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Volume 2: My Country Six Hundred and Eighty.  Marshal Ernst's Promise

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    !The disastrous defeat of the Soviet 56th Group Army and the 81st Armored Corps did not fundamentally change the situation on the battlefield.

    Although these two troops were completely defeated by the devastating German offensive, which had a great impact on the psychology of the Soviet army; even though the respected Davamirski appeared to be defenseless under the German attack, the Soviet army  The commander was greatly shocked, but the huge Soviet attack group would never stop the attack because of this.

    After eliminating the people who disgusted him, Voroshilov finally decided to express himself well on the battlefield.

    On March 18, the Soviet army used the 24th, 28th, and 39th Army to attack the huge force of the 5th Army, and launched the most powerful attack on the German army since the Battle of the Terek River.  At the same time, the 38th, 43rd, and 66th armies of Malinovsky's Terek River Corps, attached to the 19th Armored Corps, also launched ferocious attacks in the rear of the German army.

    In order to ensure victory, Voroshilov invested the terrifying strength of seven armies and one armored corps at once.

    The battlefield was instantly filled with soldiers. At a glance, Russian tanks and soldiers could be seen everywhere, endless and densely packed.

    "There's a traffic jam, aren't there any police to take care of it?" At this time, Wang Weiyi, who was commanding all the German troops, suddenly made such a ridiculous joke.

    As soon as he finished speaking, the cannonballs fell in front of him.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Huge air waves impact the battlefield, and blown-up broken wood and gravel are constantly flying in the air. If you are not careful, you will be hit.  It seems that this time, the Russians have really spent a lot of money.

    ¡°However, Germany showed no weakness at all, especially the performance of the German Air Force was simply breathtaking.  They frequently appeared in the sky, tenaciously providing the strongest support to the troops on the ground.

    Under the constant air attacks of the German Air Force, the Soviet army's assembly became very difficult. They had to work many times harder than before to barely complete the assembly.

    Finally, after the shelling ended, the Soviet infantry's large-scale charge began.  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "Always move forward, no retreat - in the name of the Soviets!"

    Such calls from Soviet commanders were heard everywhere on the battlefield. This was what Marshal Voroshilov said before the war started: In the name of the Soviet Union - always move forward, no retreat!

    The "Ula" sound that erupted at the same time can literally burst a person's eardrums.  The Russians coming up like a huge wave were shocking to look at.

    "Not many German soldiers, even those veterans, have never seen such a huge offensive force.

    At the forefront were a large number of T-34s. While launching a human sea attack, the Soviet army even launched a tank sea attack.

    This is appalling.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    The German army refused to show weakness at all, and the Tiger, Panther and Elephant tanks - the Ferdinand tank destroyer and Wasp assault gun - launched tit-for-tat counterattacks.

    The artillery fire obscured everything on the battlefield.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    The Russians didn't seem to care at all. T-34s were destroyed one after another, but the T-34s came back one after another.

    It¡¯s endless, there¡¯s no way to finish it.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    The sky is a bloody sky; the earth is a bloody earth!  Steel and steel collide here, and cannonballs and cannonballs fly here.  Every square kilometer of land is experiencing terrible impacts.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Human beings have vividly demonstrated their destructive power on the earth here.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    The German gunners' hands became sore and numb. They couldn't remember how many shells they fired, nor how many enemy tanks they destroyed.  But why do we still see so many enemy tanks?  It seems that no matter how many days and nights it is eliminated, it still cannot be eliminated?

    There are also those Soviet soldiers who charge with the tanks, which makes people even more frightened.

    Under the blockade of the firepower of the German positions, the Russians died as quickly as possible, but they were quickly replenished.  Their charge formation is to pile people up together, and then test whether the Germans have enough bullets to kill them!

    Casualties are a problem that Voroshilov will not consider at all.  He had enough reserves to replace the losses at the front. He had enough soldiers for the Germans to shoot.

    As long as he can win, he doesn't care about anything.

    The first person in history to defeat the Skeleton Baron - this huge honor is enough to attract every commander to go crazy for it!

    Vasilevsky successfully surrounded the Skeleton Baron here, and let him get the final honor¡ª¡ª¡ªAt least Voroshilov thinks so!

    Every inch of the battlefield is being strangled, making the battlefield look miserable.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Entire battalions of the Soviet army were thrown onto the battlefield, and then the entire battalions were wiped out, and then the entire battalions appeared again.

    The gun barrels of the German soldiers were red. Each German soldier killed enemies several times or more than ten times his own number, but the enemies could not be eliminated at all.

