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Volume One: All for Germany! Eighty-nine. Forced Landing

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    Wang Weiyi would never have thought that the entire German army had fallen into a state of madness. In his opinion, he only had one mission now:

    Take Prince William and August and evacuate this place immediately!

    He will not consider what happened behind him, where his brothers are fighting bloody battles for him!  This is enough.

    Trust is built on this basis.

    Five minutes, he and August only had five minutes.  And this is the best effort Guderian can do and the most time they can buy for them.

    The gunfire was a little far away.

    August, who was running, didn¡¯t quite understand why Captain Ernst Brahm was running in this direction.  At least this doesn't look like a breakout route.

    He did not ask the questions in his heart. Since you choose him, you must trust him unconditionally

    At this time, Guderian's team members, who were desperately trying to block the British, had done their best to accomplish what they could.

    five minutes?  They held on for a full seven minutes!

    If they continue, they will completely lose the possibility of breaking out.

    "Bunkerrei, Steck, prepare to retreat!" Guderian shouted loudly, and then made a retreat gesture to the Chinese Guo Yunfeng: "Disperse and retreat, disperse and retreat!"

    "Hey, Lieutenant, good luck!"

    ¡°Good luck, Boncrere!¡±

    The four people threw four grenades together and quickly evacuated the battlefield amidst the thick smoke Maybe they could not successfully break through, but none of this mattered anymore.

    ¡°At least, they have rescued Crown Prince William.  And how to take Crown Prince William out is Captain Ernst¡¯s business


    "Captain Ernst, where are we?"

    Wang Weiyi, who was running, suddenly stopped. Faced with August's question, he did not answer immediately, but said to himself: "That's it."

    Then, he seemed to have remembered something and said to the crown prince: "Your Highness, we need to wait for reinforcements here. Now I need you to throw away all the luggage you are carrying!"

    Although August didn¡¯t understand it, he still threw away everything he could according to Ernst¡¯s words.

    Reinforcements?  It seems obvious that this place is still surrounded by enemies. How can reinforcements appear here?

    But August may not be an excellent commander, but he has one advantage: he will never interfere with other people's methods.

    He was full of confidence in the "Miracle Creator of the Somme".

    But there are still some questions. This is an open space, relatively open, with an unobstructed view of all directions. There is no place to hide and hide. Once the enemy catches up, how can they rely on to resist?

    Time is passing by, and the British will soon catch up.

    Wang Weiyi was also very anxious in his heart, but in front of August he absolutely could not show it at all.

    Did Hitler deliver the letter?  Will Richthofen do what he asks?  Everything is uncertain.

    Now all I can do is two words: wait!

    The ground trembled, and the "rumbling" sound of artillery began to be heard.

    The German attack has begun!  Wang Weiyi was overjoyed. If he guessed correctly, it was General Bello and General Galvez who began to cooperate with him in launching an attack!

    "If the sky doesn't work, we can only break out from the ground." Wang Weiyi murmured.

    "What are you talking about, Baron Alexson?" August didn't hear clearly.

    Wang Weiyi was about to answer when his expression suddenly became solemn and he seemed to be listening to something. Then he raised his head and looked into the sky

    A black spot appeared vaguely in the sky

    The black spot was getting closer and closer. When it appeared in the sky above his head, Wang Weiyi couldn't help but pump his fist hard!

    That¡¯s a big red fighter plane!

    The Red Baron - Manfred von Richthofen's red fighter!

    It¡¯s here, it¡¯s finally here!

    August¡¯s attention was completely attracted by this red fighter plane.

    The fighter planes began to hover in the sky, seeming to be looking for something.

    After circling for a while, the red fighter plane began to lower itself, but when it was about to approach the ground, it suddenly stretched and flew into the sky again.null.

    August was shocked. Is this fighter plane planning to land here?

    Wang Weiyi looked behind him, the enemy would soon catch up

    ¡°I have done everything I can, and whether I can land successfully or not depends entirely on Richthofen.

    In a plan like a lunatic, he actually thought of a way to let Richthofen pick him up by plane and leave.  Xiaoling tried his best to find such a nearby place that could barely provide a landing.

    This is really an adventure. The conditions for such a landing are completely immature in this era, and although it looks relatively large, there is still too little space left for the aircraft to land. With a little negligence, Richthofen's fighter plane  will be met with disaster.

    But he believed in Richthofen just as August believed in himself.

    This madman-like great pilot will definitely be able to complete this crazy plan

    The Red Baron forces a landing again!

    Sitting in the cabin, Richthofen looked at the ground nonchalantly. To be honest, he didn't feel nervous at all. On the contrary, he admired Ernst's plan to the extreme.

    How the hell did Ernst come up with this plan?

    The red fighter plane finally landed on the ground, but it was still sliding forward horribly. Richthofen desperately controlled the plane, and finally stopped the plane before it got out of control.

    The red fighter plane stopped there steadily like a loyal hound.  It was so dangerous, I almost hit the other side

    Richthofen saw Ernst and Crown Prince Wilhelm, and he waved to them desperately.

    August was stunned. God, if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he really couldn't believe that there was such a crazy plan.

    A crazy ground commander and a crazy pilot, these two people are a perfect match together.

    At this time, August didn¡¯t know that the two ¡°madmen¡± in his eyes actually had very similar nicknames:

    "Skeleton Baron" Ernst, "Red Baron" Richthofen.

    "Your Highness, let's go!" Wang Weiyi's roar woke August, and the two desperadoes began to run toward the plane desperately.

    Wang Weiyi threw away the machine gun in his hand, threw away the ammunition, and threw away some of the weight.

    When they rushed to the red fighter, Richthofen smiled and shouted: "Hey, do you want to have a pleasant air journey?"
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