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Text Chapter 1076 Beginning

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    Explosions rumbled in Niigata Prefecture, and heavy artillery shells and rockets from the sea rained down recklessly.  In the sky, kamikaze suicide planes with chrysanthemum patterns painted on them were swept down one after another before they even got close to the coastline, dragging black smoke straight to the ground.  Houses were destroyed, trees were broken, trenches were flattened section by section, four- and five-story reinforced concrete buildings collapsed in the shock wave, flesh and blood flew everywhere on the roads and fields, and pieces of earth and wood were scattered

    This picture is absolutely shameful in Japanese military history.  The Chinese Navy has the escort aircraft carrier "Li Guang", the escort aircraft carrier "Huo Qubing", the heavy cruiser "Changsha", the heavy cruiser "Taiwan Island", the light cruiser "Xijiang", the fire support ship "Futian", and the "Putian"  ¡± fire support ship, the French battleship ¡°Dunkirk¡±, the battleship ¡°Strasbourg¡±, the Korean Navy¡¯s ¡°Hanjiang¡± (formerly the Chinese Yangtze, an error was written in the ¡®Naval Adjustment¡¯, this ship has been sold  So it has been modified) The Sea of ??Japan bombardment formation composed of light cruisers and twelve destroyers launched a violent and destructive bombardment of the entire city from a distance of 20 kilometers off the coast of Niigata.

    Over the fleet, a Navy Y-9 high-altitude long-range early warning reconnaissance aircraft commanded more than 60 Air Force J-8 "Tianquan" fighter jets and Navy "Lightning" fighter jets to freely hunt and kill various kamikaze aircraft flying from the island.  .  Kamikazes with no landing gear and only one-way fuel were shot down like snowflakes with inexperienced young pilots.

    The Japanese kamikaze attack team has appeared frequently since the Ryukyu campaign, and has also achieved a record of seriously damaging escort aircraft carriers, damaging nearly a hundred ships, and sinking dozens of ships.  But after half a year of brutal naval and air attrition, it was difficult for them to achieve results.  Especially after the National Defense Force launched new air defense tactics in response to kamikaze attacks, scenes like this have become commonplace.  The core of the command is the navy's ship-borne long-range air radar and long-range early warning reconnaissance aircraft.  The Air Force's J-6 "Double-Headed Jiao" and "Tianquan" fighter jets form a long-range interception defense line, the Navy's "Lightning" mid-level kills, and a large number of 120mm and 85mm anti-aircraft guns use VT shells to protect the inner ring. Finally, they are supplemented by a massive 40mm  The multi-layered tactics of anti-aircraft artillery are so effective that even China's own ace pilots in the air and sea say.  It is really difficult to continuously break through the sea and sky radar networks and the four-layer fire defense line.

    In this new tactic called "long-range interception and killing", the Navy's three Y-9 long-range early warning reconnaissance aircraft played an important role. It is they that provide guarantee for long-range interception by fighter jets.  Although the radar's anti-clutter capability needs to be improved, the efficiency of air defense interception has been improved dozens of times, allowing long-range air superiority fighters to take off early and ambush for a longer period of time.  Unlike before, many enemy planes had already fled after arriving at the battlefield.  Since the new tactics were launched, they have provided hundreds of early warnings and helped shoot down nearly 1,500 Japanese aircraft of various types.  For this reason, the Air Force also regretted giving them to the Navy, so it has restarted the bidding for a new generation of early warning aircraft that integrates radar early warning and air command functions. Even the Navy has begun to develop ship-based early warning and command aircraft in advance.

    The sea and air strangulation against Japan has not stopped for a day since the end of the Ryukyu Battle.  So far, only the two long-range fighter jets of the Air Force, the "Double-Headed Jiao" and the "J-8", have flown more than 40,000 sorties over the Japanese archipelago, with an average of 200 per day, proving to the world who is the king of air combat in Asia!

    The powerful long-range interception capability ensures that the kamikaze suicide aircraft can be shot down at the first time, and also allows the navy to give full play to its artillery advantage and roam around the Japanese archipelago.  To combat Japan's war potential and confidence.  The Navy had formulated a detailed bombardment plan long before the Ryukyu Battle. It not only formed several aircraft carrier bombardment formations, but also used more than 70 fire support ships modified from old destroyers or small high-speed civilian ships.  These ranger-style fire support ships are equipped with several or even a dozen 32-barreled rocket launchers. After quietly approaching the coast at night, they use their fast fire rate to fire hundreds of incendiary bombs in a short time to burn down villages and towns, waiting for the Japanese defenders to wait.  When the army realized it, they had already disappeared without a trace.

