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Volume 2: My Country Six Hundred and Fifty Seven.  Grossdeutschland

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    !A long time ago there was a mythical story circulating in Europe:!

    The God of Death wanted to build a huge palace, but the number of souls underground was far from enough. So, the God of Death sent one of his favorite subordinates as the vanguard of the Death God's army, and came to the world to participate in the First World War.  Collect as many souls as possible to build the underground palace.

    And his striker did not live up to the expectations of the God of Death. Countless lives were harvested by him, countless souls came to hell, and the huge palace could finally start construction.

    The vanguard of death completed his mission in the human world and returned to hell.

    As a reward for his loyalty, he was canonized as Hellboy and granted eternal life.

    The God of Death spent twenty years building his palace, but he suddenly discovered that the palace alone was not enough. The dark and terrifying underground world should also be expanded, so he sent Hellboy again.  Continue the mission of harvesting human lives.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    This baron from hell, his name is Ernst.  Alexson.  Feng.  Brahm!

    Where he appeared, there was only blood and death.

    Now, the Russians finally have to face this long-standing myth personally.  The huge underground world is waiting for them, and the troops sent by the God of Death to the Baron will faithfully perform their tasks.

    No one can fight against death, and no one can fight against death's vanguard

    The siege of Elklin is just adding countless souls to Hellboy's collection work.

    On February 14, 1943, under the fierce attack of the "Ernst Battle Group", the most elite force of the German army, the Soviet Third Army, which was completely in despair, was forced to break out.

    And this will also be the most tragic breakout since the establishment of the Soviet Third Army.

    They have no chance of winning. The only thing they can do is to leave this terrible place and leave the shroud of death.

    At 6 o'clock in the morning, the Soviet 200th Infantry Division and the 21st Armored Brigade, personally commanded by Lieutenant General Lindelof, commander-in-chief of the Third Army, launched a flood-like attack on the German Watt Group in Samilos.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    At the beginning, Herbert.  Val had no idea what the Russians wanted to do, but it soon became clear to him that the Russians were preparing to break out.  He quickly turned to Ernst.  Marshal Brahm reported the situation, and the order he received was:

    Don¡¯t let a single Russian pass!

    While Lindelof launched a breakout operation, Tasotsky also began to desperately move closer to Samiros.

    He must lead his troops to join General Lindelof. This is also their last hope.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    But, Ernst.  Brahm, the baron from hell, will never let go of the fat that has reached his mouth so easily.

    The German Air Force planes took off frequently and bombed the Russians on the ground again and again.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  The German artillery used their cannons to viciously hit the Russians with shells.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  The German armored troops drove their battle, roaring and tearing apart the Russian formation.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    The general offensive - a comprehensive general offensive, begins with the comprehensive withdrawal of the Russians!

    The Tigers and Panthers were running rampant, destroying enemy tanks without hesitation.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  German soldiers were running rampant, using their guns to take the lives of their enemies.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  The German grenadiers were running rampant, and the constant explosions of bombs were venting the Germans' determination to win the final victory.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    No one can stop Germany - no one can stop Ernst!

    Skeleton Division, Viking Division, Grossdeutschland Regiment.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  All these elite German armed forces, without exception, were engaged in offensive operations.

    Such power was unimaginable to the Russians who suffered a terrible scene not long after they entered the battlefield.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    War - now the Russians know what the most cruel war is!

    Colonel Troovich and the troops under his command, who had high hopes from Tasotsky, became the vanguard of the entire army. They must clear the way for their troops to advance as much as possible amid the German interceptions.  obstacles.

    This was a task that seemed almost impossible to accomplish, but Colonel Trovich, who suffered a disastrous defeat in the Samilos attack battle, did not think much about it.

    He knows that now the Third Army has reached a critical moment of life and death. They have no other choice. The only thing they can do is to charge - charge - charge!  Use your own blood and life to do everything you can to protect the army.??Contribution.

    He commanded the 339th Infantry Regiment and was assigned a tank battalion.

    However, the German Grossdeutschland quickly targeted this part and firmly blocked the Russians' path forward like an iron gate.

    Among all the units of the German army, except for the Skull Commando, no one has a longer history than the Grossdeutschland.

    "Our honor is to be wholeheartedly loyal to our duties!" "God - Honor - Motherland", these slogans are what every officer and soldier who joins the Grossdeutschland must keep in mind on the first day.

