than 30,000 people, in the narrow rainforest belt between Kota Bharu and Songkhla.  The Chinese navy and army also invested hundreds of frigates, small river gunboats and landing craft to take advantage of the rising river water during the rainy season to continue to penetrate deeper into the peninsula along the Tonle Sap and Mekong rivers. The 30,000 Japanese troops in Khmer were also retreating steadily and were already rushed.  In the primitive jungle of Biandan Mountains.

    Dong Hao later returned to Sumatra as the Commander-in-Chief of the Sumatra Garrison. Under his organization, a total of 6 divisions, including the National Defense Force and the Asian Alliance Sumatran Division, launched an attack on Lampung Port in early March to seize this seaport guarding the Sunda Strait.  .  Not only did they expel all Japanese and Indonesian troops back to Java Island, they also began to liquidate pro-Japanese elements in Sumatra, confiscated guns, and cracked down on guerrillas and bandits all over the rainforest.  Faced with the situation where Beijing clearly wanted to completely split Indonesia, Sukarno repeatedly stated that he would lead 50 million Indonesians to fight to the bitter end.  Protect the country¡¯s independence.

    The battlefield in Myanmar is also progressing smoothly. With the cooperation of the Myanmar troops of the Asian League headed by Aung San, the Southwest Group Army attacking from Yunnan met with the Indian Group Army in Mandalay on March 5 and killed Japanese Lieutenant General Shojiro Iida.  More than 20,000 Japanese soldiers were injured in Burma.  To speed up the eradication.  On March 15, Li Zongren also sent three infantry divisions to land in Yangon to attack the remaining Japanese troops from three sides.

    In the Southwest Pacific, the Southern Expedition Force commanded by Dai Anlan totaled 8 divisions and launched a general offensive on Saipan and Truk Atoll immediately after the Lunar New Year.  Since the Japanese troops trapped on the two islands had been cut off from supplies for more than a year and had been repeatedly bombed by the navy and air force for a long time and had already run out of ammunition and food, it only took three weeks.  The main war between the two places came to an end.  On March 15, Dai Anlan quickly turned around and dispatched two infantry divisions to land in Manado, Sulawesi, in preparation for the attack on the Philippines and East Timor.  At the same time, after Zhang Zizhong liberated Brunei and Sarawak, he also turned towards Samarinda and Balikpapan in East Borneo.  Just when the Japanese army was overwhelmed by the fierce offensive of the two men, they could not breathe.  On March 19, a landing force composed of 5,000 Marines successfully attacked Puerto Princesa on Palawan Island under the protection of the French battleship group of the Third Fleet.  By March 25, all 700 Japanese troops stationed on the island were killed, and Palawan was liberated.

    It was March 25, the day Palawan Island was liberated, and drastic changes broke out in Siam!

    After reaching the China-Siam Mutual Assistance and Friendship Treaty with Yang Qiu, King Rama VIII of Siam publicly announced in Beijing that he authorized the Chinese National Defense Force to use all necessary means to help Siam escape from the clutches of the Nazis.  Restore the order that the country deserves.  In the early morning of the next day after he delivered his speech, the Second Airborne Division of the Chinese National Defense Force and the Marine Corps used airborne landings and other means to raid Singburi, the seat of the Siamese Army's temporary headquarters located in the north of Bangkok.  Songkhen and hundreds of his henchmen were arrested or killed!  After learning that the Prime Minister and senior generals had been arrested, more than 10,000 Japanese and Siamese troops stationed in Siam were prepared to fight to the end. However, at this time, King Rama VIII suddenly returned to Bangkok under the heavy protection of the Chinese Navy and  As the country's top leader, he submitted a letter of surrender to the Chinese government and announced his withdrawal from the war!

    On the same day, he also announced the dissolution of the government and severely condemned Luang Phibun-Songkhram and other Nazis for bringing Siam into the war at a press conference. Later, he appointed Phanom Rong (Chan Jiale) as the Prime Minister of the transitional government.  Lieutenant General Chattanaropo, the former Army Chief of Staff who had secretly defected to China for a long time, was appointed Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces.  In order to ease the tense atmosphere, he also announced as king a pardon for the crimes committed by soldiers who participated in the war, saying that the government would continue to pay soldiers' salaries and provide pensions for those killed in battle and for casualties.  This announcement played a key role in stabilizing Siam. About 400,000 Siamese officers and soldiers who had long been unwilling to fight defected and declared their allegiance to the king.  Finally, King Rama VIII announced.  In view of the tense domestic situation, which is likely to lead to a civil war, and the military's serious lack of equipment and experience, he has reached an agreement with the Chinese government to establish the China-Siam Military Management Committee to specifically combat the remaining Japanese troops, Nazis, warlords, and drug trafficking that endanger national security.  of criminals.  Over the next two years, hundreds of thousands of warlords, criminals, and pro-Japanese elements were executed or exiled in the postwar reckoning.?

