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Volume 2: My Country Six Hundred and Eighty-Three.  sea ??of ??blood

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    Davamirsky's experience is just a microcosm of countless officers who have been treated the same way as him.

    He did cause the troops to suffer heavy losses, but this was not entirely his responsibility.  However, in the Soviet Union, a person's fate was not just that simple.

    Voroshilov got everything he wanted. Now, it's time for him to repay Comrade Stalin's trust with his achievements on the battlefield.

    The German army began to retreat yesterday and gave up the entire front-line battlefield. This made Voroshilov ecstatic, as he seemed to have seen the hope of victory.

    And there is a very sharp contrast: the German Viking division in the direction of the Soviet Terek River Corps is still resisting tenaciously.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    And this also made Voroshilov even more convinced: as long as he continues to attack, attack, and attack again at the expense of the attack, then the final victory must belong to him!

    Driven by this mentality, Voroshilov desperately and even impatiently issued a new attack order.

    The Russians appeared like a tide again.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    The same scene is playing out on the battlefield every moment. By this time, everyone has become insensitive robots.

    They jumped into the battlefield mechanically and threw their lives here mechanically.  They have lost their souls and are nothing more than a bunch of puppets without thoughts of their own.

    No one is going to criticize the right or wrong of this war anymore, and no one cares about why this war is fought.  No one will care.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    The sound of machine guns "ta-ta-ta, da-ta-ta-ta" is a requiem played on the battlefield. Under the baptism of bullets, no one knows who they have killed or when they were killed.  die.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Everyone¡¯s destiny is not in their own hands.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Of all the offensive forces, the Soviet 210th Infantry Division probably has the deepest understanding of what a real tragedy is.

    They loyally carried out the orders of their superiors, devoted themselves to the battle loyally, and sacrificed their lives loyally on this battlefield.

    None of them were afraid of death, but this also made their casualties the heaviest among all the Soviet troops so far.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    When the attack was launched, they used human wave tactics to launch waves of offensives against the German positions, charging under enemy artillery fire and advancing under enemy bullets.  They greeted each other loudly and encouraged each other loudly.  Bobosha is their most terrifying friend.

    After a round of German artillery fire, the soldiers of the 210th Infantry Division who were lying on the ground would stand up again, then hold up the wave sand, move forward, and sing a loud song, in the song:


    Then, they faced a fierce attack from the enemy.  The Soviet soldiers who were singing songs fell down one after another.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  However, the singing did not stop, nor did the attack

    Their losses are constantly increasing, but from the company commander to the regiment commander to the division commander, no one cares at all.  In their view, the charge will not stop as long as there are still troops that can be committed to the attack.

    The entire company was wiped out.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  The 210th Infantry Division had fewer and fewer men with whom to fight.  The division commander even organized all non-combatants in the division into combat teams and joined the battle.

    They finally succeeded in attacking the German position and randomly occupied the position.  When the division commander received this good news from the front line, a long-lost smile finally appeared on his lips, and then he put away his smile: "Order the troops to keep moving forward!"

    When the division commander's order was passed to the Soviet regiment commander who broke into the German position, the regiment commander was at a loss.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Yes, the German position is indeed under your control, but at this time, there are only 117 people left in the entire regiment!

    A group, a whole group, that means there are 117 people left!  These survivors include regimental clerks, cooks, and medical soldiers.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    They have completely lost the ability to continue advancing.

    But now the division commander¡¯s order has been issued.  The leader stayed there for a while and called everyone in front of him:


    As soon as these three words were spoken, the German Air Force was already roaring in, and a large number of artillery shells were falling towards here.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  The last hope of these Russians was destroyed in the explosions.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    When the raging German plane finally left, the regiment leader emerged from the soil. He had many injuries on his body, but he felt no pain at all: "Comrades, take up arms and prepare to attack!  "

    No one responded to him.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  There is no one.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    The surroundings were so quiet that it made people feel scared.

    Where are the people?  Where are people?  What about the 117 soldiers?  where are they?  The regiment leader shook his body and looked left and right. He suddenly saw his subordinates.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Corpses were lying across the battlefield, and all his men were dead.

    The group leader smiled miserably, one group, a whole group!  Now, I am the only one left!  He hated German planes, but the reason for his hatred was why the planes did not blow him up but allowed him to endure such pain.

    He picked up a stick of bobosa, adjusted his military uniform, and then shouted loudly: "Comrades, for the sake of the Soviet - charge!"

    The lonely charger - one person's charge!

