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Volume 2: My Country Six Hundred and Ninety.  Commando - Onward!

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    This is something that any army will encounter in street fighting.  !

    But this could not stop the German advance.

    To be honest, the Russians in Stalingrad still performed very bravely, whether it was their regular army, the so-called Workers' Army, the Women's Army, or even the guerrillas and Red Guards.

    The German troops on the offensive have encountered civilian armed forces blocking them many times, and the blocking was often very brutal.

    The Klingenberg Commando has encountered this situation many times.

    During the attack, he was blocked by the enemy more than once.

    At least, he thought he had encountered the enemy's regular army. As the firefight began, he quickly discovered that the enemy's firepower was not very strong and the fortifications were not very strong.  But the fighting spirit shown by the enemy on the opposite side is surprising.

    Once, after the Luftwaffe¡¯s indiscriminate bombing, the house in front was almost completely destroyed. Klingenberg and his team members thought that there would be no more obstacles, so they stood up boldly.

    But after just a few steps forward, a burst of gunfire rang out, and a commando was wounded on the spot.

    The well-trained commando team quickly fell to the ground to fight back. They discovered that the enemy's firepower on the opposite side was not actually dense.  Judging from the sound of gunfire, they probably only had the "heavy firepower" of a Bobosha submachine gun and a light machine gun.

    The commandos decided to capture this place in the shortest possible time, but they soon discovered that they were wrong.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    The enemy threw several grenades, blocking the charge of the German commandos, and then hid in the dilapidated buildings and continued shooting.

    Klingenberg quickly ordered his team to divide into three parts and outflank them from three directions.

    In his imagination, the enemy would strengthen protection on both wings, and outflanking would not be easy to achieve. However, he was surprised to find that the enemy's wings had no protection at all. They concentrated all their firepower on the front.

    This is definitely not a regular army.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  Klingenberg made this judgment immediately.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    His judgment was correct. The troops defending here were the troops of the 1st Battalion of the 1st Workers' Army of Stalingrad.

    They indeed only have one submachine gun and one light machine gun.  You know, in previous battles, the Soviet army lost too many weapons and ammunition. Under the crazy blockade of the Luftwaffe, supplies could not be effectively transported to Stalingrad. Therefore, under such circumstances, these  Civilian forces had access to few weapons.

    The German troops outflanking them from both wings immediately put the workers' battalion into a passive position. Under the intensive firepower of the German troops, they soon suffered heavy casualties.

    But these civilians didn't seem to have any intention of surrendering.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    They seemed to have a lot of grenades. Under the fierce blow of the German army, the workers holding the grenades stood up and tried to throw the grenades. However, standing up without protection, they were immediately attacked by the German army.  Shoot.

    But these Russians refused to give up at all. They stubbornly stood up again and again.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  Then he was shot again and again!

    The German soldiers couldn't understand why the Russians threw grenades in this way?  Don't they know that such an unprotected throwing method will only make themselves a living target?

    The Russians really don¡¯t know.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    After suppressing the Russians with firepower, Klingenberg now decided to let these enemies know the correct way to use grenades.

    Under the cover of machine guns and submachine guns, a group of commandos threw grenades vigorously, and then "boom" explosions sounded continuously, and screams of misery came from the Russian position.

    It should be almost done, Klingenberg thought.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    The two commandos cautiously approached the Russian position. They found that most of the enemies here were dead. Only a few seriously injured guys were still moaning in a pool of blood.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    The commando turned around and was about to call his companions to come up, but the seriously injured Russians fired their own grenades.

    So a new explosion sounded here again.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Damn the Russians!  The anger in Klingenberg's heart cannot be expressed in words.  Two of his excellent commandos died like this.

    They had already experienced the tenacity displayed by Soviet soldiers on the battlefield, but they never expected that these civilian groupsThe successful troops are actually so tenacious!

    In anger, Klingenberg concentrated all the firepower of the commando team, and fatal bullets poured towards the opponent crazily.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    The casualties of the Russians were heavy. Facing the German attack, it was difficult for them to have the strength to fight back.

    The Klingenberg commandos cleared the Russian positions bit by bit, forcing the Russians into a very small area bit by bit.

    Klingenberg knew very well that what he was facing was not a regular Russian force, but the opponent's stubborn resistance aroused his anger, and he decided not to show any mercy.

    His order is to destroy all enemies you can see within your sight, without mercy!