    Or maybe even the God of Death has no time to collect the souls on the battlefield.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "In so many combat forces that I have participated in, I have never seen such a fighting method" General Ike, the commander of the Eike Battle Group, wrote in his memoirs: "The Russians can't kill them all.  The killing was endless, and I once wondered whether everyone in Russia¡ªno one, women, old people, or children¡ªhad been sent to the Terek River! I also wondered whether this was a battle directed by humans.  . On the morning of the 18th, we wounded and killed several thousand Russians. I can¡¯t remember the exact number. Under such circumstances, no one counted any numbers at all.  £®The machine gunners have no time to stop the enemy's attack.  £®The grenades have no time to catch up with the machine gun. They have to keep throwing grenades to kill them.  £®

    The corpses of the Russians were piled up literally as high as the hills. There, the corpses of officers and soldiers were intertwined, and the bodies that had been blown to pieces were intertwined with the burning tanks.  The pungent smell makes people lose their appetite, and everyone is going crazy because of such a battle.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    We are surrounded by enemies on all sides, and the enemies are attacking from several directions at the same time.  Behind us Herbert.  General Gillette's Viking Division firmly blocked the attack of the Soviet Terek River Corps.  In front of us are my battle group and Guo Yunfeng battle group under the personal command of Marshal Ernst.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  In terms of numbers, we are not at the same level as the Russians, but our well-prepared positions, powerful armor, and ferocious firepower helped us a lot.  Of course, we must also thank those brave and experienced soldiers.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  If it weren't for these factors, we would probably have been submerged by the tide of Russians.

    Marshal Ernst, as always, is fighting on the front line with us.  Shells often fell all around him, but here they had no effect on the marshal.  He stands there like a mountain, and no attack from the storm can knock him down.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    There was a very strange scene on the battlefield at that time. The Soviet soldiers in the attack shouted loudly, "For the Soviets," while the German soldiers on the defensive position encouraged them with the slogan "For Ernst."  Anyone who has not personally experienced the battlefield cannot understand the German soldiers' feelings for Ernst.  Marshal Brahm's fanaticism.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    In the morning, the enemy launched three attacks, each time investing huge and terrifying troops, but we firmly controlled the battlefield.  The Russians dropped corpses and a large number of destroyed tanks in front of our positions. They found nothing, but we also began to suffer casualties.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  No unit would survive such an attack unscathed.

    The only thing I am thankful for is that the casualties did not affect the emotions of the soldiers.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  When the Russians briefly stopped attacking, the busiest people were probably the medical officers.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  They had to save the lives of the wounded soldiers and check to see if there was anything alive inside the bodies.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    It's time to eat, but like most soldiers, I have no appetite at all. Even if I can barely put the food into my mouth, I occasionally look up and see the densely packed corpses, and my stomach will churn.  When I got up, I had to run to the side and vomit out all the food I just ate to make my stomach feel better.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    ¡°At this time, a soldier came over and asked me, ¡®General, we have killed so many Russians, and the Russians probably don¡¯t have the strength to launch a new attack, right?  , I wanted to laugh, but I don¡¯t know why, I suddenly wanted to cry.  I asked him how many Russians he had killed, and he proudly told me that he had killed eight Russians.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  I praised him and told this lovely soldier, 'The war on children has just begun.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  , God, I will never forget the shocked look in the soldier's eyes. Maybe he thought all the Russians were justHe must have been killed.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  But, I swear, the war has really just begun.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  "

    The war has really just begun.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    The losses in the morning were insignificant for the Russians, who had the abundant capital to carry out dozens of such attacks.

    Wang Weiyi, who was inspecting his position, was fully aware of this.

    The situation in the Viking Division is better. Although he has to carry out Voroshilov's order, Malinovsky, who has suffered enough in front of the German defense, is trying every means to change his operational thinking and adjust his operations.  method, rather than completely unrestrained attacks with the lives of soldiers.

    This also gave the Vikings a chance to breathe.

    But the pressure on the frontal position that he personally commanded was too great.  Voroshilov put the huge force of three armies and a tank assault group onto the frontal battlefield, which forced Wang Weiyi to invest some reserves in the morning battle.

    The appearance of Voroshilov and the human sea offensive tactics he adopted are what Wang Weiyi hopes to see, which will allow the German army to calmly shoot every enemy on the battlefield.  But, again, this will put far more pressure on the defense.

    The German soldiers could not rest for a moment.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Even Wittmann was tired.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  When he saw Marshal Ernst appearing in front of him, Wittmann, who was sitting next to the tank and resting, gasped and said: "Marshal, please forgive my rudeness, I really can't get up to greet you."