    In just two hours, 2,200 tons of ammunition were dumped on the heads of the people of Niigata. After the reconnaissance plane reported that no valuable targets could be seen, the fleet was like a pack of well-fed wolves, carrying the injured under the protection of fighter jets.  The destroyers quickly evacuated.  Such irregular coastal bombardment operations.  Doihara was very annoyed.  After getting out of the hiding place and looking at the destroyed city and dock, helplessness filled his brows.  Since the intelligence network is basically paralyzed, often as soon as heavy coastal defense artillery is deployed somewhere, another city hundreds of kilometers away is bombed.

    Over the matter of coastal defense, the army and navy have been quarreling.  If this continues, I'm afraid there will be a civil war before our own people can land.

    "General, the lossis huge. Do you want to notify the base camp immediately and ask the navy to send warships?"

    On the way into the city, there were corpses and wailing injured people everywhere. The stretcher team had no time to transport them and had to move to a prominent position on the roadside, hoping that passing troops could rescue the wounded.  The adjutant sawAfter this tragic scene, his voice trembled.  "Of course we have to notify. But the Navy, hum! Apart from guarding a few warships, do they have any role?" Kenji Doihara cursed and continued to walk towards the defense headquarters bunker.

    He came here to investigate the national community and riots. Due to the continued blockade, the accumulated conflicts in Japan have reached a critical point. Now the bottom of the base camp is like a crater that may erupt at any time.  As the eyes and ears of the base camp, it is naturally the duty of the Super High School to identify those rebels in advance to avoid causing an uncontrollable situation.

    As soon as he walked to the door, Gunma Prefecture Defense Commander Harada Kumayoshi, who was covered in dirt, walked out of it.  "Doihara-kun, it's great that you're here. I was about to send someone to find you."

    "What happened?"

    "Look at this, it's from the base camp. Last night, the Neshima County garrison discovered that someone was secretly transporting a China submachine gun. When the troops intercepted it, they encountered fierce firepower and escaped."

    Harada Xiongyoshi¡¯s words made Doihara¡¯s expression change. His biggest worry came.  You must know that gun control in Japan is very strict, so it is difficult for underground organizations such as the Japanese National Society to develop. But now because of coastal defense issues, even powerful submachine guns have flowed in, indicating that the situation has become very dangerous.  "Please arrange a car as soon as possible. I am going to Neshima County." Kenji Doihara did not choose to fly, because going to the sky meant death.  But later he regretted this choice very much, because if the vehicle had not been slow, the subsequent disaster might not have occurred.

    Just as he rushed to Neshima Prefecture on a starry night, Okayama was already filled with an atmosphere of unexplainable tension.

    In front of the underground warehouse in the north of the city.  A high sandbag wall was built.  Machine guns that were supposed to be used in combat were aimed at the numerous hungry people in ragged clothes outside the wall.  Inada Chang stood behind the sandbags and looked at the bare gray-black city in the distance.  He is a reserve commander who joined the army a year ago and was ordered to garrison this military ration warehouse. Because of this enlistment, he was lucky enough to avoid the tragic bombing.  He still remembers the scene that night, thousands of incendiary bombs falling from the sky.  Okayama, with a population of half a million, was instantly reduced to ashes, with tens of thousands dead and tens of thousands injured  When he held a baby and watched the child's parents being burned to char, he realized how cruel the war was.

    That bombing not only destroyed Okayama, but also ruined the livelihood of hundreds of thousands of people.  Then Chinese bombers began dropping small bombs that looked like butterflies.  These bombs are all over the mountains and farmland. Every day, people lose their arms and legs, cattle are injured, rice fields are not cultivated, and even logging and firewood are not allowed to go deep.  The famine began to spread, and more and more hungry people gathered in front of the warehouse. There were even many attempts to cross the blockade and steal food.

    "Be vigilant. Baga! Rice fields. What are you still doing here?" A sergeant rushed up from behind: "Hurry up and load the truck! We are about to set off."