    There are fewer and fewer Russians who are still resisting, and their firepower is getting weaker and weaker. These Russians who have not received even a day of formal military training cannot be the opponents of the elite German commandos.

    In such desperate circumstances, they actually launched a charge.  £®  £®  £®  !

    And this hopeless charge also made the Klingenberg Commando's combat mission easier.

    They could easily shoot the Russians and watch the corpses fall under their own guns.

    In just a few minutes, countless corpses fell in front of the position.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    The battle is finally over.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    The German commandos stood up carefully. With the previous experience, they did not dare to be careless anymore.  Whenever they see the dying wounded making any move, the commandos will often shoot a hail of bullets first.

    None of these corpses were wearing military uniforms. They simply had a badge on their chest to indicate their identity:

    Stalingrad Workers¡¯ Army!

    The German commandos were not happy, even though they killed hundreds of enemies

    Klingenberg came to a Russian who looked like a commander and found that he was not dead, but had a bullet in his abdomen.  After he disarmed the Russians and made sure there was no danger, he asked a team member who spoke Russian to ask him: "What is your name and why are you here?"

    "This is my place" The Russian replied with difficulty: "Give me a shot and I will thank you."

    Klingenberg fulfilled his wish and gave him a shot, relieving his pain.

    The German translator asked: "Are they all crazy?"

    "Maybe" Klingenberg shrugged: "But didn't you hear what he said? This is his place, although I think it is not worth using civilians to fight such a cruel battle.  But their spirit is still worthy of my admiration.¡±

    Klingenberg knows that such battles will happen more frequently in the future

    Similar situations were happening everywhere in Stalingrad. A large number of Russian civilians without any training were thrown onto the battlefield. They used crude weapons-mainly relying on their lives to block the joint assault of enemy tanks and infantry.

    At this critical moment, the German Ernst Battle Group High Command sent Ernst.  Marshal Brahm's order:

    Once it is believed that the opponent's armed forces may threaten their lives, the German troops are allowed to destroy all suspicious targets and use all weapons worth using when necessary.

    This means that the German army is now engaged in an unrestricted war in Stalingrad!

    The German assault guns entered Stalingrad, and the artillery fire began to ruthlessly destroy all targets on the opposite side.  Terrifying shells poured out like a torrential rain, and bursts of explosions followed countless corpses.

    This is a devastating blow!

    The Russians were originally well-positioned and waiting for the German attack, but what they encountered was not German infantry, but waves of artillery attacks.

    The position they had finally organized was completely shattered under such crazy artillery fire.  The so-called troops they had assembled were blown to pieces by such crazy artillery fire.

    War - victory cannot be won by relying solely on willpower.

    ¡°But it¡¯s obviously too late for the Russians to understand this truth now.

    The civilian troops were in such a miserable situation, and the regular Soviet troops were also having a hard time.  Those ubiquitous German assault teams kept appearing like ghosts.

    They are often accompanied by a large number of German tanks.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Su JunDefense fortifications were organized on the broken walls and tiles, blocking every place destroyed by German artillery fire, tenaciously blocking the enemy's advance.

    But soon, they encountered an even more violent blow from the German army!

    Groups of artillery shells fell towards the position. This terrible steel was enough to destroy the fortifications that the Russians had spent so much effort to build time and time again.

    However, the German army did not launch an attack easily even under such circumstances.  They continued to carry out large-scale destruction of Soviet troops with mortars and flamethrowers.

    Often, when the German army finally decided to launch an attack, the German soldiers who rushed into the position found that there was no one alive there.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    This is a sad and tragic battlefield.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    The losses of the Soviet army were increasing every minute, and the German advance was not smooth sailing because of the tenacious resistance of the Russians.

    In every battlefield they advanced on, they were always blocked by the tenacious Russians, and often had to expend great efforts to occupy a position.

    The tank has done its best to continuously provide the most powerful support to the commandos.  The German engineering troops are also working hard, paving the way for the commando attacks again and again.

    This is especially true for the Air Force. Since the outbreak of the Battle of Stalingrad, they have not had a rest at all.

    Without the tremendous efforts of these troops, the German attack would have faced even more difficulties.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    Of course, this is also the biggest advantage of the German army. They can integrate all participating troops to maximize their advantages on the battlefield.

    Probably, this is the most important factor in the Ernst Battle Group or the entire German combat force being able to win again and again.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    During the three-day attack, the German army's advance was not very fast.  They strictly followed Marshal Ernst's orders to reduce casualties as much as possible without requiring a quick breakthrough.  Stalingrad can only be captured with heavy casualties, so this is something Wang Weiyi never wants to see.