    "Michelle, take a rest, you performed so well today." Wang Weiyi said commendably.

    Indeed, Wittmann went crazy today. He killed 11 T-34s by himself. His Tigers became a nightmare for Soviet tanks.

    Wang Weiyi looked at the exhausted Wittmann and suddenly said: "Death Knight, you are really a death knight!"

    Wittmann's eyes suddenly lit up. Infinite power suddenly emerged from his body. He stood up with a bang: "Marshal, there is no name that excites me more than 'Death Knight.'"

    Yes, everyone knows that Marshal Ernst is the Skeleton Baron, and Wittmann's title of "Death Knight" is vaguely symmetrical to Marshal Ernst's Skeleton Baron.

    That is, from this moment on, Michelle.  Wittmann officially had a nickname that resounded across the battlefield:

    Death knight!

    This is Ernst.  Marshal Brahm personally sealed it!  This title was enough to make Wittmann devote himself to the war with a more fanatical fighting spirit, enough to make him die a hundred times for Germany and Marshal Ernst.

    "You have to eat, Michel." Wang Weiyi looked at his almost untouched food, and then turned his attention to the other soldiers: "You all need to eat too, my soldiers. The Russian attack is very difficult.  It¡¯s about to start again. I don¡¯t want my soldiers to be hungry. £®  "

    With a "boom", a burst of laughter broke out among the German troops, which also relieved the solemn atmosphere on the battlefield.

    "Tell the truth, my soldiers." Wang Weiyi said seriously: "Germany has the best soldiers in the world, but it also has the worst cooks. Don't let those cooks hear these words, otherwise they will find ways to poison them.  Damn me."

    The laughter became more cheerful.

    "In this regard, we are far inferior to Italy." Wang Weiyi said with a smile: "Although Italians don't know how to fight, at least their food is much better than ours. Speaking of food, it reminds me of China  It¡¯s delicious. I can¡¯t remember the name of it. £®It¡¯s so delicious.

    Some officers and soldiers began to drool.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  Listening to Marshal Ernst talk about delicious food and then looking at what he is eating is indeed a bit frustrating.

    "I have to promise you something." Wang Weiyi's voice rose a little higher: "After entering Stalingrad, I will treat you to a good meal, and then give each of you a bottle of good wine!"

    There was a huge cheer and the soldiers became excited.

    But Guo Yunfeng quietly asked General Ike beside him: "Do you believe the marshal?"

    "No, I don't believe it." Ike replied without hesitation: "I will never forget that during the Kharkov counterattack, Marshal Ernst owed hundreds of thousands of bottles of rum  £®¡±

    ? ?Unfortunately, during the Kharkov counterattack, Wang Weiyi was "shamelessly" betrayed by Colonel Vandeweney. As a result, the arrogant Baron Skeleton was burdened with heavy debts.

    The generals who participated in that war are satisfied that people will forget it.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Ernst.  Marshal Brahm told Colonel Vandeveney:

    ¡°If I could see the body of Mr. Frariacush, I would reward you with a bottle of 1918 rum!¡±

    ¡°For rum, attack!¡±

    When Colonel Vandeveney issued this order, the officers and soldiers of the 2nd Skeleton Infantry Regiment were a little confused.

    They have never heard such a strange order.

    For Rum ¨C Attack!

    Such an extremely strange cry resounded throughout the 2nd Skeleton Infantry Regiment.

    "Everyone has a bottle of rum!" For the first time in his military career, Colonel Vandeveney tampered with the orders of his superiors: "The Baron will reward each of us with a bottle of rum!"

    For the Baron¡¯s rum¡ªattack!

    Therefore, Colonel Vandeweney "tampered" with the marshal's promise without authorization and asked Ernst.  Marshal Brahm has since been saddled with a rather heavy debt.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Marshal Ernst¡¯s appearance and promise made the German soldiers cheer.  They firmly believed that they could stop the enemy's offensive and fight all the way to Stalingrad.

    There, the food and wine promised by Marshal Ernst were waiting for them!

    These lovely German soldiers probably don¡¯t know that Marshal Ernst is very likely to default on this aspect.

    "Hey, hey, enter the combat position!"

    ¡°Everyone¡ªenter combat positions!¡±

    At this moment, the voice of the German officers rang out, and a new Russian attack was about to begin.  The German soldiers who had been cheering just now quickly entered their posts well-trained.

    The sound of artillery roared on the battlefield again.

    A new battle will break out again!
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