    Inada nodded and quickly got into the thick cement door.  After walking into the underground warehouse, I saw soldiers loading bags of rice into vehicles, preparing to transport them to Songshan on the west coast and hand them over to frontline troops.  "Inada-kun, where have you been?" When he reached the last car, his friend Qinglong, who was transferred just a few days ago, stuck his head out and pulled him into the truck.

    "It's right outside."

    "Come and help quickly." Qinglong piled rice bags on the car and asked closely: "How is it outside? I heard that Kuroda and the others were defeated by the guerrillas last night." Qinglong is a famous gossip.  , as soon as he opened the conversation, he kept chattering: "Inada, do you think we are really defeated? I heard that the Chinese sent a lot of machine-guns to the guerrillas, which are very powerful."

    In the past few days, there have been wild rumors inside and outside Okayama about China¡¯s shipment of submachine guns to the Japanese opposition.  The rumors were also brought to life.  In fact, Paddy and everyone knew in their hearts that the war had been lost. Otherwise, how could there be more and more Chinese planes overhead?  But no one dared to say it, so he quickly waved his hand: "Don't talk about it anymore, the sergeant will be in trouble if he hears it."

    "But" Qinglong looked around and no one was paying attention.  He quietly took out a flyer dropped by an airplane from his pocket and handed it to him: "Mr. Inada, look at this. I picked it up last night."

    "You're going to die!" Upon seeing this, Da Tian was so frightened that he quickly put the flyer in his arms: "Get to work quickly."

    "I'm just curious, don't worry, I won't say anything anymore." Qinglong also knew that anyone who hid the leaflets privately would be shot, so he quickly shut up and concentrated on his work.  After a while, more than a dozen trucks were filled with grain bags.  After a roll call, both Daotian and Qinglong were selected to escort the grain and got on the last truck.

    The grain transport team slowly drove out of the gate, causing a commotion in the surrounding areas. Tens of thousands of hungry people poured onto the road from all directions, but the machine guns mounted on the roof of the vehicles and the escorting soldiers prevented them from approaching. Many people had to kneel on the road.I expected the soldiers to throw down a few handfuls of rice for them to make a bowl of porridge.  Many soft-hearted soldiers threw their day's ration, a rice ball mixed with a lot of rice bran, to the hungry people with children. Inada and Qinglong also threw the rice ball bags out.  Although they will starve for a day if they do this, at least they will have something to eat tomorrow, and many of these hungry people have not even eaten bark and wild vegetables for several days.

    Seeing that there were more and more hungry people around, the convoy was moving slowly. The sergeant with a fierce face kept yelling and cursing, and used a bamboo whip to beat those hungry people who wanted to get close.  "What a damn guy!" Qinglong looked at him and gritted his teeth.  When I turned my head and wanted to chat with my good friend to vent my anger, I found that Paddy secretly pulled out his bayonet, pierced a rice bag, and then secretly dug a hole under the car, letting the rice flow out of the hole little by little.

    Qinglong was startled: "Mr. Inada, this is going to be shot!"

    "Shh, don't make any noise!" Inada quickly covered his mouth and pointed to Qinglong Nunu under the truck in front of him.  Following his fingers, Qinglong saw a finger-thick stream of white rice flowing from the back of each truck onto the road along the wheels.  The soldiers in the car also pretended not to see them.  "What's going on?" Qinglong was transferred just a few days ago and didn't understand why every car was leaking.  "This is the only thing we can do to help everyone." Inada didn't say much, sitting up straight like other soldiers, pretending not to see this "transportation loss."

    Looking at the slowly flattening rice buns, Qinglong understood a little.  The base's military rations cannot be stolen privately to support the victims.  So everyone came up with this method. After all, they wouldn't care about the "loss" of one or two packs after they were shipped to the army. After all, it's good to have some these days.  The convoy moved forward slowly, and the hungry people behind them began to grab the fallen rice grains. Seeing some people fighting for a few rice grains covered with mud, Qinglong felt sad.  But they also knew there was nothing they could do as soldiers.  Looking at the sergeant at the front of the motorcade, who was brandishing his teeth and claws and waving a bamboo whip, and compared with the silent soldiers around him, Qinglong sighed: "Does the sergeant know?"

    "Him? Huh!" Da Tian snorted: "He should go to North Korea and be beaten to death, not here!"