    Under the indiscriminate bombing of the German army, more than 80% of Stalingrad was destroyed.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    On the night of April 17, a commando team commanded by Major Mailister raided a Soviet headquarters and killed a colonel and a large number of Soviet troops.

    And surprisingly, they also seized a batch of documents. In one of the documents, they discovered a hidden Soviet ammunition warehouse.

    This is a pretty good harvest. If this ammunition warehouse can be taken away, it will make Stalingrad, which is already facing serious supply difficulties, even worse.

    Without much hesitation, Major Mailister decided to lead his commando team to attack the ammunition warehouse immediately.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    On the battlefield, Marshal Ernst allowed the commanders of each commando unit to make their own decisions based on the actual needs of the battlefield without having to report everything to their superiors.

    From the intelligence point of view, there is a large battalion of Soviet troops defending there, and the defensive terrain is very good, making it a blind spot for bombing.

    Under such circumstances, Major Mailister called for tank support.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    The powerful tank force has always been the most trustworthy of the German army.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    In order to ensure the success of the raid, these German commandos all put on Soviet military uniforms. Under the cover of night, such camouflage could easily confuse their enemies.

    The two tanks that arrived for reinforcements were also camouflaged. Although if you look carefully, it is easy to find which camp these tanks belong to. But judging from the current situation, these things are not worth thinking too much about.

    Mailister led some Russian-speaking soldiers to the front of the team. They even encountered a lot of Russian civilian armed forces on the way.

    These Russian civilians had no ability to tell whether these "Soviet troops" were their own people or enemies. Some even greeted the German commandos and enthusiastically helped them show the way.

    It was only when the tank passed in front of them that the Russian civilians felt a little strange. Why did it look so different from the Soviet tanks they had seen before?

    ¡°Probably only these SS commandos had the guts to do such a blatant action.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    When he arrived at the Soviet ammunition warehouse, Mailister found that the place was heavily guarded, but he actually arrogantly sent a soldier who could speak fluent Russian to go up and greet them: "Is this Malenkov Camp?"

    "Yes, you are???  "

    "We are here to support you!"

    "Stop!" The Soviet soldiers stopped the Germans from advancing: "The order we received is to defend this place, and no one is allowed to approach until your identity is confirmed!"

    "Hey, listen, we are our own people"

    The German soldiers walked towards the opposite side in a carefree manner.

    "Stop!" A Soviet second lieutenant ordered the searchlight to be turned on, blocking the Germans from moving forward. His eyes fell on the German soldier and found that the uniform was full of single holes, which immediately made him angry.  suspicion.

    "Get ready to shoot." The second lieutenant said quietly, then looked behind the group of "reinforcements" that suddenly appeared, and found two tanks hidden in the darkness.

    "Searchlight, shine there!" The second lieutenant used the searchlight to quickly see the tank clearly.  Then he lowered his voice: "It's the Germans, shoot!"

    The gunfire rang out immediately.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®  The German commando who tried to get through the situation suddenly fell to the ground.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    "We are exposed, attack!" Myristl gave his order loudly.

    The tank fired first, and the shells destroyed the enemy's machine gun position. Then all the weapons in the commando's hands opened fire.

    In an instant, bullets were flying everywhere.

    Although the Soviet troops defending here had light and heavy machine guns, they were powerless against the German tanks.

    The shells fired from those tanks continued to destroy the positions that the Russians had worked hard to manage here. In the light of the fire, one could see the helpless faces of the Russians.

    The only thing the Soviet army was wondering about was how the enemy discovered this hidden warehouse and how they got all the way here.

    You know, there are a lot of weapons defending in front.  £®  £®  £®  £®  £®

    In order to ensure that the ammunition can reach the front line directly, this secret ammunition warehouse was set up relatively close to the front line. However, even so, many worker armed forces were set up in front of the ammunition warehouse to assist in defense.

    But now, the Germans still show up!

    Under the powerful attack of German tanks and commandos, the Soviet army did not last long before it collapsed.

    When the fighting here ended, the entire ammunition warehouse fell completely into the hands of the Germans.

    But it was clear that Mailister was not particularly interested in these ammunition, and they issued an order to blow them all up.

    Amidst the "rumbling" explosion, Masritel smiled with satisfaction: "Keep going!"

    Continue to move forward -the war has not ended.

    Even now, the war has just entered its most brutal stage!
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