    This is just an abbreviation for the entire 210th Infantry Division.  £®  !£®  Every army is encountering the same thing.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  Some of his companies and battalions were all killed in action, and the casualties were so heavy that it was unbearable to witness.

    When Voroshilov called the division headquarters directly, he found that no one at the division headquarters answered the phone.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  Their division commander, like an ordinary soldier, appeared on the road to charge.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    On March 20, the designation of the Soviet 210th Infantry Division disappeared.

    Nearly everyone in this unit, from the division commander to the soldiers, was killed.  Only a handful of people can survive, and for the rest of their lives, what they least want to remember is the war that happened here.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    The soldiers of the Soviet army were completely risking their own lives to complete the tasks assigned to them by their superiors.  The cruelty of war can only be understood by those who have personally experienced the battlefield.

    Under such waves of desperate charges, the German army was also under tremendous pressure.  Some positions changed hands repeatedly, and there were even many hand-to-hand battles.

    There have been many "bayonet fights" between tanks and even a T-34 directly collided with the Tiger.

    There were burning wreckage and dead soldiers everywhere.  Human cruelty is clearly on display here.  The soldiers, armed to the teeth, used the most bloody methods to demonstrate the destructive power of mankind.

    It takes nearly twenty years to give birth to a life and grow it up, but it only takes one second to destroy it.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Voroshilov has been observing the situation on the battlefield, and he continues to invest one division after another on the battlefield.  Hordes of soldiers were thrown onto the battlefield, hordes of soldiers were thrown into this all-devouring melting pot.

    And the densely packed Russian tanks look really surprising.

    Wittmann can¡¯t remember how many Russian tanks he destroyed from the beginning of the war to the present, maybe around thirty-five.  The fact that one person can destroy so many enemy tanks is simply an incredible miracle on the battlefield.

    But Wittmann found that no matter how many enemy tanks he killed, it was of no avail. Soon more tanks would appear on the battlefield.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    He didn¡¯t even have a second to breathe!

    Where did these damn Russians get so many tanks?

    The Russians took turns to attack, and the German positions began to fall one after another.  Indeed, under such an attack that did not care about death, the German machine gun bullets had no time to kill so many enemies.

    Some soldiers had never seen so many people in their lives. They even thought that all the Soviets were gathered here.

    Afternoon, Ernst.  Marshal Brahm ordered to shrink his troops and concentrate on several main positions on the second line to carry out tenacious resistance.

    At the same time, the continuous offensive of the Soviet Terek River Corps finally achieved results, and the Viking Division also retreated to the second line position.

    Voroshilov finally saw the hope of victory.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    When Varennikov was about to report the results and casualty figures to him, he was coldly interrupted by Voroshilov: "Have you caught Ernst Brahm?"

    When he saw his chief of staff shaking his head, Voroshilov continued to say coldly: "Then, don't tell me what results have been achieved and don't tell me the number of casualties!"

    "Yes, Comrade Marshal." Varennikov said immediately: "I just received the news that Davamirsky was shot. He didn't even get to see Marshal Vasilevsky"

    Hearing that his "enemy" had finally been eliminated, FuThere was no joy on Shilov's face: "Comrade Chief of Staff, now we are sent to a big stove Moscow has met all our requirements. If we can no longer win,  Then you and I are the next Davamirski."

    Varennikov couldn¡¯t help but shiver.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "Moscow has met all our demands. If we fail to win again, then you and I will be the next Davamirsky"

    Yes, what Comrade Marshal said is correct. Everyone knows the consequences of not being able to win.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Voroshilov stood there for a while, and then continued to say in his cold tone: "Have our new reinforcements arrived on the battlefield?"

    "Here we are, Comrade Marshal."

    "Then, let's put them all on the battlefield together with the reserve team!"

    Voroshilov has decided to make a desperate move.  A large number of new reinforcements arrived, and these were the last Soviet reinforcements.  Even now the defenses in the direction of Stalingrad have become very weak.

    If the battle cannot be ended, everyone knows what the final result will be.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "Marshal, there is secret information from Liaokov." Sade came to Ernst with a calm expression.  Next to Marshal Brahm, he calmly told the marshal: "The Soviet reinforcements from the Stalingrad front have arrived and were thrown into the battlefield by Voroshilov at the first time. According to our previous description of the Stalingrad front army  With the situation under control, this is the last reinforcement Voroshilov can get.¡±

    There was heavy artillery fire on the battlefield, and soldiers' shouts of killing could be heard everywhere. Some German positions were lost, and the situation in some positions was very pessimistic. But when he heard the news, Wang Weiyi couldn't help but smile on his face: "Okay.  , finally it all came out!" This is the situation he has been waiting for.  Attract as many enemies as possible to your side.