    "How proud the name of the Grossdeutsche Infantry Regiment is. I hope that everyone present can embody the spirit of the great German soldier, just like every imperial army for hundreds of years.  Complete our mission successfully. Just as we are at the front of the parade, we will also sound the horn of attack in the smoke-filled battlefield.  They should always remember and be loyal to their motto¡ª¡ª

    He who solemnly swore an oath under the Prussian army has nothing that belongs to him anymore!

    They serve with pride and are loyal to their oath, just as they were to their parents!  "

    This is Oberth, the first commander of the Grossdeutschland Infantry Regiment.  Feng.  General Stockhausen delivered a passionate speech at the naming ceremony of the regiment.

    To become a soldier of this force, you must pass a spiritual and moral screening process. You must be no less than 1.77 meters tall, have no criminal record, and have a good education. In this regard, you are completely different from the SS.

    Bertes.  Major General von Erft commands the most elite force in the German Wehrmacht!

    Someone once said that once Bertes.  If General von Erft takes off his military uniform, he will look more like a professor at a university than a general on the battlefield.

    Indeed, General Bertes is proficient in German, English, French, Russian, Polish, and a little bit of Portuguese. He has profound attainments in art and painting, and his research on European history is not inferior to that of a real  History professor.

    Some people even say that being a general is just some private hobby that Bertes carried out when he was bored in studying knowledge.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Of course, such a "private hobby" will never prevent Bertes from becoming a great and excellent general, and his military talents are definitely not inferior to any commander in the German Wehrmacht or the SS.

    Colonel Trowitch has met his toughest opponent.

    From the bottom of his heart, General Bertes does not want to see war. However, since history has given him such a mission, he must complete it loyally and unconditionally.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    The Russian attack was met with a fierce blow from the Grossdeutschland Regiment.

    Whether in terms of strength or equipment, the Grossdeutschland far exceeded the troops commanded by Colonel Trovich.  So probably Colonel Trovich was not very lucky. After the Battle of Elklin broke out, he encountered Germany's most elite troops in every attack.

    Last time it was the Skeleton Division, now it is the Grossdeutschland Regiment¡¯s turn.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Soviet tanks are burning and Soviet soldiers are dying.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  There is no possibility of breaking through the defense line established by the Grossdeutschland Regiment.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  Even if the Russian corpses piled up into a hill, they could not see any hope of success. Despair and fear were always accompanying them.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    All firepower on the German position was organized, and the battle almost turned into a massacre.

    "The door to hell has been opened, and the only one who laughs is death" General Bertes, looking at the piles of dead Russians, shook his head slightly and murmured.

    However, there is no need for any mercy on the battlefield.

    Artistic words cannot stop General Bertes¡¯ determination to eliminate all Russians here.

    Similarly, no matter how powerful the German firepower was, they could not stop General Trovich's determination to break through.

    His tank battalion suffered almost all casualties under the terrible firepower interception by the Germans, and the 339th Infantry Regiment also suffered casualties of more than half of its soldiers.

    In such a bad situation, Colonel Trovich did not lose heart. Life and death were no longer important to him.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  Even if he was shot through the body now, he still had to make one last assault.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    All the officers and soldiers of the 339th Regiment were gathered together. Under the order of Colonel Trovich, these RussianThe man made a shocking move:

    Their bodies were covered with grenades!

    "Comrades" Colonel Trovich's voice rang in their ears: "Comrade General Tasotsky is waiting for the news of our victory, and Comrade Marshal Vasilevsky is waiting for us.  The good news of our victory, Comrade Stalin is also waiting for the good news of our victory. £®In front of us are fierce enemies. They are trying to destroy us here. Our task is to break up the retreat of the large forces.  Now, the time has come to test the true loyalty of a Bolshevik. Let¡¯s devote our lives to victory and the great Soviet. Long live Comrade Stalin, long live the Bolsheviks, and long live the great Soviet!¡±

    The sound of ¡°Ula¡± that had sounded countless times on the battlefield sounded again, and the most tragic breakout operation of the 339th Infantry Regiment began.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Those Russian soldiers with grenades strapped to their bodies rushed forward crazily amid the dense rain of bullets from the opponent's position amid the sound of "Ula".