    Originally, such a large-scale liquidation operation would definitely lead to riots and even civil war. However, because the Siamese people were generally tired of the war, Rama VIII's toughness and the military's defection, coupled with Yang Qiu's ban on Vietnamese troops entering Siam, quickly provided  Loans and various economic recovery plans, assistance for a large number of walking tractors and other production materials, and early start of the China-Siam Railway and other actions to promote Siam's economic development, so the most worrying Siamese Civil War or even the Peninsular Civil War did not occur.

    The day after King Rama VIII announced the decree, Yang Qiu issued a statement in Beijing, welcoming Siam's return to the Asian family. He also immediately appointed Li Zhenzhong as the supreme commander of the Chinese side of the Central-Siam Military Management Committee, and from then on  The Southwest Theater Command dispatched 10 divisions to Siam to help King Rama VIII restore stability to the country.  Finally, he urged Congress to immediately pass a package loan assistance plan totaling 100 million yuan to Siam in accordance with the "China-Siam Mutual Assistance and Friendship Treaty" to help stabilize the southeastern peninsula.

    The news that Siam became the first country of the Axis Powers to surrender and withdraw from the war quickly spread throughout Europe and the United States. Roosevelt and Churchill both responded positively and provided some loans and supplies to the Siam government respectively. As for Roosevelt's proposal to let the U.S. government participate in Siam  The idea of ??rebuilding Luo was politely rejected by King Rama VIII and Chen Jiale.

    In the two months after the Battle of Singapore, a total of 1.5 million soldiers of the Chinese National Defense Forces, Navy, Army, Air Force and Southeast Asian Allied Forces swept through the southwest with the force of autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves.  Except Java, Rabaul, Guinea and the Philippines.  The Japanese and Axis forces stationed in Nanyang collapsed across the board.  Marshal Qiu Wenbin, who personally supervised the war, optimistically estimated when he sent a telegram to Yang Qiu that, except for a few areas where heavy troops were stationed and the terrain was complex, all major wars in Nanyang would be over by the end of July at the latest.

    The news that the troops going south were retreating steadily, that Siam withdrew from the war and liquidated Japanese heritage, arrested and massacred Japanese and pro-Japanese elements, made Japan feel that defeat was approaching for the first time.  During the two months after the Chinese New Year.  Japan is in turmoil.  Although the Japanese government strictly blocked any reports on the war in the country, the overwhelming leaflets dropped by Chinese bombers made the blockade a joke.  News about the defeat and surrender was secretly circulating in the press. Although no one dared to reveal a word in the newspapers, in the face of such a fierce offensive, Koiso Kuniaki, who had just come to power, had to make statements again and again.  He denied all the leaflets and called them "rumors", and also lied that the army was "victory tenaciously."  In order to prevent domestic changes, die-hards such as Sugiyama Gen and Umezu Yoshijiro also ordered the army to suppress riots and organizations such as national society.

    But no matter how cruel the suppression was, it could not extinguish the raging undercurrent in the country. Just before Hirota set off, the Japanese National Society organized an uprising in Kitami City, Hokkaido.  About a thousand Japanese rebels quickly occupied Kitami City Hall and put forward political slogans to end the war and arrest prisoners of war.  Although the Japanese army quickly dispatched to suppress it.  However, the First Fleet of the Chinese Navy used naval guns and bombers to provide shelter for the rebels.  After three days of fighting, the Japanese army suppressed the uprising at the cost of 3,000 casualties. However, the National Socialist Rebel Army successfully retreated from the Tokoro River to Sakhalin under the protection of the Chinese navy.

    Although the scale and influence of the "Kitami Uprising" were small, it made Japan's top leaders faintly feel the huge pressure of domestic contradictions. Forced by helplessness, Hirohito had to ask Hirota Koki to negotiate.  Seek a way to ¡°end the war with dignity.¡±  But at this time, the news of the Soviet-German alliance and successive victories in Turkey gave him and the Japanese base camp renewed hope, so they decided to stop negotiations and continue to wait for changes in the international situation.

    Yang Qiu didn't care about Japan's repeated actions on the surface, but in fact he was still very angry deep down, so he decided to implement the "Clear" plan early to help Tokuda Qiu clear the obstacles.