    "Marshal, I must remind you." Thad said indifferently: "Now our situation is relatively passive. The Russian attack has reached a crazy point. Our casualties are also increasing rapidly. Can we hold on to the outside line?  The arrival of the troops is still unknown.¡±

    "One shot for you, one shot for me, and then we won't have that much trouble." Wang Weiyi actually joked at this time: "Sade, I always have a feeling that we will not die, and we will definitely be able to see  Until victory comes. Ah, I think you will have to see your daughter Sophie again. You will definitely be able to see her in Stalingrad."

    Hearing Sophie's name, Sade's face finally had something different.

    This time, Ernst.  Marshal Brahm did not take Sophie with him, which made Sade very grateful.

    Before, for the sake of his career, he had no time to take care of his daughter, and was even cruel to her. If he could survive until the end of the war, then maybe he could make up for it.

    But this thought only flashed through Thad's mind.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "Okay, Thad, go do your own thing." Wang Weiyi said and stood up: "I have to go to the front line to have a look."

    When Wang Weiyi came to the front line, the Guo Yunfeng battle group had just repelled a new enemy attack. The pile of corpses in front of and in the position told Wang Weiyi how cruel the battle just now was.

    Looking at the panting Guo Yunfeng, and then looking at the military uniform on his body, Wang Weiyi smiled and said, "Did you take part in the battle personally?"

    "Yes, I personally took part in the battle." Guo Yunfeng gasped: "Those Russians are really crazy. Each of our machine gunners killed at least hundreds of enemies, but they couldn't kill them all. My left and right wing positions  All lost, the Russians almost killed me right under my nose.¡±

    "Hold on for a few more hours." Wang Weiyi looked at the time, but before he could say the next words, the scream of sharp shells had already appeared.

    "The Russians are about to start a new attack!" Guo Yunfeng hurriedly hid in the position with Wang Weiyi: "I miss the Ziguang Military Base very much now. Really, I miss it very much!"

    ¡°I¡¯m starting to miss it too!¡±

    As soon as Wang Weiyi finished speaking, Elina's voice came to his ears: "Xiao Ling is teaching me how to make Kung Fu tea. To be honest, Kung Fu tea is too difficult to learn. I have learned it for a long time and still haven't mastered the trick. You guys.  Are you busy there?"

    Wang Weiyi and Guo Yunfeng looked at each other.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  The gap between people is really too big.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  When they were fighting bloody battles under Russian artillery fire, the woman Elena??Have tea there.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "Rambler, when the battle is over, I have to go back to the base and have a good rest" Guo Yunfeng made this decision: "I am tired, yes, too tired. I am with you every day.  £®

    Wang Weiyi smiled, yes, being with him is really life-threatening every day.  £®

    The extremely familiar sound of "Ula" began to be heard on the battlefield, and a new round of attack began again.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  Attacks that never stop again and again, a hell on earth with mountains of corpses and seas of blood.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  No one knows when this battle will end, not even Wang Weiyi can answer this question.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Mechanical and numb offense, mechanical and numb defense.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  Then he died mechanically and numbly.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    New reinforcements from the Russians have arrived, which further strengthens their strength, or more accurately, they have new soldiers who can use them to kill themselves.

    But there are still only these soldiers in the German assault group.  They must ensure their own strength to the maximum extent and eliminate as many enemies as possible.

    Looking at those eternal German soldiers on the battlefield, Wang Weiyi felt that he must thank them.  Without them, I would not be able to complete any strategic vision at all.

    The German soldiers were in a desperate situation, but none of them had any complaints. All of them fought bravely here, and all of them sacrificed bravely here.  Even if they shed the last drop of blood, they have no regrets.

    They know what they should do and when they should sacrifice without hesitation.

    On the 20th, the Soviet army made a considerable breakthrough on the battlefield. They captured multiple German positions and forced the German army to continue to retreat.

    ¡°If this place falls into the hands of the Russians again, then the German army will have the last line of defense left.  However, Wang Weiyi is very happy to see this situation.

    At 18:00 in the afternoon, Wang Weiyi issued an order: All German troops retreated to the third line of defense.  Another order was issued at the same time:

    German troops on the outer front - launch a large-scale assault!

    It has begun, it has finally begun.

    When the assault group fought bloody battles here, it was for this moment to come.

    Fight - Germany!

    The flames of war are burning - the will to fight is burning!

    Belongs to Ernst.  Brahm's war will soon appear in front of the Russians!
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