    "I think so too. If a bullet hits his head, I will definitely bang!" Qinglong was about to curse the sergeant.  A crisp gunshot suddenly rushed into his ears.  The sergeant who was cursed by him tilted his head, and then fell out of the car, spurting blood.

    "Someone is robbing rice!" Paddy reacted immediately, loaded his bullet and prepared to catch the attacker.  Although everyone tacitly used the excuse of loss to secretly leak a few bags of rice to the hungry people, as a soldier, his duty was to protect the rice.  But when he loaded his gun and stood up, bursts of intense strafing suddenly sounded from all directions!

    Hundreds of National Socialist guerrilla soldiers mingling among the hungry people fired their submachine guns and used the hungry people as cover to rush towards the truck.  Due to the sudden attack.  They were all submachine guns that fired extremely fast, so the escorting soldiers and drivers were killed quickly.  "Baga, you empires" Before Da Tian finished shouting the word traitor, bullets rained down on him, and he fell on the rice bag covered in blood.  "Mr. Rice Field!" Qinglong's eyes suddenly became bloodshot when he saw this, but facing hundreds of guerrilla soldiers who looked like wolves and tigers, he was quickly drowned in the hail of bullets.

    "Take it away, these rice belong to the people! Take it away!" A sudden gun battle caused the hungry people to flee in all directions.  But soon after the guerrillas occupied the convoy, they saw torn packages of rice thrown from the truck.  Snow-white rice grains.  Countless eyes turned red in an instant. Hunger defeated fear. Tens of thousands of hungry people rushed to the rice bags with shouts and looting. They robbed, trampled, argued and beat them. In an instant, the road was crowded and crushed.

    "Baga! Someone is robbing rice. Attack!" After discovering something strange at the base a few kilometers away, the officer immediately gathered a large number of soldiers to prepare to take back the food.  But because there were too many people grabbing rice, they were stuck behind and unable to move forward. When the officers were anxious about what to do, dozens of tongues of fire were sprayed out from the crowd and aimed at them, beating the soldiers covered in blood.

    "Baga! Shoot! Shoot!" Seeing the situation becoming increasingly chaotic, a squadron leader issued a shooting order.  "Hoo hoo ho" More than a dozen crooked machine guns instantly stirred up a bloody storm among the people grabbing food. Hundreds of hungry people were killed by bullets.  But the red-eyed hungry people still couldn't stop them, and some even started beating the soldiers who came to stop them.

    "This is our food! We are going to starve to death! Take back the food, take back the food!" Under the instigation of the guerrillas, the scene became increasingly chaotic, and in an instant the situation began to get out of control.  The ugliness of human nature was completely exposed between life and death. Countless incited hungry people began to attack the military food warehouse. The guerrillas trapped among them also used grenades and mortars to blast open the sandbag wall in a timely manner.  The entire warehouse area was filled with shouts, curses and dense gunshots, and soon the ground was covered with corpses.

    Knowing that someone was robbing food, Neshima County Headquarters immediately mobilized tens of thousands of garrison troops in the surrounding area to carry out a clearing operation, which further worsened the situation.?When Doihara arrived at the granary the next day, the food robbery incident actually resulted in the deaths and injuries of 400 soldiers and more than 10,000 hungry people!  For a time, the entire Neshima County was filled with news that "the army was indiscriminately killing tens of thousands of hungry people without saving them."  In order to expand their influence, Tokuda Kiichi and Nagano respectively led guerrillas to continuously attack surrounding granaries and wealthy landlords.  Opening warehouses to release grain creates chaos.  In less than three days, the riots in Neshima Prefecture began to spread outwards. News came from Hyogo, Nara, and Aichi that "mobs were seizing food and the army was killing innocent people indiscriminately."

    After the news reached Tokyo, Hirohito immediately asked the Prime Minister's Office and the Military Ministry to come up with ways to stop the spread of the riots.  After discussing with Prime Minister Koiso Kunakia and Army Minister Gen Sugiyama, they decided to convene senior officials and generals to discuss countermeasures at the Yasukuni Shrine in Kudanzaka.

    Just as many senior Japanese military officers and generals rushed to the Yasukuni Shrine, at Anton Airport, ground crews also began to slowly stuff two 6,800-kilogram "daisy cutter" and two 10,000-kilogram "punishment" giant bombs into the latest  In the bomb bay of the H-12 strategic bomber
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