    Japan, on the sea outside Yamaguchi Prefecture in the ancient Nagato Kingdom, three "hammerhead shark" type ocean-going special submarines rose and fell with the waves in the night.  Behind the sea level.  The radars of the two escorting destroyers rotated rapidly, watching the surroundings vigilantly.  Next to the submarine, there were several ancient sailing fishing boats docked. A large group of Japanese National Socialist Party members and guerrillas, with the help of Chinese sailors, transferred tens of thousands of Sten submachine guns and ammunition ashore.

    After the failure of the combined fleet.  Japan's coastal defense is almost paralyzed, especially the Tsushima Strait and the western coast, which have become the back garden of the Chinese Navy. Even the newly formed North Korean Navy dares to cut through the waves in the Sea of ??Japan and bombard coastal towns from time to time to create an atmosphere of panic.  Although the Japanese army deployed most of its troops on the western coast, it was still unable to effectively maintain local security and became a paradise for all kinds of criminals and guerrillas.

    "Mr. Nagano." In the submarine, a colonel from the intelligence department handed Nagano Yuanping the aid list and an encrypted radio station wrapped in oilcloth, and then took out a thin code book from his pocket: "This is  The code book can be used to call for air support and assistance. Please be sure to keep it and pass it to Mr. Tokuda."

    Nagano Yuanping is an important assistant of Tokuda Joichi. Like Tokuda, he is not a pure Japanese.  His father was an ordinary man who was sent to ManchuriaA railway worker, his mother is Korean, so he has been discriminated against since he was a child.  When Japan was forced to withdraw from Port Arthur, he also wanted to return to China with his newly married Korean wife.  However, discrimination prevented him from boarding the ferry back home. In the end, his wife was raped to death by rioting Japanese soldiers, and he also had three fingers broken.  This experience made him extremely hate the Japanese military government, so after returning to Japan, he resolutely joined the Japanese National Society, actively participated in actions against the military government, and played a key role in incidents such as the rice riots.  After Tokuda Kyuichi unified and expanded the influence of the Japanese National Society with the help of Yang Qiu, he saw that he was very capable, so he secretly sent him back to China for training. Finally, after a special assessment, he became the main officer of the Japanese National Society guerrillas.  one.

    After Nagano collected the code book, the officer took out a plan and handed it over: "Mr. Nagano, this is an action plan we have drawn up. Please take a look."

    After the war broke out, every move of Japan¡¯s national society was led by Beijing, and most actions were carried out in accordance with Beijing¡¯s needs and plans, so Nagano was not surprised that the other party showed him the plan.  This was a plan to attack the Japanese granary in Hiroshima. The plan called for the Japanese National Socialist guerrillas to attack the well-defended granary and find opportunities to distribute food to local residents.

    Nagano frowned after reading this. Food is the biggest core conflict in Japan. They have been using various means to seize food from the Japanese government and distribute it to the poor, and this is how they got a lot of support.  But attacking the army granary is currently beyond their capabilities. After all, there are tens of thousands of Japanese troops stationed around the granary.  So I asked frankly: "Colonel Yan, is this too risky? Our strength is still very weak and it will cause a lot of casualties."

    The Colonel of the Intelligence Department surnamed Yan smiled slightly, asked someone to bring the granary reconnaissance photos and maps, pointed and said: "Mr. Nagano, we will not let your sacrifices be in vain. The key to this plan is to incite the locals and create  The civil-military conflict should not be limited to Okayama. It can also be launched in other places. The bigger the scale, the better. Of course, we will dispatch bombers in these two days to attack the Japanese defenders in these areas. It does not matter whether it is successful in the end."

    "It's not important" Nagano's eyes were full of contradictions and surprise.

    "Yes, our goal is to make Japan's top leaders angry and alert, so that they can hold a meeting to study how to deal with domestic problems!" The officer surnamed Yan revealed the key to the plan.

    Nagano has received strict training from the Chinese intelligence agency and military training, so he quickly grasped the key word "meeting".  You know, since the Tokyo Base Camp Headquarters and other buildings were destroyed in the bombing, most of Japan's top military officers and generals are usually scattered in refugee camps and temples across Tokyo. It is difficult to find them one by one. Only when something happens  They gather somewhere only when there is an important event.

    The officer surnamed Yan was obviously a veteran at inciting emotions. He held Nagano's hand and patted it gently: "Please believe in the party and the organization, believe in the president! He promised to help you overthrow the old Japan and let the national society come to power to lead the new Japan.  It will be done. I can assure you that as long as this thing is successful, all the obstacles in front of you will disappear, and the date for launching a nationwide uprising will not be far away!"
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