    They hope to rush in front of the Germans, then fire their grenades and burn them with the enemy.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  However, their last request could not be met.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    The German machine guns blocked the way forward, killing these Russians who were completely crazy.  Explosions rang out on the battlefield, coming from the Russians.

    Countless lives that were still alive a second ago were blown to pieces in such continuous explosions.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    The German soldiers of the Grossdeutschland Regiment, who had experienced hundreds of battles, had never experienced such a crazy and terrifying scene. They were almost shocked beyond words by the scene.  !

    Crazy, this is really the craziest scene.

    Human life is worth less than a piece of waste paper here; human dignity has been trampled down to nothing; the meaning of human life, discussing here has simply become a joke.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Colonel Trovich watched his soldiers die in utter despair, but he could not find any solution.

    No, maybe there is still a way.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  Colonel Trovich, just like his subordinates, also filled his body with explosives, and then rushed forward without looking back.

    When he saw the charging figure of Colonel Trowitch, the God of Death smiled in the air.  £®  £®

    Trovich was hit by a bullet and fell to the ground. At the moment before death, he pulled the grenade on his body, although he knew that it would not kill even one enemy.

    But he still rang the bell.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    For Colonel Trovich, death is actually a kind of relief.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    He saw with his own eyes that so many of his outstanding subordinates fell under the gunfire of the enemy. He saw with his own eyes that countless Soviet staunch soldiers died like mowing grass.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Nothing is more painful than this.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    He failed. The 399th Infantry Regiment failed, even without any ability to resist.  When the news reached Tasotsky's ears, the Soviet general was not surprised or pained.

    ¡°Perhaps Colonel Trovich¡¯s defeat had been expected by him, and the breakout now seemed to have become a fantasy.

    There are attacking Germans everywhere, and the waves are roaring and unstoppable.

    Soon, maybe like Colonel Trovich, he will shed the last drop of blood for his faith.

    But what¡¯s the point?

    People will always die, but people always have to do something before they die.

    The breakout is still going on, but now the breakout looks a little messy.  Under the powerful German assault, the Soviet army's organization began to be disrupted, and the commanders could no longer control their troops well.

    Wang Weiyi witnessed all this with his own eyes.

    From the beginning of the siege, he fought resolutely. This victory must belong to Germany. Any resistance by the Russians would be in vain.

    And this is just the prelude to the future Battle of Stalingrad.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    He glanced at General Paul Hausser standing next to him: "What do you think, General?"

    "Very brave soldiers, I'm talking about the Russians" Paul Hausser was a very frank general. He said matter-of-factly: "They can die without hesitation and don't care about their own lives at all. They can  Dedicating everything to their beliefs without reservation, although it seems that what they have done is in vain, but theirIt's still worthy of respect.  Marshal, I can't wait to end this now.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  "

    Wang Weiyi sighed: "What a pity for a group of excellent soldiers General, I always think this is a crime. A group of soldiers without any military training began to sacrifice themselves after just completing brainwashing. This is a crime."  It is a crime to be irresponsible. £®

    He paused there for a moment, and then continued slowly: "Starting from Barbarossa, hundreds of thousands of Russians were killed and captured, and hundreds of thousands more were added. It seems that their troops are flowing in a steady stream.  Continuously, but having sufficient troops is one thing, and whether it can go to the battlefield is another matter. £®  conditions, so they can only adopt the simplest method: brainwashing them to make them completely unconditionally obedient and unconditionally willing to sacrifice for their beliefs. From this point of view, the Russians are still very experienced and methodical in their political work.  of

    General Paul Hausser nodded: "Marshal, I heard that before this, you have been using Russian methods to deal with the Russians?"

    Wang Weiyi smiled, and he suddenly thought of Bill Janloski and his speech to the Soviet prisoners:

    "Comrades I know you are all sad now. You have been defeated, captured, and have lost your pride and dignity. But what I am more worried about is our family members. Many of you,  No one knows better than me what terrible things our families will face when we become captives. Political scrutiny, unfair treatment, contempt, contempt, and isolation. Our wives will be forced to go to work on an empty stomach.  Manual work to support our children. Our children are forced to follow their mothers and do jobs that are not suitable for them. Why? Because they have husbands who have become captives.  's father¡§¡§¡§¡±

    Use the Soviet way to deal with Russia.  Wang Weiyi smiled.

    "Perhaps this was the smartest method adopted on the Russian battlefield. Compared with it, military victory was hardly a great achievement.
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